Call of Duty®: World at War Trophy Guide Written by LuKe931 :platinum: 1 :gold: 2 :silver: 12 :bronze: 30 :secret: 0">
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Call of Duty®: World at War + DLC Trophy Guide
Call of Duty®: World at War Trophy Guide
Written by LuKe931
Trophy Difficulty: Hard
Offline Trophies: 42
Online Trophies: 3
Minimum number of play throughs: 1
Number of miss-able trophies: 0
Known glitched trophies: 0
Awarded when all other trophies have been unlocked.
Get all other trophies and this trophy will unlock.
Get Your Hands Dirty
Complete 'Semper Fi' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only).
This trophy is unlocked if you complete the game on veteran difficulty so instead of writing out something for them all I thought I would just give tips on the veteran difficulty.
The main tips I would give are always stay in cover try not go in the middle of a fight try and stay around the sides and pick the enemy off and last but not least don't go off task trying to get other trophies just get them later on an easier difficulty.
Bloody Peleliu
Complete 'Little Resistance' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only).
This trophy is unlocked if you complete the game on veteran difficulty so instead of writing out something for them all I thought I would just give tips on the veteran difficulty.
The main tips I would give are always stay in cover try not go in the middle of a fight try and stay around the sides and pick the enemy off and last but not least don't go off task trying to get other trophies just get them later on an easier difficulty.
The Sword Is Broken
Complete 'Hard Landing' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only).
This trophy is unlocked if you complete the game on veteran difficulty so instead of writing out something for them all I thought I would just give tips on the veteran difficulty.
The main tips I would give are always stay in cover try not go in the middle of a fight try and stay around the sides and pick the enemy off and last but not least don't go off task trying to get other trophies just get them later on an easier difficulty.
Complete 'Vendetta' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only).
This trophy is unlocked if you complete the game on veteran difficulty so instead of writing out something for them all I thought I would just give tips on the veteran difficulty.
The main tips I would give are always stay in cover try not go in the middle of a fight try and stay around the sides and pick the enemy off and last but not least don't go off task trying to get other trophies just get them later on an easier difficulty.
The Hammer Strikes
Complete 'Their Land, Their Blood' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only).
This trophy is unlocked if you complete the game on veteran difficulty so instead of writing out something for them all I thought I would just give tips on the veteran difficulty.
The main tips I would give are always stay in cover try not go in the middle of a fight try and stay around the sides and pick the enemy off and last but not least don't go off task trying to get other trophies just get them later on an easier difficulty.
Scorched Earth
Complete 'Burn 'em Out' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only).
This trophy is unlocked if you complete the game on veteran difficulty so instead of writing out something for them all I thought I would just give tips on the veteran difficulty.
The main tips I would give are always stay in cover try not go in the middle of a fight try and stay around the sides and pick the enemy off and last but not least don't go off task trying to get other trophies just get them later on an easier difficulty.
Complete 'Relentless' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only).
This trophy is unlocked if you complete the game on veteran difficulty so instead of writing out something for them all I thought I would just give tips on the veteran difficulty.
The main tips I would give are always stay in cover try not go in the middle of a fight try and stay around the sides and pick the enemy off and last but not least don't go off task trying to get other trophies just get them later on an easier difficulty.
Hell on Wheels
Complete 'Blood and Iron' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only).
This trophy is unlocked if you complete the game on veteran difficulty so instead of writing out something for them all I thought I would just give tips on the veteran difficulty.
The main tips I would give are always stay in cover try not go in the middle of a fight try and stay around the sides and pick the enemy off and last but not least don't go off task trying to get other trophies just get them later on an easier difficulty.
No Return
Complete 'Ring of Steel' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only).
This trophy is unlocked if you complete the game on veteran difficulty so instead of writing out something for them all I thought I would just give tips on the veteran difficulty.
The main tips I would give are always stay in cover try not go in the middle of a fight try and stay around the sides and pick the enemy off and last but not least don't go off task trying to get other trophies just get them later on an easier difficulty.
