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Thread: My Kung Fu is Strong / stronger

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    Nivek_R is offline
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    My Kung Fu is Strong / stronger

    these 2 trophies are taking a piss on my soul and ps3.... well also Turtle is, but that's cheap. if you don't know the My Kung Fu is Strong trophy tasks you to use a fighter and "master" him or or her. To master, you must...

    1) 100 win
    2) 100 -ality (fatality, stage fatality, or babality)
    3) 150 X-ray moves
    4) spill 100,000 pints of blood
    5) Total play time of 1 day (24hours)
    Now I'm fine with 1-4 but 5 is just over the top, there is 28 fighters in the game and you need to play for 24hrs with ever last one each. that adds up to 672 hours of play time, which can be cut down to 336 if you do tag team (btw only player times, win, alities, and x ray counts)

    the way you cut the time in half is, go to 2 players tag team with no timer on, pick 2 fighter and leave it sit for 24hrs, then go do something and hope your PS3 doesn't burn out to a YLoD. After the 24hrs, spend another hour or 2 with each fighter (in ladder, the tower, or test your luck) earning everything else. which brings the total to plat this game to near 400hrs.
    if you read this.............. you have thrown a small part of life away..........
    No take backs!!
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    supermac82 is online now
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    Got this game. No way am I even attempting to go for this trophy. Every likes a hard and challenging trophy but this one is just plain insane!

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    Nivek_R is offline
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    beyond insane, it would be bad without the 24 or or just with 1 fighter. like i said at the pub yesterday, its design to kill systems and devs should know better
    if you read this.............. you have thrown a small part of life away..........
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    nickweir198125 is offline
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    this type of trophy should be outlawed. just encourages ppl to rot in front of their tv.
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    imahobo is offline
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    HaHa i don't see why everyone is so suprised by this trophy!

    Most people spend hours upon hours playing this type of game, also most find a character they can get good at then stick with them so that one character will rack up some hours while going for other trophies. All the devs are asking is that you take time to master all characters.

    It lends the game playabillity, and in 600 hours you are deffo gonna get your £40 worth out of it, people get to het up about this kind of trophy its very challenging and time consuming but its not a game breaker. Especially when people are going to cheat to get the time done anyways lol.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nivek_R View Post
    well also Turtle is, but that's cheap.
    Boost it then. I pointed this out to you before.
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    Nivek_R is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by eastwoodmaniac View Post
    Boost it then. I pointed this out to you before.
    Boost in a rank fight is a act pussy-izm, when done outside in a friends match (unrank) is fine. I pointed that out to you.
    if you read this.............. you have thrown a small part of life away..........
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    eastwoodmaniac is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nivek_R View Post
    Boost in a rank fight is a act pussy-izm, when done outside in a friends match (unrank) is fine. I pointed that out to you.
    I don't think I understand fully what you are saying - it's okay to boost in a friend match but not in a ranked match? Why would you boost a ranked trophy in a friend match anyway? So just do it legit, then. I can't see how it's cheap, it will just force you into playing differently, i.e. more defensively. And I can't see where you pointed this out to me before.
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    Akumatron is offline
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    Lol, there will never be a day when people don't moan about a trophy...just shut up and get on with it, that's my philosophy!

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    Kristoph is offline
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    I think someone somewhere wrote:

    "If you're complaining about a particular trophy, it usually means you can't earn that trophy because you don't have the skills needed to unlock it."

    Outside of the boost-able trophies, I think he was referring to trophies such as the "Win x Ranked Games in a row" which specify that you need to demonstrate some level of skill to achieve it.

    What I'm trying to say is, while there are trophies that are ridiculous and should be boosted (see Role Model in AC:B; come on, no two players work that well together, especially random players), other ones involving playing against online opponents usually test your pure skill at the game itself. Plus, this sort of thing isn't really uncommon with fighting games.

    But back on the topic of "My Kung Fu is Strongest", that one is just ridiculous. So much commitment necessary.
    Last edited by Kristoph; 02-05-2011 at 03:58 AM.

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