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Thread: Anyone using XIM/FragFX/FRAGnSTEIN?

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    riggs is offline
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    Anyone using XIM/FragFX/FRAGnSTEIN?

    Have been looking into these products over the past couple of days and I've just ordered the parts to build myself a XIM. I'm not really much of an online gamer, mainly down to the fact that my brain and hands just can't deal with analog sticks for aiming. From what I've read, the XIM seems to be the most accurate solution for using a keyboard/mouse on a PS3, although it does have it's drawbacks;
    1. You need a PC/laptop to run the software
    2. It takes time to map buttons/tweak the software to get it to run as desired
    3. You need to build it yourself, or spend $89.99 + p&p to get one from the US

    Anyone else using XIM or similar? What are your thoughts?

    I know this is risky business asking questions about this type of peripheral. A lot of hardcore pad users tend to think that keyboard/mouse is cheating. Personally I don't. I want to get into online gaming, but I'm totally crap with a pad and get my ass handed to me every single time. If a keyboard/mouse set up brings me upto par with good pad users then I'll be a happy bunny.

    Will post pictures/review once I build and test the unit...

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    saviour100 is offline
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    Nope but i would be extremely interested, please keep this updated
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    riggs is offline
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    Will do mate

    I've had my order confirmations through so will hopefully have the parts by the end of the week.
    Can't wait to try it out!

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    MadDragon1846 is offline
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    I bought a frag fx v2 while back (was only �15 so I though what the heck and got it lol) tried it on Uncharted 2 and it sucked! you could look around fine, but soon as you held the aim button (L1? I forget lol) the aiming would go all choppy and I couldn't hit anything... so I threw it in the corner of my room and thats where it's been ever since lol. :undecided:

    I got it so headshots would be easier for Crushing mode (I'm better with keyboard and mouse) , turned out it was alot easier to aim with the sticks than the frag fx lol. (yup I tried all the settings on it, like the sensitivity etc).
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    saviour100 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by riggs View Post
    Will do mate

    I've had my order confirmations through so will hopefully have the parts by the end of the week.
    Can't wait to try it out!
    Please PM me where you got the parts and what all was needed mate

    I am a PC gamer and i can play any FPS without a problem and enjoy mouse/KB
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    TomTom- is offline
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    My mate offered me a FragFX V2 a couple of days ago for my birthday, I tried it quickly on Killzone 2 and it's OK (some latency though, but this game is an exception as I read it on various websites), on Battlefield 1943 too and it's really great.
    I think it needs some time to adapt, but my first impression is clearly good.
    Although I wouldn't use it with Uncharted 2, cause it's not a FPS and doesn't really need a mouse to be played.
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    riggs is offline
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    @MadDragon1846: apparently, Uncharted isn't really suited to this type of control. In fact, Uncharted 2 doesn't work properly with the XIM. There's something about the original control system in that you never actually walk straight forward...there's always a slight amount of left/right applied when walking. Thus, the XIM doesn't work properly.

    @saviour100 - I ordered a Viper PS2-USB adaptor from, but for the USB PCB I ended up having to order from overseas. I am actually looking into a UK supplier, but unfortunately the only one I've found requires that you order a quantity.

    I've actually been thinking about contacting the supplier to purchase 20 or so PCBs, which I could use to build some XIM units and sell them on eBay. Depends on whether they work as intended and I can drum up some interest. Plus, I'd need to find the cash for the initial investment...hmmm.

    But anyhoo, that's something to think about later down the line. First off I need to make sure these things are actually worth it.

    I've received the PS2 adaptor today, and managed to pick up a broken PS2 pad from work (to salvage the cable from). Assuming the PCB arrives by the weekend I'll pop over to my dads and use his soldering iron to build the thing!

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    EstonianBeast is offline
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    My friend used something similar and he allways owned me at cod4

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    riggs is offline
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    Righty then, I've now got all the bits I need so should hopefully have it build by monday (off to my dads tomorrow to use his soldering iron/multimeter!)

    Venom PS2->PS3 (USB) adaptor;

    PS2 cable (ripped from a faulty PS2 pad);

    Silicon Labs Toolstick USB development kit;

    ...and a gutted PS2 pad (for use as an enclosure). I've glued all the buttons/sticks in place just to make it look cooler!

    I just hope I can get the software to run on a Mac (WinXP via VirtualBox). Don't really want to use Bootcamp...I removed it a month or two ago when I figured I could just use VirtualBox for the few times I actually needed to run Windows.

    Anyhoo, expect an update on monday with piccys of the completed setup and a brief review with my initial tests...

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    martd is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by riggs View Post
    Righty then, I've now got all the bits I need so should hopefully have it build by monday (off to my dads tomorrow to use his soldering iron/multimeter!)

    Venom PS2->PS3 (USB) adaptor;

    PS2 cable (ripped from a faulty PS2 pad);

    Silicon Labs Toolstick USB development kit;

    ...and a gutted PS2 pad (for use as an enclosure). I've glued all the buttons/sticks in place just to make it look cooler!

    I just hope I can get the software to run on a Mac (WinXP via VirtualBox). Don't really want to use Bootcamp...I removed it a month or two ago when I figured I could just use VirtualBox for the few times I actually needed to run Windows.

    Anyhoo, expect an update on monday with piccys of the completed setup and a brief review with my initial tests...
    Hi Riggs

    Did you ever get this working?
    Any info would be very gratefully received.


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