Borderlands + DLC Trophy Guide
Written by Simmy_82 & llewdiskram

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Platinum Path/Custom Roadmap title


Trophy Difficulty: Moderate
Offline Trophies: 50
Online Trophies: 1
Minimum number of play throughs: 1.5
Number of miss-able trophies: 0
Known glitched trophies: 0

Borderland Defender
You have defeated all bosses and are a powerful force to be reckoned with
Simply get all other Trophies for this game. Same as any other Platinum.

Paid in Fyrestone
Completed 5 missions in the Arid Badlands
You will get this trophy for completing 5 Missions that are started in the Arid Badlands

See ‘Made in Fyrestone’ for full mission list.

Made in Fyrestone
Completed all missions in the Arid Badlands
You will get this trophy for completing all of the missions listed below. They are given to you by Dr. Zed, T.K. Baha, or the missions that are listed on the bounty board in Fyrestone. Also missions that involve defeating Sledge and saving the claptraps in this area need to be completed too:
Main Missions


Side Missions

Paid in New Haven
Completed 5 missions in the Rust Commons
You will get this trophy for completing 5 Missions that are started in the Rust Commons

See ‘Made in Fyrestone’ for full mission list.

Made in New Haven
Completed all missions in the Rust Commons
You will get this trophy for completing all of the missions listed below. Rust Commons is split into East and West, so remember to check bounty boards etc in both areas:
Rust Commons East

Rust Commons West

My Brother is an Italian Plumber
Killed an enemy plumber-style
This trophy is best done just outside Fyrestone at the start of your 1st playthrough. All you need to do is kill and enemy (a Skag ideally), by jumping on its head. What I did was weaken it with gun fire to start with, then simply ran up to it and kept jumping on top of it until it died. See the Video below:

A big thanks goes to The Trophy Doctor for providing this video. Subscribe to his YouTube Channel or visit his .

Hidden Trophy

Hidden Trophy

Hidden Trophy

Hidden Trophy

Hidden Trophy

Hidden Trophy

Speedy McSpeederton
Raced around the Ludicrous Speedway in record time
For this trophy you need to race around the speedy way located in the Dahl Headlands. Simply race around it in record time and you’ll get the trophy. For the best route see the Video below:

A big thanks goes to The Trophy Doctor for providing this video. Subscribe to his YouTube Channel or visit his .

You call this archaeology?
Applied an elemental artifact
For this trophy you simply need to apply an elemental Artefact to yourself. You will come across your first Elemental Artefact after you complete the mission ‘Shock Crystal Harvest’. Once you have acquired the shock crystal go to your Echo Menu and find the Shock Crytal. Press on it and it will be equipped and you should get the trophy.

Ding! Newbie
Earned level 5
This is the first of many Level related trophies. For this one you need to reach level 5.

This will be acquired in your first playthrough.

Ding! Novice
Earned level 10
This is one of many Level related trophies. For this one you need to reach level 10.

This will be acquired in your first playthrough.

Ding! Expert
Earned level 20
This is one of many Level related trophies. For this one you need to reach level 20.

This will be acquired in your first playthrough.

Ding! Hardcore
Earned level 30
This is one of many Level related trophies. For this one you need to reach level 30.

This will be acquired in your first playthrough.

Ding! Sleepless
Earned level 40
This is one of many Level related trophies. For this one you need to reach level 40.

This will be acquired in your second playthrough. I was level 36 after my first playthrough.

Discovered Skag Gully
Discovered Skag Gully
This is one of many Location related trophies. You will get these when you enter certain areas of the game. You don’t really need to worry about these trophies as you go to al the locations whilst playing the game. For this one you need to enter Skag Gully.

Discovered Sledge's Safe House
Discovered Sledge's Safe House
This is one of many Location related trophies. You will get these when you enter certain areas of the game. You don’t really need to worry about these trophies as you go to al the locations whilst playing the game. For this one you need to enter Sledge's Safe House.

Discovered Headstone Mine
Discovered Headstone Mine
This is one of many Location related trophies. You will get these when you enter certain areas of the game. You don’t really need to worry about these trophies as you go to al the locations whilst playing the game. For this one you need to enter Headstone Mine.

Discovered Trash Coast
Discovered Trash Coast
This is one of many Location related trophies. You will get these when you enter certain areas of the game. You don’t really need to worry about these trophies as you go to al the locations whilst playing the game. For this one you need to enter Trash Coast.

Discovered The Scrapyard
Discovered The Scrapyard
This is one of many Location related trophies. You will get these when you enter certain areas of the game. You don’t really need to worry about these trophies as you go to al the locations whilst playing the game. For this one you need to enter The Scrapyard.

