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Thread: Prince of Persia & Epilogue DLC Trophy Guide (Includes Combo Specialist Guide)

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    Prince of Persia & Epilogue DLC Trophy Guide (Includes Combo Specialist Guide)

    Prince of Persia & Epilogue DLC Trophy Guide
    Includes Combo Specialist Guide

    Written By JimBobIV

    1 2 3 36 8

    Platinum Path

    In order to help you get the Platinum trophy the most efficient way possible, I have created a short roadmap. This outlines what you should attempt to do in what order, and also what to avoid doing so as not to miss any trophies. Note that while the Platinum can be achieved in a single play through of the game, this is quite hard to manage. This is because of two trophies; Be gentle with her and Speed demon. The former requires you to play the game really carefully and avoid excessive ‘dying’, while the latter has you rushing through the game as quickly as you can. My advice to you would be to allow yourselves two play throughs to get the Platinum, concentrating on each trophy separately. However, if you do want to get them in the same go, 12 hours is pretty lenient a time to speedrun the game in, so if you concentrate on not dying, you will likely get them both anyway.

    1st play through:
    1. When you get to each Boss, make sure to get the ‘Special’ trophy that goes alongside it.
    2. If you die often doing a specific section, reload your game and try it again. Don’t allow more than three deaths per acrobatic segment.
    3. Don’t take too long trying to reach hard to find Light Seeds, you will only need to collect around 600 to complete the game, the rest can be gotten after you have beaten the game.
    4. When you heal all of the Fertile Grounds, create a new save file (or even earlier if you are worried) before fighting Ahriman.
    5. Get Precious time after beating Ahriman (see individual trophy tips).
    6. After you have finished the game (hopefully being awarded both of the afore-mentioned trophies), reload your save file and finish off the remaining trophies.

    2nd play through
    If needed, get whichever of Be gentle with her or Speed Demon you missed first time round.


    Trophy Difficulty: Moderate
    Offline Trophies: 51
    Online Trophies: 0
    Approximate Time to Platinum: 15 - 30 hours
    Minimum Number of Playthroughs: 1
    Miss-able Trophies: Many
    Known Glitched Trophies: Be gentle with her, Speed Demon, Combo Specialist.

    Miss-able trophy warning

    Several trophies in this game can be missed from a single play through by mistake, purely because of the fact that when you complete the game, the game is saved and you cannot return to mop up any trophies that you have missed. In essence then, any trophies that will not be earned automatically by completing the game can be missed in this way. This includes Light Seeds 700+, both ‘View’ trophies, various combat trophies etc. The best way to avoid this problem is to create a back up save file of your game, which you can return to after completing the game.

    Also, there are four trophies only available during each of the four times you face various bosses throughout the game. These are the ‘Special’ trophies. You need to make sure that you either attain these trophies when you reach the boss in question, or make sure that if you don’t manage it the first time, you create a separate save file for the fight.

    Unlock all trophies.
    As ever, you need to unlock all of the other trophies in the game(excluding the trophies found in the DLC pack) to obtain the Platinum. This is a relatively easy Platinum to unlock and also very enjoyable, especially if you are a fan of this genre of game. See the roadmap for specific tips.



    Completing the Canyon.
    Continuing the trend of easy trophies, you will unlock this trophy when you leave the Canyon. Shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes.

    Use the Compass.
    After Elika joins you, you can use the Compass. To do so you need to press . This will send a bolt of light to where you need to go next, which makes it a lot easier to navigate the world of Prince or Persia. You unlock the trophy after using it the first time, but I recommend that you make good use of this throughout the game. You can select a destination to be directed to using the map in game.

    Heal the Land
    First Healing.
    Another unmissable story based trophy, you will unlock this after you reach your first Fertile Ground and Heal it. Won’t take too long.

    Saviour of the City of Light
    Final Healing.
    You will get this trophy after you visit and Heal every Fertile Ground in the game and after you have beaten every Boss as well. This is very close to the end of the game and while it’s not difficult to Heal an area, or beat a Boss, doing them all can take a while.






