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- The Godfather II Trophy Guide
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Thread: The Godfather II Trophy Guide
The Godfather II Trophy Guide
The Godfather II Trophy Guide
Written by NathanClownfish

This game only requires one playthrough of the game to obtain platinum, the game is actually very easy to complete. The collectable trophies are acheivable after completing the story, so while enjoying the story focus on the executions. (WARNING The executions have to be done on mobsters or they will not count!) There are two miss-able trophies one being the executions mentioned above and the other is "Contract Killer"
Trophy Difficulty: Very Easy
Offline Trophies: 42
Online Trophies: 0
Minimum number of play throughs: 1
Number of miss-able trophies: 2
Known glitched trophies: 0
Platinum Trophy
Act like a mobster, think like a Don.
Collect all other trophies for The Godfather II
Complete 10 execution styles.
Open Dons View, press
and scroll a few pages until you reach a page containing “Executions”. Do 10 of them. *NOTE*: The executions must be done on mobsters.
Executions In Style
Complete all execution styles.
Open Dons View, push
and scroll a few pages until you reach a page containing “Executions”. Do all of them. *NOTE*: The executions must be done on mobsters.
Tips: There are a some weapons that is not standard mobster gear, which is not as easy to find as the firearms. These are:
Nightstick: Go to Federal Building, New York. Take out a guard carrying it. Take the nightstick.
Pool Cue: Go to the cuban police station and search behind it. It will lay on the floor along some other goodies.
Baseball bat and tire iron: Can be obtained at most venues, just search a little.
Contract Killer
Eliminate 5 made men with the appropriate kill condition.
While driving or walking on the street, keep your eyes open for civilians with a Key sign above their heads. Talk to them and they will ask you a favor. Complete the favor and they will give you a kill condition for a made man. Check Dons View after favor Is completed.
Three Crime Rings
Control three crime rings.
Take over 3 crime rings. Do this by taking over businesses from rival families. Check Dons View for crime rings.
Five Crime Rings
Control five crime rings.
Take over 5 crime rings. Do this by taking over businesses from rival families. Check Dons View for crime rings.
Control all extortable businesses.
Take over all 9 extortable businesses. Look for cash register logos in the Dons View.
Organized Crime
Control all crime rings.
Take over all crime rings. Do this by taking over businesses from rival families. Check Dons View for crime rings.
Crack five safes.
Open Dons View, push
and scroll a few pages until you reach a page containing “Safes”. Go to the place where the safes are located. Every business and compound has a safe. *NOTE*: Safecracker soldier/capo/underboss is required.
Crack all safes.
Open Dons View, press
and scroll a few pages until you reach a page containing “Safes”. Find and open every safe to unlock this trophy. *NOTE*: Safecracker soldier/capo/underboss is required.
Create a mobster using MobFace.
You will get this automatically for creating your character.
Let Me Upgrade You
Upgrade one of your made men's skills or weapons.
Open Dons View, push
. On the first page you can see every rival family. Push “Your family”, then select one of your Made Men and push
. Here you can spend some money upgrading your crew.
Torch The Joint
Send your men to bomb a venue from the Don's View.
Open Dons View. Press
on one of the rival families businesses. Then press
to send some men to bomb the venue.
Pulling The Strings
Send your men to attack a venue from the Don's View.
Open Dons View. Press
on one of the rival families businesses. Then press
to send some men to attack the venue.
Eliminate three rival families.
Take over all businesses from a rival family to unlock their compound. Then bring you crew and blow it up and kill all the family members. Do this on 3 rival families *NOTE*: Requires a demolitions soldier/capo/underboss.
Eliminate four rival families.
Take over all businesses from a rival family to unlock their compound. Then bring you crew and blow it up and kill all the family members. Do this on 4 rival families *NOTE*: Requires a demolitions soldier/capo/underboss.
It's Not Personal
Eliminate a rival family by successfully bombing their compound.
Take over all businesses from a rival family to unlock their compound. Then bring you crew and blow it up and kill all the family members. Do this on your 1st family. *NOTE*: Requires a demolitions soldier/capo/underboss.
Last Family Standing
Eliminate all five rival families.
Take over all businesses from a rival family to unlock their compound. Then bring you crew and blow it up and kill all the family members. Do this on all 5 rival families.*NOTE*: Requires a demolitions soldier/capo/underboss.
It's Only Business
Eliminate Hyman Roth.
You will get this automatically during a mission in the game.
Double Crossed
Eliminate two rival families.
