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- Red Dead Redemption Trophy Guide
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Thread: Red Dead Redemption Trophy Guide
Red Dead Redemption Trophy Guide
Red Dead Redemption Trophy Guide
Trophy Difficulty: Moderate
Offline Trophies: 40
Online Trophies: 9
Minimum number of play throughs: 1
Number of miss-able trophies: 1
Known glitched trophies: N/A
Legend of the West
You've become a true legend of the west!
Follow the guide below and the trophy will be yours!
That Government Boy
Complete "Exodus in America"
- Story Based, cannot be missed. This is the very first mission.

Land of Opportunity
Complete "The Assault on Fort Mercer"
- Story Based, cannot be missed. (Last mission on New Austin)
- This is the first mission where you get the chance to use a Gatling Gun. As the stagecoach goes into the fort, the back of the stagecoach will open and you will unleash hell in the form of bullets on Williamson's gang.
- Clear out the enemies that appear then help the marshals search the fort for Bill.It turns out that he's not there, then you'll have to use the gatling gun outside the fort to stop the reinforcements.
- Out of the reinforcements, there are both mounted and unmounted foes, and 2 wagons with Gatling Guns also mounted on them. A simple weakness for the wagons are the dynamite crates located on each of them, one direct shot and, BOOM, no more wagon. Once all of the enemies are eliminated, a cutscene will appear and that is the end of the mission.

Sons of Mexico
Complete "The Gates of El Presidio"
- Story Based, cannot be missed.
- After the opening cutscene get to El Presidio with Reyes. Once there, Reyes will light a fuse on the dynamite in the back of your cart, and he’ll tell you to rush into El Presidio. Now you must ram the cart into the front gates, but before the impact, you’ll have to jump out a good distance before to avoid death. You will need the horses to be running at full speed before he jumps out.
- When you enter you must find Javier, and there are three buildings to search. Javier is in the barracks to the left of the entrance so, as you enter El Presidio, go left up the stairs, and he will be in the building directly ahead. Go up the stairs inside the barracks, and you'll find him there.
- Javier makes a false compromise, and he then tries to escape. He jumps out the window and runs to his horse, as his escape plan. Now follow Javier, and either choose to hogtie him or simply shoot him. Once you deal with Escuella, the army will send reinforcements.
- Run to the marker on the mini-map and mount the cannon. To aim more precisely with the cannon, aim a bit higher than the intended target because the cannon will create an arced shot when fired. After dealing with the enemies, go down to pick up Escuella.
- The mission ends with Marston meeting with two government agents that appear in the first mission. You hand over Escuella to the agents; they then tell you to get Bill Williamson and then travel to Blackwater, because they believe Dutch van der Linde is in the area.

No more Fancy Words
Complete "An Appointed Time"
- Story Based, cannot be missed. (Last mission in Mexico)
- The mission begins with a duel, which you clearly must win to progress. To duel, simply press
while aiming at intended target (to lock-on) as the marker turns white and more engorged. The two meters on the side represent the winner, the person with the most filled meter will win, Blue is yours and Red is the opponent's. Remember the more engorged the white marker is when you click
, the higher your odds will be to win. So if your meter is not higher than your opponent's by the time you lock-on enough fatal bullets, you will lose. (Remember certain body parts give big bonuses to the meter, and others don't, ex.; One lock-on to the head and automatic victory, same goes with the hand for a disarm).
- After winning the duel, cut Reyes loose and go to the prison. Three Federales will bolt out of the door, eliminate them and enter the jail and release the prisoners by shooting the locks. Now help Reyes with his assault. Use whatever possible for cover as there are a lot of enemies.
- Next man the Gatling Gun that Reyes takes you to right. As the rebels open the gates, turn the gun in that direction, and shoot the dynamite crates once enough of the enemy surround them. Continue to shoot because more soldiers will appear. Once they are all killed move up and into the fort and there will be more soldiers inside.
- Reyes will tell you to defend the gates, and make sure none of the soldiers enter the fort. Hide behind the sandbags either inside or outside the fort, and kill the soldiers as they approach.
- Once the reinforcements are taken care of, Reyes' rebels break through the door, and then Allende will be trying to escape in a stagecoach with Bill Williamson. Head down the stairs behind the house and kill the soldiers still left behind. Get a horse and follow Williamson and Allende.
- There will be two guards on horses behind the cart, as well as the guard on the Gatling Gun, take them all out before killing the guard who’s riding shotgun, as he'll also be firing at you. Now you have two options, shoot all the horses to make the cart stop or just kill the driver with head shot. Once the stagecoach stops, a cutscene will play and your time in Mexico has come to an end.

A Savage Soul
Complete "At Home with Dutch"
- Story Based, cannot be missed.
- Get on your horse and follow Nastas to the location. Once you make it to the location, MacDougal will say how he's scared of the outdoors and runs away, leaving you with Nastas.
- Approach Nastas, and a cutscene will display John climbing on top of the cliff and helping Nastas. A wooden wall, that once Nastas has gone over, will be impossible for you to climb. To the left of the wall, there will be some steps, climb them. Then continue climbing, the path is very linear, so no worries. Eventually you will be reunited with Nastas.
- Follow Nastas as he leads you into some old mining caves. Another cutscene will begin, showing Nastas being attacked by a lunatic miner, and cut his arm before Nastas kills him. A cart filled with dynamite will roll into the cave, and as you rush outside, three men will wait to surprise John. Take them out and approach Nastas. Now you will be on your own, as Nastas is too injured to continue. Go to the yellow marker on the map, and begin climbing. Follow the path from here on, because there is only one way from here, just a bit of climbing is involved.
- After a couple of climbs, a grizzly bear will appear. A quick kill for the bear is to take out the strongest rifle or shotgun at your disposal, enter dead-eye then target its head twice or more and the bear shall die. Eventually you will arrive at a plateau with a dead Big Horn and a curved piece of rail track leading to a closed entrance on the left, there's a cougar up here, kill it as well, then continue and keep climbing. Now there are no more deadly animals to faceoff against.
- Once you reach the top, a Native American is visible. He will have to be dealt with, silently. Now you cannot use any weapon, but the silent ones. Use either the throwing knives or the lasso to take him out. You then pick up his binoculars. Now, and simply find Dutch van der Linde in the camp by panning a little to the left, until a tent is visible and he should emerge from it.

