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- God of War® III Trophy Guide
Thread: God of War® III Trophy Guide
God of War® III Trophy Guide
God of War® III Trophy Guide
Written by KrazzyFlames
God of War 3 Roadmap:
Playthrough 1: You will want to (but don't need to) start the game on titan difficulty. Some parts in titan mode will make you want to throw your controller at the t.v but this is not recommended. With practice and blocking, you should be able to do fine. You will also want to collect the collectibles listed in the trophy guide below. After you are done with story mode, you will want to beat the Challenge of Olympus. Also during your story run in this playthrough you should be aiming for the other missable trophies such as the 1,000 hit combo.
Trophy Difficulty: Moderate
Offline Trophies: 36
Online Trophies: 0
Minimum number of play throughs: 1
Number of miss-able trophies: 5
Known glitched trophies: 0
King of the Hill
Simple enough, unlock all of the other trophies.

Releasing the Floodgates
Kill Poseidon
This is a story related trophy. There are many parts to this boss fight.
Part 1:
This part will start off with one of Posedion's Leviathans piercing through Gaia's arms to attack you. What you have to do to progress is to attack its chest . But wait there is more! You didn't actually think it would be that easy... right? The Leviathan will not just let you attack its chest the easy way, it will also defend it self. It will try to blast you with a high pressured water attack. To dodge this, just roll out of the path of the water blast. Damage the chest enough and you will then enter part two of the boss fight.
Part 2:
Just to make things harder on you, the Leviathan causes Gaia to move her arm upside down in pain. This makes it harder for the player because the controls have momentarily been modified. Moving around is more confusing. This part starts off when you are hanging and movement is now confusing for the player. In this part of the fight you want to attack its chest again. The Leviathan will now use its pincers to attack you. To dodge the pincers, look at which direction the Leviathan is charging the pincer. For example, if the Leviathan raises its left pincer, then you will get attacked from the left and that is your cue to move to the right. Kepp repeating this and attacking the Leviathan until you enter part three of the boss fight.
Part 3:
In part three of the boss fight, you will be in a climbing position and will have to fight the Leviathan. This is where it gets tricky, especially if you are playing on the titan difficulty. The Leviathan will use its pincers and its water pressured blast to attack you. Dodge the pincers as you did in part two and dodge the water blast as you did in part one. Damage it enough and you will enter part four of the boss fight.
Part 4:
Ok this is exactly like part one in the Poseidon boss fight, except now the Leviathan will use its pincers to attack you. Keep attacking it until it dies. Conitnue on until you get back on Gaia's head. This will start the true boss fight.
Part 5:
Ok what you want to do here is to attack his pincers. Poseidon will also try to electrocute you. To dodge this watch the ground for where it starts to get electricity. Roll to the oppsosite side of the electricity. Poseidon's other attack is that he will send a Leviathan at you. To dodge this, just roll to the opposite side of it. Continue to repeat this dodging process and attack his pincers until the next part begins.
Part 6:
Ok this part you will have to attack Poseidon's chest. This will get tricky especially 'cause sometimes you will not be able to dodge his attacks. Best thing to do here is to use your magic and your strong attacks. Keep doing this until a
button prompt shows up. Climb Gaia's thumb to enter the prompt.
Part 7:
This is like part 5 but after you remove all of the pincers, you will have to grapple across the Leviathans to reach Poseidon and enter the awsome button prompts.
If you are still having troubles with the boss fight, then refer to the video:

Mr. Hand
Discover the secret 'Hades Arm' room
This trophy can be missed but it is really hard for it to be missed. You will get a chance to get this trophy when you come to a part where you have to get the pot of bramble to the bottom floor, so you can burn it to create a steam lift. Once you throw the pot into the bottom floor, it will create a steam rift. Glide up using the rift and Kratos will grapple onto the platform. Get on the platform and you will notice a huge pair of doors. Open it and go inside the room. Shortly after you will unlock the trophies.
Getting to the Hades Arm room is easily explained in a video:

I didn’t do it... But I wish I did!
Kill the Poseidon Princess
This is a story related trophy.
Once you get to the Poseidon Princess through the elevator puzzle, you will have to escort her back to the crank that you have to pull to progress through the story. Once you have escorted her back to the crank, pull the crank and Kratos will then use her as a wedge for the crank which will end up killing her and the gate will not shut on you.
Ladies Man
Successfully entertain Aphrodite
This is missable only if you decline Aphrodite's request to entertain her in her chamber. So once you get upto her, just accept her request and after the minigame, you will get the trophy.

