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Thread: Cabela's North American Adventures Trophy Guide
Cabela's North American Adventures Trophy Guide
Cabela's North American Adventures Trophy Guide
Written by kjkg
Platinum Path/Custom Roadmap title
Trophy Difficulty: Easy
Offline Trophies: 22
Online Trophies: 4 (all doable on your own)
Minimum number of play throughs: 1 (if you start on Pro hunter)
Number of miss-able trophies: 0 (all levels are replayable)
Known glitched trophies: 0
Master of the Hunt
Unlocked all Trophies
Collect all the other trophies to get this. Won't be difficult.
Accomplished Hunter
Finished the Career on Pro Hunter difficulty setting
You might aswell start the game on this difficulty. It really isn't hard and means you only have to play through the game once. The one noticable difference between this difficulty and Sportsman is on this difficulty you aren't able to see animals organs by using VITALS. However, as long as you aim for where the heart should be, you won't struggle.
The Good Hunter
Finished the Career on Sportsman difficulty setting
There really isn't too much point playing on this difficulty as the game is pretty easy. If you do, I'd advise that you learn where the heart is on each animal so you know when you play on Pro Hunter.
Perk Expert 
Used at least 8 different Perks against opponents in an Online Match
Very easy. Go to online, and choose Host Match. Choose whatever match you like. Change players to 4. Keep bots, vitals and perks enabled. Now change [/u]private slots to 3[/u]. Thats you got free reign against the computer but it will get counted as online.
To get this trophy, grab any red power ups lying about. The appear after killing animals, so keep shooting too. Once you have a red power up press
and then the button that matches up to the power up. Now choose what opponent to use the perk on. Keep looking for red perks all over, and pretty much ignore what the game is asking you to do. Now try find 8 different perks and use them.
This can be a slight pain, as some perks just don't appear for you, but keep going and eventually you will have 8 unique perks to use.
Note that the trophy won't unlock until after the game is finished.
Gun Expert
All your rifles and shotguns in the Gun Locker are made up from unlocked parts
You can get this trophy before "Gun Collector" but it is impossible to say when as it all depends on what ranking you have on the career missions. On the mission select screen press
. Now go into each of the four guns (2 shotguns, 2 rifles). Change each of their parts until all the guns have different parts to when they started. The trophy should now appear. If there is a certain part of a gun you can't change, then just leave it and go try get A+ ranks in missions in the career mode.
Gun Collector
Unlocked all custom gun parts in the game
You unlock custom gun parts by completing the career missions. The higher rank you have (A+ being the highest) the more gun parts you unlock. To get this trophy, you need to get A+ on all the missions. You can replay any level at any time, so don't worry if you mess up on a level. Just keep practicing and learn where the animals all are.
Downed 10 Big Game Trophies with a Custom Rifle
You will unlock rifle parts from completing the first mission. Once back at the level select screen press
and customise your equipped rifle. Now continue through the career, and the trophy will appear pretty quickly.
Shotgun Expert
Downed 50 animals using a Custom Shotgun
You won't unlock any shotgun parts until the second or third mission, so this trophy isn't possible until slightly later. Once you have got some shotgun parts, change your equipped shotgun and go out on the next mission. Shoot any rabbits you see, and when you get the duck hunts, make sure to kill as many as possible. This trophy will be yours very easily.
Objective Oriented
Completed 3 collected objectives in Online Matches
Go to online, and choose Host Match. Choose whatever match you like. Change players to 4. Keep bots, vitals and perks enabled. Now change [/u]private slots to 3[/u]. Thats you got free reign against the computer but it will get counted as online.
When you kill Big Game online, a yellow cube sometimes appears over them. This gives you an objective to complete. It tends to be things like get three long distance kills, or use three perks on the same opponent. Once you do them, you will get a message saying you have completed them. You have to do three of these challenges. They don't have to be done in the same match, so just do one at a time until the trophy appears. It will appear during the match.
Finished an Online Match with at least 70% Accuracy
Go to online, and choose Host Match. Choose whatever match you like. Change players to 4. Keep bots, vitals and perks enabled. Now change [/u]private slots to 3[/u]. Thats you got free reign against the computer but it will get counted as online.
The easiest way to do this is get your shotgun and shoot a few rodents, making sure you hit them each time. Now leave the game alone and go make a cup of coffee. Come back to get the trophy at the end of the match.
Shooting Galleries Expert
Obtain Gold medals for all Courses in the Shooting Galleries
Easily the hardest trophy in the game. It is basically Time Crisis with animals. You have to make sure to change your gun depending on what you are shooting at too. This is now done by
just to confuse things.
Luckily the animals take the same path each time, so it helps to remember where the big game are, as they bag the most points. You will also have a handy scroller at the top that lets you know how close you are to gold. When your character stops infront of different coloured boxes, shoot them, as they give you handy power ups. If you stick with it, you should get the golds eventually.
Trophy Hunter
Downed all level 5 Big Trophies in Big Trophy Tournament
On the main menu, go to Big Trophy Tournament, you will have a list of 6 different animals. On each picture there is a bar showing what "level" you are on. To get this trophy you need to get all to level 5 and complete it so the bar is full to the star. Then you need to each one more time to "reset" the bar. It shouldn't be hard, but advisable to leave it until after at least half the story missions to get the hang of it.