The Benefits of Civilization
Complete "And The Truth Will Set You Free"
- Story Based, cannot be missed.
- The mission starts with another brief cutscene, get on your horse and get ready for another long ride with Ross and the US Army. You can go ahead of the troops and reach the destination quicker if you would like to. Once you arrive, the army will blow open the gate and you'll continue on foot. Take out about 2 or 3 waves of enemies then run into the village.
- Mount the Gatling gun and kill the enemies in the village. The last three enemies will be on the left as you enter the gate. There are dynamite crates placed in useful locations where several enemies will appear, so use it to your advantage.
- After you clean up the village, carry on up to the checkpoint and you'll see another small cutscene with the officer. His men will take some time to plant the explosives on the door and as they do that, you have to protect them from 2 waves of men that appear on the walls of the fort. After this you'll head into the heart of the camp alone to face Dutch and a few of his men.
- Aim at the lantern behind Dutch's machine gun and shoot it to set the camp on fire. After Dutch abandons the machine gun he'll run away and you'll be forced to chase him. Work your way up to where Dutch was and follow the path which he takes. Once inside go up the stairs and head into the tunnel to continue your chase. Chase Dutch until you have him cornered at the top of a large cliff. Dutch begins to speak before falling to his death.
- Now after Edgar Ross appears, head to Beecher’s Hope to meet your family.

Into the Sunset
Complete "The Last Enemy That Shall Be Destroyed"
- Story Based, cannot be missed. (Last Mission in the game)
- This mission starts with a brief cut scene with John and Jack conversing, and then Uncle interrupts and says something is outside. It's the US Army, headed by Edgar Ross.
- As soon as this mission begins, you have to kill the first wave of soldiers with uncle. A preferred weapon of choice here is the Bolt-Action Rifle, because of its strength and the soldiers are relatively far from you, and many of the soldiers use this weapon. USE COVER BECAUSE YOU ARE CLEARLY OUTNUMBERED.
- After killing the first group, follow Uncle’s instructions and after the cutscene Jack will come outside for more firing power. Now take cover behind the railing on the porch and kill the soldiers. Uncle will aid you, but Jack can only shoot horses. After killing a few soldiers, Uncle will inevitably get shot in the chest. Kill all the rest of the soldiers; now soldiers will come from more directions, but stay on the south side of the porch to catch them by surprise, and a cutscene will begin where Uncle informs you to get Abigail and Jack out of the farm. There is now a large pause before more soldiers appear.
- Now assist your family by covering them as they flee towards the barn, but the issue at hand is that as they cross the road more soldiers will arrive. Stay close to them and shoot on foot, use the rolling tactics if need (Aim
and press
and move the analog in the direction of the roll).
- Finally you will get to a cutscene where John makes Jack and Abigail leave the farm, while you are left with a firing squad of U.S. Army troops. You will enter Dead-eye, target as many people as possible. I won’t spoil the end for anyone, so just finish the mission. After this, 3 years pass and you will be in control of Jack.

Nurture or Nature?
Complete "Remember My Family"
- Considered a Stranger Mission (This is the actual game ending)
- Once you are in control of Jack, hop on your horse and head over to Blackwater. A Stranger mission's emblem will pop up (a purple "?") Follow the instructions the stranger gives you and simply continue to where the mission leads you. No more help will be offered for this mission, to simply avoid spoiling the end.
High Roller
Win over 2000 chips in a hand of Poker
- This mission can be easily completed when you enter Mexico and progress through the Landon Ricketts missions. Once the mission "Lucky in Love" is available, the mission starts with a poker game where you will automatically win any bet, just to infuriate Andreas Muller, forcing you into a duel. When betting, go All-In every turn and the chips will accumulate to 2000 chips.
- If you somehow fail to get this mission from, “Lucky in Love”, just go to the
menu > stats > missions > Lucky in Love, to replay.
- Or you can actually play poker and gain the 200 chips yourself. The tables at Blackwater are high bets only, so they may come in handy.
No Dice
Complete a game of Liar's Dice without losing a single dice.
- The simplest method for this trophy is to find a Liar’s Dice table with a maximum of 3 other players. The players will call each others bluffs, while you continue to stay truthful by only stating what you possess.
What About Hand Grenades?
Get a ringer in a game of Horseshoes.
- This trophy requires you to obtain a ringer in horseshoes. A ringer is obtained when the horseshoe wraps around the stake. Now aim the stake in between the space between the horseshoe, try to make an imaginary diagonal line starting from either end of the horseshoe, that just grazes the top of the stake. More specifically, his index finger should be almost touching the stake in your view, but not touching.
- The instructions on how to play are always displayed for horseshoes, so there will not be an issue over that.
- Now out of the three markers on the power meter, the white line represents full accuracy and the black lines represent how close, you will need to get your power to either the white line or near it. So begin to make the swinging motion, as this generates a better throw. Release the horseshoe when the power meets the white marker and once thee ringer is made, the trophy should be yours.
- Rathskellar Fork has an easy horseshoe pits because the distance between the pits are far closer than the others.
NOTE: while playing horseshoes, the higher you bet, the harder the game, like any other minigame.