Open Sesame
Open the Gates of Tisiphone
This is a story related trophy.
After Hephaestus lets you go through the doors that were previously locked, you will come across the Gates of Tisiphone. You should start off by disposing of any enemies in the area. After all the enemies are dead, you want to go to both the left and right sides and activate their chains. This will release platforms on the Gates for you to climb on and activate the switch at the very top. To get to the higher platforms, you have to use the Harpies to fly you there. Activate the switch at the very top and the Gates will open and you will get this trophy.
Rescue Me
Save Pandora
This is a story related trophy. You will have to save Pandora from the Labyrinth. Look at aMAZEd for what you have to do as this is where you get the aMAZEd trophy as well.
Three Wise Men
Solve the Three Judges
This is a story related trophy.
To start this off, Kratos will fly off of the Labyrinth and back to the Three Judges area. As soon as you land you will be facing a large Cerberus, a few hounds and Satyrs. This is very hard on titan mode if you don't know what you are doing. So look at the video provided for help. Once you have defeated all the monsters, go and stand on the stone slab and go through the portal. Once you go through the portal, equip your Nemean Cestus and smash the blue crystals that support the heads of the judges. Once you do that, a cutscene will occur and you will get this trophy.
Hit Man
Perform a 1000-hit combo
An easy place to do this is in the City of Olympus. When you are fighting the Olympus Sentry with the Bronze armor on, equip you Hades Claws and make sure that they are level 1. If they are, then keep clicking
on the Olympus Sentry. This will build up your combo but at the same time not kill the Olympus Sentry.
Another place to get this is after you open the Gates of Tisiphone. Refer to the video:
Rip One!
Rip apart 1 Olympus Sentry
This probably the first troph you will get. What you want to do is when you are on Gaia's arm at the beginning of the game, you want press
and then
on the Olympus Sentry.
Nice Tan
Blind 100 enemies with the Head of Helios
To blind enemies you have to use the Helios Head. What you want to do is press
to blind enemies. Hold the buttons longer to blind more enemies within the area. This is also a good way to distance yourself from enemies that are crowding you.
Obedience School
Deliver 50 kicks to Hounds
This is a missable trophy. To kick hounds just go upto thm and press
button on them. If you are having a hard time to do this I suggest you do this in Posiedon's Chamber. This is right before you encounter the Poseidon Princess. What you want to do is keep kicking the dogs but away from the portal that makes them go onto the elevator. If a hound dies, don't worry because they respawn. Still having troubles or not sure where exactly to do this? Don't worry a video is provided for yor convinence:
It’s getting hot in here...
Burn 100 enemies with the Bow of Apollo
Ok this is an easy trophy. To do this when you have the Bow of Apollo equipped, instead of just tapping the
button, you will want to hold it until the bow starts glowing. Once it starts glowing, release the
button. This will set you enemies on fire. Even though the trophy says to do this with the Bow of Apollo, when you set enemies on fire with the fire Cerberus, the enemies you set on fire with it still count towards the trophy.
Souled Out
Summon every Soul with the Claws of Hades
Ok, to get this trophy you have to get the Hades Claws to level 5 which is its maximum level. To select the souls to summon, go to the
menu and then press
and then
on the soul you want to summon.
The list of souls that you have to summon in order are listed:
- Cerberus Mongrel
- Olympus Sentry
- Olympus Archer
- Gorgon Serpent
- Olympus Fiend
- Chimera
- Cyclops Berserker
- Centaur General
- Siren Seductress
Bloody Hell
Cover Kratos in 500 buckets of blood by killing the enemies
This will come through normal gameplay. To speed up the process, whenever an enemy such as a Cyclops has a
button prompt on it, always engage in the prompt. This will drop more blood on Kratos.
No Guts, No Glory
Gut 3 Centaur Generals
There are only three Centaur Generals in the whole game. To gut a Centaur General engage in the
button prompt and this will cause Kratos to gut it. If you don't engage in the
button prompt, then Kratos will kill it without gutting and you will miss out on the trophy.
Hitting Your Stride
Upgrade any weapon to the next level
To get the Blades of Exile to level 2, you need around 4,000 red orbs. Once you have 4,000 or more red orbs, you will need to go to the
menu and select a weapon you want to upgrade. Then hold
on it until reaches the next level.

