Rock Band 2 Trophy Guide
Written by ZeGerman
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Platinum Path/Custom Roadmap title
Trophy Difficulty: Very Hard
Offline Trophies: 49
Online Trophies: 2
Minimum number of play throughs: 1
Number of miss-able trophies: 0
Known glitched trophies: 0
Complete Discography
Wow! You've gotten all the trophies in Rock Band 2Get all the other trophies.
Solid Gold, Baby!
Gold Starred a songTo gold star a song it MUST be done on expert, and between 97 and 100% is generally necessary, though some harder songs require less. Generally the easier the song, the higher % is needed to gold star (some easy songs you can actually get 100% without gold starring). Basically just pick a song you are comfortable with and can play well, and use your overdrive when there are the most notes, thus maximizing the points you get from it. Do well enough on a song, and you will gold star it. This can be done with more than 1 person, though EVERY PERSON has to be on expert, and I find it easiest to do it on your own, therefore not having to rely on anyone else not to mess up.
Flawless Fretwork
Scored 100% notes hit as a guitarist on ExpertThis is self explanitory, you need to ace a song on expert on guitar. You can actually make mistakes so long as you hit every note, so if you accidentally strum when there are nom notes, you can still make 100%. Pick an easy song, 2 of the free downloads are very easy ("Charlene" - Stephen and the Colberts, and "Still Alive" - GlaDos) and on disc there are a few easy ones ("So Watcha Want" - Beastie Boys, "Today" Smasing Pumpkins) and if you have the songs from RB1, there are also a few easy ones ("Maps" - Yeah Yeah Yeahs, "Here it Goes Again" - OK GO).
Flawless Drumming
Scored 100% notes hit as a drummer on ExpertAgain, self explanitory, you need to ace a song on expert drums. Again you can make mistakes, just so long as you hit every note. Easiest songs I've found for this is: "Charlene" - Stephen and the Colberts", "Simple Man" or "Gimme Three Steps" - Lynyrd Skynyrd or "Polly - Nirvana" (DLC songs), "Cool for Cats" - Squeeze, or "Eye of the Tiger" - Survivor (RB2 Disc), and "29 Fingers" - The Konks, "Creep" - Radiohead, "Gimme Shelter" - The Rolling Stones, or "Wanted Dead or Alive" - Bon Jovi (RB1 Disc). If you dont deploy overdrive at all during a song you have less notes to hit as they will continue to give you fills!
Flawless Singing
Scored a 100% rating as a vocalist on ExpertYou need to ace a song on expert vocals. Pick a song that is only talking (i.e. "So Watcha Want" - Beastie Boys, "Visions" - Abnormality [RB2 disc], "Epic" - Faith No More, "Sabotage" - Beasite Boys [RB1 disc], "D.O.A." - The Haunted, "Clouds Over California" - Devildriver [DLC]). They made the talking parts of songs very easy on RB2, therefore the best to get 100% on. I can't sing a lick and was still able to get this trophy. CHEAT ALERT...: If all else fails, you can cheat your way out of this trophy....turn the treble up on your tv and the bass all the way down, then hold the microphone up to a speaker and you will get 100%.....this will blow your speaker if not careful though so be careful!
Flawless Groove
Scored 100% notes hit as a bassist, up-strums only, on ExpertIf you can get "Flawless Fretwork", this should be easy. Just put your hand under the strum bar, pick an easy bass song like "E-Pro" - Beck, "American Woman" - The Guess Who (RB2 disc), "Blood Doll" - Anarchy Club, "Maps" - The Yeah Yeah Yeahs (RB1 disc), "Still Alive" - GlaDos, "Charlene" - Stephen and the Colberts (DLC), and make sure you only strum up towards your head, not downwards toward your feet. Should be a cinch.
Flawless Guitar Solo
100% on a guitar solo on Expert, using only the solo buttonsThe solo buttons are the smaller buttons that are closer to the strum bar. When playing a guitar solo (when the screen becomes blue and a percentage pops on top of the screen), only use the small buttons. When using the small buttons, you do not have to strum, and for this trophy, if you do strum even if using the small buttons you will not get credit for it. Just time pushing the buttons as you would normally strum. Pick a song which has an easy solo (NOT ALL SONGS HAVE SOLOS), such as "Today" - Smashing Pumpkins (RB2 disc), "When You Were Young" - The Killers (my personal choice as it is basically just the blue button over and over, and there are 2 solos of the same thing so you have more than 1 chance at it) (RB1 disc).
