Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock Trophy Guide
Written by Kristoph
Platinum Path/Custom Roadmap title
Step 1: Complete the Quest Mode.
This mode tells the story of how you must recruit several warriors of rock 'n' roll to successfully defeat "The Beast" and save music. To do so you'll need to play through eight or so setlists, each with an encore and a special power unique to every rocker. Once you beat The Beast, you'll have unlocked every song in the game and can tackle the other trophies.
Step 2: Dominate the Quest Mode!
It's not enough to simply BEAT the mode, you have to CONQUER IT! Go back on your best difficulty (or a lower one) with your combined powers and earn 40 stars on all songs by achieving a high score. While doing this, you'll probably get some other story-related trophies as well.
Step 3: Round up some individual tasks / earn band trophies.
Now that you have all the songs and all the powers, try and tackle the three big monster trophies (or practice for them). While you're at it, you can pick up the Quick Learner and Seasoned Competitor trophies, and smaller ones similar to that. Once you've beaten the big three, get some mates together and tackle the band trophies.
Step 4: Team up, or go online and play a little.
If you have no mates (sadly), try and find a buddy or two online to help you get the band trophies or multiple instrument trophies if you find yourself lacking. If you do have friends and have all of the band trophies, you can jump over this step. Lastly, if you're missing some of the instruments, the online world is always a good place to seek help for some co-operative endeavors.
Step 5: Play, play, PLAY, PLAY, PLAY!!!
The final step is to simply play. It's going to take a lot of music (and possibly a slight case of carpal tunnel) to reach 2000 overall stars in Quickplay (it may involve buying some extra songs while you're at it). But remember: only the truly committed will take that one home, and it separates the Guitar Heroes from the wannabes.
Trophy Difficulty: Hard
Offline Trophies: 51
Online Trophies: 0
Minimum number of play throughs: N/A
Number of miss-able trophies: 0
Known glitched trophies: 0
Platinum Trophy
Earn all of the trophies in Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock
Your ultimate reward for supplying your heart, soul, blood and sweat to the gods of rock. Congratulations!
Tracker of Deeds
Follow any five Hero Feed items (Online only)
To get this trophy, you'll need to add a friend who owns the game as well. It's not difficult, you just need to know someone else with Warriors of Rock. Push the Blue fret to bring up the Hero Feed, and then select anything that your friends have done lately. Click on that to go do it in the Quest or wherever it has been done. Repeat this 5 times to get the trophy.
Anthemic Archivist
Expand your song library to at least 115 songs of any type. Be creative!
For this one, simply just download five more free songs from the Guitar Hero store, or just make a few songs.
Stellar Centurion
Deploy Star Power a total of 100 times (Quest)
This should come easily, just deploy Star Power with whatever instrument you're using when you get the chance. 100 isn't that many times.
Gem Collector
Hit a cumulative total of 75,000 notes (Quest)
You'll need to play the Quest Mode quite a bit for this one, 75,000 notes is a lot. If you can play Expert consistently and well, you can get 400 - 700 notes in one song, so if you're playing through the story on Expert, this trophy will come quicker. Otherwise, get ready to make a lot of time for the quest...
Gem Hoarder
Hit a cumulative total of 150,000 notes (Quest)
You thought 75,000 was bad? This requires that you hit A LOT of notes, and even Expert players will need to set aside a lot of plays for this trophy. Chances are you're going to get this figure boosted by going back and trying to dominate the Quest; but even then, you will need to play much, much more than you think.
Champion of Challenges
Target another person's score on any Challenge and earn a higher grade than they did (Local Quickplay+)
There have been instances of this trophy being glitched and not working for some players.
What you must do is go into Quickplay and select another player's score on any one of the Star Challenges, and beat the grade that they attained (e.g. if they earned Gold, you need to earn Diamond). I believe you also need to earn more stars than they did in terms of the song (e.g. if they earned 4, you need to earn 5 or more). However, there have been reports of this trophy not appearing even when this has been done many times, so if you are still experiencing problems, try switching your instrument to Controller 1 or restarting the game.
Target your own score on a Challenge and earn a higher grade than you did previously (Local Quickplay+)
There too have been instances of this trophy being glitched and not working for some players.