Kill Zeus
This is a story related trophy.
Part 1:
In this part of the fight, you are doing a street fighter sort of battle. The two main weapons to use here are the Nemean Cestus and the Nemesis Whip. The Nemesis Whip does the most damage so I suggest you use the
combo on him. His primary attack so far is 2 regular punches, which can be blocked, and a lightning strike at the end of the second punch, which can't be blocked. Keep attacking him until the
button prompt shows up. After the prompt, you will be fighting him the same way but he now has a new attack. His new attack is that he can make lightning bolts come out of the ground. You can dodge those. Keep attacking him. One you damaged him enough, he will leave and you will have time to save your game.
Part 2:
In this part, you are outside and fighting him. He will use mostly range based attacks. He will use the lightning bolt attack, you can easily dodge that or if you want, counter it. After a few minutes Gaia will appear and trigger a cut-scene. This will introduce the last part.
Part 3:
Its the part you have all been waiting for! This is the hardest part. His primary attacks are the lightining bolt (which can be dodged), a charge attack, replications of himself and a shockwave slam. Once he starts using his clones, quickly equip the Blades of Exile and use the
attack. This will keep the clones from getting near you as well as kill them. When Gaia's heart starts glowing, quickly get to it and start attacking it. This will let you increase your healt, but notice that Zus can also do this. Damage him enough and a
button prompt will show up. Do it correctly and watch the cutscene. After that you will have to do a few more things which I won't spoil, and you will get the trophy.

Kill Hades
This is a story related trophy. There are many parts to this fight so I will break it down.
Part 1:
When this part starts, what you want to do is to run behind Hades and you the
combo. This is very useful and fast so you will have enough time to dodge Hades's attacks. When Hades tries to stomp on you, roll away and repeat the process. Hades will also start using his claws. Do the same process of dodging as in rolling away from the claws and attacking him. Damage him enough and he will use his claws to grapple onto the ceiling and jump down back to the ground. When he does jump to the ground, he will create a shockwave. To dodge this, hust double jump as soon as Hades lands on the ground and keep attacking him. I suggest that you don't use your magic in this part of the boss fight. Damage him more and he will cause the ground to be filled in shadows and chains to appear from the ground. To doge this, run to the area of the ground that is not covered in the shadows. Damage him enough and you will enter a
button prompt in which Kratos will rip off his piece of skin. Attack the peice of skin and once it is destroyed, you will move onto the next part.
Part 2:
In this part, Hades does the same attacks as in the first one apart for the attack from the Claws that summons floating skeleton heads which you can gaurd from and the soul absorbing attack from the Claws which can be easily evaded by rolling away from the claws. Your primary weapon of choice in this part should be the Bow of Apollo because Hades won't let you get near him that much. Continue attacking him with the Bow until the
button prompt appears again. Repeat the process like before and you will enter the third part.
Part 3:
In this Part, Hades will use a few more different attacks. His first new attack will, that he can summon chains from the ground which are supposed to impale you. You can easily dodge these by running around. His second new attack is that he summons two cerberus dogs to attack you. To dodge this, gaurd at the right time and they will disappear. Keep attacking him with the Bow. Once damaged enough, the
button prompt will appear again. Repeat the process with the peiece of skin and ou enter the fourth part.
Part 4:
In this part, it will a tug-of-war style of battle. What you want to do is move back using the d-pad and at the same time attack him. Once this part is finished, you will obtain the Claw of Hades but he isn't dead.
Part 5:
In this part, Hades will come back from the River of Styx. You want to keep attacking him. When the screen starts turning purple, you have to use the grapple points to grapple onto the other side. Keep repeating this and he will die.... for good.

Seeing things from a different perspective
Solve Hera's Gardens
This is a story related trophy. To solve the Garden puzzle, you have to be in the center of the garden which is at the part of the Garden with the broken off stairways. What you want to do is step on the stone slab in the center. This will trigger a cutscene in whcih Kratos pulls out the emerald from Hera's Cup. Once the Statue eye's effect starts, you want to head south and open the gate and go up the stairs. Once you do, the effect of the statue will wear off and you will have to continue moving forward. Open the gate in front of you. Jump down from the platform and kepp moving forward until you get to the broken stairway. Grab the stairway and turn it once to the left. Now drag it all the way to the huge goblet sort of mechanism. This will make the water from the waterfall pour down into the goblet and open up a gate that takes you to dry bramble. Use your Bow of Apollo and set it on fire. When you do this, the next Goblet mechanism will be free to be used. Drag the staircase that you used on the previous goblet over to the opposite side of the gate from the goblet. Make sure the staircase is facing the goblet. Now go back to the center of the garden and activate the stone slab. A chain reaction will occur in which a third goblet is pushed forward by the water. What you have to do now is to get the staircase that you just used and place between the two staircases that is blocking your way in going to the third goblet. Once you have the staircase positioned properly between the other two, pick up Hera's body and place it on the goblet. After the small scene, move the staircase onto the switch and go all the way back and up the stairs. After you go up the stairs, you will solve the puzzle and get the trophy.

