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- Resident Evil 5 Trophy Guide
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Thread: Resident Evil 5 Trophy Guide
Resident Evil 5 Trophy Guide
Resident Evil 5 Trophy Guide
Written by Hihihellobye (emblem guide by kurtyman)
Platinum Path/Custom Roadmap title
Trophy Difficulty: Moderate
Offline Trophies: 51
Online Trophies: 0
Minimum number of play throughs: 2
Number of miss-able trophies: 0
Known glitched trophies: 0
RESIDENT EVIL 5 Platinum Trophy
Congratulations! You've overcome all your fears in RESIDENT EVIL 5!
This automatically unlocks when you ear all other trophies (you don`t need the "Mercenaries" trophies)
Completed Chapter 1 - 1
Complete Chapter 1 - 1 on any difficulty setting.
Unlocked by playing through the story.
Completed Chapter 1 - 2
Complete Chapter 1 - 2 on any difficulty setting.
Unlocked by playing through the story.
Completed Chapter 2 - 1
Complete Chapter 2 - 1 on any difficulty setting.
Unlocked by playing through the story.
Completed Chapter 2 - 2
Complete Chapter 2 - 2 on any difficulty setting.
Unlocked by playing through the story.
Completed Chapter 2 - 3
Complete Chapter 2 - 3 on any difficulty setting.
Unlocked by playing through the story.
Completed Chapter 3 - 1
Complete Chapter 3 - 1 on any difficulty setting.
Unlocked by playing through the story.
Completed Chapter 3 - 2
Complete Chapter 3 - 2 on any difficulty setting.
Unlocked by playing through the story.
Completed Chapter 3 - 3
Complete Chapter 3 - 3 on any difficulty setting.
Unlocked by playing through the story.
Completed Chapter 4 - 1
Complete Chapter 4 - 1 on any difficulty setting.
Unlocked by playing through the story.
Completed Chapter 4 - 2
Complete Chapter 4 - 2 on any difficulty setting.
Unlocked by playing through the story.
Completed Chapter 5 - 1
Complete Chapter 5 - 1 on any difficulty setting.
Unlocked by playing through the story.
Completed Chapter 5 - 2
Complete Chapter 5 - 2 on any difficulty setting.
Unlocked by playing through the story.
Completed Chapter 5 - 3
Complete Chapter 5 - 3 on any difficulty setting.
Unlocked by playing through the story.
Completed Chapter 6 - 1
Complete Chapter 6 - 1 on any difficulty setting.
Unlocked by playing through the story.
Completed Chapter 6 - 2
Complete Chapter 6 - 2 on any difficulty setting.
Unlocked by playing through the story.
Completed Chapter 6 - 3
Complete Chapter 6 - 3 on any difficulty setting.
Unlocked by playing through the story.
Complete all chapters on Amateur.
Finish the game in Amateur or higher to get this.
Complete all chapters on Normal.
Finish the game in Normal or higher to get this.
Complete all chapters on Veteran.
Finish the game in Veteran to get this. You can earn all 3 trophies in one go if you play only in Veteran. It will unlock the other 2 as well when you finish.
War Hero
Complete all chapters on Professional.
Finish the game in Professional to get this. If you want to go straight for the kill, you can join an online game of another player in Professional without having to finish on Veteran first.
Egg Hunt
Find all 4 types of eggs.
There are four type of eggs: White, Brown, Gold and Rotten (Rotten being the hardest to get). You must have all types of eggs in your inventory to unlock the trophy. You can get help from other people if you find someone willing to give you the type you don`t have during an online game.
- White Eggs -> Kill a Snake or a Chicken. You can eat them for health. Chapters 3 and 4 have the most eggs.
- Brown Egg -> Kill a Snake or a Chicken and cross your fingers. It will occasionally drop from other enemies.
- Gold Egg -> Kill Chickens in 3-1 whilst holding a rabbit foot (joke, it`s just so rare) It also drops from random enemies in random stages. I got it from the first boss.