When It Rains, It Pours
Complete 'Eviction' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only).
This trophy is unlocked if you complete the game on veteran difficulty so instead of writing out something for them all I thought I would just give tips on the veteran difficulty.
The main tips I would give are always stay in cover try not go in the middle of a fight try and stay around the sides and pick the enemy off and last but not least don't go off task trying to get other trophies just get them later on an easier difficulty.
One Bad Gato
Complete 'Blackcats' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only).
This trophy is unlocked if you complete the game on veteran difficulty so instead of writing out something for them all I thought I would just give tips on the veteran difficulty.
The main tips I would give are always stay in cover try not go in the middle of a fight try and stay around the sides and pick the enemy off and last but not least don't go off task trying to get other trophies just get them later on an easier difficulty.
Blowtorch and Corkscrew
Complete 'Blowtorch and Corkscrew' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only).
This trophy is unlocked if you complete the game on veteran difficulty so instead of writing out something for them all I thought I would just give tips on the veteran difficulty.
The main tips I would give are always stay in cover try not go in the middle of a fight try and stay around the sides and pick the enemy off and last but not least don't go off task trying to get other trophies just get them later on an easier difficulty.
The Sun Sets
Complete 'Breaking Point' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only).
This trophy is unlocked if you complete the game on veteran difficulty so instead of writing out something for them all I thought I would just give tips on the veteran difficulty.
The main tips I would give are always stay in cover try not go in the middle of a fight try and stay around the sides and pick the enemy off and last but not least don't go off task trying to get other trophies just get them later on an easier difficulty.
For the Motherland
Complete 'Heart of the Reich' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only).
This trophy is unlocked if you complete the game on veteran difficulty so instead of writing out something for them all I thought I would just give tips on the veteran difficulty.
The main tips I would give are always stay in cover try not go in the middle of a fight try and stay around the sides and pick the enemy off and last but not least don't go off task trying to get other trophies just get them later on an easier difficulty.
Bearing the Burden
Complete 'Downfall' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only).
This trophy is unlocked if you complete the game on veteran difficulty so instead of writing out something for them all I thought I would just give tips on the veteran difficulty.
The main tips I would give are always stay in cover try not go in the middle of a fight try and stay around the sides and pick the enemy off and last but not least don't go off task trying to get other trophies just get them later on an easier difficulty.
Carlsons Raiders
Complete 'Semper Fi' on any difficulty. (Solo only).
Simple all you have to do is complete the first mission.
Stormed Peleliu
Establish a beachhead at Peleliu Island on any difficulty. (Solo only).
Complete the mission 'Relentless' and this trophy will unlock..
The Last Stand
Survive the conflict in Okinawa on any difficulty. (Solo only).
Complete the mission 'Breaking Point' and this trohpy will unlock.
Stabbed in the Heart
Complete all missions on the Eastern Front on any difficulty. (Solo only).
Complete the last mission and this trophy will unlock.
Hardened War Hero
Complete the game on Hardened or Veteran difficulty. (Solo only).
Complete the game on Veteran or Hardened and this trophy will unlock.
The main tips I would give are always stay in cover, try not go in the middle of a fight, try and stay around the sides and pick the enemy off and last but not least don't go off task by trying to get other trophies, just get them later on an easier difficulty.
War Hero
Complete the game on any difficulty. (Solo only).
Complete the game in single player and this trophy will unlock.
Saved Private Ryan
Save the soldier before he burns to death.
Simple trophy. On the first mission 'Semper Fi' close to the start you will see a burning Japanese man come running out of a building and attack Private Ryan, simply kill the Japanese man and this trophy will unlock.
Weapon of Mass Destruction
Radio in a naval bombardment that kills at least 4 Japanese soldiers.
This is easily unlocked on the second mission 'Little Resistance' when you call in naval bombardments you should unlock this trophy with no hassle just keep using until the trophy unlocks.
The Professional
Shoot all of Amsel's henchmen, including their attack dog, without reloading. (Solo only).
