Killzone 3 Trophy Guide Written by MT-92 :platinum: 1 :gold: 2 :silver: 4 :bronze:"> Killzone 3 Trophy Guide
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    Killzone 3 Trophy Guide

    Killzone 3 Trophy Guide
    Written by MT-92

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    Trophy Difficulty: Moderate
    Offline Trophies: 44
    Online Trophies: 8
    Minimum number of play throughs: 2
    Number of miss-able trophies: 15
    Known glitched trophies: 0

    Collect all Killzone 3 trophies
    This trophy is not hard to earn it is the same as any other platinum just earn all other trophies in Killzone 3. The only trophy you should have some trouble with is 'Victory Complete' which is complete the game on elite difficulty

    Ready For Battle - Complete weapons training
    Completed weapons training in Prologue
    You can’t miss this trophy, on the first chapter you are in the Stahl Arms facility and you have to follow Rico to help save Captain Narvile. Towards the end of the level a Helghast will say speak to the armourer, you have to do this to complete your weapons training. Once you have completed your weapons training you will get this trophy.

    In Your Face - First Brutal Melee
    Performed first Brutal Melee move
    This can be done in the 1st chapter just follow Rico down onto the road below you and he will say there is a Helghast around the corner, sneak around the corner and just follow the onscreen prompts to get you first brutal melee kill and this trophy.


    No Witnesses - Destroy all dropships on the Highway
    Destroy all dropships on the Highway
    In the Bilgarsk Museum Section of the ‘Evacuation Orders’ level you will find the mini-gun at the very beginning take it with you from now on.

    When reaching the Broken Highway sequence you should make use of it to destroy the dropships. Dropships are black-red coloured flying ships. You could use rocket launchers but this is a lot harder. There are 3 ships in total you have to be quick with the last 2 because they try to get away quickly. Below is a video to help you if you are struggling.

    Thanks goes to PowerPyx for providing the video guide. You can find his channel .

    Mopping Up - Kill 40 Helghast foot soldiers
    Killed 40 or more Helghast foot soldiers on the beach
    On the level Pyrrhus Evac - Senlic you have to kill 40 Helghast who are on foot while you are in the tank. You have to kill every enemy on this level who is on foot, a good trick I found out is to shoot your main cannon pressing into the where the Helghast are spawning from. If you see Helghast spawning from an APC let them get out onto the ground before you start shooting at them. Once you have killed the troops destroy the APC. You also need to destroy both AA guns and both drop ships and your trophy should pop up after you have done this. If the trophy has not poped up by the time you have destroyed the second dropship then restart your checkpoint .

    Sawn Off - Destroy all chasing APC's
    Destroyed all chasing SawBlade APC's in the Senlin Beach section
    About halfway through Senlin Beach level you start getting chased by APC's you'll hear your driver comment about them. Keep facing backwards when you hear him start to talk about APC's there are about 5-6 to destroy. The best way to kill them is to just use your cannon which is the button.

    Smoking Wrecks - Destroy all Tanks on Senlin Beach
    Destroyed all the Helghast Tanks in the Senlin Beach section
    On the 'Senlin Beach' mission you will have to destroy the Helghast tanks to unlock this trophy. Listen to your driver’s comments because he will tell you in which direction the tanks are. The best way to destroy the tanks is to use your cannon which is the button


    Turn The Tables - Melee Kill a Capture Trooper
    Killed a Capture Trooper using melee
    Below is a video showing you how to do this trophy.

    Thanks goes to PowerPyx for providing the video guide. You can find his channel .

    Spiky Personality - Kill a Helghast using a Burster
    Killed a Helghast by shooting a Burster plant
    On the mission when you are in the jungle wait for a Helghast to walk past a Burster Plant (the orange spiky plants) and shoot it. The blast goes pretty far so the Helghast doesn’t have to be stood right next to it. Below is a video which will help you out if your having trouble with this.

    Thanks goes to PowerPyx for providing the video guide. You can find his channel .



    Minigunned - Destroy all targets
    Destroyed everything while using the Minigun on the Intruder
    This trophy is one of the more difficult ones in the game probably because it isn’t very well described. The way I did it is by shooting all the of the Pertosite (Petrosite is all the blue containers, tubes, and towers that are on the oil rig's). Below is a video if your having some trouble.

    Thanks goes to PowerPyx for providing the video guide. You can find his channel .


    Quick Exit - Escape the Oil Rig quickly
    Got off the 2nd Rig within 2 minutes.
    This is easier to do on recruit difficulty because you take less damage from enemies. On the 'Icy Insertion' mission just after you have planted the two bombs on the bottom of the oil rig you have 4:00 minutes to get off the ship but you have to get to the cut scene at the end of the ramp before the timer gets to 2:00 minutes.




    Shattered - Destroy all glass in the Labs
    Destroyed all glass panes in the Stahl Arms South laboratories
    One of the harder trophies on Killzone 3 there is a video below that will show you were to find the panes of glass that need to be destroyed (the green coloured pains of glass with the Helghast symbol on them)

    Thanks goes to PowerPyx for providing the video guide. You can find his channel .


    Pinpoint - Kill the Heavy with an StA-14
    Killed the Heavy using the StA-14 rifle
    On the 'Scrap Yard Shortcut' mission you will have to fight a heavy trooper at the end of the mission. I found this trophy is easier to do on recruit, you can pick up your sta14 rifle from the gun rack at the bottom of the hill you have to climb up just before the cut scene for the heavy.