The Bachman-Turner Award
Maintained deployed Overdrive for 90 seconds.YOU NEED MORE THAN 1 PLAYER TO GET THIS TROPHY! That said it can be done with 2 people, though it is easier with more. I did it on guitar with a bass player. The song I chose was "Dani California" - Red Hot Chili Peppers (RB1 disc). Save up overdrive until both players are full, and then have guitar deploy first when the chorus comes in. For a video of when to do it go to and you should be fine. However, if you need to do it on another song as you dont have that one, or have more people, just have each person get a full overdrive bar, then deploy one persons at a time with the next person deploying as soon as the person in overdrive is about to run out of it. So long as your band stays at at least 2X for 90 seconds, there you have it! (This can be attained through the help of people online)
Million Point Club
Earned more than 1,000,000 points in a single songYOU NEED MORE THAN 1 PLAYER TO GET THIS TROPHY! Get a band together and pick a long song. The higher the difficulty that it is played on, the more points that are attainable. The way to get a high score is through everyone deploying overdrive at the same time, and keeping not streaks. If you have an 8X overdrive going and each player is on a long note streak, the guitar, vocals, and drums are really getting 32X and the bassist is at 48X! If you have a long song and 4 people, this should be easy. (This can be attained through the help of people online)
Defeated a player in either Score Duel or Tug of WarSelf explainatory. Beat someone in either mode, "Score Duel" requires both players to be on the same difficulty level, while "Tug of War" does not. CHEAT ALERT......: If you have 2 guitars you can do this on your own, play against yourself and play with player 1. Player 2 will have a score of 0, therefore player 1 will win and you will get the trophy. (Can be attained locally or online)
Comeback Kid
Defeated the last player that defeated you in either Score Duel or Tug of WarBasically the same as the last trophy, only you need to have lost to the person you are playing first. Just let that person win and rematch them and beat them in either mode. CHEAT ALERT.....: Again if you have 2 guitars you can do this on your own. Play with player 2 for the first song and they will win. Then switch to player 1 for the next song and win with them.
Band Savior
Was a savior 3 times during a single songYOU NEED MORE THAN 1 PLAYER TO GET THIS TROPHY! Get a band together with AT LEAST 3 PLAYERS (as 1 person can only fail twice and still be brought back). Get overdrive, and then have 1 player fail out on purpose, then bring them back. Once you have got overdrive back, have them fail again, and again bring them back. Now once you have overdrive again, have a different player fail and bring them back to have 3 saves. Then have everyone finish the song and you will recieve this trophy. (Can be attained locally or online)
Hello Cleveland!
Deployed Vocal Overdrive 4 times in a single songPick a long song, choose easy vocals (unless you can sing very well). Then just deploy overdrive 4 times over the course of a song and there you have it!
Overdrive Overdose
Achieved an 8x Band MultiplierYOU NEED A FULL BAND (4 people) TO GET THIS TROPHY! When everyone has saved up overdrive, have everyone deploy at the same time (generally wait for the drummer as they have the most limited times to be able to do it) and if you see your multiplier at 8x in the top right corner, you will get this trophy at the end of the song.
The Bladder of Steel Award
Completed the Endless Setlist 2 without pausing or failingwhich is by far the hardest trophy on the game, so i figured i would share my insights on the best way to attain the trophy......I personally did it on expert guitar to knock out 4 trophies in 1 (bladder, vinyl artist, gold artist, platinum artist) but its not necessary to do it on expert to get the bladder trophy on its own. Here are my suggestions on how to make it easiest:
Clothes to the Edge
Bought over $100,000 worth of items from the Rock ShopIn the "Rock Shop" in "Band World Tour", spend over $100,000 on clothes over the course of the game to get this trophy. Spend money only on clothes at first as money can be hard to come by at first. Once you have over $100,000 worth of clothes in your closet, you will get this trophy. My suggestion would be to wait until after you finish the Endless Setlist as you will recieve the most amount of money from that (On expert I made over $50k from completing it)
Needs more Umlauts!
Made a band logoWhen entering "World Tour Mode", there is an option for "Band Profile". Under this option you are able to create a band logo for yourself. Make and save any logo and the trophy is yours.
The San Dimas 4th Annual Award
Competed in a Battle of the Bands eventUnder "World Tour Mode", there are options for "Continue Tour", "Play Challenge", and "Battle of the Bands". Go into "Battle of the Bands", complete any setlist available and no matter how you do, the trophy is yours.
You're Hired!