Take over all businesses from a rival family to unlock their compound. Then bring you crew and blow it up and kill all the family members. Do this on 2 rival families. *NOTE*: Requires a demolitions soldier/capo/underboss.
Gun Smuggler
Find a level 2 firearm upgrade.
Find any level 2 firearm upgrade. Use this to find it:
Level 1 - Tommy Gun: Already available.
Level 2 - MP38: Granados Compound, Florida. Search the second floor.
Level 3 - Modified AK-47: Battaglia Masonry, Cuba. When you enter a certain room, turn left to find a ladder leading underground. Follow the tunnel.
Level 1 - .357 Magnum: Already available.
Level 2 - .44 Magnum Force: When attacking Carmine Rosato's Compound in New York, go upstairs in the tiny foyer before approaching Carmine. The Magnum is clearly visible on a desk.
Level 3 - .501 Magnum Enforcer: Battaglia Quarry Chop Shop, Cuba. Look at the map to find the lighthouse, and go there.
Level 1 - Pistol: Already available.
Level 2 - Silenced Pistol: Ryan Roth mission, Florida. Found during the mission where he sends you to rescue one of his soldiers.
Level 3 - Delta M1911 silenced : Mangano's Compound, Florida. Search the second floor.
Level 1 - Sniper Rifle: Already available.
Level 2 - Spitzer Centerfire: Emilio's packing company, Florida. It is located on the rooftop; an engineer is required to cut the fence.
Level 3 - Vintovka SR-98: Almeida Compound, Cuba. On the second floor on a desk.
Level 1 - Shotgun: Already available.
Level 2 - Sawed-off: Corleone's Compound, New York. As soon as you leave the compound through the main gate, go straight forward, and turn left. There is a hedge that can be burned with an arsonist. The shotgun is behind there.
Level 3 - Schofield Semi-auto: Global Storage Chop Shop, Florida. On the right side of the island, inside the small warehouse.

Modified Firepower
Find a level 3 firearm upgrade.
Find any level 3 firearm upgrade. Use this to find it:
Level 1 - Tommy Gun: Already available.
Level 2 - MP38: Granados Compound, Florida. Search the second floor.
Level 3 - Modified AK-47: Battaglia Masonry, Cuba. When you enter a certain room, turn left to find a ladder leading underground. Follow the tunnel.
Level 1 - .357 Magnum: Already available.
Level 2 - .44 Magnum Force: When attacking Carmine Rosato's Compound in New York, go upstairs in the tiny foyer before approaching Carmine. The Magnum is clearly visible on a desk.
Level 3 - .501 Magnum Enforcer: Battaglia Quarry Chop Shop, Cuba. Look at the map to find the lighthouse, and go there.
Level 1 - Pistol: Already available.
Level 2 - Silenced Pistol: Ryan Roth mission, Florida. Found during the mission where he sends you to rescue one of his soldiers.
Level 3 - Delta M1911 silenced : Mangano's Compound, Florida. Search the second floor.
Level 1 - Sniper Rifle: Already available.
Level 2 - Spitzer Centerfire: Emilio's packing company, Florida. It is located on the rooftop; an engineer is required to cut the fence.
Level 3 - Vintovka SR-98: Almeida Compound, Cuba. On the second floor on a desk.
ShotgunsLevel 1 - Shotgun: Already available.
Level 2 - Sawed-off: Corleone's Compound, New York. As soon as you enter the compound through the main gate, go straight forward, and turn left. There is a hedge that can be burned with an arsonist. The shotgun is behind there.
Level 3 - Schofield Semi-auto: Global Storage Chop Shop, Florida. On the right side of the island, inside the small warehouse.

Bank Job
Heist your first bank.
Go to any of the 4 banks, kill guards and open the big vault, which most likely contains $10.000. Also remember to crack the small safe inside the vault in order to get the “Safecracker” trophy. You might also have discovered that theres a "back entrance", a spot where your demolition Made Man can blow a hole in the wall and you can get in that way as well. Then return to your nearest safehouse to register the heist. *NOTE*: Requires Safecracker or Demolitions soldier/capo/underboss.
Bag Man
Heist each bank once.
Go to all of 4 banks, kill guards and open the big vaults, which most likely contains $10.000. Also remember to crack the small safes inside the vault in order to get the “Safecracker” trophy. You might also have discovered that theres a "back entrance", a spot where your demolition Made Man can blow a hole in the wall and you can get in that way as well. Then return to your nearest safehouse to register the heist. *NOTE*: Requires Safecracker or Demolitions soldier/capo/underboss.