This trophy may seem hard but is very easy at the start of 'Vendetta' snipe the two on the stairs with 1 shot aim to make sure to get both of them do, then snipe the guys smoking with 1 shot then use two shots of the last two guys and then wait for the dog to come and knife it then snipe the guy that came with the dog and this trophy will unlock.
Assassinate General Amsel with a pistol shot. (Solo only).
This is a difficult trophy. On the level "Vendetta", when attempting to kill the Sniper move towards the tables in the room and pick up the pistols. Now, when attempting to kill Amsel, select the Walther P38 and try to hit him. Do it on Recruit to make life easier. It takes 2 or 3 shots to kill him, and is reliant solely on luck, but since the pistol has infinite range you'll do it eventually, and you can always kill yourself or reload if you fail.
Lights Out!
In 'Black Cats', blast out all of the spot lights in the Japanese cargo convoy. (Solo only).
On the mission black cats shoot out the spot lights on the 3 transport ships you get about three runs in your plane so this trophy is easy enough.
Rough Economy
Kill 3 enemies with a single round.
This trophy may seem like a hard one but just load up Nazi zombies which is unlocked once you complete the game (or immediately with the latest patch) and get a sniper and line 3 zombies up and aim for upper chest, best first to wound them all with pistol shots then shoot them with the sniper.
Guardian Angel
In the final battle for Okinawa, save Sergeant Roebuck.
In the mission 'Breaking Point' close to end you should find three Japanese soldiers with their hands up when Sergeant Roebuck goes near one they will attack him kill them and the trophy will unlock.
Close Shave
Survive a banzai attack. (Solo only).
Very easy trophy on the second mission find a banzai the Japanese in gillie suits let one of them run at you and then you should get the chance to press
to avoid one their attacks if you kill him by pressing
this trophy should unlock.
Snake in the Grass
Take out a Japanese soldier lying in wait in the grass.
Easy trophy on the second mission just before you go underground there will be a bit of grass and a tree use an bombardment on the grass where the Japanese are lying down and one of them will die and this trophy will unlock.
Grave Robber
Collect all Death Cards in the game. (Solo only).
Here is a video showing the spots where all the death cards are:
No Safe Place
Burn an enemy out of a tree with the flamethrower in 'Hard Landing'.
On the third mission once you get the flamethrower and destroy the bunker. Go through and you should be in this open area and you should see a few trees burn them as there will be Japanese soldiers in them and this trophy will unlock.
Throw a Six and a Half
On Hardened or Veteran difficulty, complete a level without dying. (Solo only).
The best mission I found to do this on is Black cats on Hardened and just don't die and this trophy will unlock.(Forget about the guys you have to save).
Purple Heart
When staring into the face of adversity, show courage and persevere.
Now this trophy is quite strange but the way to get it die at the same checkpoint 10 times and this trophy will unlock.
Complete a level using only the flamethrower. Melee, grenades & explosives are OK.
On recruit do the mission burn em out just use the flame thrower and this trophy will unlock.
Complete a level on Regular difficulty or higher using only melee or grenades. (Solo only).
Best done on the second level as you get the naval bombardment and that doesn’t count when you kill people so you can just keep using that and knife everyone else and this trophy will unlock when you complete that mission.
Iron Fist
Destroy all towers and bunkers in 'Blood and Iron'.
In the mission 'Blood and Iron' destroy all bunkers and towers and before you complete the level make sure they are all destroyed and this trophy will unlock.
Kill 15 enemies while mounted on a tank in 'Ring of Steel'.
In ring of steel close to the end you will see two tanks get in the first one and kill 15 enemies and this trophy will unlock.
Kill 8 Japanese with thrown mortars in 'Breaking Point.
In Breaking Point when destroying the mortar pools throw the mortars at other enemies and once you have killed 8 this trophy will unlock.
Shot in the Dark
Kill 10 enemies while the lights are out in the subway in 'Eviction'.
In 'Eviction' close to the end when you are in the subway the lights will go out every now and then when this happens kill as much people as you can and once you have killed 10 this trophy will unlock.