- Rotten Egg -> Very rare. It will drop from enemies randomly once a game. Your best bet is to look for online help.
All Dressed Up
Purchase all available alternative costumes in Bonus Features.
You must exchange points in the "Bonus Features" Section to unlock all costumes for each character.
- Safari (Chris) Finish the game on any difficulty
- Clubbin' (Sheva) Finish the game on any difficulty
- S.T.A.R.S (Chris) Shoot down 26 BSAA Emblems
- Tribal (Sheva) Shoot down 30 BSAA Emblems
Obtain all available weapons.
You will get this trophy once you have obtained all the weapons. This includes some special weapons that become available from the shop only after you upgrade other weapons. Note that you must have all weapons in your inventory for this to unlock, so don`t sell anything! If you miss any in a chapter, you can buy them from the Shop for 2,000-4,000. Specials are all 30,000 except Longbow and Gattling Gun that are 50,000.
Weapon List
Handguns (HG):
M92F -> The first gun you get
H&K P8 -> Purchase after Chapter 3
SIG P226 -> Purchase after Chapter 5
M93R -> SECRET -> Purchase after you fully upgrade M92F
Shotguns (SG):
Ithaca M37 -> Inside the Old Building in 2-1. (Before you try to save the blonde. You will need a key, that only Sheva can get you after she jumps up some broken stairs)
M3 -> On a table on 3-3
Jail Breaker -> Chapter 6-1 After the "You must have really pissed him off! On the bottom of the stairs
HYDRA -> SECRET -> Purchase after you fully upgrade Ithaca M37
Machine Guns (MG):
VZ61 -> Chapter 1-1, inside a silver box next to the gate that the Executioner comes through.
AK-74 -> Chapter 5-1, inside one of the rooms close to the Lickers.
H&K MP5 -> Chapter 2-1, inside a silver box in the first room.
SIG 556 -> Chapter 5-2, Conveyor Belt second area.
GATTLING GUN -> SECRET (Chris only Infinite ammo) -> Purchase after you fully upgrade VZ61.
Rifles (RIF):
S75 -> Chapter 2-1. After opening the locked gate and crossing, when the Helicopter comes to your aid. The last batch of enemies emerges from a house, go check inside it.
Dragunov SVD -> Chapter 2-2, inside a locker on the same room where you first meet Irving.
H&K PSG-1 -> Chapter 5-3, inside a silver box in a room where you turn on the power to give electricity to a platform to cross to the other side.
LONG BOW -> SECRET -> Purchase after you fully upgrade S75 Rifle
Magnums (MAG):
S&W M29 -> Chapter 3-1, before you lower the bridge, there is an area with spikes that you could be trapped in to the right of the map from enter point. The M29 shines on the floor
L. Hawk -> Chapter 5-3, inside a Sarcofagus that you can only open with assistance from your partner. The coffin is on the top floor of the area where you meet Wesker and Jill, you must be kicked through the blue door on the right to access it.
S&W M500 -> SECRET -> Purchase after you fully upgrade S&W M29.
Grenade Launcher -> Chapter 4-1, inside a silver case to the left of the first Blue statue that activates the stairs (lower floor)
Rocket Launcher -> Chapter 3-1, inside a silver case that rests on a semi-sunken ship near the top of the map.
Stun Rod - Purchase after Chapter 2
Proximity Bomb (Enemy drops and boxes all over the game)
Hand Grenade (Enemy drops and boxes all over the game)
Incendiary Grenade (Enemy drops and boxes all over the game)
Flash Grenade (Enemy drops and boxes all over the game)

Take It to the Max
Completely upgrade all weapons.
You must fully upgrade all weapons, including the Special ones. You will need approx 2.5 million to achieve this, so you are looking at a number of playthroughs! Professional difficulty doubles the gold you make, so it is the best place to grind it.
They Belong in a Museum
Obtain all treasures in the game.
To get this, you have to find all the 50 treasures (gems and ornaments) that are in the game. You can sell them afterwards without having to wait to have them all, it will still count. See separate FAQ
Badge of Honor
Find all the BSAA emblems.