Austin Overpowered
Complete Twin Rocks, Pike's Basin, and Gaptooth Breach Hideouts in Single Player.
- Twin Rocks - Very simple hideout, first meet the rancher at the front and he will state how the gang is holding his daughter captive and he needs help to rescue her, so you do. Kill of off the enemies and then head over to the building. Eliminate whoever is left and once inside the building, enter the room to the left of the entrance and enter dead-eye. You will have to shoot the man who is holding the girl hostage in the head or he'll kill the girl. If you save the girl, you will receive gain honor, but if you fail to save her, you will lose honor.
- Pike’s Basin - Enter the basin and a rancher will ask for assistance, his cattle is stolen by the gang and he needs to retrieve them. Go in shooting and consider staying in cover because some enemies may have the higher ground. There are a few dynamite crates which can help you with eliminating the gang. Then aid the rancher by helping him to get his cattle to safety, while being attacked by a few reinforcements. Once the cattle are safe, you have completed Pike's Basin.
- Gaptooth Breach - As you enter the area, you will discover that the hideout is a mine shaft. Talk to the injured man at the crates, south of the mine and he will say how the miners attacked him and his friend who have apparently discovered a treasure in the mine. He will also state that his friend, Floyd is being held in the rail house, which is the building to the southwest of the mine; a blue dot will appear on the mini-map to identify it. Floyd does not need to be rescued, but he does provide extra fire power to the assault if saved. Enter the mine and the treasure location is revealed. Shoot your way through the mine and use the dynamite crates and oil lamps to your advantage as there are several of them around the corridors. You then can open the treasure box, and will discover $100- 200.
Evil Spirits
Complete Tumbleweed and Tesoro Azul Hideouts in Single Player.
- Tumbleweed - First enter the town, and a marker will appear where a sheriff is being held hostage. Help him out by cutting his rope and then assault the gang. Clear out the town the enemies that are in the town and whoever else in the area, then move up to the mansion. Take cover under the fencing by the start of the hill. Kill any visible enemies and go around the building, avoiding the main entrance, and go in through the basement doors. Then work your way up through the building and once the last enemy is killed, the hideout is completed.
- Tesoro Azul- This is a fairly straight forward hideout, meet up with the sheriff and help him save his friends. There will be a point where you have to kill a man inside a building. He will be holding an officer captive, so simply enter dead-eye and aim for his head.
Instinto Asesino
Complete Fort Mercer and Nosalida Hideouts in Single Player.
- Fort Mercer- Arrive at the fort and you will be prompted to go to a marker, there will be a man in need of assistance. He explains how there’s money in the fort and he’ll split it with you if you help him. Simply follow his instructions to get into the fort and start cleaning up. If you want support, open the front gate for the man to aid you. After all enemies are killed, follow the man into a room and open the treasure chests.
- Nosalida- This hideout is slightly different, but should be a peace of cake as well. Once within range of the hideout, you will be informed to meet a General behind a large rock. He will supply you with fire bottles as you have to ignite the intended targets on fire. First you should clear out all of the enemies, then go to each marked building and throw the fire bottle into the windows, or at the door. Don’t forget about the boat by the docks. Once all of this is completed, go back to the General and obtain your reward.
Fightin' Around the World
Knock someone out in melee in every saloon in the game in Single Player.
There only 7 towns with saloons across the map that you need to go to. Some of these towns may be in areas that you have not unlocked at the beginning of the game, so just progress through the story and once you're far enough go to each saloon. The Area and their cities containing saloons are:
New Austin:
Rathskeller Fork
Thieves Landing
Nuevo Paraiso:
Casa Madrugada
West Elizabeth:
1. A good person to fight is the bar tender, because the others will you agitate will have to maneuver around the bar
2. A running strike often works well because the individual will be knocked to the floor then you can finish him off
3. If you have very high honor, you won’t be attacked by lawmen unless you murder. But thieves landing will be a pain as the town is filled with convicts. So simply wear a gang members outfit, that you can unlock.
Strange Things are Afoot
Complete a task for a Stranger.
Just complete any stranger task, the tasks are marked with a purple “?”.
People are Still Strange
Complete 15 tasks for Strangers.
For the stranger missions, many have several parts, so they cannot be completed in the first part. This list will contain the locations of the strangers as once you find the stranger, a large purple circle will appear to represent the area the new mission is available in. You will need to complete them all for 100% game completion. Click this to display the list:

Click to Expand the List
Buckin' Awesome
Break the Kentucky Saddler, the American Standardbred, and the Hungarian Half-bred.
- The Kentucky Saddler is available to be broken while completing the Bonnie McFarlane Mission, “Wild Horses, Tamed Passions”, otherwise it can be found north of Armadillo.
- The Hungarian Half-Bred can be found near Diez Coronas in Nuevo Paraiso (Mexico). You can also find it in Las Hermanas in Perdido.
- The American Standardbred can be found all over West Elizabeth, but is extremely rare in most places. The best locations to check are the areas east of Manzanita Post and south of Beecher's Hope, also in the western fragment of Tall Trees
1. First pull out your lasso and find the horse, when it is in range, lasso it, go up to the horse on foot, while it is lassoed and hop on.
2. Now the only trick here is to keep Marston balanced by simply moving the right analog in the opposite direction he is shifting.
3. Once it is completed, you have broken the horse and a deed for it can be purchased at any general store.
Clemency Pays
Capture a bounty alive.
This is very simple, as the first few bounties are the easiest. Simply take out the bounty’s back-up and then hogtie him. Once hogtied, place him on your horse and bolt to the jail that the game requires you to go to. Watch out for the bountie's other reinforcements as they follow you on horseback.

Place a hogtied woman on the train tracks, and witness her death by train.
Find a woman, then lasso and hogtie her. Next, place her on your horse and find out where the train is by checking the map. Now just get in head of the train and place the woman on the tracks, then wait for the train to come
Exquisite Taste
Purchase a rare weapon from a gunsmith.
Later in the game, rare and powerful will become available to purchase. Here is a list of the 5 rare weapons and how and where to buy them;
1. LeMat Revolver -Must complete the mission, "The Gates of El Presidio", can be purchased in Escalera.
2. Mauser Pistol -After you enter are allowed to enter West Elizabeth, purchase in Blackwater.
3. Evans Repeater -Like the Mauser, once West Elizabeth is unlocked, purchase in Blacwater.
4. Semi-automatic Shotgun -Must complete, "The Gates of El Presidio", purchase in Escalera.
5. Carcano Rifle -Like the Mauser, unlock West Elizabeth and then purchase in Blackwater.
Bearly Legal
Kill and skin 18 grizzly bears.
- Simple enough, just kill 18 grizzlies, then go over their dead body and press
to initiate the skinning process.
- Bears can be found virtually in any place in Tall Trees, sometimes they are even found on the border of Beecher's Hope and Tall Trees.
Warning: Once a bear is killed, another will come to avenge its death. So aim for the bear's head and shoot twice, one for the kill & the other just in case. Then quickly skin it, and keep your head up.
- Its useful to keep several bottles of medicine at hand for security as bears are strong.
1. You have a higher chance of finding bears on foot, they are really quiet and sneaky, but you can hear them breathe as it is very heavy.
2. Bears and Marston run at the same pace, so if your plan is to out run the bear, you'll have to make quicker turns to slow it down.
He Cleans Up Well!
Obtain the Elegant Suit.
Head over to Thieves' Landing and purchase it from the tailor. This outfit enables cheating in poker games. To cheat in poker, simply click
, then use the left analog to balance a meter which appears. If you do it successfully, you will get away with it, if not you will be challenged to a duel.
More than a Fistful
Earn $10,000 in Single Player.
This trophy does not require for you to have $10,000 at once. You just need to cumulated this amount in total while playing. Money can be earned in almost every activity, heres a quick list
- Bounty Hunting
- Gambling
- Gang Hideouts
- Hunting
- Plant Gathering
- Robbery (stealing)
- Looting
- Story Missions
- Finding treasures
and etc.
Obtain Legendary rank in any Single Player Ambient Challenge.
Complete all 10 challenges for any one of the Single Player Ambient Challenge. Check the trophy Redeemed for additional information.
The Gunslinger
Score a headshot on any enemy in Single Player using Expert targeting mode.
Expert Mode removes the auto-aim lock on features that the game incorporates. So your aim is 100% controlled by you. To turn it on or off, Click
, then go to Options >Configuration >"Singleplayer targeting mode" and edit it accordingly.
Man of Honor / Chivalry’s Dead
Attain highest Fame rank and either highest Honor rank or lowest Honor rank.
There aren't too many options for this trophy. Just progress through the story and honor and fame points are constantly added.You will have to choose to be bad or good. Whatever one that you choose, stick with it.Dueling is a good way to get fame and honor. To easily start a duel, get caught cheating in poker, by using the Elegant Suit, (see
He Cleans Up Well!) For winning a duel you gain 50 fame and if you disarm the man, you gain honor and another 50 fame points.
Gold Medal
Earn a Gold Medal Rank for a combat mission in Single Player.
After each mission, your progress is graded in medals; bronze, silver and gold. To achieve a gold medal, you must complete the mission within specific boundaries and requirements. Either complete any mission under specific requirements and achieve a gold medal on the first try or go back to it later and redo it.
The best mission to achieve gold in is "Political Realities in Armadillo."
The requirements for gold are as follows; beat the mission in 2:35 and get 100% shot accuracy, making at least 5 headshots. There are only 5 enemies, not including Walton. Choose his fate by either killing him or hogtie him and skip the cutscene.

