Playthrough One: Speed Run And/ Or Casual Playthrough
Nier Trophy Guide
Written by GhostBabel23
Platinum Path/ The Final Verse:
- It is possible to to this playthrough and not skip a cut-scene while still meeting the under 15 hours limit to earn Lightspeed Fighter, however you may choose to get all the side-quests out of the way early.
- Part 1: It is ESSENTIAL that you complete everything you can in Part 1 because this will be the only time you get to play it unless you start a New Game. Complete all the "Fisherman Gambit" quests and quests to expand your garden. Make sure you collected all the weapons in Part 1 BEFORE YOU GRAB THE VAPOR MOSS FOR POPOLA! Also don't forget Sheep Whisperer if you don't plan to get the DLC.
- Part 2: Just playthrough as you normally would and pick up trophies along the way only if you feel like you have time to spare. You can also do what I did and start grinding some here for upgrades and gold.
Playthrough Two: New Game +
- This is the "play as you want" playthrough. You're not at the point yet to where it matters if you have everything yet as you're really just gonna want to grab Educated Warrior and Lingering Memories this time around.
Playthrough Three: Clean-Up
- It is time you make sure you have everything, and I mean EVERYTHING done before you go for Something Very Special. You will want to take time out to make sure you have Man Of Means, A Round By The Pond, and Legendary Gardner.
- Also make sure you at least have every weapon collected so you can earn The Strongest Bond and Thank You at the end if you plan to go through a fourth time (which might actually help in grinding for materials due to enemies who spawn in large clusters in the Shadowlord's Castle).
- Again, make sure you've done EVERYTHING before you see Ending D as you will loose all your save data after you've earned it.
Optional Playthrough
- If you failed to earn it the first time, you will want to go for Lightspeed Fighter with a brand new save file after you have done everything else.
Trophy Difficulty: Moderate
Offline Trophies: All obtainable offline
Online Trophies: All obtainable online
Time To Platinum: Around 80-100 hours depending on grinding luck.
Minimum Number of Playthroughs: 2 full playthroughs and at least 2 half playthroughs
Miss-able Trophies: A lot, refer to the Platinum Path for the recommended order of obtaining these trophies.
Glitched Trophies: Wordsmith is rumored to glitch and not unlock immediately. This did not happen to me on my playthrough. Instead the final weapons collector trophy glitched. If any trophy glitches, simply remove the install data and reinstall (KEEP YOUR SAVE) and redo the required task. This should fix the problem if you do have one.
The Final Verse
Earn all Nier Trophies.Obtain all the other trophies in the game. With the proper planning this is exceptionally easy albeit a few hinges. Overall not difficult but rather time consuming platinum.
The Book of Legend
Grimoire Weiss joined your party.This is a story related trophy you will not miss.
The Wild Companion
Kainé joined your party.This is a story related trophy you will not miss.
The Mellow Companion
Emil joined your party.This is a story related trophy you will not miss.
You freed Kainé from her petrification.This is a story related trophy you will not miss.
Key Collector
You unlocked the key to the Shadowlord's castle.This is a story related trophy you will not miss.
A World In Flux
You defeated the Shadowlord.This is a story related trophy you will not miss.
Combo Fanatic
Pull off a 50-hit combo.You build up combos with every hit you land successfully on an enemy. The window of time for each consecutive hit is only about 2 to 3 seconds, so building up heavy combos in most places will be nearly impossible due to enemy spawn patterns. You will most likely earn the 50 hit combo during the prologue, depending on how well you get a hold of handling the controls. If not do not fret, in fact, do not even try to get this trophy or the Combo Master trophy until you reached the Shadowlord's castle (though it is possible in some areas with a lot of enemies like the Northern Plains and the Underground Lab). There is a place where you can get an infinite amount of combos off a particular giant armored boar. After you beat the boar the first time and it chases you up the spiral stairs you will have to fight it a second time. Beat it again to trigger its poison cloud move. When it does this it will stand still and not attack as it charges. By this point you do enough damage to where you can wail away on the immortal enemy and knock it out before it finishes the attack. Keep hitting it even after it dies and revives with a white flash. You can do this until you get 100 combo hits without even breaking a sweat.
