Dragon Age: Origins Trophy Guide Written by GhostBabel23"> Dragon Age: Origins + Awakening and DLC Trophy Guide
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    Dragon Age: Origins + Awakening and DLC Trophy Guide

    Dragon Age: Origins Trophy Guide
    Written by GhostBabel23

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    Path Towards The Ultimate Reward:

    - Playthrough 1: Start your game with your preferred character origin and class (Warrior, Mage, or Rogue) and play through the game. It is best during this playthrough to do as much as you can, exploring everything and doing as many side quests as possible. Make sure you're at level 20 before you beat the Archdemon and the game. If you have DLC do all of that as well.

    - Playthrough 2: Start a new game with a new preferred character origin and class (one you haven't chosen before) and repeat. Use this playthrough to clean up any major plot trophies and missable trophies (such as Dragon Slayer, Recruiter and Traveler) if you haven't done them already. If you have DLC you haven't done do that here.

    - Playthrough 3: Use this playthrough for the final class trophy in which you must reach level 20. If you have the patches and have yet to get the darkspawn kills trophies you need it is best obtain them here (see trophy descriptions for details). If you followed the guide and got dramatically different endings you should have earned Perfectionist by the end of this playthrough if you haven't done so the last one.

    - Playthrough 4: This will be where you basically go through all the origins you've yet to do and just play them till you get to Ostagar. This is also a clean up playthrough (and the second best opportunity for the darkspawn kills trophies).


    Trophy Difficulty: Moderate
    Offline Trophies: All obtainable online
    Online Trophies: All obtainable online
    Minimum number of play throughs: 3-4
    Number of miss-able trophies: Mercenary, Educated, Heavy Hitter, Traveler, Dragonslayer, Defender, Recruiter
    Known glitched trophies: The Darkspawn Kill Trophies, Annuelment Invoker & Magic Sympathizer

    The Ultimate Reward
    Achieve all Bronze, Silver, and Gold trophies in Dragon Age: Origins.
    This is not one of the harder platinums out there to obtain, and frankly, the journey is well worth it. The major sticking points are the possible glitched out trophies and just pressing through the game three maybe even four times. There are also instances of people having trouble with the romances, specifically Leliana. These reasons justify a four star rating to the platinum difficulty. Note: If a trophy glitches and does not show, the best method to fixing it is to delete your game data (NOT YOUR SAVE FILE) and reinstall. People seem to have more problems with the trophies and the game itself after the patch.

    Last Of Your Line
    Completed the Human Noble origin story.
    Simply complete the indicated origin story to earn this trophy. Do not die during the origin to earn the Bloodied as well (if you haven't obtained it already). Here are a few useful tips for this origin for those playing their first time:


    Completed the Dalish Elf origin story.
    Simply complete the indicated origin story to earn this trophy. Do not die during the origin to earn the Bloodied as well (if you haven't obtained it already). Here are a few useful tips for this origin for those playing their first time:


    Completed the City Elf origin story.
    Simply complete the indicated origin story to earn this trophy. Do not die during the origin to earn the Bloodied as well (if you haven't obtained it already). Here are a few useful tips for this origin for those playing their first time:


    Completed the Magi origin story.
    Simply complete the indicated origin story to earn this trophy. Do not die during the origin to earn the Bloodied as well (if you haven't obtained it already). Here are a few useful tips for this origin for those playing their first time:


    Completed the Dwarf Commoner origin story.
    Simply complete the indicated origin story to earn this trophy. Do not die during the origin to earn the Bloodied as well (if you haven't obtained it already). Here are a few useful tips for this origin for those playing their first time:


    Completed the Dwarf Noble origin story.
    Simply complete the indicated origin story to earn this trophy. Do not die during the origin to earn the Bloodied as well (if you haven't obtained it already). Here are a few useful tips for this origin for those playing their first time:


    Last Of The Wardens
    Completed Ostagar.
    This is a story-related trophy and you can not miss it.


    Standard Bearer
    Used the Grey Warden treaties to recruit all possible allies.
    This is a story-related trophy and you can not miss it.


    Hero Of Redcliffe
    Completed The Arl Of Redcliffe.
    This is a story-related trophy and you can not miss it.


    Rabble Rouser
    Completed The Landsmeet.
    This is a story-related trophy and you can not miss it.