Sum of All Zeros
Down 45 Japanese Zeros in 'Black Cats'. (Solo only).
In black cats on recruit just focus on the Japanese planes until you have shot down 45 then this trophy will unlock it is quite hard so you might have to try 3 or 4 times before you get it. (Forget about the guys you have to save focus on planes and make sure you take out the PB boats as well or they will kill you).
Blue Ribbon
Complete a 4-player Competitive Co-Op match in 1st place. (Online co-op Only).
This is the exact same as ‘Get Your Right Foot Wet’ expect you must win and there must be 3 other players with you.
Get Your Left Foot Wet
Complete a match in Campaign Co-Op mode. (Online co-op only).
Simple complete a match in Campaign Co-Op mode you don't have to win just finish a game.
Get Your Right Foot Wet
Complete a match in Competitive Co-Op mode. (Online co-op only).
Again simple complete a match in Competitive Co-Op mode you don't have to win just complete one.
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Call of Duty: World at War Map Pack 2 DLC Trophy Guide
Written by bonobo4
Hammer Time
Repair 200 window boards in a single game. (Map Pack 2 only)
This is straight-forward. Just repair 200 boards (done by holding
at a window) and rebuild 200 barriers. A good tip is to leave one zombie at a window and hold square to rebuild the barriers as the zombie destroys them. Doing this method takes less than 5 minutes.
It's a Trap!
Kill at least one zombie with three different traps in a single round. (Map Pack 2 only)
Traps are the electric fences that cost 1000 to use and last for around 10 seconds. They also have around a 30 second cooldown, so only use as a last resort. In Shi No Numa, there are 5 traps, one at the entrance to each of the "rooms" outside. There is also a "Flogger" at the entrance to the Fishing Hut, which is a similar idea but is only 750 and kills them instantly (and hilariously), unlike Electric Fences. To get the trophy, you must use 3 different traps and kill at least one zombie with each trap. A good tip is to start at either the Fishing Hut or any of the other 3 rooms and turn the Fence on. Once on, run to the Flogger and activate it, making sure at least 2 zombies chase you. Let one pass then kill the other with the trap. Then use a different fence and you should get it. Or, if you have others with you, you can coordinate between you as this can be done online and it doesn't have to be you that activates the traps. Doing so gives everyone, not just you, the trophy.

Weapon of Minor Destruction
Kill no more than one zombie with a nuke. (Map Pack 2 only)
To do this, you must kill only 1 zombie with a nuke. If you kill 2 or more or 0, it won't count. Nukes are the things that drop from zombies occasionally and kill all the zombies on the map at that time. Therefore it is possible a nuke won't end the round. A good tip is doing this early on, and leaving one zombie as a crawler and using the nuke. As long as he's the only one killed, you'll get the trophy.
Have all four perks simultaneously active in a game of Nazi Zombies. (Map Pack 2 only)
This isn't too hard. Perks are found when opening the rooms outside, (Comm Room, Fishing Hut, Doctor's Quarters and Storage Hut.) Once you have entered these rooms, a Perk machine will activate (unlike most maps, there is no power switch in Shi No Numa.) The perk will be random, but the cost for each perk will be fixed, (e.g. Juggernog is always 2500 no matter where it is bought from.) Once a player has all four perks simultaneously active (Juggernog, Speed Cola, Quick Revive Soda and Double Tap Root Beer) they'll get the trophy.
Fertilizer Man
Kill 200 zombies in a single game. (Map Pack 2 only)
If you're playing on your own, you'll get this at around Round 10 onwards. It is worth noting that for some reason in Shi No Numa only, there is a spawn limit of 24 zombies per rond per player, so even on Round 100 there are only going to be 24, 48, 72 or 96 zombies. Of course with more people there are more, but due to killstealing it is possibly easier with 2 players or solo. Simply kill 200 and you should get it. Remember though, it is 200 for you, not cumulative between players, and you can only check if you're playing with others, (press
to do so.)