Also if you downloaded the DLC, obtaining 50 hit combos are much easier in the later challenge rooms. It is possible to pull off 100 hit combos, but it still remains very difficult when compared to the boar trick.
Combo Master
Pull off a 100-hit combo.See Combo Fanatic for full details.
The Magic Man
Learn every type of magic.This trophy is unmissable as collecting all the magic is relevant to the story of Part 1. You will obtain the final Sealed Verse once you leave the mansion in the southern plains after helping Emil You do not have to use all the different types of magic to earn this, just simply obtain it. I'm really wasting space describing this anymore as you can't miss this. Smile for easy trophy!
Collect 50 percent of all words.You can collect words after you have Grimoire Weiss in your party. In order to collect them you must kill enemies. You have a small random chance of obtaining a word. You will want the words to upgrade your magic and weapons to greater efficiency. Do not worry about picking them up as they come to you automatically. It will take a good while but you should be able to obtain 50% of the words (exactly 50 words) during your second or third playthrough without grinding for items. Basically, if you're looking for the platinum, you will inevitably obtain this trophy working towards several of the others. You can check your progress by going to the Documents tab and checking your Word List.
Note: If this trophy glitches, simply keep collecting words. It will pop up anywhere between 50 to 54 words collected.
Weapons Collector
Find Every Weapon.There are 30 weapons in Nier all together. Most of the weapons are easy to obtain (i.e. purchase at a blacksmith) or quest related, while some require you to do elaborate side quests or simply be on the look out for. Below is a list of every weapon and how to obtain them for your convenience:
Village Handyman
Complete 10 quests.There are a total of 70 side-quests in this game total, so completing 30 before the end of the game is a cake walk. In fact you can complete as much as 32 before Part 1 is over. Simply do any and every side-quest you find that pleases you and you should get all of these without too much hassle.
For those who desire, the following link is provided to give additional in depth information on each side-quest you'll come across in the game:
Jack Of All Trades
Complete 20 quests.See Village Handyman for more details.
Complete 30 quests.See Village Handyman for more details.
Man Of Means
Accumulate 1,000,000 pieces of gold.This is an easy but very time consuming trophy. Here are a few tips to help you accumulate the needed money effectively:
- Play on easy mode, you'll get more then enough health drops to never need to buy any.
- Do as many side-quests as you can, you will be rewarded a lot more for items during these then if you sold them.
- Do NOT sell any materials you've collected until you have maxed out or near maxed out your weapons.
- Catch fish and sell them. Most effective at the highest levels.
- Cultivate White Moonflowers (not recommended more then once for Legendary Gardner).
- Farm materials in the Junk Heap to sell.
- Play through the DLC if you have it as many times as you see fit (also a good way to farm rare items).
For those of you who are impatient, if you're on your 3rd playthrough shooting for Endings C and D, you should have accumulated a fair amount of gold (at least 500,000). If so, SAVE YOUR GAME, then you can sell ALL of your collected items and spike your gold count up to 1,000,000 (which should be no sweat if you never sold anything). Then reload your save and you get your items back and a trophy with no more worries about saving money.
Educated Warrior
Read the final novel segment.After you complete the game and earn Ending A, you will/ should save your game and reload it so you can begin playthrough 2. Playthrough 2 will begin right where Emil releases Kainé from her petrification. Everything will seem just like before until you are prompted to read into Kainé's dreams. Do so and you will enter a dream sequence and learn of her back story. When you finish the dream sequence you will earn this trophy. Do not skip the cutscenes on playthrough 2 as there will be a lot of new ones with deeper insight into the game's complex story.
Call Her Back
You viewed the first ending (Ending A).On your first playthrough you will unlock Ending A after you defeat the final boss. Without too many spoilers, you will be prompted to enter an answer with your keyboard. The answer is the name you gave your character. After the credits you'll be prompted to save. Do so and this trophy is yours. Now only three more to go...
