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Thread: Music outta nowhere

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    ShadowGandalf is offline
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    Music outta nowhere

    I've just discovered 16 music tracks on my ps3. they're in a folder labelled 'Unknown'. they all have generic, meaningless titles (floatin floor, loungin' etc...) and all sound pretty generic too. like the kind of thing you'd hear on Folding@Home (which i haven't installed since my hard drive change). they all say they're 0:00 in length (unless i play one, then the song progress bar has a length) and have a file size of 0KB.... weird.... the thing is... WHERE THE BLOODY HELL DID THEY COME FROM?!! i didnt put 'em there. last music item i put on my ps3 was when i imported my How to Train Your Dragon soundtrack cd... which was AGES ago. i've not done any USB transferring either...

    i just cant figure this out... anyone have ANY ideas? the songs dont sound at all familiar... and all titles start with [BGM]
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    wright316uk is offline
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    no idea but i found this when looking into it on another site

    I was browsing the xmb yesterday and noticed an entire album that had never been there before. These are some of tracks:

    BGM Running in the desert
    BGM loungin
    BGM floating floor
    BGM its so easy
    BGM threshold 8000

    the files themselves have no info other than the title. I KNOW I haven't downloaded anything to my 3 and I'm the only person who uses it so I have NO IDEA where it came from!

    Does anyone recognize these tracks or have them on their 3 as well?

    edit: well nevermind, I believe I know where these songs came from. The video editor has music it plays and when you delete an empty video it seems to leave the album in your music close this thread or whatever

    This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 25 Dec 2010 @ 13:54
    maybe you have used the video editor as well ?
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    You're not the only one... I have these weird tracks too!
    Eventually I worked out that they came from the video editor.

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    nickweir198125 is offline
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    yea, they're from the vid editor. I remember putting together a vid on that thing naively thinking I could add some of my own mp3's to it. A tear rolled down my cheek when I realized I could only use that shite collection of elevator music.
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    ShadowGandalf is offline
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    ok then, mystery solved... thanks guys. and yeah nick , i hoped to use my own music too. this stuff is, so,... bland, generic, RUBBISH.

    EDIT... aaand i just found out i can't delete them... fantastic
    Last edited by ShadowGandalf; 04-05-2011 at 01:43 PM.
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    The only thing that bugs me about it is the fact that they're 0 kbs.

    Oh and not deleting them. Good thing I didn't bother with the editor on my new slim.
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