    Victory - Complete Campaign on Elite
    Completed every mission on Elite difficulty
    This is the hardest trophy on Killzone 3 in my opinion. Some tips I can give you is if your struggling use your cover all the time and just kill one Helghast at a time then pop back in cover to regain your health and stay with Rico he will revive you if you get downed. Another tip is when in vehicles only use your missiles or cannon which is because the machine guns do not do alot of damage so just use that for picking off soldiers who are on foot.

    Evening The Odds - Kill 500 Helghast
    Killed 500 Helghast
    See 'Fight To The Last - Kill 1500 Helghast'.

    Now It's Personal - Kill 1000 Helghast
    Killed 1000 Helghast
    See 'Fight To The Last - Kill 1500 Helghast'.

    Fight To The Last - Kill 1500 Helghast
    Killed 1500 Helghast
    On your first playthrough you get about 700-750 kills. Then on you second playthrough you'll get another 700-750 kills if your trophy doesn't unlock start a third playthrough and play the first couple of levels and it will pop up.

    Cagefighter - Kill 10 Helghast using Brutal Melee
    Killed 10 Helghast using Brutal Melee
    See 'Hand To Hand Master - Kill 50 Helghast using Brutal Melee'.

    Close Quarters Killer - Kill 25 Helghast using Brutal Melee
    Killed 25 Helghast using Brutal Melee
    See 'Hand To Hand Master - Kill 50 Helghast using Brutal Melee'.

    Hand To Hand Master - Kill 50 Helghast using Brutal Melee
    Killed 50 Helghast using Brutal Melee
    I recommend doing this on recruit difficulty on your first playthrough. On the 1st chapter there are a lot of Helghast on there own so its a good idea to melee them while your not getting shot at by others. Just make the effort in stead of killing Helghast by shooting off your hip when they are close just remember to sprint up to them and knife them. A good mission to get loads of the kills needed for this trophy is the 'Six Months' mission where you are sneaking in the jungle.

    Frag Out - Kill 3 Helghast with 1 Frag Grenade
    Killed 3 Helghast using 1 fragmentation grenade
    This can be done when you are escorting the two tanks on the second level and one blows up into a big cloud of green swirling smoke. Once you go through the water and Rico gives you a boost up a Helghast is shooting through a window, melee him then cook a grenade, go over the little mound that is just to your left and there are 4 Helghast stood there shooting at ISA, throw your grenade into the middle of them and your should get your trophy.

    One Each - Kill 3 Helghast with Shotgun Pistol, no reloads
    Shot and killed 3 Helghast using the Shotgun Pistol without reloading or switching weapons
    Once you get hold of a shotgun pistol just shoot 3 Helghast, each with one bullet. It’s better to do this on recruit and you must be close to them to kill them with one shot each.

    Eagle Eye - Every Sniper Rifle bullet is a kill
    Shot and killed 6 Helghast using the Sniper Rifle without reloading or switching weapons
    The best time to do this is when you have to kill the machine gunners so Rico and the ISA can destroy the ARC APC's on the 'Pyrrhus Evac' mission. While you are covering Rico and the ISA, reload so you have a full clip. Then when the snipers start to appear kill them with one shot, take you time so you do not miss them. Once you have killed the snipers you should have 1 maybe 2 bullets left if so then just go to the edge of the building and start to shoot the soldiers that are hiding behind the sand bags below you.


    Power Spike - Nail a Helghast to an exploding object
    Used the Boltgun to nail a Helghast to an exploding object
    The mission to do this on is 'Scrap Yard Shortcut'. Here is a video to help you guys out.

    Thanks goes to PowerPyx for providing the video guide. You can find his channel .





    Up Close & Personal - Brutal Melee another player
    Used the Brutal Melee move against another player
    When playing online and your in close range of another player don’t try killing him/her by spraying off your hip just try and remember to run up and melee them with or .

    Team Player - Play a match as part of a squad
    Joined and completed a match as part of a squad
    A pretty simple trophy the way I did it is when your in a game just go in to the squad menu and invite everyone on your team or if you have friends playing online just invite them to your squad and join a game and finish a game .

    Grand Slam - Win a match in 3 multiplayer modes
    Won a match in Operations, Warzone & Guerrilla Warfare modes
    To get this trophy you must win 1 game in all 3 game modes while playing online which are Operations, Warzone, and Guerrilla Warfare.



    Medic! - Revive another player
    Revived a friendly player for the first time
    Choose the Field Medic Class and revive a player on your team who gets downed.

    Handy Man - Repair an object
    Repaired an object for the first time
    Pick the engineer class and repair an ammo crate. Just do it at the start of the game before everyone else repairs them .

    Now You See Me - Kill using Cloak
    Killed another player while cloaked
    Choose the marksman class at the start of the game and find a player on the opposite team. The way I did this was find someone got close to them, cloaked my self and knifed him. I did this because your cloak doesn’t last long and when you hit someone with one bullet from the sta14 your cloak goes off .

    Spy Game - Kill using Disguise
    Killed another player while disguised
    Pick the saboteur class and disguise your self as the other team and get a kill while your disguise is still on.

    Turf War - Capture a Tactical Spawn Point
    Captured a Tactical Spawn Point for the first time
    Tactical spawns are on Warzone. They appear on your map as a white square with a triangle in the middle and are usually found in the middle of the map all you have to do is capture this but they do take a while on your own and they other team will want to capture it as well so go with a team mate.

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