    Explore every part of every region.
    Pretty self-explanatory, merely visit every location on the map. You will need several hundred Light Seeds in order to do this, but they do come quite naturally to you as you play the game. Can’t be missed.

    Block Master
    Block 50 attacks.
    Very easy trophy. Just get into a battle and hold down until you have blocked enough attacks and the trophy is yours. Alternatively, just play the game normally, making sure you do a few blocks here and there and you will get this eventually. There is no real need to hunt for this specifically.

    Deflect Master
    Deflect 20 attacks.
    A little bit tougher than Block Master, but not by much. To deflect an attack, you need to press block, , just when the enemy lands its blow. You will actually get an on screen prompt for this when one of your attacks gets blocked. You really don’t need to try to get this specifically either, as it will definitely only be a matter of time if you play the game enough.

    Sword Master
    Perform 14 hits in one combo.
    This can be a little tricky/annoying to pull off. Firstly, figuring out the combo that you need to do is hard (I have that covered for you, so no worries there at least) and then you need to make sure you perform it against an enemy that won’t die halfway through, or fall off a ledge, or block your attacks. I recommend the Concubine for this. The final fight with her is fought on a large platform and she is the least likely of all the Bosses to end your combo with a block.

    There are several combos that you can use here. If you understand how the battle system works, then you will be able to get a better idea of what it is you trying to do. Essentially you need to start a combo, but before you do a combo-ending sequence of attacks, you need to bring Elika into the fray. Then before you end that combo part, you need to turn it into a grab combo, then into an aerial/acrobatic one. So, if you followed that, then you should be able to work this out for yourself, but in any case, here is an example combo that will work:

    Remember to press the next button just as you land the blow before. It will take some time and practice, but you should get it in the end.

    Be gentle with her
    Elika saves you fewer than 100 times in the whole game.
    Simple enough idea, but can be tricky to pull off. This game has replaced the traditional idea of dying if you fall from a great height, or drown or get eviscerated by an angry demon thing with getting ‘saved’ by Elika. So this trophy actually requires you to ‘die’ less than 100 times in the game. If you are trying to get this on your first attempt of playing the game, I would advise patience. Most of the platforming sections are very easy to die during, especially if you do not know what is ahead. If you die more than three times during one platforming bit, I recommend that you reload your game, otherwise you will quickly amass more than 100 deaths.

    There is a potential glitch with trophy. It has been widely reported that a lot of people received this trophy at the end of the game, even though they died way more than 100 times. No one really knows what causes this, but you might get lucky and earn this trophy at the end of the game, despite not doing what it takes to achieve it. I wouldn’t rely on that though.

    Use the environment against an enemy.
    During some fights in the game, you will be fighting in an area that has a few pillars scattered about. A specific example of this is the Concubine fight(s). To get the trophy, you simply need to force your opponent into a pillar. This will break the pillar and damage the enemy. Even after you do this once to get the trophy, it is still a good tactic to use in future fights.

    Up against it
    Win a wall mini-game in combat.
    This is an easy trophy to get. During any fight in an area that has walls, simply get the enemy near the wall and either try to pin them against it, or get pinned against it yourself. This will cause a mini battle-within-a-battle to take place where you need to mash as quickly as possible to win the mini-game, cause serious damage to your opponent and be awarded a trophy (the first time at any rate).

    Ruined Citadel Runner
    Run from the Sun Temple’s Fertile Ground to the Fertile Ground in Windmills in 5 minutes.
    The first of a fun series of trophies to get, I would recommend getting these trophies ‘post-game’ as they may take some time to do and also will probably cause you to die quite a lot. Of course, you may actually earn these without trying to get them specifically.

    Open your map and set the Sun Temple as you destination, then use the Compass to get to the Fertile Ground there. Then open your map again and this time set Windmills as your goal. Now run to the Fertile Ground there as quickly as you can (using your Compass whenever you become lost) and you should unlock the trophy. The time limit on all of these trophies is quite forgiving and it doesn’t matter if Elika has to save you during your run, so it isn’t too hard to manage this.

    Vale Runner
    Run between the Fertile Grounds in the Construction Yards and Heaven’s Stair in 6 minutes.
    Use the same method as in Ruined Citadel Runner to get this trophy.

