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Thread: toy story 3 level 5 won't unlock

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    just4alaff is offline
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    toy story 3 level 5 won't unlock

    Hi can anyone help me because in toy story 3 game i have done every thing up to the daycare centre level 4 i have collected all items but level 5 will not open so can someone tell me how to get it to open. thanks.
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    SFBanks is offline
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    You just need to complete the 3 tasks, Mini car ride, Bullseye ballon race and the alien shoot. Then just go back and speak to lotso.
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    the pacifist
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    the pacifist is offline
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    Are you trying to unlock the item on the map that is next to the day care centre, if so that is missions 6, you need to go to bonnie's room first which is the bottom left corner of the game board. Hope this helps
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  4. #4
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    Leec1991 is offline
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    Have you got it going now?
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