Hired a staff memberDuring "World Tour Mode", after attaining enough stars, you are given a message that you are now able to hire staff members for your band. Just call your manager and hire anyone you like, it doesnt cost money to hire anyone, though they will change how much money you make per show or how many fans you recieve afterwards. Once you have hired at least 1 member, the trophy is yours.
You Killed the Radio Star
Made a music video in World TourAt some point during "World Tour Mode", after picking a song, you will be told that a film student wants to shoot a low-budget music video, and that you should throw out the song you had picked because they would choose their own song. Accept this option (you can say no), and after the song, the trophy is yours.
Got Wheels
Won a Van in World TourPlay the "World Tour" mode, eventually after gaining enough stars, you will recieve a notice to play in a showcase for a van (DW Showcase Marathon). Complete this challenge and you will get the trophy. This can be done on any difficulty level. If you call your manager, they can tell you where you need more stars to activate the challenge.
Open Road
Won a Bus in World TourContinue to play in the "World Tour" mode, and again, eventually after attaining enough stars you will recieve a notice to play in a showcase to win a tour bus (Bus or Bust Competition). Complete this challenge and you will get the trophy. This can be done on any difficulty level.
Jet Setter
Won a Jet in World TourContinue your quest through the "World Tour" mode, and after attaining the needed amount of stars, you will again recieve a notice to play in a showcase (No Pain, No Plane Challenge). Finish this challenge and you will get the trophy. This can be done on any difficulty level.
Worldwide Sensation
Gained the ability to play around the worldConitnue through "World Tour" mode, and continue to progress through different cities, until eventually you will have the ability to play in every city, therefore earning you this trophy.
West Coast Performer
Played a set on the West Coast of North AmericaIn "World Tour" mode, just play a set in any of these cities to attain the trophy: Seattle, San Francisco, or Los Angeles.
God Save the Band
Played a set in the United KingdomIn "World Tour" mode, just play a set in London.
Heartland Performer
Played a set in Middle AmericaIn "World Tour" mode, just play a set in any of these cities to attain the trophy: Austin, Chicago.
Western Europe Performer
Played a set in Western EuropeIn "World Tour" mode, just play a set in any of these cities to attain the trophy: Stockholm, Berlin, Istanbul..
East Coast Performer
Played a set on the East Coast of North AmericaIn "World Tour" mode, just play a set in any of these cities to attain the trophy: New York, Boston, Montreal.
Eastern European Performer
Played a set in Eastern EuropeIn "World Tour" mode, just play a set in any of these cities to attain the trophy: Madrid, Paris, Rome, Amsterdam.
World Tourer
Played in every venue in the worldIn "World Tour" mode, you need to play at least one set in each venue in each city. Most cities have three different venues, though some have less. Each venue outside of the first has requirements on how to unlock it and therefore be able to play there. My suggestion is that as soon as you are able to move to a different venue, you take the chance. There are 56 different venues in the game, and playing in all of them can be time consuming, especially since most of the venues that are 3rd in a city only offer 4 or more song sets.
One Million Fans
Reached 1,000,000 fans in World TourIn "World Tour Mode", get to the point where you have one million fans. Just keep playing and the more sets you do, the more your fanbase will increase. When you are able to hire staff, hire the best person available who will give you more fans per show. When you get to one million, you get this trophy.
Rock Immortal Inductee
Joined the Rolling Stone Rock Immortals listIn "World Tour" mode, at some point after winning a jet, after attaining enough stars, you will be invited to play in the "Rolling Stone Rock Immortals Challenge" at Sheng Li Stadium in Shanghai. This is an eight song set which includes "Livin' On a Prayer" - Bon Jovi, "Pinball Wizard" - The Guess Who, "Any Way You Want It" - Journey, "Let There Be Rock" - AC/DC, "Everlong" - Foo Fighters, "Carry On Wayward Son" - Kansas, "Battery" - Metallica, and "Painkiller" - Judas Priest. The last two can be very hard to complete as are harder songs featured in this game. After finishing this set/challenge, you will recieve the trophy. You cannot complete this on easy mode, only medium, hard or expert.