What you must do is go into Quickplay and select one of your own scores on any one of the Star Challenges, and beat the grade that you previously attained (e.g. if you earned Gold before, you need to earn Diamond). I believe you also need to earn more stars than you did in terms of the song during your previous attempt (e.g. if you previously earned 4, you need to earn 5 or more). However, there have been reports of this trophy not appearing even when this has been done many times, so if you are still experiencing problems, try switching your instrument to Controller 1 or restarting the game.
Ultimate Answerer
Earn all Stars from any one song (excluding the Power Challenge) (Quickplay+)
This is quite a difficult task to perform. You will need to complete every challenge possible on one song, to earn the maximum total of 42 stars. Below is the list of things you need to complete in order to get every single star for one song.
- 100% the song on any difficulty
- All Guitar Challenges
- All Bass Challenges
- All Drum Challenges
- All Vocal Challenges
- All Standard Band Challenges
- All Non-Standard Challenges
Completing every single challenge listed above will earn you all 42 stars and this fairly tough silver trophy.
Scions of Excess
Earn an 11x Band multiplier with any 4-player Band configuration (Quickplay+)
Get a band with any 4 instruments going (set it to Easy to make things simpler). For this one, getting an 11x multiplier requires your whole band to act as a team to hit the Band Moment (when everyone's sections are on fire). Make sure you save your Star Power going into these areas! If your band successfully hits the Band Moment, your multiplier will increase. Now, get everyone in the band to deploy their Star Power to push the multiplier to 11x and get this trophy.
Player of the Ear Worm
Play any one non-GH(tm)Tracks song 10 or more times (Quickplay+, Quest, Competitive)
Fairly simple trophy. Play any song on the disc 10 times to get the trophy. Take note that you must play proper songs and not Experimental GH(tm) Tracks, such as Chopin Revolution.
Patron of the Arts
5-Star any GH(tm)Tracks song containing at least 200 notes (Quickplay+)
This one isn't too difficult. If you're playing on Hard or Expert, select Chopin Revolution as a GH(tm) track on Hard - it's fairly straightforward and has no real complex parts. 5-starring the song shouldn't give you too much trouble, but if you're still experiencing difficulties, try downloading a song from the store, a user-made song, or just make your own song.
Apostates of Orthodoxy
5-Star any song as a 4-player Non-Standard Band, with all players on Medium or higher (Quickplay+)
You'll need to have a non-standard band here, so if you're using all the regular instruments, get both players to play either Guitar or Bass. Select a really easy song; Bohemian Rhapsody is fairly simple and popular, so try for that one as a band. Put all players on Medium to make it easier (unless you're confident in your skills).
Bearers of the Standard
5-Star any song as a 4-player Standard Band, with all players on Medium or higher (Quickplay+)
You'll need to have a standard band here, so make sure you're using all the regular instruments; that's one person on vocals, one playing drums, one on Guitar and one on Bass guitar. Select a really easy song; Bohemian Rhapsody is fairly simple and popular, so try for that one as a band. Put all players on Medium to make it easier (unless, once again, you're confident in your skills).
Mythical Millionaire
Earn 1,000,000 points or more in a single play of a song in a Power Challenge (Quickplay+)
For this one, select the Power Challenge from the Star Challenges in Quickplay+. You'll need your two powers to help boost you over one million points on a song. Select a songon Hard or Expert that you are confident in playing and choose these 2 powers:
- Star Power Nova (Star Power Multiplier is 6x instead of 2x).
- Star Power Generator (Every 10 notes net you 10% Star Power).
If you play well, you'll consistently regain Star Power and your multiplier when in Star Power will be 24x, boosting your score by loads. If you do really well, you'll spend 90% of the song in Star Power. Long songs like Fury of the Storm are good for trying for this trophy.
Altered Virtuoso
Earn 40 Power Stars on a single song (Quest)
Once you beat the Scourge of Rock, you'll have every power in the game under your belt and be "All-Powerful". You can return to any song in the Quest and gain up to 40 stars in every song. Select an easy song (like Bohemian Rhapsody or Seven Nation Army) on Medium, and play really well to earn all bonus stars from the powers you've attained, including the 5 stars from normally playing. If you reach the end of the song with 35 stars, Resurrector will give you another 5 and you'll get the trophy.