Lingering Memories
You viewed the second ending (Ending B).Remember on playthrough 2 you will be presented with a lot of new story so don't rush to get through it. Take advantage of anything you want to while you're at it such as grinding, side-quests etc. Beat the game a second time to earn Ending B. You'll get the trophy after the credits. Now save again so you can earn the last two...
Thank You
You viewed the third ending (Ending C).Once you collected all the weapons and viewed both Ending A and Ending B, you will be able to beat the game and earn Ending C and/ or D. After the Shadowlord you will face one more, much more difficult foe. After you defeat the opponent you will be prompted with two choices. For this (and recommend first choice you make) you must choose the first option. Now for the second choice...
Something Very Special
You viewed the fourth ending (Ending D).Do NOT CHOOSE THE SECOND OPTION until you have done everything you possibly can, earned every other trophy in the game except perhaps your speed run trophy. When you choose the second option you will be warned half a dozen times of the consequences. You will loose ALL SAVE FILES WITH YOUR CHARACTER'S NAME when you choose this option, hence why you want to finish everything like all your hard work grinding for materials and gold. You have been warned.
Legendary Gardner
You successfully cultivated the legendary flower.Prepare yourself for an extremely tedious, luck based journey of time warping, exiting and reentering, and frustrated anticipation. Before you attempt this make sure you have completed the side-quest "Shopping List" and preferably "A Return To Shopping" as well. Once you have done this and have all three rows of soil in your garden ready for planting, go to the Grocer in Seafront and purchase at least 9 Red Moonflower Seeds, 6 Gold Moonflower Seeds & 6 Blue Moonflower Seeds.
There are six different stages of cultivation, these are: Fertilization (Optional stage; Use fertilizers in the spots you plan to plant for various effects), Planting (Just planted; Water to increase seed yield), Growing (Lasts between 1 to 8 hours), Flowering (You can harvest the plant to sell or use; lasts up to 50 hours), Harvesting (You can harvest the seeds to grow more of the plant; Lasts up to 50 hours real time), and Withering (You're too late. It's useless now)
Now to perform the following steps you will need to know how to manipulate your PS3 clock. Do NOT play online while you're doing this or else it won't work. Save the game, exit to the XMB and go to your Date & Time settings. Change the time on your PS3 clock as instructed.
Here is what you have to do:
Fish Of Legend
You caught a rhizodont.The rhizodont is by far the most difficult fish to catch in the game. It is essential you complete every single "Fisherman's Gambit" otherwise it will be impossible to catch the fish. In order to catch this fish you must go to the fast travel boat in the desert and use Sardines as bait (you will need at least 10, recommended at least 30). You will catch mostly rusty buckets and Hyneria fish, but once out of perhaps every ten times you will catch a rhizodont. If the pole dips twice, pauses, then dips twice again before you need to snag it, it will be the rhizodont. If you fail (and you will know you failed to catch the rhizodont) you must leave the area and return in order for it to spawn again. You will need to catch this fish for the A Round By The Pond trophy.
A Round By The Pond
You caught one of every type of fish.If you complete every single "Fisherman's Gambit" quest (which you'll have to do to earn this and Fish Of Legend) you will have already caught most of the fish required for this trophy.
Here's a list of every fish needed:
Material Hunter
You collected 50 types of raw materials.You will obtain this trophy without much difficulty. Raw materials are anything you find glowing on the ground or picked up from fallen enemies. You can purchase materials at various Material Shops (though don't unless it's for a side-quest) and sometimes earn them as rewards for side-quests. The trophy counts for having 50 different types of materials, whether you need to have all 50 in your inventory isn't clear though I doubt it. You will earn this indefinably while grinding for weapon materials so there is no need to worry.
Upgrade Apprentice
You upgraded 5 weapons to their maximum level.Refer to Forging Master.
Reform Specialist
You upgraded 15 weapons to their maximum level.Refer to Forging Master.
Forging Master
You upgraded 30 weapons to their maximum level.It is due to this trophy I highly recommend you refrain from selling anything you collect (you have a practically unlimited inventory to carry items). There are 30 weapons in all, each have three separate levels of upgrading for a maxed out level of four. You will need to grind for a long time in order to obtain all the items needed to max out all of the upgrades. This means a lot of farming for individual items off certain enemies and searching random sparkling spots and crates across the world.
