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Thread: Unlocking Drive Mode on each level

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    fatboyslick is offline
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    Unlocking Drive Mode on each level

    So I was happily unlocking each level for Drive mode until no more starting opening up.

    One level opened Classic and Eternal but now there's still quite a few levels without Drive Mode.

    Do I need to score higher in Forever mode to open them up as I didn't think this was the case for Drive mode, only classic and eternal.
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    TheMightyImp2 is offline
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    In my experience, it's pretty random.

    Try going back over levels that have less than 50 on. Endless seems to open once you have played a level on Forever mode about 5 times. Once you get Endless mode (is it called eternal, I can't remember) any way, and endless score of 120 will give you classic, as far as I can tell.

    Many levels open up modes on completely different levels.

    Try sprinkler again, have you opened up both 'hidden' Oasis by jumping on the plants and jumping to the higher levels? I thought I'd done as much as I could, until i revisited sprinkler in forever and drive mode..

    General opinion seems to be that no one really knows! Just do the levels you have the lowest scores on, and in the meantime rescue all cousins and presents if you haven't already done so.
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    fatboyslick is offline
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    Cheers for the heads up about the sprinkler level.

    My main issue is Drive Mode - just some levels it's not there.

    I'll just go back and replay the levels

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    fatboyslick is offline
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    Managed to sort this now. Was struggling with Classic on the Tidy Up level - couldnt get below 1 minute but eventually classic opened up
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