Vinyl Artist
Finished the Endless Setlist 2 in World Tour on Mediumn "World Tour" mode, when you reach 900 stars, you unlock the "Endless Setlist 2", which is a setlist of all 84 songs. This is time consuming but can be performed at your leisure. You just need to beat every song back to back with the difficulty set at at least medium. IF YOU ARE A PLAYER WHO PLAYS ON HARD OR EXPERT, PASS OVER THIS TROPHY AS YOU WILL GET IT THROUGH COMPLETING IT ON A DIFFERENT DIFFICULTY!!!! (Can be done on your own or with a band, on any instrument)
Gold Artist
Finished the Endless Setlist 2 in World Tour on HardIn "World Tour" mode, when you reach 900 stars, you unlock the "Endless Setlist 2", which is a setlist of all 84 songs. This is time consuming but can be performed at your leisure. You just need to beat every song back to back with the difficulty set at at least hard. IF YOU ARE A PLAYER WHO PLAYS ON EXPERT, PASS OVER THIS TROPHY AS YOU WILL GET IT THROUGH COMPLETING IT ON EXPERT!!! (Can be done on your own or with a band, on any instrument, doing this challenge will also get you "Vinyl Artist" trophy)
Platinum Artist
Finished the Endless Setlist 2 in World Tour on ExpertIn "World Tour" mode, when you reach 900 stars, you unlock the "Endless Setlist 2", which is a setlist of all 84 songs. This is time consuming but can be performed at your leisure. You just need to beat every song back to back with the difficulty set at at least expert. (Can be done on your own or with a band, on any instrument, doing this challenge will also get you "Vinyl Artist" and "Gold Artist" trophies)
Along for the Ride
Beat an instrument-specific challenge while playing another instrumentUnder "World Tour Mode", there are options for "Continue Tour", "Play Challenge", and "Battle of the Bands". Choose "Play Challenge", and choose an instrument-specific challenge (i.e. one that only needs one player to complete. Have a friend play along with you on a different instrument, and when the challenge is complete you will recieve the trophy.
Challenge Novice
Completed either 25 Challenges on Medium, 10 Challenges on Hard, or 5 Challenges on ExpertUnder "World Tour Mode", there are options for "Continue Tour", "Play Challenge", and "Battle of the Bands". Choose "Play Challenge", and go through at least 25 Challenges on Medium Difficulty, 10 Challenges on Hard Difficulty, or 5 Challenges on Expert Difficulty. If you are able to do expert, then go ahead and do expert because those will pertain to later trophies.
Challenge Master
Completed either 25 Challenges on Hard, or 10 Challenges on ExpertUnder "World Tour Mode", there are options for "Continue Tour", "Play Challenge", and "Battle of the Bands". Choose "Play Challenge", and go through at least 25 Challenges on Hard Difficuly, or 10 Challenges on Expert Difficulty. If you are able to do expert, then go ahead and do expert because those will pertain to later trophies.
Challenge Savant
Completed 25 Challenges on ExpertUnder "World Tour Mode", there are options for "Continue Tour", "Play Challenge", and "Battle of the Bands". Choose "Play Challenge", and go through 25 challenges on expert difficulty. It doesnt matter which instrument(s) these are done on, so long as they are on expert. If you struggle with expert, just do all of the ones available to you near the bottom of the list and move up as needed. When you have finished 25 total on expert, the trophy is yours. DLC pack challenges are made available if you have the songs, and do count towards the 25 total.
The Final Countdown
Unlock an Impossible ChallengeUnder "World Tour Mode", there are options for "Continue Tour", "Play Challenge", and "Battle of the Bands". Choose "Play Challenge". There are seven levels of challenges: Local Upstart, Underground Favorite, Opening Act, Chart Topper, Headliner, Legendary Act, and The Impossible Challenges. Unlock any of the challlenges in the "The Impossible Challenges" category and you will recieve the trophy. To ascend up levels, complete any instrument specific challenge or band challenge originally on the RB2 disc (there are also ones for DLC, but those dont unlock anything) and a new one will be available in the category above it.
Stage Igniters
Beat the Impossible Band ChallengeYOU NEED MORE THAN 1 PERSON TO GET THIS TROPHY! Get a friend/friends to join you (you need at least 2 people). To do this you have to unlock and beat "The Final Band Challenge" in the "The Impossible Challenges" category in "Play Challenge" mode. Just ascend the way stated in "The Final Countdown" trophy with a friend, and you will eventually reach it. This challenge can be completed on any difficulty.
Lord of the Strings
Beat the Impossible Guitar ChallengeTo do this you have to unlock and beat "The Impossible Guitar Challenge" in the "The Impossible Challenges" category in "Play Challenge" mode. Just ascend the way stated in "The Final Countdown" trophy but using only the guitar-specific challenges, and you will eventually reach it. This challenge can be completed on any difficulty.
Beat the Impossible Drum ChallengeTo do this you have to unlock and beat "The Impossible Drum Challenge" in the "The Impossible Challenges" category in "Play Challenge" mode. Just ascend the way stated in "The Final Countdown" trophy but using only the drum-specific challenges, and you will eventually reach it. This challenge can be completed on any difficulty.