Discovered Krom’s Canyon
Discovered Krom’s Canyon
This is one of many Location related trophies. You will get these when you enter certain areas of the game. You don’t really need to worry about these trophies as you go to al the locations whilst playing the game. For this one you need to enter Krom’s Canyon.

Discovered Crimson Lance Enclave
Discovered Crimson Lance Enclave
This is one of many Location related trophies. You will get these when you enter certain areas of the game. You don’t really need to worry about these trophies as you go to al the locations whilst playing the game. For this one you need to enter Crimson Lance Enclave.

Discovered Eridian Promontory
Discovered Eridian Promontory
This is one of many Location related trophies. You will get these when you enter certain areas of the game. You don’t really need to worry about these trophies as you go to al the locations whilst playing the game. For this one you need to enter Eridian Promontory.

Ding! Champion
Earned level 50
This is one of many Level related trophies. For this one you need to reach level 50. It will also probably be one of the last trophies that you earn. You can earn it two ways

1. Legit - Continue on your second playthrough and rank up as normal.
2. Boost – Get someone who is a much higher level to play with you and let them do all the killing as it will earn you higher XP. As each kill gives XP to the both of you.

This will be acquired in your second playthrough. I was level 36 after my first playthrough.

Get A Little Blood on the Tires
Killed 25 enemies by ramming them with any vehicle
This is an easy trophy. Once you get access to a vehicle (Catch-A-Ride mission) you will be able to drive around. Any enemy that you kill adds to this total. Most enemies die as soon as you run them over. I wouldn’t worry too much about this as you will kill plenty with your vehicle throughout the game.

Rootinest, Tootinest, Shootinest
Killed 5 Rakk in under 10 seconds
For this you simply need to kill 5 Rakk’s in 10 seconds. This can be done from the turret of your vehicle (ideally with the machine gun). Find one of the many Rakk Hives on the ground around Skag Gully. Fire a shot at once of these hives and the Rakk will shoot out of it. They make an attack run in a nice compact group. Aim your gun at them and keep firing. You should get this trophy if not, try again.

Pandora-dog Millionaire
Earned $1,000,000
For this you need to have earnt a total of $1,000,000. You don’t actually have to have this amount of cash so don’t worry about that. You can earn money completing missions and selling guns, ammo, shields etc.

Note: You can check how much you have earnt by looking at the challenge The Rich get Richer, which can be found in the challenges subpage of the missions menu.

Sold 50 guns to a shop
For this you simply need to sell 50 Guns at the vending machine around Pandora. You’ll find plenty of weapons throughout the game. If you like me and you sell the guns you know you wont use, this shouldn’t take long for you to get.

Can't We Get BEYOND Thunderdome?
Emerged victorious from an arena match
You can get this either boosting with a friend online or playing split screen (if you have two controllers). Just go to the arena near Fyrestone in the Arid Badlands, kill you opponent 3 times and this trophy will be yours.

Won a duel against another player
Again you can get this either boosting with a friend online or playing split screen (if you have two controllers). To start a duel you simply need to melee the other character, and they need to melee you back. Once they have all you need to do is defeat your opponent, as the duel starts as soon as the hit you back.

Group LF Healer
Rescued a groupmate from death in a co-op game
For this all you need to do is heal a fallen partner and you’ll get this. When your partner is injured it will tell you in the top left. Approach the fallen play and press until they are revived.

There's No "I" In "Team"
Completed 15 missions in co-op
This is easy enough. All you need to do is complete any 15 missions with an online partner. This can be a friend or a random person you meet online. They don’t have to be in any specific order and it can be done however you like 1, 2 or 15 missions in any sitting.

Hidden Trophy

And They'll Tell Two Friends
Played in a co-op game with either an employee of Gearbox or someone who had this trophy
This is similar to the ‘Let Sleeping Rockstars Lie’ on GTA. The developes for the first week played online and people got this trophy. They played with friends, who played with friends passing this trophy on like a disease. So chances are you will get this playing with a random person online. Either way I would stress to much about it. Just keep playing online and you’ll get it no problem.

Hidden Trophy

Won a duel without taking damage
If you did split screen on the ‘Duel-icious’ trophy you will probably got this at the same time. Or even if you boosted with with a friend you may have got it. If not set up a duel with a friend and simple kill him without taking damage which is easy.

Killed 25 enemies with corrosive weapons
Through out the game you will find elemental weapons. The four types are:
  • Corrosive – Acid (Good against flesh)
  • Shock – Electrical (Good against shields)
  • Incendiary – Fire (Good against flesh)
  • Explosive – Explosive (Good for popping bodes )
For this trophy you need to get 25 kills with Corrosive Weapons. You’ll probably get this whilst playing the game naturally so there is no real need to try and go for this.