    Royal Palace Runner
    Run between the Fertile Grounds in the Royal Gardens and Coronation Halls in 4 minutes.
    Use the same method as in Ruined Citadel Runner to get this trophy.

    City of Light Runner
    Run between the Fertile Grounds in the Tower of Ahriman and City of Light in 7 minutes.
    Use the same method as in Ruined Citadel Runner to get this trophy.

    Warrior Special
    Dodge the Warrior’s attacks 20 times in one battle.
    You should do this the first time you fight the Warrior as you only have a limited number of chances to fight him, making this a miss-able trophy. In fact, that goes for all of the ‘Special” trophies.

    Note that this is not referring to the quick time events (QTEs) that you will have to complete whenever you fight the Warrior. These are short cinematic sequence where you have to press buttons at the correct times, which usually results in you dodging an attack. What you have to do instead is, while you in control of the Prince as normal, wait for him to take a swipe at you and then press any direction and which makes you roll or jump out of the way of his attack. Do this 20 times in one fight and the trophy will be yours.

    Beating the Warrior for the final time will also give you another trophy, but after this, if you haven’t got Warrior Special, you have missed it and will need to start a new game, or reload an old save.

    Hunter Special
    Deflect the Hunter’s attacks 5 times in one battle.
    As in Deflect Master, you will need to press just when the Hunter attacks you. You will be prompted onscreen if he has just blocked one of your attacks. Do this 5 times and the trophy is yours. These Deflects will also count towards your Deflect Master trophy if you haven’t got it yet.

    Beating the Hunter for the final time will also give you another trophy, but after this, if you haven’t got Hunter Special, you have missed it and will need to start a new game, or reload an old save.

    Alchemist Special
    Defeat the Alchemist without using the acrobatic attack.
    Simple enough, just make sure you don’t press during the fight with the Alchemist. Ever. This might the fight itself a bit tougher, but shouldn’t pose any great challenge.

    Beating the Alchemist for the final time will also give you another trophy, but after this, if you haven’t got Alchemist Special, you have missed it and will need to start a new game, or reload an old save.

    Concubine Special
    Defeat the Concubine without using grab.
    Again, pretty simple trophy to get, just don’t press during you fight with the Concubine and the trophy will unlock.

    Beating the Concubine for the final time will also give you another trophy, but after this, if you haven’t got Concubine Special, you have missed it and will need to start a new game, or reload an old save.

    Light Seeds Finder
    Collect 100 Light Seeds
    See Light Seed Master for details.

    Light Seeds Collector
    Collect 200 Light Seeds
    See Light Seed Master for details.

    Light Seeds Provider
    Collect 300 Light Seeds
    See Light Seed Master for details.

    Light Seeds Locator
    Collect 400 Light Seeds
    See Light Seed Master for details.

    Light Seeds Harvester
    Collect 500 Light Seeds
    See Light Seed Master for details.

    Light Seeds Hoarder
    Collect 600 Light Seeds
    See Light Seed Master for details.

    Light Seeds Gatherer
    Collect 700 Light Seeds
    See Light Seed Master for details.

    Light Seeds Accumulator
    Collect 800 Light Seeds
    See Light Seed Master for details.

    Light Seeds Protector
    Collect 900 Light Seeds
    See Light Seed Master for details.

    Light Seeds Master
    Collect 1001 Light Seeds
    You need to collect every single Light Seed in the game to get this trophy (and all of the other Light Seed trophies while you are at it). There are a total of 1000 found in the game, with one last one waiting for you after you beat Ahriman. In order to even beat the game, you need to unlock of the powers available to the Prince which requires you to collect at least 540 Light Seeds. With this many collectables, it is not feasible to write a guide to finding each one specifically, nor do I think it would be particularly helpful. So instead I will just give some general advice.

    You can keep track of how many Light Seeds you are missing from individual sections of the map by looking in your map screen. If you put your cursor over a specific area, it will give you a total of how many Light Seeds you have out of how many there are to get. This makes keeping track of where you are missing Seeds a lot easier. Remember though that the blue circles on the map refer to not only that area’s Fertile Ground but also to much of the area surrounding it, including about halfway down the various paths that lead out from that area to other sections on the map. So you will need to check those bits as well.