Manifest Destiny
Kill the last buffalo in the Great Plains in Single Player.
This can only be achieved once the area of west Elizabeth is unlocked. Simply go on a mass murder of the buffalo, remember to skin the dead as their parts sell for a lot of cash. There are 20 buffalo so take your time, so you don't miss any corpses to raid.
On the Trail of de Vaca
Uncover every location on the map in Single Player.
You just have to enter the area and have its name appear on your map. If you want the easy method, go to every General store and purchase a map for certain areas, this will uncover the towns and locations on your main map. After purchasing all of the maps, it should say that all 94 locations are found. If not, compare your in-game map to this and check for missing locations;

Click the image to expand
Friends in High Places
Use the pardon letter with more than $5,000 bounty in Single Player.
An easy method for this trophy is to gain the bounty before Seth's mission "Exhuming and Other Fine Hobbies" as the mission requires you to use a pardon letter to remove your bounty. You can also find the pardon letter by looting people who you have killed.
To gain the $5,000 bounty with ease, head over to Armadillo and climb to the roof of the saloon. Get behind the only peace of cover and start shooting. When you need a break from the shooting, just stay hidden in the cover until the Lawmen call of their search. Once the bounty reaches $5,000, get rid of the lawmen and head into the train station in Armadillo and hand in your pardon letter.
Attain 100% in the Single Player Game Completion stat.
Here is a list with some information on how to complete specific tasks;
5 Rare Weapons (See
Exquisite Taste)
- 5 Job Locations Completed
1.Horsebreaking (note 4)
2. Nightwatch (note 5)
- MacFarlane's Ranch
- Chuparosa
- Blackwater
New Austin
- MacFarlane's Ranch (given)
- Armadillo
- Rathskeller Fork
- Thieves' Landing
Nuevo Paraiso
- Irish's Shack (given)
- Casa Madrugada
- Chuparosa
- Escalera
- El Matadero
West Elizabeth
- Blackwater
- Manzanita Post
- Beecher's Hope, John's room (given after the mission "The Outlaw's Return")
- Beecher's Hope, Jack's room (given after the mission "The Last Enemy That Shall Be Destroyed")
*Rental Properties are not required for this task.
18 Stranger Missions (see
People are Still Strange trophy, for the list)
94 Map Locations (see the trophy
On the Trail of de Vaca)
20 Bounty Locations -you need to kill or capture a bounty in each one of these locations
New Austin
- Brittlebrush Trawl
- Mercer Station
- Mescalero
- Rattlesnake Hollow
- Repentance Rock
- Rio del Lobo
- Silent Stead
- The Hanging Rock
Nuevo Paraiso
- Barranca
- Hendidura Grande
- Laguna Borrego
- Ojo del Diablo
- Plata Grande
- Primera Quebrada
- Rancho Polvo
- Sepulcro
West Elizabeth
- Aurora Basin
- Bearclaw Camp
- Nekoti Rock
- Tanner's Reach
- Five Finger Fillet
- Arm Wrestling
- Blackjack
- Liar's Dice
- Poker
- Horseshoes
4 Singleplayer Ambient Challenges (For animal locations check the trophy,
Unnatural Selection)
this symbol is given if the task might be a pain in the a--.
A) Sharpshooter Challenges
Rank 1: Kill any 5 flying birds.
Rank 2: Kill 5 rabbits.
Rank 3: Kill 5 coyotes without taking any damage from them.
Rank 4: Kill 5 birds from a moving train (hop on any train and climb to the roof, use dead-eye to get better accuracy)
Rank 5: Kill any 2 different types of wild animals in 1 Dead-Eye meter.
Rank 6: Shoot 2 hats off 2 different people's heads. (Go to any location where you can find two people wearing hats. Then enter dead-eye and target the tip at the top of the hats to avoid shooting the individuals skulls.)
Rank 7: Kill 3 Grizzly Bears each with one shot (the best weapons to use are either sniper rifles, bolt action rifle, springfield rifle, any shotgun, and of course, the buffalo rifle. Enter dead-eye and aim in between the bear's eyes.)
Rank 8: Shoot 2 hats off 2 people's heads and disarm 2 people (These do not have to be done at once. Use a weak pistol for the hats, so you do not kill the person by accident, and for the disarm; aim for the gun, because if you draw blood, you fail)
Rank 9: Kill any 6 wild animals without changing or reloading weapons (carry a weapon with a high ammo count and use the bait to draw several animals.)
Rank 10: Disarm any 6 enemies without reloading or changing weapons. (this may be difficult for you, but there is a fairly basic method which you can use. First grab a gun with a high ammo count, then go into a saloon, [if you’re Honor is good, then you should head over to Thieves’ Landing, if it is bad, you can pretty much go everywhere else; in the end it wont matter but it helps as a just-in-case] and then set up behind the bar. Next draw your weapon and everyone should stand up and aim at you, like in those old western movies. Enter dead-eye and target 6 different peoples’ weapons, and shoot. As soon as your done the task, get into cover and prepare for a fight.)
B) Survivalist Challenges
Rank 1: Collect 6 Wild Feverfew (you can virtually find these all over New Austin, but a good location is near MacFarlane’s Ranch.)
Rank 2: Collect 6 Desert Sage (Found in Gaptooth Ridge)
Rank 3: Collect 4 Red Sage (Found in Rio Bravo, a couple are near Fort Mercer)
Rank 4: Collect 8 Prickly Pear (Found in Punta Orgullo, in Mexico, also in Punta, check near Escalera.)
Rank 5: Collect Woolly Blue Curl (Found near Chuparosa and most of Perdido)
Rank 6: Butterfly Weed (Go to Casa Mudrugada and follow the train tracks to El Presido, there are a few here.)
Rank 7: Collect 10 Hummingbird Sage (Found in Tall Trees, more in the southern region. The path from Bearclaw Camp to Tanner’s Reach has a few. Be cautious as Bears are show up prominently when you are on foot. See
Barely Legal for info on bears.)
Rank 8: Collect 12 Prairie Poppies (Found on the Eastern side of Beecher’s Hope and by the train tracks in the same area.)
Rank 9: Collect 15 Golden Currant (Found literally everywhere in the Great Plains. They are the tall bushes in the area.)
Rank 10: Collect 10 Violet Snowdrop then collect two of every herb available (This can be a pain, first get the Violet Snowdrops. Head over to the northern part of Tall Trees, almost near Nekoti Rock, and the trail by the river on the northeastern part of Tall Trees. Next go back to every plant location and collect two more of each. Watch out for the deadly animals in Tall Trees as they can become nuisances.)
