Prince of Persia: Warrior Within Trophy Guide Written by Simmy_82">
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Prince of Persia: Warrior Within Trophy Guide
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within Trophy Guide
Written by Simmy_82
Platinum Path:
Playthrough 1: Play it through on hard difficulty. Go for the normal ending as the secret boss can be really tough on a hard playthrough. Don’t worry too much about collecting the artwork as this carries over into your other playthroughs. Just get through this difficulty and get all of the life upgrades if you wish (just make sure you don’t collect the Water Sword).
Playthrough 2: Make this playthrough you Easy one and do the secret ending (so collect the Water Sword

). Collect all the Life upgrades again. Try and get as many as the combat specific trophies in this playthrough as it will be easier. It is probably best to go for the ‘Undefeated’ trophy on this playthrough also

Playthrough 3: Complete this playthrough on Normal difficulty and do which ever ending you like. Use this playthrough to mop up any combat trophies you have missed and the final artworks you require.
You should then have the Platinum

Additional Comments:

Originally Posted by
I did normal first, easy (without dying and normal ending) and hard. Guess it don't matter but i think playing on hard would help with knowledge of the game.
I also found getting all the life upgrades on every playthrough (bar normal ending) to be easier and helps the game. Thats gameplaywise i have no idea which end boss is harder, but the dahaka was a bitch i must say, perhaps kaileena is easier to defend against, although you can do the dahaka quicker.
The combat trophies i pretty much did in the first few hours on playthrough one, unless you skip everything.
Hard mode or subsequent playthroughs you can skip a lot of enemies.
The light sword near the end of the game helps on hard mode.
Without dying trophy you can just reload an old save, no glitches like the two thrones has.
The water sword i would say is needed for hard mode as it makes the last section easier to attack the monsters.
Trophy Difficulty: Easy
Offline Trophies: 20
Online Trophies: 0
Minimum number of play throughs: 3 (one for each difficulty)
Number of miss-able trophies: 11 (The Art of Sand, Maximum Capacity, Undefeated, Secret in the Sand, Black Sand, Time Weaver, Grappler, Executioner, Throwing Master, Water Sword and Dual Wielder)
Known glitched trophies: 0
Warrior Within
Obtain all other trophies
Simply get all other Trophies for this game. Same as any other Platinum.
Complete the game on Easy difficulty
For this trophy you simply need to complete the game on Easy difficulty.
Warning: Difficulty trophies do not stack. So you will need to do a playthrough for each difficulty trophy!
Complete the game on Normal difficulty
For this trophy you simply need to complete the game on Normal difficulty.
Warning: Difficulty trophies do not stack. So you will need to do a playthrough for each difficulty trophy!
Complete the game on Hard Difficulty
For this trophy you simply need to complete the game on Hard difficulty.
Warning: Difficulty trophies do not stack. So you will need to do a playthrough for each difficulty trophy!
Hidden Trophy
Secret in the Sand
Obtain the Secret Ending
To get this trophy you will have needed to collect all the Life Upgrades (see ‘Maximum Capacity’ trophy). Once you have collected all 9 of the upgrades it will set you on the course of the secret ending. It is probably best to do this on easy difficulty as this boss will kill you in only a few hits (there is nothing stopping you getting the 9 upgrades on hard difficulty, just make sure you don’t go near the Water Sword in the Hourglass Chamber). Defeat the secret ending boss and this trophy should be yours.
The Art of Sand
Obtain all hidden artwork
Throughout the game there are 50 treasure chests that contain artwork. They are opened by simply smashing the case. You don’t need to get them all in one playthrough which is good. So fear not if you are a few short after you have finished your first playthrough.
It is probably best to use the guide found HERE. It is written by a gamer called kakalukiaJay on the Ubisoft Forums. He is also called the “Most Helpful Prince of Persia Community Member” so its safe to assume the guide is helpful
Time Weaver
Use all Time Powers at least once
For this trophy you need to use the four powers listed below. You acquire these powers as you progress through the game. There are six powers in total, but the trophy only requires you to use these four:
- Recall – The ability to rewind time – Hold

- Eye of the Storm – This ability slows down time surrounding the prince – Single tap of

- Breath of Fate – Gives the Prince a ground attack ability – Hold
, then release 
- Ravages of Time – Increases the Prince’s attack speed – Hold
and tap 
Grab and throw 100 enemies
For this you need to throw 100 enemies. To throw and enemy you need to have your off hand empty (so no secondary weapon equipped). Approach your enemy and press
, once you have hold press
again to throw your enemy. You can throw some enemies multiple times before they die (or are thrown off a ledge), so feel free to abuse some sand monsters
Note: Enemies in this game re-spawn. Simply exit and re-enter areas and the enemies will have returned.
Decapitate 150 enemies
Similar to the previous trophy really. All you need to do for this one is kill 150 enemies by taking their heads off. There are a few ways to decapitate enemies:
- Using the combo

, with a secondary weapon equip will result in a decapitation (though this depends on the second weapon equipped).
- Throwing your secondary weapon at a weakened enemy will result in a decapitation. Press
to throw you weapon. Weakened enemies can be indicated by the glowing sand emanating from them.
- Press
to grab you enemy (make sure you don’t have a secondary weapon equipped). Then keep tapping
and you will decapitate them.
Note: Enemies in this game re-spawn. Simply exit and re-enter areas and the enemies will have returned..
Hidden Trophy
Maximum Capacity
Get all life upgrades
For this trophy you need to collect all 9 of the Life Upgrades during the game. They can be found using the video guides below:
Thanks goes to
RevReBorn for providing the video guide. You can find their channel .
Hidden Trophy
Water Sword
Obtain the Water Sword
To obtain the water sword you need to acquire all the Life Upgrades. The life upgrades are detailed in the previous trophy. Just remember to grab the Water Sword once it has spawned in the Hourglass Chamber.
Dual Wielder
Kill 100 enemies using a dual weapon technique
For this trophy you need to kill 100 enemies using a dual weapon attack. You can find the list of dual weapon combos in the pause menu by pressing
. The best combo I found to use was 

, just make sure you have your second weapon equipped.
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Complete the game in any difficulty without dying
For this trophy you simply need to complete the game without dying. The main thing to note about this trophy is that you can use the Recall ability if you die. However if you can use the Recall ability you will have to go back to a previous save. To do this you have to avoid pressing continue on the ‘Continue Screen’. Simply press exit and load an old save. So you really need to save as often as possible so that you don’t loose too much time
. This is probably best attempted on your Easy Playthrough.
Play the game for 10 hours
Not too difficult really. Just play the game for 10 hours. This will be easily done with the 3 playthroughs that you have to do
Throwing Master
Throw weapon at enemies 50 times
For this trophy you need to throw your secondary weapon 50 times at you enemy (it has to hit them for it to count). Throwing your weapon is done by pressing
while facing the enemy.
Note: Enemies in this game re-spawn. Simply exit and re-enter areas and the enemies will have returned.
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