Get 150 zombie headshots in a single game. (Map Pack 2 only)
Pretty similar to
Fertilizer Man. Just get 150 headshots for the trophy. Aim for the head, and use a fairly accurate weapon (a good one is the thompson as it has good range, accuracy, damage and clip size and is good value for money.) Aim for the head when possible, and solo you should get this and Fertilizer Man around Round 10.
Big Baller
Earn 75,000 points in a single Nazi Zombies game. (Map Pack 2 only)
This can be tough, though remember it is cumulative, so you don't need 75k points at one point. It can be done solo, or with others (though you must get the 75k points, not between you) and requires 400+ kills. A good solo tactic is buying a cheap weapon (I used the Thompson) and use the Wunderwaffe DG-2. Now, gather a group of zombies and aim for headshots (they give more points) with the Thompson. Buy ammo when needed, and use the WunderWaffe as much as necessary (though keep enough bullets for the dogs.) When it comes to the dogs, hang around the bridge by the Fishing Hut with the Wunderwaffe and aim for the dogs feet (more chance of hitting them) after running back from them. There is a limit of 2 dogs per spawn but there seems to be a limit on the total number of spawns per round. And remember that dogs come every 4-7 rounds, and the last always has a max ammo. This isn't the only way of course, but in my experience it is the best and easiest way. This method has been tested solo up to Round 300 and beyond, and gets 75k points at around Round 30 solo.

Big Brawler
Get 10 consecutive zombie melee kills before Insta-Kill expires. (Map Pack 2)
This is largely self-explanatory. However, if you need advice then gatherv up a large enough crowd of zombies and get Insta Kill. It is easier in later rounds because there are more zombies to kill (increasing the chance of you getting Insta Kill and the chance of having 10 to kill quickly enough) and there are also only 24 zombies per player per round. Do it solo to avoid Killstealing, and just get an Insta Kill and slash away. Make sure you don't shoot any of them, as it has to be consecutive.
Soul Survivor
Reach round 15 in Nazi Zombies without getting revived. (Map Pack 2 only)
Once you know what you're doing and you know the map off by heart, this'll be very simple. There are many strategies for this, so there's no "definitive method." However, a good method is to stay by the stairs at the start and by the Comm room door (leave both doors closed) and use a fully-automatic gun and camp. It helps using more players as you'll have more firepower and rounds will end sooner. Use perks if necessary, but never open the starting stairs, and never get revived and you should do it.
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Call of Duty: World at War Map Pack 3 Trophy Guide
Written by bonobo4
Elevate Your Senses! 
Activate the Fly Trap. (Map Pack 3 only)
This can be tricky. You'll need a Pack-a-Punched Weapon, to get one you'll need 5000 and all 3 teleporters linked to the mainframe. Ideally Upgrade a Sniper, though any weapon will do. Once upgraded, head right at the mainframe (facing it) then open the door here (if not done so already). Then using your weapon aim at a little powerbox through the window to your left as you enter the door. Shoot the box and you should see some "fireflies" dancing and you'll have the trophy.
Open all doors in the map. (Map Pack 3 only)
Open every door in the map to unlock this trophy. To open a door, hold
until it opens, and you'll need enough money for it to open. I think there are 8 doors you must open in this map.
40 Knives!
Kill 40 zombies with the bowie knife. (Map Pack 3 only)
The Bowie Knife is available to buy after opening the door to Teleporter C for 1250. The knife can be bought for 3000, and is a one hit kill up to around Round 12. However, because it is melee, it is not a gun so does not need ammo, plus you never lose it if you die. Killing 40 zombies with it is tough, as you ideally need it to be an Insta Kill and by the time you get it it is usually around Round 10 anyway. However, kill 40 zombies with it and you'll get the trophy.
Der Electrician!