Additional Info on Plant Gathering:
- Use a survavlist map to show plant locations on the map, it does not show the plant type, just the location of a plant. This can be bought at any General Store.
- Bring a couple of bottles of Medicine, just-in-case you end up in a fight with people or animals.
- If you cannot find anymore of one plant, head to a safehouse which is out of the area and save 4 times, equaling 24 in game hours, to respawn the plants.
C) Master Hunter Challenges
To initiate this challenge, find a coyote, kill it and then skin it. See
Unnatural Selection for animal locations and info.
Rank 1: Kill and skin five coyotes.
Rank 2: Kill and skin five deer. (You cannot kill and skin Bucks, only deer, bucks have large antlers to resemble the difference.)
Rank 3: Kill five wolves with your melee knife and collect five wolf pelts in addition to those you already have.
(First off, make sure carry a few bottles of medicine with you as this is going to get messy. Find an area with wolves, and then simply pull out your knife and go in slashing like a serial killer. Or you can shoot the wolf first then finish it off with the knife. You can also knife wolves on horseback, but this risks your horse’s life. Using the rolling technique [
+ Analog + Direction]) works well too, as the wolves will miss you when they attack.)
Rank 4: Skin five boars and three armadillos.
Rank 5: Kill 2 cougars with your melee knife and skin them for 2 cougar pelts.
(This can be a difficult task as cougars are very quick and sneaky. Cougars can kill you in two strikes, the first knocks you down; similar to bears, and the second is the kill. Now the trick is to dodge the first strike, by either jumping out of the way, sprinting or rolling. Then the cougar will be vulnerable as it is facing the wrong way, run up to it and slash away.)
Rank 6: Collect five raccoon pelts, five fox pelts, and five skunk pelts in addition to those you already have.
(Head over to the Wreck of the Serendipity at night, now check your map. There will be a picture of a fox, this is where you can find all of these animals at once. But there is a catch, wolves, boars and cougars are also found in this area, and they will attack you.)
- Rank 7: Skin five elk and five bighorn sheep.
Rank 8: Kill a grizzly bear with your melee knife.
(This can be a difficult task like the previous melee tasks. Now you have 3 options; The Chuck Norris Method, The Mediocre Method, and The Easy Method.
The Chuck Norris Method: First find a bear, wait for it to charge and once its close enough, dodge the attack. Get up and start swinging your knife like Jack the Ripper. Now most likely the bear will not be dead, so you will have to chase it a bit as it will try to run away, just finish it off.
The Mediocre Method: Find a bear and shoot it a few times too weaken it. Then as it runs away for protection, hop on your horse and catch up to the bear, knife it while you approach its side.
The Easy Method: During the mission "At Home with Dutch", there is a checkpoint where you will have to get past a bear. Use any techniques from the previous methods to finish it. If you die, no worries, its at a checkpoint so you can restart.)
Rank 9: Search Ojo del Diablo for “Khan” the legendary jaguar and kill him then collect his pelt.
(Khan attacks the same way as a cougar, so this will be fairly easy. Go to Ojo del Diablo and place some bait in the area, wait a bit and if Khan shows up, you will be informed that you have discovered Khan. It does have more strength and health than a cougar but, just shoot it a couple of times in the head and you should be fine.)
Rank 10: Search Aurora Basin, Stillwater Creek, and Nekoti Rock for “Lobo” the legendary wolf, “Gordo” the legendary boar, and “Brumas” the legendary bear and collect their pelts.
(Like Khan, use the same method. Lobo is fairly simple, you can stay on horseback for added protection. Gordo is ridiculously easy, just shoot him like normal, stay on horseback for added safety. Now Brumas is a beast of a bear. He is definitely the strongest, try bringing a stagecoach to hide on if your having trouble. The Buffalo Rifle is a good choice for the 4 legendary animals, especially Brumas.)
D) Treasure Hunter Challenges
Rank 1: To trigger this challenge, you must complete a random encounter while roaming New Austin. The encounter will begin when an Asian man,Chi Fung, is being attacked by a group of men. If you save his life, he will reward you with a treasure map, if he dies loot his corpse.
Rank 2: Head over to The Hanging Rock and you should see several large boulders. Go to the side where you will face the mountains, work your way into the gap between the boulders. Now look for an odd rock pyramid, go up to it and click :triange:. Now you will gain the next treasure map.
Rank 3: Go to Rio Del Lobo, and then Del Lobo Rock. Head over to the cliff that overlooks the river and you will see an opening which leads to a narrow path. Follow the path and you will reach the treasure at the end.
Rank 4: This is extremely simple, enter the mansion in Tumbleweed, through the back, basement entrance. Then look for a skull on the wall, the treasure is underneath.
Rank 5: Head just north of Chuparosa, to a tree full of skulls, then travel towards the river up to the second stone wall. Search for the treasure along this wall and it will be completed as well.
Rank 6: Now for this, head east of Escalera, to a strange rock formation, it is also just south of Irish’s Shack. Climb onto the largest rock and work your way upto the treasure.
Rank 7: For this treasure, head over to Ojo Del Diablo, just south of Chuparosa. Check the left side of the rock and a path is available. Continue up the path and you shall find another treasure.
Rank 8: Head over to Roca de Madera, which is North East of Agave Viejo. You will then reach a large slope, head west and to your left, you will see huge tower like rocks. Continue this way and then head down the path which opens up to the treasure.
Rank 9: This is very simple, from your home in Beecher’s Hope, head east to Broken Tree. There will be a wall split in two, at the split, look for the treasure.
Rank 10: There will be a path north of Manzanita Post which leads to Nekoti Rock. On the path up to Nekoti Rock, a cave will be found, enter the cave and you will find the last treasure.
This is a
map of the treasure locations.
IGN has a great video guide for the treasures, if you are still having trouble.