You will get this trophy after you find and shoot down all 30 BSSA Emblems that are hidden throught the game. You can check how many you have found if you use the "Chapter Select" from your Play Game menu, and identify where you missed some. All Emblems reappear every time you play so there is no way of tracking unless you make notes.
See kutymans emblem guide here for more detail.
They're ACTION Figures!
Collect all the figurines.
This is a hard trophy to get, as you will have to buy each figurine for 500 rank points, and you will need to get all BSAA Emblems and an S ranking on ALL chapters (on any difficulty) to unlock the last 2 of them. It costs a total of about 25,000 style points, so you should concentrate on getting infinnite ammo for your guns first and come back to this last.
A Friend in Need
Save partner 10 times when HELP is displayed.
An easy trophy: Whenever you see "Help" as your partner is struggling with an enemy, run towards him/her and press Circle to kick the enemy off. Do this 10 times for the Bronze.
Save partner 10 times when DYING is displayed.
Best done online with help from a friend: When your partner is "Dying" (Very common in Professional!) run towards them to help them and press Circle to heal them. Do this 10 times for the Bronze.
Exploding Heads
Pull off 20 headshots.
You must get 20 headshot-kills. It is easy to do with an Upgraded Shotgun, but you can also use the rifles later in the game, or upgrade a magnum and enjoy.
A Cut Above :sta:
Defeat 5 enemies with the Knife.
On Chapter 1-1 after you see the Executioner chop off you ally`s head, you are trapped in a building. Barricade the door but leave the window open, and set yourself there with you knife out. Kill 5 enemies with it and you are done.
Cattle Prod
Defeat 30 enemies with the Stun rod.
After you buy the Stun Rod, you must defeat 30 enemies with it. The best place to do this is in 1-1 or 1-2, when the horde of Majini comes after you. Make sure to play on Amateur so they die easily.
Crowd Control
Defeat 30 enemies with the Gatling gun.
Once you buy the Gattling Gun, go to Chapter 1-1 as Chris. Wait to come through a window and be attacked by hordes of Maijini, set yourself near the door but without going in, and fire away until you have killed 30 of them with you new toy.
Defeat 30 enemies with the Longbow.
Once you buy the Longbow, go to Chapter 1-1 as Sheva. Wait to come through a window and be attacked by hordes of Maijini, set yourself near the door but without going in, and fire away until you have killed 30 of them with you new toy
Get Physical
Defeat 20 enemies with physical attacks.
In any chapter or throughout the game, aim for the legs of your enemies, when they stumble, run towards them and punch/kick them, and when they go down stomp/stab them. Kill 20 enemies with any physical attack and you will get this.
The Works
Chain the maximum number of combos together in one go.
This can be hard to do in Single player. You must chain 3 physical attacks (you do 2 your parner does 1) for this to work. The Gian Majini (Chapters 3 and 4) and the Brutes (Chapters 5 and 6) are good prospects: Shoot them in the legs, run up and punch/kick, and have your partner be behind them to follow up and punch/kick them back your way, then finish the guy off with another physical.
Lead Aspirin
Defeat a Majini with a headshot while it's jumping.
To get this trophy, you have to pull off a headshot when the Majini is jumping. Go to Chapter 1-1 with an upgraded Shotgun, wait until the Executioner breaks the gate, then run to the other area and go up to the roofs. Enemies will pur from the wired fence, just set yourself waiting for them to jump, aim for the head overall, and shoot. You should get it in a couple of tries.
Shoot an enemy Molotov cocktail, dynamite stick, or hand grenade.
To get this, you must shoot an enemy Molotov Cocktail, Dynamite Stick or Hand Gernade. Whenever you see enemies that have projectiles, set yourself at a safe distance, wait for them to lighten their weapon, and shoot at their hands. Chapter 2 has a great opportunity for this and you have a rifle!
Be the Knife
Deflect a bow gun arrow with your knife.