    Completed 15 Chanter's Board quests.
    In Lothering you will immediatly be able to do up to three side quests for the local chanter's board in front of the Chantry. There is a chanter's board in both Redcliffe and Denerim, however you will not have access to the Redcliffe chanter's board until after you help fend off the attacking undead. Simply complete a total of 15 quests between all three boards and you should be set, since there are more then 15 available quests to choose from.

    This does not include the Mage's Collective, Blackstone Irregulars, the Secrete Informants, the Crows, or any other small side quests as the description strictly says 'Chanter's Board'.

    Across all playthroughs, recruited all party members.
    The following list are the character's required for this trophy. Note that Shale is a DLC character so you do not have to recruit her in order to obtain this trophy. Be aware though that if you want to collect everyone on a single playthrough it will almost indefinitely restrict you to a very small amount of end game choices. Just as the description states though, you do not have to get everyone in a single playthrough.


    Hopelessly Romantic
    Across all playthroughs, experienced all possible romances.
    To get this trophy you must obtain the Witch Gone Wild, First Knight, Easy Lover, and Wine, Women, And Song trophies. This, of course, can be done across all your playthroughs of Dragon Age.

    Across all playthroughs, discovered all possible endings.
    This trophy seems to have many roundabout methods of being obtained as well as one failsafe method. The fail safe is to finish the game with the four major endings, being:


    Several people have managed to possibly glitch this trophy within only two full playthroughs. When I first obtained this trophy, both endings involved the different gold ending trophies and different rulers ruling (in one case they were married to me). Speculation points to making Alistair king once and Anora queen once also affects this trophy. This could easily have been a glitch and is already patched since the trophies were obtained, but still worth mentioning here.

    Used a tome to improve the main character's attributes, talents, spells, or skills.
    After you leave Lothering and open up the world map, there are several places you can go to obtain a tome. Mainly (if not only) in particular shops. The dwarves that follow you in camp will have at least two for sale. The tranquil's shop in Denerim has at least one for purchase. Some of the dwarves in Orzammar have tome's up for sale, and I believe Valethorn in the Dalish Camp and the Quartermaster at the Circle Of Magi carry them as well. They're not cheap, but very useful in making a powerful character. Buy one and go to your Usable Items screen, select the tomb for the character you wish to use it on, then exit out and it will say you have leveled up. Go to the level up screen and you will get this trophy after adding in your newly acquired skills.

    The Ultimate Sacrifice
    The ultimate sacrifice was made in defense of Ferelden.

    A Dark Promise
    Defeated the Archdemon and, through a dark ritual with Morrigan, spared your own life.

    Magic Sympathizer
    Sided with the mages in Broken Circle.

    Note: This trophy has glitched for some. Refer to glitched trophies in the platinum overview if you finish Broken Circle with the mage army and still receive no trophy.

    Annulment Invoker
    Sided with the templars in Broken Circle.

    Note: This trophy has glitched for some. Refer to glitched trophies in the platinum overview if you finish Broken Circle with the mage army and still receive no trophy.

    Sided with the werewolves in Nature Of The Beast.

    Sided with the elves in Nature Of The Beast.

    Sided with the Cult of Andraste in Urn Of The Sacred Ashes.

    Defied the Cult of Andraste in Urn Of The Sacred Ashes.

    Bhelen's Ally
    Sided with Bhelen in 'A Paragon of Her Kind'

    Harrowmont's Ally
    Sided with Harrowmont in 'A Paragon of Her Kind'

    Destroyed the Anvil of the Void.

    Preserved the Anvil of the Void.

    Heavy Hitter
    Main character inflicted 250 damage with a single hit.
    - As a Warrior: If you're a two-handed fighter with heavy focus on Strength and Willpower, strike an enemy down with Final Blow with a full bar of stamina (buffer effects always welcome). This is easily the hardest of the three classes to deal this level of damage to an enemy in a single hit.
    - As a Rogue: Even if you're not an archer by fighting style it is wise to put some of your points into getting the deadly Arrow of Slaying. This high level Archer skill can easily deal between 250 to 300 damage at early levels. This is the easiest way to obtain this trophy.
    - As a Mage: There are two ways as a Mage to deal over 250 damage a hit. The easier of the two methods is to upgrade your Magic skills and cast Virulent Walking Bomb. The enemy will explode upon death dealing heavy damage to all enemies around it. A heavy focus in Magic (around the 40's and 50's) will deal 250 damage + to all enemy bystanders. The other method is to cast Mana Clash on an enemy mage. It is also considered possible with the buffers Spell Wisp, Spell Might, and one or two really strong damage increasing weapons or equipped items with any high level Mage.