Mowing Them Down
Kill 500 enemies with a mounted weapon in any game mode.
Firstly, all of your kills with all mounted weapons are added together, but Multiplayer and Singleplayer stats are not combined. Now, head to El Presidio for the easiest method, either online or offline. Start a bounty, and then mount a cannon which points towards a road. The "enemies" will begin pouring in, and then you can start your killing spree. Another option is, if you have the Undead Nightmare expansion pack, then you can go to the cannon which points to the main entrance of El Presidio and kill the zombies as they spawn over and over agian in the same 3 spots.
In a Hail of Bullets
Kill 500 enemies with any pistol or revolver in any game mode.
Extremely simple, just complete the story and use the revolvers or pistols. If you somehow have not yet achieved this trophy after the story, just find enemies, like in gang hideouts and just cumulate your kills up to 500.
Long Arm of Marston
Kill 500 enemies with any rifle, repeater, or shotgun in any game mode.
Like the previous trophy, just complete the story and if you still have not achieved the trophy, do some gang hideouts until you have it.
Get 250 headshots in any game mode.
Try completing this easy trophy while completing the previous two trophies. Dead-eye can make this very easy, or you can just lock-on to an enemy and just shift your marker, up towards his/her head.
Unnatural Selection
Kill one of every animal species in the game in any game mode.
Here is a list of the animals required and their locations:
Armadillo - All over New Austin and Mexico.
Bear - Tall Trees.
Beaver - Tall Trees by rivers or streams.
Bighorn - Tall Trees or Rathskellar Fork.
Boar - Stillwater Creek and all of West Elizabeth.
Bobcat - You can find these in Mexico and the Tall Trees (More specifically, Bearclaw Camp).
Buffalo - The Great Plains.
Cougar - In the mountains and hills in New Austin (also by Fort Mercer) , Mexico and Tall Trees.
Coyote - New Austin and Mexico.
Crow - All three areas, listen for caws.
Deer - All three areas.
Duck - On the Great Plains near the edges where the water meets the land. And the South East area of Lake Don Julio. They can also be easily found at the end of the lthe stranger mission "Remember My Family".
Eagle - Tall Trees and Nekoti Rock.
Elk - Tall Trees.
Fox - Near Riley's Charge in New Austin and in the Tall Trees, easier at night.
Hawk - New Austin and Mexico.
Horse - Both wild and domesticated horses are needed.
Dog - Mexico, Tall Trees, New Austin, Gaptooth Breach, and Jorge's Gap
Owl - All three areas, only at night.
Rabbit - All three areas.
Raccoon - All three areas, easier at night.
Seagull - Blackwater near the docks.
Skunk - Around MacFarlane's Ranch, more common at night.
Snake - All three maps, listen for snake hissing or rattling.
Songbird - Near the towns on all three maps, they are colourful birds.
Vulture - All three areas, usually corpses.
Wolf - All three areas, but a huge amount in Mexico and a good amount in Tall Trees.

Have Gun Will Travel
Complete all Hideouts in a single public Free Roam session.
Just enter any public Free Roam and then start doing gang hideouts. The hideout requirements will differ from singleplayer, to add some difficulty because they can be done with several other players. The hideouts for online are; Fort Mercer, Gaptooth Breach, Nosalida, Pike's Basin, Solomon's Folly, Tumbleweed, Twin Rocks, Tesoro Azul.
Slow on the Draw
Get 10 assists in a single Hideout in a public Free Roam session.
Simply enter a hideout with one or more other players. Then shoot some enemies, but don't kill them, just let your partners finish them. This is definitely easier with a friend.
Slow on the Draw
Get 10 assists in a single Hideout in a public Free Roam session.
Simply enter a hideout with one or more other players. Then shoot some enemies, but don't kill them, just let your partners finish them. This is definitely easier with a friend.
Hit the Trail
Get from Blackwater to Escalera before sundown in a public Free Roam session.
Extremely easy, just enter a free roam which is before 3 pm game-time. Then go to Blackwater and enter the map, make a waypoint on Escelara and just ride to it without stopping. If you level up a bit, you will gain faster horses, but it is possible on the donkey.
Posse Up!
Create a posse and get the maximum number of members.
This can be a pain, as some (most) people are either in posse's or just like to go solo in Free Roam. So either get 8 people you know together or try adding people to your posse randomly.
The Quick and Everyone Else...
Be the top scoring player in any three consecutive FFA games in public matches.
Either do this yourself, by actually winning 3 games in a row legitimately or invite a friend to the game and get him/ her to "aid" you.
How the West Was Won
Reach the top rank for multiplayer experience.
You need to get to rank 50 online for this, so play several game modes until you find one where you are good at or complete gang hideouts in Public/ Private Free Roam sessions. The best gang hideout is Pike's Basin (only should take about 5 minutes and you can gain up to 2000 XP)
Go Team!
Be on the winning team for four consecutive victories in any team based game in public matches.
This can also be a frustrating trophy, as it depends on your teams skills or luck. So you can, hope for a good team, be the MVP and simply turn on your Beast Mode, or get a group of people who are good at the game together in a posse and start playing. If you are lucky, a friend can be on the other team, sabotaging the game for his team. But that method will most likely lead to your friend getting kicked out of the server.
Most Wanted
Become a Public Enemy for 10 minutes and escape alive in a public Free Roam session.
To become a Public Enemy, you need to gain a Bounty of $1000. That's the easy part, but the hard part is surviving 10 minutes of assault by lawmen and other players who are trying to claim the bounty. The best method is too; head over to Armadillo and climb to the roof of the saloon. Get behind the only peace of cover and start shooting. When you need a break from the shooting, just stay hidden in the cover, then shoot to get their attention again and repeat. Once 10 minutes passes, stay behind the cover until the lawmen cannot find you. Clearly, having a friend is beneficial.
Red Dead Rockstar
Kill a Rockstar or someone with this Trophy/Achievement in a public multiplayer match.
This is the easiest online trophy in the game, pretty much every player has killed a Rockstar or someone with the trophy, so just kill someone and it should pop up.
Check this section of this website for boosting partners, if needed.
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Copyright © 2000 - Present PS3trophies.co.uk and iEntry. All rights reserved.
This Guide cannot be republished without the consent of ps3trophies.co.uk
Reserved for Outlaws to the End DLC
Reserved for Legends and Killers DLC
Reserved for Liars and Cheats DLC
Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare Trophy Guide
Written by bonobo4
The Downward Spiral
Complete "Curious Tales from Blackwater, USA" Survivor Mission
This is a story-related trophy and therefore cannot be missed. After Marston reaches Blackwater he will come accross Harold MacDougall. He will be eaten by an undead Nastas, and you will then have to shoot him. By checking for other survivors, you'll come across a survivor, claiming her mother ate her daddy. This will start the survivor mission "Curious Tales from Blackwater, USA." Finish the mission and the trophy will be yours.
Judge a Man By The...
Complete "Cure for Most of What Ails You" and "Get Back in that Hole, Partner" Survivor Missions.
This is a story-related trophy. After completing Curious Tales from Blackwarter, USA, you'll be told that the plague was started by "a snake oil man" and "the man with the glass eye."
"Cure for most of what ails you" is the survivor mission given to you by Nigel West Dickens at Fort Mercer. After a short cutscene, he will give you his "cure" (the Undead Bait) and Undead Bait Build. From now on you'll be able to build Undead Bait for 1 Wild Feverfew and 1 Prairie Poppy. Nigel West Dickens will then require you to get 5 Violet Snowdrop (found in Tall Trees) and 5 Desert Sage (found in Gaptooth Ridge.) Giving them to him will complete the survivor mission. West Dickewns then tells you to look for US Army deserters to help get into Mexico.
"Get back in that hole, partner" is the mission given to you by Seth at The Old Bacchus Place. He'll be playing cards with undead Moses Forth, and asks you to clear three graveyards in New Austin (Odd Fellow's Rest, Tumbleweed, and Coot's Chapel.) After clearing each of them out, return to him and he'll tell you to go to Mexico for a cure. It'll also finish the survivor mission and grant you the trophy.