    There is a trophy breaking glitch that many people have suffered from while going for this trophy, which is that at some point during the game, one of the Light Seeds goes missing, both from your collection and the total available on the map. This means that after collecting all of the Light Seeds that you can, your total will be 1000, not 1001. This stops you from getting the trophy and unfortunately, there is no way to fix this without starting a new game. The most believed theory about why this happens is that if you save the game after just having collected a Light Seed, so that you are still standing on the spot where the Seed was, then if you reload this save, the game will have forgotten that the Light Seed was there, but it doesn’t count as you having collected it. This is only a theory though, so it may happen whether or not you do what I have advised you not to do above. If this does happen to you, the earlier you spot it (that is to say, realise that the remaining Light Seeds available on the map will only give you 999 and not 1000) then the less effort you will have wasted in trying to get this trophy.

    Finally, I would strongly advise not going for this trophy before you have beaten the game. Firstly because you will be ruining the chances of getting the speed run trophy if you haven’t already got it and secondly because you need to unlock all of the Prince’s powers before you can collect all of the Light Seeds from an area anyway.

    Speed Kill
    Kill 10 generic enemies before they spawn.
    The generic enemies are just the most common ones made of black smoke that you will find scattered about the platforming areas of the game. You will often see them about to spawn in the distance as you run towards them. They look like a big tornado of black smoke. If you reach them quickly enough, you can kill the enemy before it changes from the smoke to the form where you have to fight it properly. You need to kill 10 enemies in this fashion.

    Not very hard to do at all and you will probably get this trophy without really working for it, but just naturally as you play the game. Just remember to move fast if you see one in the distance and you’ll get it in no time.

    Throw Master
    Throw 10 Soldiers of Ahriman into pits.
    Pretty self explanatory really, the Soldiers of Ahriman are the generic enemies discussed in the above trophy tip. During a fight with one, if you can get it towards the edge of the platform and win another button mashing type mini-game, you will throw the enemy off of the edge of the platform, killing it. Simply do this 10 times throughout the course of playing the game. Another trophy that will probably come naturally as you play.

    Assassin View
    Find the Assassin’s view.
    Based on the game Assassin’s Creed, you need to find a ‘viewpoint’ and stand at the end of it in the same style of AC. The Assassin’s View is found in the Martyr’s Tower in the Hunter’s section of the map. It is really close to where you arrive if you teleport to it. Follow this very good video, made by PringlesForAidan (not me!) and you’ll get it in no time. Note that you need to have Healed the Fertile Ground here before you can get it.

    Titanic view
    Find the Titanic View
    Even easier than the Assassin’s View, you will find this in the Machinery Ground in the Alchemist’s bit of the map. When you teleport there after having Healed the Fertile Ground, you simply need to turn around and you will see a bit of wood sticking out pointing towards nothing. It’s called the Titanic View because the viewpoint juts out of the end of a boat, and standing on the edge supposedly brings to mind the movie Titanic. You won’t need a video I’m sure, but just in case, here is another by PringlesForAidan.

    In Harmony
    500 coop jumps.
    To do a coop jump, you need to press to jump and then, while you are still in the air, press to have Elika help you by extending the length if your jump. You will need this ability to progress though the game and will probably end up using it more than 500 times throughout the game anyway, so you don’t need to try too hard to get this. If you really want it as quickly as possible, just run around for a while doing coop jumps until you get it, but honestly, you really don’t need to do it this way.

    Precious Time
    Take one minute to think.

    The reason I have given this two stars by the way is because it is hard to reach the point in the game where you can unlock it, not for the difficulty of getting the trophy itself. Plus it’s really not a helpful description now is it?

    Where’s that Temple?
    Talk to Elika.
    See Good Company for details.

    Getting to Know You
    Get to know Elika by talking to her.
    See Good Company for details.

