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Thread: Car insurance for young drivers!

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    MikeyJr. is offline
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    Angry Car insurance for young drivers!

    As everyone knows car insurance is stupidly expensive for young drivers. At 18 and recently passing my test i really want a car as ive just spent all that money learning. To then be denied the opertunity because the insurance is a stupid amount! the cheapest quotes im getting on compare sites is £5000!!!! and thats for a 1.2 1999 corsa!!! ive managed to find it for £3500 with Ecar. But will stay pay about 4k because of the monthly payments. i havent got my pass plus either which probably doesnt lower it that much anyways. i wa sjust wondering if anyone knows ways of getting it cheaper? ive tried added people on my insurance, mum and dad for example. and the other way round me being added to them but its still £4000+ !! its so fucking annoying because its a little thing thats stopping me having my first car.

    And i didnt think there was any point in saying im male because 90% of people on this site have to be male and the stupid insurance prices king of says that aswell!

    Any help would be greatly appreicated. thanks in advance.
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    Sephiroth is offline
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    This is based off what my dad suggested and what i have done.
    Perhaps you should try and get the cars name in your parents (car owned by your parents) and get them to insure it and then get added to their insurance.
    If the car is in your name and you have your own policy it is just not even worth it unless your rich.

    This is what i do and the insurance is a minimal amount.

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    Yeh Mickey, Im 24 and in my mums name. Makes it pretty cheap. Because Ive had no accidents, when I hit 25 Im changing my insurance to my name. Its not as cheap is it would be if I was the main driver all along but worth it when you balance out the prices I could have been paying. Hope that makes sense.

    Cheers Simmy_82 for the sig!
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    RGL_UK is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sephiroth View Post
    This is based off what my dad suggested and what i have done.
    Perhaps you should try and get the cars name in your parents (car owned by your parents) and get them to insure it and then get added to their insurance.
    If the car is in your name and you have your own policy it is just not even worth it unless your rich.

    This is what I do and the insurance is a minimal amount.
    It's the best way .. Yet it's also against the law.
    They call it "fronting". This means that you can still pay your premium but if you get into an accident and the insurance company think you lied to them about who is the main driver then they will not pay out and you will get 6 points on your license for driving without insurance. Which then in turn means you have just lost your license. Oh and you and your parents could be done for fraud !
    It's a risky business. When I first past every company was asking in excess of £2000 ... I finally found the CO-OP which I went with for £900.
    Your best bet is to shop around, try your luck with fronting or wait till you get a bit older
    ~If you need help then please click here and send me a message stating your problem and any relevant information~
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    Insurance has gone up for everyone. Liverpool victoria are usually good for first time drivers, not sure if they are on the comparrison sites so give them a try.
    My insurance has more than doubled this year. Had to renew on 22 march, last year it was 430 this year the cheapest quote was nearly 1100 and ive got 8 years no claims.
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    john higgans
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    i had the same problem with my car insurance i am 18
    but then i got a quote for £1466.34 fully comp with me as the policy holder
    i got it done from an ebay add, i payed for it my self, recieved full paperwork
    search this number in ebay and you will be able to contact them
    if you buy from them please quote my name "john higgans" i will get £50
    Thanks good luck
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    john higgans
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    i had the same problem with my car insurance i am 18
    but then i got a quote for £1466.34 fully comp with me as the policy holder
    i got it done from an ebay add, i payed for it my self, recieved full paperwork
    search this number in ebay and you will be able to contact them
    if you buy from them please quote my name "john higgans" i will get £50
    Thanks good luck
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    From what I've seen with me and my wife's insurance it's newer cars that get cheaper insurance. Her 2002 Fiesta was more pricey than my 2008 Yaris... But of course you might not be able to afford a newer car... Not sure if the boy racer Corsa is causing you trouble with the premium, might be worth trying some different cars out to see.

    Normally putting another person on as a named driver brings down your premium but maybe because you're young it's not enough these days... always used to work!

    Shame that putting the car in your parent's name and you as a named driver doesn't help you out... would have thought that would but maybe the insurance companies are wiser than we think!
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    CooseyLamen is offline
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    wow i didnt realise it was THAT expensive, when i first passed i was 17 and the cheapest i could find it was £1400 for a 1.1 fiesta, which i bought for £100 making my insurance 14 times the car value haha i think this was with, i am now with swift cover who are very cheap but i dont know about 1st time drivers anymore im affraid.

    i know friends who just add their name to their parents insurance, it really shouldnt increase it too much, meaning your just a named driver on the policy. also some companies offer named drivers no claims discount, direct line do for example, so even as a named driver in say 2-3 years your insurance on your own will be far more managable being older and with no claims.
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    nickm is offline
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    I got a good quote from this website last time I did my insurance:
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