The Superior Dance
Complete "Mother Superior Blues" Survivor Mission.
This is a story-related trophy. After you have entered Mexico successfully, you'll be told the cause may be supernatural and to go to Las Hermanas to consult the nunnery there. At Las Hermanas, you'll find the town overrun. Clear the town then speak to Mother Superior (highlighted by an "M") to start the mission. She'll speak to you and give you a possible cure (Holy Water.) After testing however, it proves unsuccessful. She'll ask you to clear out Sepulchro Graveyard whilst she thinks of a new cure. After you clear out the graveyard, you will have to wait until she is available to speak to again, (after finishing Landon Rickett's mission in Casa Madrugada.) After she is available to speak to, she'll tell you of a nun in Las Hermanas who tells you to visit Abraham Reyes' in Escalera. After the cutscene, the mission will end and the trophy will pop.
All's Right with the World
Complete "On A Pale Horse."
This is a story-related trophy and is the last mission in the story. After going to Escalera and entering the palace, a zombie Reyes will be attacking a woman, the nun from Las Hermanas. You'll be told by her that Reyes' caused the plague by stealing an ancient goddess' mask from a temple built underneath the palace in the catacombs. John laughs and claims the plague has been caused by many things, among them "West Dickens, Seth, Mexicans, the Federal Government, Washington, bad weather and Jews." After entering the catacombs, there will be many zombies that can be tough to kill as there is limited space, however fortunately unlike most catacombs there are no traps or puzzles. After clearing them out, you'll come to a final room where the gates will shut and many zombies will emerge. After awhile they'll stop spawning and a cutscene will commence.
Spinning Plates
Have every territory saved at the same time during the Undead Nightmare.
As you enter a new area (example Tall Trees, not West Elizabeth,) new unencountered towns will appear on your map with a red question mark (?) and a white circle saying "Status unknown." If this is true, or if it has an undead green hand and says "Status: Under attack" then in both situations the town needs saving. It is only safe if it has a blue coffin on it and says "Safe." Towns don't stay safe for long though, so you'll have to be quite quick. There are 23 towns required for this trophy, they are:
- Blackwater
- Manzanita Post
- Pacific union Railroad camp
- Cochinay
- Armadillo
- MacFarlane's Ranch
- Thieves' Landing
- Twin Rocks
- Rathskeller Fork
- Gaptooth Ridge
- Fort Mercer
- Plainview
- Ridgewood Farm
- Nosalida
- Escalera
- Chuparosa
- Las Hermanas
- Agave Viejo
- El Presidio
- Casa Madrugada
- Torquemada
- El Matadero
- Tesoro Azul
Zed's Dead, Baby 
Attain 100% Game Completion statistic in Undead Nightmare.
This is by far the hardest and most time-consuming trophy, for obvious reasons. To attain 100% completion in the Undead Nightmare, you will require the following stats:
1. Complete all missions:
- "Curious Tales from Blackwater"
- "Paternal Pride"
- "Dinner for Two"
- "Get Back in That Hole, Partner"
- "Birth of the Conservation Movement"
- "A Cure for Most of What Ails You"
- "Missing Souls"
- "Filth and Other Entertainment"
- "Biographies and Lies"
- "Mother Superior Blues"
- "On A Pale Horse"
2. Have all regions saved at least once (it's not needed that they are all saved at the same time.) See bronze Spinning Plates for the locations.
3. Cleanse all Graveyards. (This will be done throughout the storyline, so don't worry about clearing these out.)
- Blackwater Graveyard
- Coot's Chapel
- Odd Fellow's Rest
- Tumbleweed Graveyard
- Sepulcro
4. Save all missing persons. Missing persons are like Wanted Bounties in Red Dead Redemption, only you'll be rewarded with ammo, not money and they must be alive. The posters are always in either Fort Mercer or El Presidio, and you'll require 10 from Fort Mercer and 6 from El Presidio.
5. Break the Unicorn. To do this, the Chupacabra must first be killed. The Unicorn is then found in the area north-west of Torquemada, represented by three horses on the map.
6. Complete all Challenges:
- Horses of the Apocalypse
- Undead Hunter
- Undead Treasure Hunter
- Undead Sharpshooter
Horses of the Apocalypse
Ranks 1-4 will require you to break all four horses of the apocalypse, War, Famine, Pestilence and Death. War is a red horse with blazing mane and tail. War can be found near Armadillo, above Gaptooth Ridge, above Manteca Falls, below Macfarlane's Ranch, around Fort Mercer, within view of Seth's cabin east of the eastern railway bridge that leads to Mexico or lastly, the field surrounding Coot's Chapel. Famine can be found between Chuparosa, and Tesoro Azul, west of Barranca. It has also been sighted between Blackwater and Thieves' Landing, and outside Las Hermanas and Torquemada. Famine is a black horse with a white rear and has a swarm of locusts following it. Pestilence is a sickly looking white horse with bloody red eyes. Pestilence is found commonly in Tall Trees. Death can be found only after the other three are found, in any random location, or is given when the player finishes "On A Pale Horse."
Rank 5 requires you to use Death and kill one of each type of Undead by trampling on them. This is simple and self explanatory. The four types are Fresh (Normal Undead), Bolters (fast four legged ones), Bruisers (fat, powerful but slow ones) and Retchers (green spitting ones). Doing Rank 5 will give you the "Blood Pacts" (or "Deeds") to all four horses.
Undead Hunter
Rank 1 - Kill 100 Fresh Undead and 25 Bolters
You won’t have any problem getting this rank, as these are the most commonly found zombie types.
Rank 2 - Kill 25 more Bruisers & 15 more Retchers.
This isn't hard either, Bruisers and Retchers are found everywhere.
Rank 3 - Use a single explosion of a Retcher to kill 2 other undead.
This can be quite difficult to do. It can be done in the mission where you get into Mexico with the US Army, and if not then any town or area with many undead. Use Bait if necessary.
Rank 4 - Kill 2 undead bears, 5 undead wolves and 3 undead cougars using a torch to get this rank.
This can be difficult. However I recommend that you do it on horseback, preferably Pestilence for the very high health. It's worth noting that Death can accidentally kill them, make sure that this doesn't happen. Bears are found in Tall Trees and Bearclaw Camp. Cougars are found in Tanner's Reach and parts of Mexico. Wolves are found in many places.
Rank 5 - Find and Kill a Chupacbra
The Chupacabra only appears after reaching this challenge. It is found in the area North-west of Torquemada in the same area as the unicorn. It will attack but is very easy to kill and should die in one or two bullets. Killing it will give you the LeMat Revolver, Evans Repeater and hidden trophy bronze Chupathingy.
Undead Treasure Hunter
Refer to this video for the locations of the treasures. It explains the locations better than I could.
Undead Sharpshooter
Rank 1 - Kill 5 undead in 10 seconds using a gun
Very simple. Aiming for the head is always a one shot kill, so enter Dead Eye, target 5 heads and shoot. Headshots with any gun will count.
Rank 2 - Headshot 10 undead in a row
Casual Targeting makes auto-headshots on every enemy. If you're not using Casual, simply Dead Eye 10 zombies heads, and make sure that you hit the head! If you don't hit the head and shoot it resets the count, or if you shoot at nothing/ an animal this also resets the counter.
Rank 3 - Kill 5 flaming undead in 1 Dead-Eye meter
There are a few ways to do this. The easiest way is to use Phosphorous Coating (aquired by West Dickens after "Cure for most of what ails you") and activate it. Activating requires one Violet Snowdrop and one Desert Sage. After activation, dead eye target 5 headshots and shoot. As the phosphorous bullets ignite them, the zombies will be on fire when you kill them so it will count and complete the challenge.
Rank 4 - Kill one of each of the 4 undead types in 1 Dead Eye meter
This can be difficult. The first Missing Souls mission is a good place, as there are many undead that will ignore you and go for Millicent. Target at least one of the undead types' heads, and fire away. If you missed this opportunity, El Presidio and Jorge's Gap are good locations, or clearing towns where there are many undead.
Rank 5 - Get 5 undead sniper kills in 8 seconds (can't use Dead-Eye)
Jorge's Gap is going to be the easiest place for this, since there are a whole bunch of undead tightly bunched in a narrow area. Stay far enough away that they can't get to you while you're shooting, aim for headshots, and try to get a multikill with as many shots as possible.
7. Get all the Outfits. This will require the following outfits:
- Legend of the Apocalypse/Legend of the Undead
- Zombie Hunter/Army of the Undead
To aquire Legend of the Apocalypse/Undead, you must complete all the Challenges with rank 5, giving
Mad Marston: The Trail Warrior. To aquire Zombie Hunter/Army of the Undead, you'll need the 5 scraps. Aquiring the Zombie Hunter Outfit gives the Holy Relic, which replenishes items and "throwable" ammunition, and can only be used once per game day.
- Scrap 1: Complete the Survivor Mission "Birth of the Conservation Movement".
- Scrap 2: Complete the Survivor Mission "Filth and Light Entertainment".
- Scrap 3: Complete the Survivor Mission "Missing Souls".
- Scrap 4: Return one Missing Person to El Presidio.
- Scrap 5: Find and break the mythical unicorn (you must kill the Chupacabra to make the unicorn appear).

