Alone in The Dark: Inferno Trophy Guide Written by tonzie">
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Thread: Alone in The Dark: Inferno Trophy Guide
Alone in The Dark: Inferno Trophy Guide
Alone in The Dark: Inferno Trophy Guide
Written by tonzie
Platinum Path/Custom Roadmap title
Trophy Difficulty: Moderate
Offline Trophies: 50
Online Trophies: 0
Minimum number of play throughs: 1
Number of miss-able trophies: 0
Known glitched trophies: 0
100% Complete
Unlock the platinum trophy by unlocking all other trophies
Unlock all the other trophies, what do you think this guide is for?
Finish the episode without skipping any sequence
Finish episode 1, BLACKOUT, without skipping any sequences.
Finish the episode without skipping any sequence
Finish episode 2, QUESTIONS, without skipping any sequences.
Finish the episode without skipping any sequence
Finish episode 3, PAINFUL ANSWERS, without skipping any sequences.
Finish the episode without skipping any sequence
Finish episode 4, FIGHT BACK AND LOSS, without skipping any sequences.
Finish the episode without skipping any sequence
Finish episode 5, NOT ALONE ANYMORE, without skipping any sequences.
Finish the episode without skipping any sequence
Finish episode 6, THE TRUTH, without skipping any sequences.
Finish the episode without skipping any sequence
Finish episode 7, THE PATH OF LIGHT, without skipping any sequences.
Finish the episode without skipping any sequence
Finish episode 8, THE LIGHT BRINGER, without skipping any sequences.
A Day in Central Park
Complete the game
Complete the entire game (Episodes 1-8) without skipping any sequences.
Hidden Trophy
Cockpit Addict
Drive all the way down 59th street in Cockpit view
When you're about to exit the parking lot, switch immediately to first person view (Cockpit View) and drive the whole way through the rest of the level like that. Don't worry about dying, just switch back to first person view BEFORE you move. The trophy will unlock as soon as you hit the last jump.
NOTE: If you move before the camera has fully transitioned to first person view, you will need to start over.
Hidden Trophy
The Blind Man
Finish the 'Wake Up' sequence without blinking
Episode 1, Sequence 1. When prompted to blink (R3) during the first game sequence, do not. Proceed through the whole sequence with blurred vision. The trophy will unlock as you reach the caged area at the top of the stairs.
NOTE: I completed this trophy first try, and then when I re did the sequence to see what I had missed, I died.
Hidden Trophy
Countdown To Death
Stop your wound from bleeding
Use a bandage to heal a wound, the same way you would use medical spray. As a part of the story, in Episode 3 you are injured and you need to bandage a wound. When you get to the public washroom you will find a medical kit. Open it and take the bandage and use it on your wound.
NOTE: It is possible that you can skip this part of the story all together, but you most likely wont make it the rest of the way through the episode without bandaging your wound. This is the first chance to use a bandage.
Hidden Trophy
Purification by Fire
Destroy the Vampirz' nest
Episode 4, Sequence 2. The boss thing you fight is the Vampirz' nest. Throw a couple explosives into the bottom of the building and its toast.
Hidden Trophy
Meet Again
Meet Theophile in room 943
Episode 6, Sequence 1. When the sequence starts you will be told to close your eyes(R3). There you will see the ghost of Theophile. The trophy unlocks almost immediately.
Hidden Trophy
Revive Sarah.
Episode 5, Sequence 1. When the sequence starts you will need to free Sarah from the cocoon with the axe. After freeing her, you will need to go though a button pressing puzzle in order to revive her. The trophy unlocks during the movie sequence that follows.
Hidden Trophy
Jump across the gap using the tow truck.
Episode 4, Sequence 3. Before entering the museum, you are caught on the wrong side of a gap in the ground. There is a tow truck in the opposite direction than the museum. Align the tow truck with the landing area on the museums side of the gorge, then get out and flip the switch on the side of the truck. After doing that, go to the back of the tow truck and shoot the TWO locks (one on the top, one on the bottom) that are holding the ramp up. After doing so, jump the gorge with any other vehicle, using the tow truck as a ramp.
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Cave
Discover the secret of Central Park.
Episode 8, Sequence 2. Upon entering the under croft of the Building that the Barrier Tree was guarding, this trophy will unlock.
Hidden Trophy
The Path of Light
Discover the secret of Central Park.
Episode 8, Sequence 4. For a better ending, KILL SARAH. To get this trophy and "The Path of Darkness" quickly, save it when you are given the choice to shoot her, and then do it or don't, then reload and do the opposite.