750 Sleeping With The Fishes
Kill 750 mobsters.
Simply kill 750 mobsters on any way.
100 Whacked
Kill 100 mobsters.
Simply kill 100 mobsters on any way.
250 Iced
Kill 250 mobsters.
Simply kill 250 mobsters on any way.
25 Massacred
Kill 25 mobsters.
Simply kill 25 mobsters on any way.
BlackHand Brutality
Kill 25 mobsters only using BlackHand attacks.
Simply kill 25 mobsters using BlackHand attacks. BlackHand is whenever you smash them into walls, into tables, chokes them and so on so on…
500 Empty Suits
Kill 500 Mobsters.
Simply Kill 500 mobsters on any way.
Full Of Lead
Kill 150 mobsters only using firearms.
Simply kill 150 mobsters using firearms. Firearms is all pistols, machine guns, shotguns, rifles and magnums.
This Thing Of Ours
Recruit a full family tree.
Every time you get an empty spot in your family tree, search owned venues for soldiers with a $ sign above their heads. Talk to them and find their speciality. Then recruit the ones you need. Also sometimes you might promote one of your existing soldiers or capos.
Fortified Venue
Max out all guards at a venue.
When you have taken over a venue from a rival family, it will be smart to buy guards to protect it against other families. Do this by opening the Dons View, select the venue you want to add guards on, then press
to manage guards. Just add as many guars as possible to unlock trophy.
Paying Tribute
Unlock all safehouses.
You will get this automatically in the game.
Right Hand Man
Promote one of your made men to Capo.
When you get a empty spot at the Capo field, promote one of your soldiers by pressing
Second In Command
Promote one of your men to Underboss.
When the underboss field is unlocked, promote one of your capos to Underboss.
First Crime Ring
Control one crime ring.
Take over 1 crime ring. Do this by taking over businesses from rival families. Check Dons View for crime rings.
Getting Made
Recruit your first soldier.
Every time you get an empty spot in your family tree, search owned venues for soldiers with a $ sign above their heads. Talk to them and find their speciality. Then recruit the ones you need.
The Counselor
Accept Tom Hagen as your Consigliere.
You get this automatically in the game.
Kill Henry Mitchell.
You get this automatically in the game.
Accept This As A Gift
Earn one of each favor.
Open Dons View. Scroll a few pages until you reach on containing “Corrupted Officials”. Earn favors for them, and they will heal your wounded men fast, call of police, put a rival made man behind bars and so on so on… Scroll a few more pages until you reach one containing “Collectables”. Here you can see which favors you need. You need to do the Call of Police 3 times and the Rapid Recovery 2 times. The rest you need to do 1 time.
Welcome To The Gun Show
Collect all level 2 and level 3 firearm upgrades.
Collect all level 2 and 3 firearm upgrades. Check “Collectables” in the Dons View to see what you are missing. Use this to find them:
Level 1 - Tommy Gun: Already available.
Level 2 - MP38: Granados Compound, Florida. Search the second floor.
Level 3 - Modified AK-47: Battaglia Masonry, Cuba. When you enter a certain room, turn left to find a ladder leading underground. Follow the tunnel.
Level 1 - .357 Magnum: Already available.
Level 2 - .44 Magnum Force: When attacking Carmine Rosato's Compound in New York, go upstairs in the tiny foyer before approaching Carmine. The Magnum is clearly visible on a desk.
Level 3 - .501 Magnum Enforcer: Battaglia Quarry Chop Shop, Cuba. Look at the map to find the lighthouse, and go there.
Level 1 - Pistol: Already available.
Level 2 - Silenced Pistol: Ryan Roth mission, Florida. Found during the mission where he sends you to rescue one of his soldiers.
Level 3 - Delta M1911 silenced : Mangano's Compound, Florida. Search the second floor.
Level 1 - Sniper Rifle: Already available.
Level 2 - Spitzer Centerfire: Emilio's packing company, Florida. It is located on the rooftop; an engineer is required to cut the fence.
Level 3 - Vintovka SR-98: Almeida Compound, Cuba. On the second floor on a desk.
Level 1 - Shotgun: Already available.
Level 2 - Sawed-off: Corleone's Compound, New York. As soon as you enter the compound through the main gate, go straight forward, and turn left. There is a hedge that can be burned with an arsonist. The shotgun is behind there.
Level 3 - Schofield Semi-auto: Global Storage Chop Shop, Florida. On the right side of the island, inside the small warehouse.
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