Link all teleport pads before round 7. (Map Pack 3 only)
There are three teleporters, A, B and C. All of them need power to be activated, to do this open one of the two doors at the start and then enter the room, open the next door and go up stairs and open the third door, (depending on which door you opened at the start you'll take a different path.) After all this, you'll arive facing a door marked "C" and a power switch will be in this room opposite the Mystery Box. Activate the power as soon as possible so you can link the 3 teleporters. Teleporter A is found in the room with the Trench Gun. Enter this room, then head left facing the trench gun. Open this door and up the stairs and hold
to link the teleporter. You'll then have 30 seconds for you, (or one of your teammates) to press
again at the Mainframe (where you start, it's the large thing shaped like a bell.) Once linked, you'll be able to use that teleporter to go to the mainframe at any time for any amount of times in the game (at a small cost of 750 per use.) However you can't go from the mainframe to a teleporter. Teleporters B and C work the same. B is found by entering the door in the mainframe room that wasn't opened for A. Open this door (this room will have a Double-Barreled Shotgun), then the next (with a Thompson), then go up the stairs and head right. Open this door and link B. Finally C is found after opening the door in the room with the power. Linking all three teleporters not only gives you this trophy, it gives you the very useful Pack-a-Punch machine. This trophy can be done as early as Round 5, though it is difficult.

Frequent Flyer! 
Use the teleporter 8 times. (Map Pack 3 only)
To do this, you'll need at least 1 teleporter linked. Then simply use that teleport (for 750) 8 times in one game (at a cost of 6000.) It must be done in the same game to count. To learn how to link teleporters see
Der Electrician!
Perkaholics Anonymous! 
Survive until round 20 without buying a single Perk. (Map Pack 3 only)
This can be tricky. I suggest using friends or people you know who are skilled, and let them do most of the work. Find a good camping spot (the balcony above teleporter C for example) and stay at the back so you don't die. Use Pack-a-Punch if necessary (MG42, Trench Gun, WunderWaffe DG-2 and Ray Gun are good upgrades) and don't be afraid to buy new weapons. Just don't buy any perk ever in that game and survive until Round 20 (you can be revived, just don't die or end the game) and you'll do it.
Wacker Packer! 
Upgrade any weapon in Pack A Punch. (Map Pack 3 only)
This is relatively simple. Link all 3 teleports then at the mainframe hold
to upgrade the weapon. It'll take a few seconds (and is expensive at 5000 each) but the upgraded weapon is always much improved.
Acquire Waffle Weapons! 
Obtain the Ray Gun, DG-2 and the Monkey Bomb at the same time in a game. (Map Pack 3 only)
This is very difficult and solely based on luck. None of these three can be bought, so they must all be aquired at the Mystery Box. This costs 950 each time and gives a random weapon. Be warned, as eventually you'll get the Teddy bear which moves the box to a random location (look up and follow the blue light to find it). Eventually after many (anything from 3 upwards) attempts, you'll get these three (assuming you don't die first.) Remember, that the Monkey Bomb is counted as a secondary grenade along with smoke grenades (not in Zombies) and Molotovs, so can be carried along with the Ray Gun and the WunderWaffe DG-2. Also, the DG-2 is unique and only one person can carry it at any time in any game. Carry all three in one game simultaneously to get the trophy.
Pack Addict! 
Upgrade 5 weapons at the Pack A Punch Machine. (Map Pack 3 only)
Wacker Packer! for details on upgrading weapons. Upgrading 5 (for 5,000 each, or 25,000 in total) will gve you the trophy, which is sadly in no way simple. It must be done in one game by the same player, though you can upgrade the same weapon twice in the game if you lose it (accidentally or deliberately), and can upgrade any weapon (except the Monkey Bomb, Bowie Knife, Grenades, Molotovs, and most importantly, your own hand!)
The Might of the Monkey!
Use the Monkey Bomb. (Map Pack 3 only)
To get the monkey bomb, you must find it in the mystery box. It looks like a Monkey with dynamite and a bomb strapped to it. After aquiring it hold :R2: to use it and watch as it attracts zombies then kills them by exploding. Even if you kill no zombies, you'll still get this as long as you use it at some point (it's no good simply having it!)
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