You must deflect an arrow with your knife. Go to Chapter 2-1 on Amateur, bring some herbs, and take Sheva`s weapons so she cannot kill any enemies. There will be a couple of enemies with Bows on the top of the crates. Take out all but one, then set yourself where he can aim for you. Count how long it takes for him to fire after he lights his arrow, once you have the timing down, use your knife to try and deflect. you will eventually get it.
Meat Shower
Defeat 3 Majini with one grenade or proximity bomb.
Go to Chapter 1-1 and wait to come through a window and be attacked by hordes of Maijini, set yourself near the door but without going in, with a granade in hand. As the Majini approach, throw the hand granade. If you kill 3 in one go, you will earn the trophy.
Go into the Light
Defeat 2 enemies with one flash grenade.
You must kill two enemies with one Flash Granade. Go to Chapter 4 to the mirror puzzle, and open the chest in the bottom floor. Spiders will attack you. Toss a Flash Granade to kill them all in one go and earn the trophy.
Ride the Lightning
Defeat a Majini using the electric current from a transformer.
You must kill a Majini using electricity. On Chapter 1-1, after the Executioner breaks the gate, go through it and look to the left to a pole, there is an electricity box. Shoot it down and wait for some Majini to get close to it, then shoot it again and again until you have killed some. You can also do this in 1-2, the box is close to the stairs leading up to the gate that the Chainsaw Majini breaks through.
Stop, Drop, & Roll
Defeat 3 Majini at once by setting oil canisters on fire.
You must kill 3 Majini with the fire from Oil Canisters. Go to Chapter 1-1, and after the Executioner breaks the gate, go through it and run to the other end. Turn around and shoot and the canisters by the gate, and the enemies that were trying to follow you will get caught up in the fire and die.
Baptism by Fire
Defeat 3 Majini at once with a drum or gas tank explosion.
You must kill 3 Majini with one tank explosion. There are many opportunities, the best are on Chapter 5, where you will see explosive drums in a moving platform and enemies coming towards you. Shoot at the canisters to blow everything up.
Masters of Removing
Work together to save someone special.
To get this trophy you must save Jill together. If you are playing solo, make sure to be the one to restrain jill so that Sheva can aim and shoot to the device on her chest. Once it is weakened, Jill will be thrown on the floor. Do not take it out when she is on the floor, wait for her to get up and restrain her and have Sheva get the device off. This will take some time but be patient!
Bad Blood
During the first fight with Wesker, damage him a set number of times.
To get this trophy you must damage Wesker when you meet him for the first time. Have an upgraded Magnum ready and let him kick you through the door, run up and let him "look" for you, and come up from behind him and shoot him from the back. He will stumble and you can perform an Square, Square, Circle, X Square+X combo that will do some good damage, then shoot him more whilst he is on the floor. Run away and repeat. This will shorten the fight!. If you want the easiest way, bring a rocked, fire at him from behind, and when he catches it fire at the rocket to blow it up and damage him.
Drive By
Stop an armored truck by taking out the driver.
You must take out the driver of an armored truck. Go to Chapter 2-3 as Chris. Aim for the doors of the truck to remove the protection, and kill the driver when it comes off. If you do it correctly the truck will crash and explode.
Egg On Your Face
Defeat a Majini with a rotten egg.
Once you have a couple of rotten eggs, go to chapter 1-1 with a weak weapon. Shoot the first guy that attacks you in the legs, equip the egg, and throw it at him. If he does not die or you miss, quit without saving and retry.
Heart Stopper
Defeat a certain enemy by stabbing it in the heart.
You must kill a Licker by stabbing it. Go to Chapter 5 and bring an upgraded shotgun. When the first Licker comes towards you, blast it off and run towards it, then quickly press Square to stab it.
Who Do You Trust?
Build up a certain level of trust with your partner.
To get this, you must thank Sheva a number of times. Thank her whenever she heals you, gives you ammo, or rescues you. It seems random so you might have to play through the whole game before it unlocks, for me it was in the final Lava Boss area.
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