1.21 Gigawatts
Killed 25 enemies with shock weapons
Through out the game you will find elemental weapons. The four types are:
  • Corrosive – Acid (Good against flesh)
  • Shock – Electrical (Good against shields)
  • Incendiary – Fire (Good against flesh)
  • Explosive – Explosive (Good for popping bodes )
For this trophy you need to get 25 kills with Shock Weapons. You’ll probably get this whilst playing the game naturally so there is no real need to try and go for this.

Killed 25 enemies with incendiary weapons
Through out the game you will find elemental weapons. The four types are:
  • Corrosive – Acid (Good against flesh)
  • Shock – Electrical (Good against shields)
  • Incendiary – Fire (Good against flesh)
  • Explosive – Explosive (Good for popping bodes )
For this trophy you need to get 25 kills with Incendiary Weapons. You’ll probably get this whilst playing the game naturally so there is no real need to try and go for this.

Master Exploder
Killed 25 enemies with explosive weapons
Through out the game you will find elemental weapons. The four types are:
  • Corrosive – Acid (Good against flesh)
  • Shock – Electrical (Good against shields)
  • Incendiary – Fire (Good against flesh)
  • Explosive – Explosive (Good for popping bodes )
For this trophy you need to get 25 kills with Explosive Weapons. You’ll probably get this whilst playing the game naturally so there is no real need to try and go for this.

There are some who call me...Tim
Equipped a class mod for your character
Class mods are little devices that you pick up during the game that enhance your stats, ranging from improving your accuracy and fire rate to reducing damage and regenerating health. When you find one simply equip it to your good self and you’ll get this trophy.

Fully Loaded
Rescued enough Claptraps to earn 42 inventory slots
For this trophy you need to rescue claptraps from various locations on Pandora. This will help you to carry more weapons. To gain 42 inventory slots you need to rescue 10 Clap Traps. You do this by finding a Clap Trap Repair Kit in the area. Take it back to the clap trap and you’ll get a Backpack SDU. Use this new item in you inventory to gain extra slots.

The locations of the Clap traps are:
  • Sledge's Safe House
  • The Lost Cave
  • New Haven
  • Tetanus Warrens
  • Earl's Scrapyard
  • Krom's Canyon
  • Old Haven
  • Trash Coast
  • The Salt Flats
  • Crimson Fastness

Truly Outrageous
Killed an enemy with the Siren's action skill
This is one of the abilities that the Siren acquires. You unlock these abilities at around level 5 (if I remember correctly). Then all you need to do is use it to kill one enemy. Sirens action skill is quite weak so it’s probably best to weaken your target first approach them and then use her Phasewalk skill to kill the target. Job done!

Note: I played my game as a hunter. I got the Careful, He Bites’ trophy just playing the game as normal. The other 3 abilities I just started new games, played until I got the ability and then used it to get the kills. You can usually get them just before you go up against Nine-Toes.

Careful, He Bites
Killed 15 enemies with the Hunter's action skill
This is one of the abilities that the Hunter acquires. You unlock these abilities at around level 5 (if I remember correctly). Then all you need to do is use it to kill 15 enemies. Hunter’s action skill is Bloodwing! The best place to get these kills is just out side fire stone soon after you have acquired the skill. This is because the Skag pups can be killed in one swoop of this beast.

Note: I played my game as a hunter. I got the Careful, He Bites’ trophy just playing the game as normal. The other 3 abilities I just started new games, played until I got the ability and then used it to get the kills. You can usually get them just before you go up against Nine-Toes.

Reckless Abandon
Killed 15 enemies with the Berserker's action skill
This is one of the abilities that the Berserker acquires. You unlock these abilities at around level 5 (if I remember correctly). Then all you need to do is use it to kill 15 enemies. Berserker's action skill is Berserk. This sends him into a rampage where you swing your firsts at enemies!

Note: I played my game as a hunter. I got the Careful, He Bites’ trophy just playing the game as normal. The other 3 abilities I just started new games, played until I go the ability and then used it to get the kills. You can usually get them just before you got up against Nine-Toes.

Down in Front!
Killed 15 enemies with the Soldier's action skill
This is one of the abilities that the Soldier acquires. You unlock these abilities at around level 5 (if I remember correctly). Then all you need to do is use it to kill 15 enemies. Soldiers action skill is a deployable Turret. This turret will fire on the nearest enemy. So make sure you deploy it facing the enemy for more effective kills.

Note: I played my game as a hunter. I got the Careful, He Bites’ trophy just playing the game as normal. The other 3 abilities I just started new games, played until I got the ability and then used it to get the kills. You can usually get them just before you go up against Nine-Toes.

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