Beat the Impossible Vocal ChallengeTo do this you have to unlock and beat "The Impossible Vocal Challenge" in the "The Impossible Challenges" category in "Play Challenge" mode. Just ascend the way stated in "The Final Countdown" trophy but using only the vocal-specific challenges, and you will eventually reach it. This challenge can be completed on any difficulty.
Groove Assassin
Beat the Impossible Bass ChallengeTo do this you have to unlock and beat "The Impossible Bass Challenge" in the "The Impossible Challenges" category in "Play Challenge" mode. Just ascend the way stated in "The Final Countdown" trophy but using only the bass-specific challenges, and you will eventually reach it. This challenge can be completed on any difficulty.
Buy a Real Instrument Already!
Beat any Impossible Challenge on ExpertBeat any of: The Impossible Guitar, Drum, Bass Challenges, or The Final Band Challenge on Expert mode. Pick whichever you are best at (bass is probably the easiest) and try to complete it. You only need to not fail each song, and if you do fail, you can retry on whichever song it was you failed, so just keep at it, and you should be able to work your way through this trophy.
Beat It!
Completed all beats at 60BPM or higher, or half of the beats at 140BPM or higherGo from the main menu into "Training". From there select "Drum Trainer", then "Beat Trainer". You will be brought into the 1st beat at 80 BPM (Beats per Minute) from there. There are 76 different types of beats they give you. You need to complete either 76/76 beats at 60BPM or higher, or 38/76 beats at 140BPM or higher. I recommend trying for the "The Beat Goes On" trophy, as if you get that trophy you will also recieve this one.
The Beat Goes On
Completed all beats at 100BPM or higher, or half of the beats at 180BPM or higherGo from the main menu into "Training". From there select "Drum Trainer", then "Beat Trainer". You will be brought into the 1st beat at 80 BPM (Beats per Minute) from there. There are 76 different types of beats they give you. You need to complete either 76/76 beats at 100BPM or higher, or 38/76 beats at 180BPM or higher. There is no real way to cheat this trophy, you HAVE to be able to drum well to get it. The beats come down at you, and you need to 100% each one without hitting any extra notes. You can tell whether you did it because 100% will light up at the top of your screen when you do it as well as the drum icons on the left side of your screen will light up green at the highest BPM you have done it on. To change beat speed you can go down or up on the d-pad. I recommend that you try to do as many as you can at 180 BPM and if you are unable to complete that particular beat, slow it down to 100 BPM and finish it then, then move on to the next one. As soon as you have either finished 38/76 at 180 BPM (which I did) or 76/76 at 100 BPM, you will recieve the trophy. Quick note: if you mess up, you can push left or right on the d-pad to go to the next beat, then come back to the beat you were working on and start fresh.
Fill Me In
Completed all fills at 60BPM or higher, or half of the fills at 140BPM or higherGo from the main menu into "Training". From there select "Drum Trainer", then "Fill Trainer". You will be brought into the 1st fill at 80 BPM (Beats per Minute) from there. There are 45 different types of fills they give you. You need to complete either 45/45 fills at 60BPM or higher, or 23/45 fill at 140BPM or higher. I recommend trying for the "Fill Legend" trophy, as if you get that trophy you will also recieve this one.
Fill Legend
Completed all fills at 100BPM or higher, or half of the fills at 180BPM or higherGo from the main menu into "Training". From there select "Drum Trainer", then "Fill Trainer". You will be brought into the 1st fill at 80 BPM (Beats per Minute) from there. There are 45 different types of beats they give you. You need to complete either 45/45 fills at 100BPM or higher, or 23/45 fills at 180BPM or higher. There is no real way to cheat this trophy, you HAVE to be able to drum well to get it. The fills come down at you, and you need to 100% each one without hitting any extra notes. You can tell whether you did it because 100% will light up at the top of your screen when you do it as well as the drum icons on the left side of your screen will light up green at the highest BPM you have done it on. To change beat speed you can go down or up on the d-pad. I recommend that you try to do as many as you can at 180 BPM and if you are unable to complete that particular fill, slow it down to 100 BPM and finish it then, then move on to the next one. As soon as you have either finished 23/45 at 180 BPM (which I did) or 45/45 at 100 BPM, you will recieve the trophy. Quick note: if you mess up, you can push left or right on the d-pad to go to the next fill, then come back to the fill you were working on and start fresh.
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