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Thread: Shank Trophy Guide
Shank Trophy Guide
Shank Trophy Guide
Written by llewdiskram

Trophy Difficulty: Moderate
Offline Trophies: 12
Online Trophies: 0
Minimum number of play throughs: 3 (2 Single Player/1 Co-op)
Number of miss-able trophies: 0
Known glitched trophies: 0
Approximate amount of time to 100%: 10-15 hours
Platinum Path/Custom Roadmap
Playthrough 1: Complete the game on Normal mode. Pretty Simple. Try and get as many kills with the different weapons as possible.
Playthrough 2: Complete the game on Hard Mode. Surprisingly this is actually quite hard as there are no checkpoints throughout the levels until you reach the boss. Best tactics are to pounce with
and keep hitting them one at a time on the floor or grab with
and use
with the Dual Machetes or shotgun.
Playthrough 3: Complete Co-op mode, you will need two people do this; unfortunately it is not possible to do this online or by yourself. Grab a mate round and get them to assist you.
Clean Up: This is for trophies like “Mow’em Down” and “Grindhouse”

Enemy Descriptions:
Normal Enemies - These enemies are the regular enemies with basic weapons and guns. The hardest of them all are the gunners. They are your first priority to take out. Best tactic for all normal enemies would be to pounce on them with
and press
to bash them on the floor. Hopefully the others will not hit you off them.
Big Enemies - The big enemies are quite easy by themselves, but if you get two big enemies with a bunch of normal enemies, things start to get difficult. For the previous situation, using grenades are the best option. Be aware, that big enemies cannot be pounced. The best tactic for big enemies is to grab them with
and use
with Dual Machetes equipped.
Dog's – The dogs can be very annoying, but should be killed as soon as possible. The best thing to do is shoot them from afar and if they get close, dash/block past them with
and you should automatically throw them away from you. They will also try to pounce you, but simply jump over them or keep shooting them to evade that attack.

And it continues
Complete Single Player Campaign on Normal Mode
Story Related Trophy - Normal Mode is quite simple once you get the hang of the controls. See the trophy below for some tips.
I’m just that good
Complete the game on Hard Mode.
Story Related Trophy - Hard Mode is actually quite hard as the levels do not have checkpoints until you reach the boss. Best tactics are to pounce with
and keep hitting them one at a time on the floor or grab them with
and use
with the Dual Machetes or shotgun equipped.
Complete Co-op Campaign Mode
Complete Co-op mode, you will need two people do this; unfortunately it is not possible to do this online. Grab a mate round and get them to assist you. The bosses are slightly harder in the Co-op mode. See the following tips below to help you.
The Wrong Guy
Defeat El Raton
Story Related Trophy – Defeat El Raton. The main strategy for this is to shoot him from afar. When he starts getting close enough to attack, jump up the wall and jump over him. His special move is a charge attack, the screen goes slightly fuzzy and he’ll get into a stance. When that happens, run up the wall and jump over him. He will slam into the wall and be vulnerable. This is your chance to hurt him with a heavy attack. Jump onto his back and press
, then press
The Meating
Defeat The Butcher
Story Related Trophy – Defeat The Butcher. This battle is quite easy, once you get the hang of it. You need to stay away from him and shoot at the pieces of meat hanging from the ceiling. If he charges at you, do the same as the previous boss (run up the wall and jump over him). The Butcher will at times throw his meat hook at you, if the meat has been shot and hangs lower, his hook will get caught on the meat. This is your chance to attack him, press
and mash the
to hurt him.
Scars from the past
Defeat Cassandra
Story Related Trophy – Defeat Cassandra. I struggled with Cassandra, but I have found a tip, which is that if you equip the Dual Machetes and attack her with
until she falls. As soon as she gets back up, go straight in for the attack. She will try and attack you once getting up, but will likely miss.
Bear in mind, that now and again a
icon will appear above her head, when this happens, press it as quickly as you can and you will do a heavy attack to her.
Father forgive me…
Defeat The Priest
Story Related Trophy – Defeat The Priest. The main task of this fight is to get The Priest into the fire. To do this, run to the right side, just before the fire. He will then charge at you, press
to dash/block past him and combo attack him into the fire. When he is on fire, run up to him and press
to do a heavy attack on him. At certain points he will shoot his guns at you, try blocking these with
or jump to avoid the bullets.
Revenge is Sweet
Defeat Caesar
Story Related Trophy – Defeat Caesar. This fight can be very hard as he is the last boss. There are three parts to this fight, but if you use the following tip, it could save a lot of hassle and frustration. When he gets close to you, dash/block past him with
, turn around and press
twice and repeat. With this he should have trouble hitting you.
Bear in mind, that now and again a
icon will appear above his head, when this happens, press it as quickly as you can and you will do a heavy attack to him.
Just getting started
Take out 20 enemies
This trophy is very easy, just defeat 20 enemies and you will most likely get this in the first level.
Making a name for yourself
Take out 100 enemies
Again a very easy trophy, defeat 100 enemies in the game, you will definitely get this in your first playthrough.
Mow’em Down
Take out 1000 enemies
This trophy you will get whilst trying to complete Hard Mode. It’s not hard to do, just keep killing the enemies
100 Chainsaw kills
For this trophy, you need to kill 100 enemies with the chainsaw. I found this very easy on Normal Mode, when you get the chainsaw, equip it right away. Then kill enemies with
or pounce/grab them and use
to slice them across the floor.
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