Here's the list of raw materials needed and the best places for them to be farmed:
Lets not beat around the bush anymore and get to what materials are needed and for what weapons, well here's the list. If you see a * next to the item it is a rare find and you best look out for them whenever you can. Enjoy!
Weapon Upgrade Checklist
One Handed Swords
Two-Handed Weapons
All Aboard!
You rode a boar for at least five minutes.You can get this one of two ways without effort. Either A, you just play the game and use the boars that become available after the "Boar Hunt" side-quest and you will get this during your long grind or B, get on a boar and literally sit there for 5 minutes until this trophy pops up (yes, sitting on a boar counts).
The Sheep Whisperer
You killed 100 sheep.Sheep will not appear in Part 2 so farm for this trophy early on before you are asked to retrieve the vapor moss. You will kill nearly the needed amount as it is farming for wool and mutton for side-quests in the first half of the game. Just kill all you can, leave the area, and then come back and repeat until you get this trophy. If you have the DLC, there is a man in the far east section (Where two goats used to be under the broken bridge) who will have a new side-quest that involves getting revenge on the sheep. This is the only way you can farm for sheep kills in Part 2 if you failed to do so in Part 1.
Lightspeed Fighter
You completed the game within fifteen hours.Nier is not a very long game when you strip it down to bare bones. I was capable of beating it in 6 hours doing the following things:
- Play on easy difficulty.
- Skip most to all cut-scenes.
- Stay on the main missions without taking more then a few side-missions (such as getting the boar tusk).
- Holdto jump up ladders faster.
- Take on as few fights as possible (though not recommended you will want to level up some).
- In places like the Aerie, jump to lower levels whenever possible.
As stated, I had 9 hours to spare doing the things mentioned when I did my speed run so you can play however you like. Feel free to tackle this your first playthrough or make this the very last trophy you earn. You will have time to grind a little for weapons and kill 100 sheep if you plan to.
King Of The Lost Shrine
Defeat Gretel within two and a half minutes.As with all the timed boss battle trophies, you will not need to worry about this in Part 1 as all the fights in Part 2 are what count. It is best not to worry about earning these trophies in your first or second playthrough for the sake of the story. By playthrough 3 (especially on easy difficulty) you will be so overpowered your Dark Lance and Dark Hand powers will be able to put an end to any boss in a matter of a minute's time. If you pummel the boss with no mercy and skip any cut-scenes that break up the fighting and ESPECIALLY the scenes after the fight is over you will earn these trophies with little problem.
Best Strategy For Easy Victory: Powered up sword slashes mixed with a variant of Dark Lance and Dark Hand. Use Dark Lance immediately after the boss begins to spin so that you will not have to deal with being juggled around. Skip the cut-scenes and you'll find this to be one of the harder fights to do in the time limit.
A True Friend
Defeat a berserking Shade within one minute.As with all the timed boss battle trophies, you will not need to worry about this in Part 1 as all the fights in Part 2 are what count. It is best not to worry about earning these trophies in your first or second playthrough for the sake of the story. By playthrough 3 (especially on easy difficulty) you will be so overpowered your Dark Lance and Dark Hand powers will be able to put an end to any boss in a matter of a minute's time. If you pummel the boss with no mercy and skip any cut-scenes that break up the fighting and ESPECIALLY the scenes after the fight is over you will earn these trophies with little problem.
Best Strategy For Easy Victory: Pound the boss to death with Dark Hand. You could get this the first time without trying if you are purely offensive. If the boss gets on the wall use Dark Lance to get em back to the ground. There really is nothing I can say to make this any easier.
Boss Of The Junk Heap
Defeat P-33 within four and a half minutes.As with all the timed boss battle trophies, you will not need to worry about this in Part 1 as all the fights in Part 2 are what count. It is best not to worry about earning these trophies in your first or second playthrough for the sake of the story. By playthrough 3 (especially on easy difficulty) you will be so overpowered your Dark Lance and Dark Hand powers will be able to put an end to any boss in a matter of a minute's time. If you pummel the boss with no mercy and skip any cut-scenes that break up the fighting and ESPECIALLY the scenes after the fight is over you will earn these trophies with little problem.