    Completed an origin story without the main character ever falling in battle.
    On Easy and Normal difficulty, this trophy is a cake walk. Simply complete your character's origin without dying. Save often if you're unsure of your abilities or are playing on Hard or Nightmare difficulty.

    Set foot in every area in the game.
    Along with Perfectionist, this trophy has caused the most problems for people looking to platinum Dragon Age: Origins. You do NOT have to reveal the entire map for every area you visit. You simply need to set foot in them for this trophy to unlock during the battle against the Archdemon.

    Here are all the locations required for this trophy. All bold locations are unmissable as are areas marked as such:


    Master Of Arms
    Main character achieved level 20 as a warrior.
    For each class you must reach level 20 in order to get a silver trophy for the respective class. This works well with trying to earn the Perfectionist trophy. It is a long grind, so make a character you really like and keep at it! Your first two playthroughs you will want to try and earn all the different story related trophies. Have fun!

    Main character achieved level 20 as a rogue.
    See the Master of Arms trophy.

    Main character achieved level 20 as a mage.
    See the Master of Arms trophy.

    Defeated the dragon guarding the Urn of Sacred Ashes.
    Along with Flemeth, the High Dragon is the strongest optional boss you will face in the game. Killing it will garner you amazing exp, items, and a scale to give to Wade for the ultimate armor. Why would you not want to do this? Well unless you're whole party is at least at level 15 with you or a party member set to do some major mass healing, you will die. To call down the High Dragon, go to it's lair in the mountains where the Urn is kept and ring the gong. Bating this beast almost requires you play keep-away if you're a ranged fighter. Try and force the dragon to focus on the tank member of the party and wail on it from behind. This will cause you to be attacked by it's back feet and tail, which does not hurt nearly as much as it's mouth and fire breath. If you're not the healer party member, do what you can to keep your healer alive, as the dragon has its share of instant kill moves. With persistence and pre-planning, you can win the battle without too much stress.

    Completed a Chanter's Board quest.
    Your first chanters board quest will be given to you in Lothering. Head out into the fields and kill the three groups of bandits in the area and return to the board for your reward. Easy trophy.

    Grey Warden ( with any patches)
    Killed 100 darkspawn.
    Here we have the three darkspawn kill trophies. Now if you're new to the game and haven't played online or were lucky enough to not be affected by the firmwire's graphic glitch that only affected Dragon Age: Origins, then you're set. Beat the game killing all the darkspawn and you should round out to about 1000. It carries over to your next playthrough if not. If you have any of the patches, as far as I know, this set of trophies are a lot harder. The patch has apparently for most people made it so only your character and your character alone must make these kills to count. Whether they carry over like before has yet to be proven.

    Master Warden ( with any patches)
    Killed 500 darkspawn.
    See the Grey Warden trophy.

    Blight-Queller ( with any patches)
    Killed 1000 darkspawn.
    See the Grey Warden trophy.

    Preserved the lives of half the troops at Denerim's Gates in "The Final Battle".
    On Easy and Normal this trophy is fairly easy to get. On Easy it is even possible to go through all of the Final Battle without using any troops. When the time comes to rid the world of the Archdemon and his army, be conservative with your command over the troops and prevent them from dying. As long as you have more then half of all your recruited soldiers, you should be good. You will get this trophy before the final boss if you're successful, so save before just in case.

    Crafted an item.
    This will most likely be one of the first trophies you earn in the game. To get this, you must craft an item by going to your radial menu and selecting the Potions crafting option 'Herbalism', or you can go to the Traps and Poisons section and choose 'Trap-Making' or 'Poison-Making'. You do not have to do this with your character, but at least one character in your party will have to know one of these three abilities (Morrigan starts out with Herbalism and Leliana starts out with Poison-Making). In Lothering there are three people that give crafting quests for some easy experience points, just look for the '!' over their heads.