Mad Marston: The Trail Warrior 
Attain Rank 5 in all Undead Nightmare Challenges.
Refer to
Zed's Dead, Baby for how to complete these challenges.

Fan Service
Find and break a unicorn.
The Unicorn will only appear after the Chupacabra is killed, and is found in the same area as the Chupacabra, North-west of Torquemada. It doesn't come up with the blue circle nor message stating that a mythical creature has appeared, so finding it may take awhile. Breaking it gives the trophy.

Find and kill a Chupacabra
The Chupacabra will only appear after reaching Undead Hunter Rank 5, requiring you to kill the Chupacabra. Finding it gives the blue "mythical creature" circle, and killing it gives the trophy. It will fight back, but is easily killed.

Six Years In The Making
Find and kill a Sasquatch
Sasquatches are found in Tall Trees and are very rare, but you'll need to kill 5 for The Birth of the Conservation Movement, so you'll kill one soon enough. They look like a very large, tall hairy human (if you know what "Bigfoot" looks like, they look very similar.) They die easily, one headshot should kill one. Killing one gives the trophy.

Smoke That Skinwagon
Make it to wave 15 in Undead Overrun gametype in multiplayer.
You will need a minimum of 2 people for this, and can have a maximum of 4. This can easily be done if you use Casual targeting, as the auto-headshot really helps. Using Expert, this is almost impossible to get as the game is fast-paced and you'll likely be killed in the process. Get the coffins at the start of each round for time and ammo, and make sure the timer doesn't reach zero. Use ammo wisely, but you should have enough to get to round 15 providing you get coffins. To activate a coffin, press cross and wait for 5 "tugs." Doing so gives Shotgun Slugs, ammo and 1 more minute. Also stick together, use teamwork and revive downed players if it's safe. Another tip is in the Blackwater map, go to Blackwater itself and climb the buildings. As zombies can't climb, just blast way. Killing all the zombies advances you to the next round.

Fight off 8 unique players during your time on top during Land Grab in Multiplayer Free Roam.
Land Grab starts when a player finds an area to capture and then defends it from other players in the free roam session. To get this trophy, you have to kill eight different players whilst defending your post, before you claim the area. You'll need to look around for a free roam session with plenty of people in it to maximize your chances. Unfortunately, that also means that there are more people trying to kill you. Kill eight different players while defending your post and this trophy is yours. This trophy can be boosted, but it requires 9 players, and none of them can be in the posse of the person trying to get the trophy. Have everyone stand around in a circle, touch the post and then blast your "friends" one by one.
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