Best Strategy For Easy Victory: Again, Dark Hand is the Sealed Verse of choice here. When the boss takes to the air, a powered up Dark Lance should be enough to take it down without much effort. When the shade clones itself, again resort to Dark Hand and don't bother with your sword.
Scourge Of The Aerie
Defeat Wendy within eight and a half minutes.As with all the timed boss battle trophies, you will not need to worry about this in Part 1 as all the fights in Part 2 are what count. It is best not to worry about earning these trophies in your first or second playthrough for the sake of the story. By playthrough 3 (especially on easy difficulty) you will be so overpowered your Dark Lance and Dark Hand powers will be able to put an end to any boss in a matter of a minute's time. If you pummel the boss with no mercy and skip any cut-scenes that break up the fighting and ESPECIALLY the scenes after the fight is over you will earn these trophies with little problem.
Best Strategy For Easy Victory: Ignore the enemies at the start of the fight and use your Dark Lance and take the boss down till it fires it's massive eye beam at you and Emil distracts it. You'll want to hurry around to the top bridge which leads to the mayor's house in order to damage it. Use a spear and Dark hand to control the crowd of shades that swarm around you. Again use Dark Lance and end the second part of the boss fight quickly. Jump from the bridge to the bridge below and finish the boss off and skip the long cut-scenes that follow.
Protector Of Facade
Defeat Roc within three and a half minutes.As with all the timed boss battle trophies, you will not need to worry about this in Part 1 as all the fights in Part 2 are what count. It is best not to worry about earning these trophies in your first or second playthrough for the sake of the story. By playthrough 3 (especially on easy difficulty) you will be so overpowered your Dark Lance and Dark Hand powers will be able to put an end to any boss in a matter of a minute's time. If you pummel the boss with no mercy and skip any cut-scenes that break up the fighting and ESPECIALLY the scenes after the fight is over you will earn these trophies with little problem.
Best Strategy For Easy Victory: This is probably the toughest battle to do under the time limit due to the speed of the many wolves you need to kill to make the boss jump down and the sheer speed of the boss itself. Use Dark Hand and dodge roll attacks to dispose of the wolves. Try and get Roc down fast once he jumps down and dodge his attacks so you don't get battered around. Do not waste your time with Dark Lance unless he jumps up onto the podium in the middle of the arena.
Permission Granted
Defeat the betrayers within two and a half minutes.As with all the timed boss battle trophies, you will not need to worry about this in Part 1 as all the fights in Part 2 are what count. It is best not to worry about earning these trophies in your first or second playthrough for the sake of the story. By playthrough 3 (especially on easy difficulty) you will be so overpowered your Dark Lance and Dark Hand powers will be able to put an end to any boss in a matter of a minute's time. If you pummel the boss with no mercy and skip any cut-scenes that break up the fighting and ESPECIALLY the scenes after the fight is over you will earn these trophies with little problem.
Best Strategy For Easy Victory: By the time you get to the Shadowlord's Castle this boss fight will be easy if you worked on leveling up and upgrading your sword (or at the very least found good words for your Sealed Verses). As long as you don't dawdle the only thing that will keep you from this trophy in this fight are the many cut-scenes. Skip them and earn this trophy.
A Dirge For The Hero
Defeat Goose within two minutes.As with all the timed boss battle trophies, you will not need to worry about this in Part 1 as all the fights in Part 2 are what count. It is best not to worry about earning these trophies in your first or second playthrough for the sake of the story. By playthrough 3 (especially on easy difficulty) you will be so overpowered your Dark Lance and Dark Hand powers will be able to put an end to any boss in a matter of a minute's time. If you pummel the boss with no mercy and skip any cut-scenes that break up the fighting and ESPECIALLY the scenes after the fight is over you will earn these trophies with little problem.