Hidden Trophy
The Path of Darkness
Discover the secret of Central Park.
Episode 8, Sequence 4. For a better ending, KILL SARAH. To get this trophy and "The Path of Light" quickly, save it when you are given the choice to shoot her, and then do it or don't, then reload and do the opposite.
Hidden Trophy
Burning Root
Burn a root of evil..
Episode 4, Sequence 4. The large root of evil might look intimidating at first, but all you need to do is touch it with the littlest ammount of fire and it will burn up. Don't waste too much on it, all that is nessary is a slight spray.
Flaming Roots
Burn half of the roots of evil
Burn em' down. The circles on your GPS that are full of static are the locations of all the roots of evil. You won't be able to get most of them until Episode 8. Just flick them with a little bit of fire.
NOTE: Some of the roots of evil require you to figure out a small puzzle. For example: Sticking a lit plastic Molotov cocktail to a hanging pole, and then hitting a switch to make the pole swing behind a cage, containing the root of evil..
Blazing Roots
Burn all roots of evil
Burn em' down. The circles on your GPS that are full of static are the locations of all the roots of evil. You won't be able to get most of them until Episode 8. Just flick them with a little bit of fire.
NOTE: Some of the roots of evil require you to figure out a small puzzle. For example: Jumping a car onto a catapult with a flaming truck aimed straight at a root of evil, or sticking a lit plastic Molotov cocktail to a ratz as he walks across a wire overtop of a huge gorge.
Basic Combination
Tape up a bottle.
Combine tape and any form of bottle.
Kill 3 Humanz at once.
Kill three Humanz at once, using explosives. If you don't care about dying then do what I did. In Episode 3, sequence 4 (If I remember properly) There will be a food cart with a propane on it a little ways down the road. Go attract some Humanz, then run over to the cart. Once the Humanz are right at your throat, shoot the propane tank and the trophy will unlock momentarily.
The Smart Fighter
Kill any Humanz with the 'spray + lighter' combination.
Equip a spray can (any type) and the lighter, and spray a Humanz. This is the most useful combination of items in the game, so heed and take notice. Mosquito spray is your friend.
The Molotov Cocktail
Insert a wick into a bottle with flammable content.
Combine an Explosive Glass Bottle or an Explosive Plastic Bottle with either a Bandage or a Handkerchief.
Burn a cocoon.
In Episode 3 you will encounter your first cocoon after getting through the hanging car and jumping into the sewer cave. Just burn it with any spray or with a thrown Molotov cocktail.
The Air Bomb
Throw a bottle filled with flammable liquid and shoot it midair.
Equip an Explosive Glass Bottle or an Explosive Plastic Bottle in one hand, and the Gun in the other. Throw the bottle and shoot it while in slo-mo.
The Sticky Bomb
Take a bottle filled with flammable content or a spray and combine it with an adhesive.
Combine an Explosive Plastic Bottle or an Explosive Glass Bottle or any Spray Can with tape.
Fire Bullets
Make a fire bullet by pouring flammable liquid on it.
Combine an Explosive Plastic Bottle or an Explosive Glass Bottle with the Gun.
The Glowstick Bomb
Combine a tapped bottle filled with flammable content or a spray with a glowstick.
Combine an Explosive Plastic Bottle or an Explosive Glass Bottle with Tape and a Glowstick.
Combine an empty taped bottle with a wick and an emergency flare.
Empty any type of bottle and combine it with Tape, an Emergency Flare, and either a Bandage or a Handkerchief.
Handyman Carnby 
Combine an empty taped bottle with a wick and an emergency flare.
Ugh.. You might want to make a check list.
Take every object, multiply it by every other object, and you win! Here's what you need to do:
Explosive Plastic Bottle + Double Sided Tape + Handkerchief + Emergency Flare
Explosive Plastic Bottle + Double Sided Tape + Handkerchief + Glowstick
Explosive Plastic Bottle + Double Sided Tape + Handkerchief + Box of Ammunition
Explosive Plastic Bottle + Double Sided Tape + Bandages + Emergency Flare
Explosive Plastic Bottle + Double Sided Tape + Bandages + Glowstick
Explosive Plastic Bottle + Double Sided Tape + Bandages + Box of Ammunition
Explosive Glass Bottle + Double Sided Tape + Handkerchief + Emergency Flare
Explosive Glass Bottle + Double Sided Tape + Handkerchief + Glowstick
Explosive Glass Bottle + Double Sided Tape + Handkerchief + Box of Ammunition
Explosive Glass Bottle + Double Sided Tape + Bandages + Emergency Flare
Explosive Glass Bottle + Double Sided Tape + Bandages + Glowstick
Explosive Glass Bottle + Double Sided Tape + Bandages + Box of Ammunition
Spray Can + Double Sided Tape + Emergency Flare
Spray Can + Double Sided Tape + Glowstick
Spray Can + Double Sided Tape + Box of Ammunition
Bloodpack + Double Sided Tape
Glowstick + Double Sided Tape
Emergency Flare + Double Sided Tape
Box of Ammunition + Gun (reload your gun in the inventory)
Transfer liquid from one bottle to another
NOTE: This is the hardest, most time consuming trophy in the game. REMEMBER TO COMBINE BULLETS WITH YOUR GUN. Damn I hate that. Drove me insane.