    Good Company
    Learn about the world, and Elika’s history.
    This trophy, and the two similar in nature to it, require you to talk to Elika using . Sometimes you will be prompted to do so if she has something new to say, but you can usually just talk to her without waiting for a prompt icon. It will take a fair amount of talking to get all three trophies, so I would advise that you just talk to her every now and then as you play the game. The things she talks about are fairly interesting so it’s not too onerous a task. If you want the trophy right away though, just keep hitting for a few minutes until they all unlock. Pretty easy trophies to get really.

    Climbing to New Heights!
    Find the highest point in the world.
    The highest point in the game is found during the final fight with the Alchemist and you can’t actually miss this trophy. It should pop up after you have finished climbing up all of the hot-air balloons found in that stage.

    Sinking to New Depths!
    Find the lowest point in the world.
    Unlike the New Heights! trophy, you will not get this automatically by playing through the game and will need to know where to look. It is very easy actually, if you know where to look of course. Teleport to the Temple (if you are not already there) and head to the left (as you are looking). Follow the cliffs around and you will eventually come across a short drop into an unremarkable looking pit. Head the end of the pit and you should get the trophy. Here is another video by PringlesForAidan showing you how to get it.

    Speed Demon
    Finish the game in under 12 hours.
    Self explanatory really, just play the game quickly and you shouldn’t have any problems. 12 hours is a very generous amount of time. I beat it in less than 8 the first time I played and I wasn’t playing particularly fast and I did a bunch of extras as well.

    However, if you are struggling, then I would suggest that you only collect the Light Seeds that you need to get in order to progress to the end of the game and leave the rest for later. Also, don’t worry about how often you die, you can try for
    Be gentle with her another time. Also, don’t bother talking to Elika, it isn’t necessary. Honestly though, I don’t think this will be a problematic trophy to get. It is only really as hard as beating the game in the first place.


    Combo Specialist
    Find every combo in the game.
    This is quite possibly the most difficult trophy in the entire game. You need to successfully execute every combo that is listed in the Combo Tree in the menu screen to unlock it. This does not mean that you need to perform every combo that it is possible to do as there are a lot more than are listed in the menu. This will still take a very long time though, and you will have no way of knowing which combos you performed. I would suggest doing is to start working on it from the start of a new game (which can easily be your first play through). When you have got past all of the prologue stuff (before you reach the temple I mean), then you can start working on the trophy. When you reach your first enemy, do the first combo on the list. When that has been done properly, then do the next and so on. When the enemy is about to die, let him ‘kill’ you. This will recharge some of its health and you can get a few more combos out of him. When you do finally kill him, make a note of where you got to in the list and carry on with the next enemy. When you do finally perform all of the combos successfully, you need to finish the fight that you are in for the trophy to register.

    Important note: in order for a combo to count towards your total, it must be executed completely. This means that every blow is landed as expected and also that the enemy doesn’t get pushed off an edge into a wall or die during the combo.

    Now, the list of combos. A lot of people have been very confused about which combos you need to do in order to get the trophy. Understandably so too. The combo list found in the menu isn’t overly clear as to what you actually need to do in order to get the combo in question and the trophy description doesn’t help. There are 62 different combos found on the menu and these are the ones that you need to perform. I will show you how confusing this is. In the normal attack section, there is a combo that goes . This performs a slash with the sword and then Elika jumps in and attacks. Why isn’t there then? This gives a slash and then Elika jumps in and then jumps in again. This is a perfectly valid combo, but it isn’t necessary for you to do. This is because you have actually combined two combos from different branches of the combo tree, namely and which is found in the Elika section. However, this doesn’t mean that you can do this combo and it counts them both, you need to perform each one separately. This is one reason why the combo list is confusing.

    Another reason why the combo list is confusing is that the combos shown on the screen aren’t the list of buttons you need to press, it depends on where you are in the combo tree. For example, in Elika’s section, there is a combo denoted as . So you go into a battle and press and lo and behold, it makes Elka attack, which is what you were expecting and so you imagine that you have done this combo correctly. Wrong. Instead, this represents the combo because you must start an ‘Elika’ combo before pressing the buttons in the menu list and to start an ‘Elika; combo, you must press . It’s not too complicated once you think about it, but you do need to be aware. For a comprehensive list of the combos you need to perform, all neatly gathered in one place, see the second post in this Guide.