Manager of Fate
Create and play a custom playlist of at least 5 songs, and earn 5 Stars on 5 of the songs (Quickplay+)
Fairly simple, select 5 songs (by adding them to a playlist using the "Add to Playlist" option when choosing a song) and play them consecutively, scoring 5 stars on each one.
Choose songs you are confident you can 5 star consistently. Play on Medium if you like, and choose shorter songs to get this trophy quicker.
Mocker of Fate
Create and play a 5-song random playlist, earning 5 Stars on each song (Quickplay+)
This one's a little trickier, as the songs will come at you randomly. However, you can still select Medium and 5-star whatever song is tossed your way. Selecting Medium is advisable, because choosing Expert throws you into the abyss and unless you're really good, you may end up playing Fury of the Storm right after Black Widow of La Porte, and then maybe some Chemical Warfare...
Nauseous Numerologist
Beat any song with a final score of 133,337 (Quickplay+, Competitive)
This is extremely difficult to achieve normally unless you're ridiculously precise with your scoring. I hear there is a song you can download from the community called the 133,337 song, or something to that effect. Playing this custom song perfectly / the way it's intended will yield the score required for this trophy, so look for that user-made song if you're aiming for this one.
Mathematic Sharpshooters
Beat any song with a final score ending in 000 as a Band (Quickplay+)
This one mostly comes down to luck; you'll need to have at least 2 players in your band for it to count as a "Band". If your score ends in 000 (e.g. 65,000 or 131,000, you'll get this trophy. You can try playing Beginner, there might not be many notes sustain notes to throw your score off and you can aim for the score you need.
Lucifer's Accountant
Beat any song with a final score which is evenly divisible by 6 (Quickplay+)
This one is easier to attain than the other mathematical trophies. Basically, you have a 1 in 6 chance of getting this trophy when you finish a song; if your score is evenly divisible by 6 (e.g. 66,000, not dividing into a decimal), then you will get this trophy. Keep playing songs and over time you're bound to get this (unless you're insanely
Gold Master
As a single player, earn Gold or higher on three or more Challenges on a single play of a song (Quickplay+)
Not too difficult. Select a song (as a single player) that you know you can beat the challenges on (at least at the Gold rating). Moreover, make sure you select a song that has 3 different challenges for the instrument you're using. All you need to do is attain the Gold rating for these 3 challenges in one single playthrough of the song. Gold isn't too hard to earn, even for fairly new players.
Diamond Master
As a single player, earn Diamond on two or more Challenges on a single play of a song (Quickplay+)
This one is a little harder. Select a song (as a single player) that you're confident in performing well in (e.g. getting the Diamond rating consistently). Select a song that has 3 reasonably different challenges for the instrument you're using so that you can fall back on the other challenge if you choke on one. You need to attain the Diamond rating for 2 of the challenges in one single playthrough of the song. Diamond rating involves doing a little more work than Gold, and getting Diamond grade on 2 challenges in one play is quite difficult.
Quick Learner
Full-Combo any tutorial exercise (no missed notes or overstrums)
Painfully easy. Go into the Tutorial and select the first guitar tutorial (where you need to hit the green notes without missing). Even if you've never touched a Guitar Hero game in your life, the tutorial will hold your hand and teach you how to place your finger on the green fret while you strum. There are around 10 notes; simply play every one of them without missing or overstrumming to get this simple trophy.
The Siren
Recruit Warrior Judy (Quest)
Earn enough stars in the Quest to allow Judy to transform into her Warrior state. Can be achieved on any difficulty.
The Trickster
Unleash Warrior Johnny (Quest)
Earn enough stars in the Quest to allow Johnny to transform into his Warrior state. Can be achieved on any difficulty.
QUICK NOTE: For some reason I didn't get this one on my first playthrough, even though I have the rest of the story trophies, so this glitched out for me.
The Vigil
Charm Warrior Casey (Quest)
Earn enough stars in the Quest to allow Casey to transform into her Warrior state. Can be achieved on any difficulty.
