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    blake_ is offline
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    hover cars

    do think they will ever happen or just fantasy?
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    Haza103 is offline
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    I think it's just fantasy. Just like people in the 60's thinking we would be living in some sort of extreme future today. Epic fail!
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    Malik is offline
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    yes fantasy..
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    RGL_UK is offline
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    I think its closer than you all think.
    Maybe not in this decade, but the next is a distinct chance.

    Research into this method of transport has been on going for many years with some advance's made.

    This is the Moller M400 Skycar.

    This is the Moller M200G Volantor.

    This is the X-Hawk.

    I know they are not the most pretty things and not really stuff you would want to drive around.
    But imagine the next step in each of the production lines .

    But before we all get to excited proof of the working technologies needed to make such vehicles possibly is sketchy at best. Videos on Moller's website show an M200 hovering above the ground, but with a safety wire connected to an overhead crane. While the video of X-Hawk personal flying platform is an inconclusive three seconds long.

    The flying cars will have to be as easy to drive as normal cars in order that there is a large enough market to bring the unit cost of the vehicle down.

    It will also require substantial advances in ATM systems, with the potential for hundreds of thousands of vehicles flying at low altitudes close to each other and over populated areas. And where do you land? On a special highway on-off ramp for take-off and landing or at special VTOL sites within urban areas?

    Because of the potential of vehicles in flight, for the ATM you may have to choose a decentralized system relying on individual vehicle computer systems using a "sense and avoid" technology that is aware of the other vehicles in nearby air space. And so while all of them can work separately, they can all maneuver to avoid each other such as how birds can fly in flocks and never collide.

    So where's your flying car? Not coming to a dealer near you any time soon.
    ~If you need help then please click here and send me a message stating your problem and any relevant information~
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    kjkg is offline
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    Bonnie Glasgow
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    Well done Blake for posting possibly the best question on this site.
    I cant see it happening. Put it one way, the government are pushing for lower fuel consumption and "greener" modes of transport. Do you honestly seeing a car that produces enough force to make it hover feet above the ground, being "economically friendly". Haha, just doesnt strike me as possible...... YET

    Cheers Simmy_82 for the sig!
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