Some good places to do this are:
- The kitchen of a building surrounded with a metal fence. Open the fence door and go into the kitchen, The building also contains a Root of Evil in Episode 5, I forget the exact location though.
- Building near the entrance to Central Park (when you first arrive) It contains a Root of Evil and is located at the very bottom left of the map. Go in the basement and then upstairs through the elevator, there is a lot to work with up there, possible everything minus the car.
ALSO NOTE: Water is obtained from the vending machines. Combine the water bottle with whatever it is you want to fill.
Have Fun!
The Sharpshooter
Finish off a Humanz by shooting fire bullets at it's fissure.
Combine an Explosive Glass Bottle or an Explosive Plastic Bottle with the Gun, and then shoot it at any Humanz' Fissure(The crack like things on their chest).
Demolition Expert
Build the most destructive weapon.
This combination comes in handy, it packs the same punch as an exploded propane tank. There’s a tip.
Burn a Fissure.
Kill a Fissure with the Spray + Lighter combo. They are fast, so instead of aiming for the very front of it, aim for the trail it leaves behind.
The Biggest of All
Beat the museum monster.
Kill a Fissure with the Spray + Lighter combo. They are fast, so instead of aiming for the very front of it, aim for the trail it leaves behind.
Kick 10 Ratz.
In third person view, walk up to a Ratz and press R2. The Ratz are the little things that look like insects that crawl around.
Toasted Eggs
Burn a Ratz nest.
Burn a Ratz nest with a Molotov cocktail, thrown and shot explosive bottle, or the Spray + Lighter combo. They are the things that spit out the Ratz.
Burn one of the Vampirz.
Burn a Vampirz. It is easiest to do this with the Spray + Lighter combo. Vampirz are the flying things that look like leeches.
Fisherman's Foe
Shoot the goldfish.
Episode 3, Sequence 2. In the room with the cocoon after crawling through the hanging car there is a goldfish swimming around in the water. Shoot it, and it floats graciously to the surface of the water as your trophy unlocks you sick bastard.
NOTE: This note just wasted two seconds of your time, or are you still reading? Because if you are it would be more like seven seconds.
ALSO NOTE: I timed it.
Unlimited Offer
Call a contact in your address book.
After obtaining the PDA in Episode 3, press Select and go to your contacts. Call every one of them. (You will receive an "Unable to call" message every time).
Hotwire a car.
Break into a car and if you are unable to find the keys (Or even if you found them!) break into the fuselage and cross two wires of the same colour.
Car Thievery
Unlock a car door after breaking the window.
During the story you will be required to break the window to a car (by SHOOTING it) and unlock it. HOWEVER, some people have complained about not having to do so, so if you are faced with that problem, just shoot a car window and open the door.
Free Gasoline
Pierce a car gas tank and fill a bottle with the fuel.
After finding either a Knife or a Screwdriver, empty any bottle and go over to a car. Use the Knife or Screwdriver on the gas tank and then use the Empty Bottle on the flowing Gasoline.
Never Leave a Key Here
Find a car key in the sun visor.
When hijacking any car, check the sun visor on thee drivers side before doing anything. If you randomly find a key there, voila, trophy unlocked.
The Ten Mile Race
Drive at least 10 miles with a vehicle.
Drive ten miles with any car. Most likely to unlock once you've reached Central Park.
NOTE: I unlocked this on 59th street. Yes, I suck.
Kill 100 Humanz.
You'll unlock this while doing the story, just kill 100 of them biothces.
NOTE: Mix em, mash em, stick em in a stew.
Bloody Mary
Bandage 5 deep bleeding wounds.
After being severely injured you will see a heart beat monitor on the bottom left of the screen. When that happens, use a bandage to heal your deep bleeding wound. Do this 5 times and voila, you're officially prone to incident. Oh, and you unlock a trophy too.
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