Film Expert
Filmed at least 2 hunts worth more than 100 points
The filming aspect of the game can be a bit confusing. Basically after killing the main target in several levels, you will control your partner to film the hunt. The trick is to pan into the kill and boxes with stars will appear. If you make sure these boxes are slightly within your camera, keep steady and they will "expand" out to the edge of the screen, and you will hear a sound. If this goes right, you should see points appear on the top right corner of the screen. You can keep going for several different boxes. The more stars in the box, the more points and multiplier you get.
You need to get 100 points AND at least a 2x multiplier next to the score twice. If you don't think you got it, click edit after the film and you can try again.
Explored gun customization options within the Gun Locker
Rediculously easy for a silver, When you go into career mode, it will come up with a mission select screen. Press
and the trophy is yours. Yip, that easy!
Pro Tracker
Found 10 animal tracks
OK first thing is first, do NOT worry aboutthis trophy too much. The tracks can be pretty tricky to find, but there are a lot in the game, and since you only need 10, you will probably stumble over them. Also, in the earlier levels, they are pretty hard to spot. But in the snowy levels (near the end of career) they become quite easy. Keep an eye out for them, they tend to be pretty close to big game, but maybe in the area just before.
Obtained Gold medals in all Prairie Dog Courses
To get to this, go to Shooting Gallery and then Prairie Dog Shoot. Now in the first two and last event, use the shotgun. Sometimes some of the targets are slightly outwith your range, so ignore these. Just go for the closer targets. Always try and get the required quota as quick as possible as you get much more points for being quick than getting lots of kills. The only one that might be difficult could be the fourth area "Lost Lake" since you can only really hit the closer targets with the shotgun but with a bit of practice you will get gold on all of them no bother.
Master Caller
Made at least 3 Awesome Duck calls
This could be confusing but it is actually really easy when you know how. On the very first level, you are asked to call ducks. The game tries to encourage you to use the left analog stick, but ignore this. Just press and hold
when promted and then hold
for a short burst (until the line goes green) then let go, and repeat another 4 times, all on the one call. The bar should have 5 green short lines on it. This results in an "awesome" call. Repeat this 3 times for the trophy.
First Deer
Downed your first buck in Career Mode
If you jump straight into career (which is advisable) then you will get this in minutes. You will be getting a mini tutorial by your partner so there should be no problems with this one.
Player Hater
Used 4 Perks on the same opponent in an Online Match
Very easy. Go to online, and choose Host Match. Choose whatever match you like. Change players to 4. Keep bots, vitals and perks enabled. Now change [/u]private slots to 3[/u]. THats you got free reign against the computer but it will get counted as online.
To get this trophy, grab any red power ups lying about. The appear after killing animals, so keep shooting too. Once you have a red power up press
and then the button that matches up to the power up. Now choose what opponent to use the perk on. Choose the same person the whole way through the match to make sure. Note that green power ups only affect you, the player.
You will get this trophy at the end of the match
Found your first animal track
Your first track is pretty much anavoidable as it is on the only path you can go on in the first mission, and is right at the start. Just press
when prompted. This will probably be your first trophy.
Under Cover
Downed at least 3 Big Game Trophies from a blind or stand in Career Mode
Very easy to get. You will be directed to the stands and cover from your partner in the career, so aslong as you pay attention to your partner, you should have this by the third mission, "Alaska Early Fall".
Long Shot
Downed a Big Game Trophy from more than 80 yards
There are several places where you will get this. Obviously to make it easier, when you see a target backup as far as possible to make sure there is maximum distance between you and it. But to be honest, 80 yards isn't that far and there are plenty of places where you will get this without trying as you can't get closer to some animals.
Custom Firearms
Downed your first animal with a custom modified firearm
You will have to have completed one mission before you can get this. Depending on your rating for a mission, you will unlock firarm parts. To change these about, on the mission select screen press
. This will take you to your gun cabinet (and also get you the trophy "gunsmith"), where you can change parts on your guns. Find a changeable part, and save it. Make sure it is your equipped gun too by pressing
. Now go and do the next mission and you should get the trophy once you have killed an animal with the gun you edited.
Bow Kill
Downed your first animal with a bow
If your target is close, use the bow. In the very first mission "Pennsylvania" you will have a chance to do this. However in "Alaska Early Fall", near the very end you will get a choice from your partner on how to approach the next hunt. Choose hunt with bow and you will get the trophy once the target is dead.
Rare Trophy
Downed at least one Albino Trophy in Big Trophy Tournament
This isn't exactly hard, just lucky. While hunting, sometimes the target might be all white (albino). It doesn't happen very often but most likely will happen when you are doing the last level of one of the six hunts. If you have fully completed 5 and are on the last one of the 6th, keep replaying until it becomes albino, then kill it as usual. The more points you get in the previous rounds, the more likely you will see an albino.
One Shot, One Kill
Downed 5 Big Game Trophies with a single shot
If you are playing on Sportsman difficulty, use the VITALS option. To do so, press
while looking down the scope, allowing you to see the targets organs. Obviously the heart is the best organ to aim for.
Do this 5 times to get the trophy. If you are playing on Pro Hunter, then you have to just be sure of where the animals heart is and aim for it. If the target doesn't go down in one, just press
and restart from last checkpoint. You should get this trophy in career by the by the third mission, "Alaska Early Fall". If not, don't worry, there are plenty of Big Game targets to come.
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