Eye Candy
(missable) +
Collect all of the Gorgon Eyes
If you miss one eye even though you are watching the video, don't worry because there more than the required amount of Gorgon Eye chests in the game.
Feather Plucker
(missable) +
Collect all of the Phoenix Feathers
If you miss one feather even though you are watching the video, don't worry because there more than the required amount of Phoenix Feather chests in the game.
Are You Horny to Win?
(missable) +
Collect all of the Minotaur Horns
If you miss one horn even though you are watching the video, don't worry because there more than the required amount of Minotaur Horn chests in the game.
Maxed Out!
Completely upgrade all weapons
This is an easy trophy. To upgrade a weapon, go to the
menu and go on the weapon you want to level up. Notice that you need a certain amount of red orbs to level up the weapon. Once you have the certain amount of red orbs, select the weapon and hold the
button on it. This will add exp to the weapon and level it up. The max level for the weapons is 5 but for some it is 3. Notice that the red orbs that you obtain from Red Orb chests in Hera's Garden increase greatly so don't miss these.
Vengeance Complete
Beat the game
Just beat the game once. Simple.
Up to the Challenge
Beat the Challenge of Olympus
Challenge 1: Population Control
For this challenge, you have to get less than 50 enemies on the platform at same time within 90 seconds. This is easy. You have to use the Nemean Cestus. What you want to do is use the
combo as this will keep the enemies away from you as well as kill them. If you are still having troubles with this challenge, refer to the video provided:
Challenge 2: Bare Hands
For this challenge, you have to take out all the enemies without using any weapons. What you want to do is grab the Olympus Sentry with the
button and then press the
button. This cause Kratos to engage in the shoulder charge attack. What you want to do is charge into the moving golems. Even if the
button prompt shows up on the golems, don't engage in the prompt or you will waste a lot of time.Once the golems are taken care of, take out the cyclops by forcing it off of the edge of the platform. This will save you a lot of time. After you have done that. Grab the remaining Olympus Sentry with the
button and then click the
button to rip them apart. If you are still having troubles with this challenge, refer to the video provided:
Challenge 3: Get Stoned
For this challenge, you have to get turned into stone ten times by the gorgon but live in the set amount of time. What you want to do to spped up the process is to grab the gorgon and press the wrong button. This will cause the gorgon to stone you. Break free from the stoning process and repeat until you get stoned 10 times. If you are still having troubles with this challenge, refer to the video provided:
Challenge 4: El Matador - Ole
For this challenge, what you have to do is not get attacked my the minotaurs nor the Olumpus Sentry. In the beginning of the challenge, one minotaur spawns. To get rid of it easily, go the edge of the platform and wait for it to chage at you. Once it gets near you, time your doble jump correctly and the minotaur will fall of the ledge without even touching you. For the Olympus Sentry you want to use the
combo to get rid of them quickly. For the two minotaurs, do the same thing you did with the first minotaur. In the last part of this challenge, you would want to use the charge attack to distance yourself while getting rid of the Olympus Sentry. Once all of the Olympus Sntry is gone, do the same technique you used for the previous minotaurs. If you are still having troubles with this challenge, refer to the video provided:
Challenge 5: Knockout
For this challenge, you have ride the chyclops and knock down enemies to build your score upto 1,000. The stronger the enemy is, the more points you get for knocking them off of the edge. Aim to knock down enemies in large groups as this will give you more points quicker. If you are still having troubles with this challenge, refer to the video provided:
Challenge 6: Hades' Kids
For this challenge, you have to have 5 cyclops on the feild at the same time. Every time you kill a cyclops, 2 more spawn in its place. Just kill the cyclops until you get 5 on the feild at the same time. If you are still having troubles with this challenge, refer to the video provided:
Challenge 7: Simply Smashing
For this challenge, what you have to do is break all of the pots within the set time limit. To do this and save a lot of time, just tap the
button once on every pot that you want to break. Doing a combo will waste time as well as not break some pots. If you are still having troubles with this challenge, refer to the video provided:
Beat Titan Mode
Just beat the game on titan difficulty. How hard can that be?
Tips for Titan Mode:
- Always gaurd in a fight. If you don't you will die very quickly.
- When you feel that you are getting surrounded by enemies and not getting enough time to distance yourself from them, use the Head of Helios to blind the enemies and provide you with time to create distance between you and the enemies.
- Best combo to use is the
for the Blades of Exile.
- Use the Nemean Cestus to dispose of enemies quickly.
(missable) +
Collect all of the ‘Godly Possessions’
Beat the Labyrinth without dying or failing
This is a missable trophy. Easily explained in the videos:
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