    You will need ingredients in order to properly craft an item. Even as early as Lothering you should have what is needed for some traps and poultices right off the bat. If you want to make poisons first you'll most likely have to collect Toxic Extract from the giant spiders outside the town. Here is a list of some of the basic craft items you can make early on:


    Succeeded at five difficult Persuasion attempts.
    Your ability to successfully persuade people is based around your level of coercion, which you can increase as you put points to your cunning upon leveling up. You can persuade up to five people fairly early in the game (both the King's guard at his tent and Loghain's, the guard that can give you food for the prisoner, the bandit leader right before you enter Lothering, Ser Bryant, the Reverend Mother, and the shady merchant). Other opportunities will arise depending on how you take the story. For a lot of the early persuasion minigames you do not need more then Improved Coercion, but as time progresses it will get harder and you will want to boost your persuasive skills.

    Succeeded at 25 difficult Persuasion attempts.
    See the Persuasive trophy.

    Succeeded at five difficult Intimidate attempts.
    Intimidate acts just like Persuade does in a conversation, though it tends to be a more forceful and less feel-good. It is also a lot rarer then Persuade. Coercion is just as important in Intimidate, but your character must also have around 18-20 points in strength in order to be successful.

    Succeeded at 10 difficult Intimidate attempts.
    See the Bully trophy.

    First Knight
    Experienced the thrill of romance with Alistair.
    By thrill of romance, they do mean you must unlock the 'naughty' scene in order for this trophy to pop up. Just being in love with them and kissing is not enough. Alistair is very easy to romance with if you're a woman and impossible if you're a man. In fact, he'll almost always naturally be attracted to you if you show an overall good and not evil personality. He'll even bring you a flower (which is one of the easiest ways to start the romance). As long as you do not mock Alistair or make fun of him you will not lower his approval in conversation. He is a righteous and noble person and will disapprove of anything too morally corrupt. Morally ambiguous choices do not tend to affect his approval.

    The Best Gifts For Alistair:

    Witch Gone Wild
    Experienced the thrill of romance with Morrigan.
    By thrill of romance, they do mean you must unlock the 'naughty' scene in order for this trophy to pop up. Just being in love with them and kissing is not enough. Morrigan is fairly easy to romance with if you're a man and impossible if you're a woman. Once you break that outer shell Morrigan will open up a bit more to you, just get her in your tent early because once she is in love with you it will be much much harder. Morrigan is more of a flinger then she is a lover. It is possible to romance her right out of Lothering with enough gifts and saying the right things. Morrigan likes to see you be your own person and ignore the aid of others. She will give a lot of approval for the morally corrupt path. Expect a lot of disapproval if you're a righteous person.

    The Best Gifts For Morrigan:

    Easy Lover
    Experienced the thrill of romance with Zeveran.
    By thrill of romance, they do mean you must unlock the 'naughty' scene in order for this trophy to pop up. Just being in love with them and kissing is not enough. Zeveran is almost inevitably going to hit on you. As long as you don't degrade him in a racially insensitive way and talk a little dirty he'll happily make love to you. Loving Zeveran will put the both of you in a slightly more awkward then normal position with him, so making naughty early on is a good thing here. he tends to liek the morally ambiguous path the most, not always approving the evil deeds and being disappointed of some of your good deeds.

    The Best Gifts For Zeveran:

    Wine, Women, And Song
    Experienced the thrill of romance with Leliana.
    By thrill of romance, they do mean you must unlock the 'naughty' scene in order for this trophy to pop up. Just being in love with them and kissing is not enough. Leliana is easily the hardest character to start a romance with as a female, and only slightly less hard as a male. If you're female, follow dialog that is very flirtatious with Leliana whenever possible. If you do things right after she compliments your hair the romance will start. She is very religious, and even after you've hardened her through her personal quest, she will still frown on you for any evil deed. In fact, she'll try and kill you if you defile the urn, so be careful.

    The Best Gifts For Leliana:

    Main character learned a specialization.
    You're given up to two specialization points per character when you level up. The first point is a t level 7, while the second is at 14. Specializations add a slight boost in their given field of stats as well as open up four new abilities to add points to. All you need to do is unlock the specialization (find the respective trainer, the tome, or be lucky to have it unlocked already) and you will earn this trophy.


    Main character learned two specializations.
    See the Veteran trophy.

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    Last edited by GhostBabel23; 14-01-2011 at 10:54 PM.

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