Best Strategy For Easy Victory: Goose is the massive boar shade that will give you a lot of trouble. This trophy only counts the first fight as an Armored Boar to earn this trophy as I obtained this trophy with cut-scenes without trying. Just pound away at its health and dodge the dash attacks and you will have no trouble.
Soul Crusher
Defeat the betrayers again within three and a half minutes.As with all the timed boss battle trophies, you will not need to worry about this in Part 1 as all the fights in Part 2 are what count. It is best not to worry about earning these trophies in your first or second playthrough for the sake of the story. By playthrough 3 (especially on easy difficulty) you will be so overpowered your Dark Lance and Dark Hand powers will be able to put an end to any boss in a matter of a minute's time. If you pummel the boss with no mercy and skip any cut-scenes that break up the fighting and ESPECIALLY the scenes after the fight is over you will earn these trophies with little problem.
Best Strategy For Easy Victory: Just like the first time, if you're playing on easy then the only thing stopping you by this point are the very long cut-scenes. Use Dark Hand to make this battle even easier. Just make sure you pay attention to where the bosses spawn while teleporting so you don't get bombarded with more magic bullets then you can handle. If this is the case Dark Blast or Dark Lance will suffice until you can get in close.
Book Burner
Destroy the world-saving tome within one and a half minutes.As with all the timed boss battle trophies, you will not need to worry about this in Part 1 as all the fights in Part 2 are what count. It is best not to worry about earning these trophies in your first or second playthrough for the sake of the story. By playthrough 3 (especially on easy difficulty) you will be so overpowered your Dark Lance and Dark Hand powers will be able to put an end to any boss in a matter of a minute's time. If you pummel the boss with no mercy and skip any cut-scenes that break up the fighting and ESPECIALLY the scenes after the fight is over you will earn these trophies with little problem.
Best Strategy For Easy Victory: If you ignore the Shadowlord and aim straight for the book with a fully charged Dark Lance by your second playthrough you should be able to obliterate its health before it can even have a chance to attack. If not then you must use your sword whenever the boss brings up its shield to destroy it and hit it with Dark Hand or Dark Lance. As you continue through your playthroughs this will come to you without effort.
The Once And Final King
Defeat the shade inside you within three and a half minutes.As with all the timed boss battle trophies, you will not need to worry about this in Part 1 as all the fights in Part 2 are what count. It is best not to worry about earning these trophies in your first or second playthrough for the sake of the story. By playthrough 3 (especially on easy difficulty) you will be so overpowered your Dark Lance and Dark Hand powers will be able to put an end to any boss in a matter of a minute's time. If you pummel the boss with no mercy and skip any cut-scenes that break up the fighting and ESPECIALLY the scenes after the fight is over you will earn these trophies with little problem.
Best Strategy For Easy Victory: On playthrough two and/ or three you will have enough power to take the Shadowlord down with ease using a few well placed Dark Lance attacks. Skip the cut-scenes because once you loose Weiss is when you need to focus to meet the time restrictions. The barrage of magic bullets will send you flying back thus delaying your time and chance to hit the boss. Be careful as you approach him and swing your sword for the final blow. Skip all following cut-scenes and this will be yours.
The Strongest Bond
Defeat someone you care for within three and a half minutes.As with all the timed boss battle trophies, you will not need to worry about this in Part 1 as all the fights in Part 2 are what count. It is best not to worry about earning these trophies in your first or second playthrough for the sake of the story. By playthrough 3 (especially on easy difficulty) you will be so overpowered your Dark Lance and Dark Hand powers will be able to put an end to any boss in a matter of a minute's time. If you pummel the boss with no mercy and skip any cut-scenes that break up the fighting and ESPECIALLY the scenes after the fight is over you will earn these trophies with little problem.
Best Strategy For Easy Victory: Since this boss isn't even available till your third playthrough for endings C and D you will not have to worry about leveling up and upgrading. You will most likely want to have all your weapons upgraded by this point as it is. Again you can only use your sword so go in for quick heavy attacks with your dodge roll slash and jump +attacks to wear the boss down. Skip the cut-scenes for they will be what will most likely make you miss out and you should be set.
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