    Here is a video, once again made by the fantastic PringlesForAidan that shows just what you need to do to get this trophy. His method is similar to the one I have described above, but instead of spreading out his combos amongst different enemies, he does them all on the Concubine.

    One final note, this trophy in notoriously glitchy and sometimes it may not pop up after you do all the combos needed, but at some random point throughout the rest of the game. As long as you perform all of the combos in the video, or in the below list, you should get the trophy eventually.

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    Epilogue DLC Trophy Guide
    Written By JimBobIV

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    All the Frescos
    Reach all Ormazd’s Frescos in the Epilogue.
    Unlike the main game, the Epilogue is entirely linear and so anything that is collectable in nature will be completely miss-able. Bear that in mind as you hunt for Ormazd’s Frescos. Ormazd’s Frescos are rectangular panels that are glowing with a bright blue light and are hidden throughout the Epilogue. In order to ‘reach’ one, you need to touch it with the Prince, either by jumping to it, wallrunning across it or landing on it. This will turn off the light which proves that you have reached it.. There are 10 in total and to get this trophy, you need to reach them all. If you come across one during a platforming section, but then fail to make it to safety, it will not count as reaching the Fresco, you need to reach the end of the section for it to stay activated. As the Frescos ten to be well hidden and hard to reach, this can be an issue you need to aware of.

    Below is a great video guide (made by McFlyGold) showing you where to find and how to reach every Fresco in the game.

    A Fresco of Light
    Reach one Ormazd’s Fresco in the Epilogue.
    See All the Frescos for details.

    Born Dead
    Kill all the soldiers of the Epilogue before they spawn.
    This is actually pretty tough. Just as in the main game, if you are quick enough when it comes to reaching the area where you need to fight an enemy, you are allowed to kill it before it can spawn properly. To get this trophy, you must kill every single enemy in the Epilogue in this fashion. This is really a test of your platforming skills. If you can see an enemy smoke vortex in the distance, you know that you must rush to reach it in order to speed kill it. It can be tricky so if you reach an enemy and it spawns, restart and try again. It can be done, just takes some practice and determination.


    Bouncing From Here to There
    Complete the puzzle with rebound in the Epilogue.
    You’ll come across this puzzle about two thirds of the way through the Epilogue. It isn’t very hard to complete and can’t be missed. If you complete the Epilogue, then you will have gained this trophy.

    Leaving the storm
    Complete the Epilogue.
    The Epilogue is linear and pretty easy to beat to be honest. It shouldn’t take you too long and there really isn’t too much that needs be said in terms of advice. If you are struggling to reach a particular Fresco or speed kill a particular enemy then you might as well carry on and finish the game. The Epilogue is so short that it won’t really matter if you ignore them for the time being and replayed the game to get them later.



    The Best Offence is Good Defence
    Defeat any enemy of the Epilogue by only starting a combo with a Deflect and Counter-Attack.
    Easy enough, to get this just get into a fight and wait for the enemy to attack you. Just as you are about to get hit, press to deflect it. This is your chance to launch an attack. Try to make the combo a good long one as you will have to wait for another deflection in order to launch another attack. This won’t take long, you just need to concentrate on not attacking the enemy until you get a deflection.

    Change Once, Then Die
    In the Epilogue, defeat the Shapeshifter with only one shape change.
    The Shapeshifter is the new Boss you have to fight throughout the Epilogue and as its name suggests, it can change its form mid-fight. Fortunately you will recognise both forms as it simply re-uses two of the Bosses from the main game. To get the trophy, you need to kill it before it has the chance to change its form more than once. It will definitely shapeshift at least once during your fight, no matter how well you play. However, it is very doable to kill it before it changes again, you just have to fight it well and without making too many mistakes. You have several chances to get this trophy throughout the Epilogue, so don’t worry too much if you can’t get it straight away.

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    Combo Specialist Guide
    Written By JimBobIV

    Normal Combos:

    Elika Combos:

    Lift Combos:

    Acrobatic Combos:

    Throw Combos:

    Aerial Combos:

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