The Brute
Release Warrior Lars (Quest)
Earn enough stars in the Quest to allow Lars to transform into his Warrior state. Can be achieved on any difficulty.
The Eternal
Awaken Warrior Axel (Quest)
Earn enough stars in the Quest to allow Axel to transform into his Warrior state. Can be achieved on any difficulty.
The Exalted
Summon Warrior Pandora (Quest)
Earn enough stars in the Quest to allow Pandora to transform into her Warrior state. Can be achieved on any difficulty.
The Dynamo
Liberate Warrior Echo (Quest)
Earn enough stars in the Quest to allow Echo to transform into her Warrior state. Can be achieved on any difficulty.
The Recluse
Invoke Warrior Austin (Quest)
Earn enough stars in the Quest to allow Austin to transform into his Warrior state. Can be achieved on any difficulty.
Divine Liberator
Free the Demigod of Rock (Quest)
After recruiting all 8 warriors, you'll need to attempt to defeat The Beast on any difficulty by charging the Axe with stars. If you successfully earn the stars needed to free the Demigod from his prison, you'll earn this trophy.
Axe Claimer
Regain the Legendary Guitar (Quest)
After playing Rush's "2112" in its entirety (7 sections of the song need to be played) halfway through the story, you'll reclaim the Legendary Guitar and earn this trophy.
Savior of Rock
Defeat the Scourge of Rock (Quest)
Once you've freed the Demigod, you'll enter the final battle with The Beast (which involves playing "Sudden Death" by Megadeth). Once again you'll need to charge the axe by gaining stars - if you're having trouble, simply lower the difficulty. Once you charge the axe fully, you'll beat The Beast and claim this trophy - while unlocking the Demigod's Ultimate Setlist.
Amateur Astrologer
Earn a total of 100 Stars (Quickplay+)
Earn stars by playing songs in Quickplay+. You can get 5 stars from a song if you do well (and 1 bonus star if you hit 100% of the notes, excluding Sustain Sections). There are, in total, 42 stars to be earned from playing the song and attaining stars from the Star Challenges, by tackling the song on different instruments. The Power Challenge also yields extra stars if you play well. Simply earn 100 stars to get this trophy.
Accomplished Astrologer
Earn a total of 500 Stars (Quickplay+)
See the above description. This one is a little more time consuming. Earn 500 total stars to get this trophy.
Adept Astrologer
Earn a total of 1000 Stars (Quickplay+)
See the above description. This one is far more time consuming. Earn a massive 1000 total stars to get this trophy.
Ace Astrologer 
Earn a total of 2000 Stars (Quickplay+)
This one is going to be the most time consuming trophy that you shoot for - it involves accumulating an unreal total of 2000 stars from Quickplay+. You might need to play every song in the game to get close to this one (or you can max out 48 different songs if you're really good as a band). With time, this should be earned; target songs you know you can improve on and push yourself to get that extra star. If you're running out of options, you can always download songs from the GH Store - there's another potential 42 stars per song you download (with the exception of some songs). Good luck, and play lots!
Pseudo Perfectionist
Dominate any 2 chapters of Quest (Earn all the Power Stars from any 2 chapters of Quest)
Once you've beaten the Scourge of Rock, you'll have every power in the game and can go back to parts of the Quest and "dominate" them by maxing out each song to the 40-star limit. Play them on Easy or Medium if you're having trouble getting the stars from harder difficulties. Once you earn all 40 stars in every song in 2 of the Quest chapters, this trophy is yours.
Partial Perfectionist
Dominate any 4 chapters of Quest (Earn all the Power Stars from any 4 chapters of Quest)
Same as the above trophy, except you need to dominate 2 more chapters. Once you earn all 40 stars in every song in 4 of the Quest chapters, this trophy is yours.
Perfect Perfectionist 
Earn all the Power Stars from all character chapters (Quest)
[i]It might be worth mentioning that this trophy actually involves going through the Quest another time and playing every song again. You'll need to earn 40 stars on every song in the entire Quest. There are 9 setlists to clean out (the standard warriors, and the Demigod's setlist), and you'll need to earn every single star, so play on an easier difficulty so things are simpler and quicker for you. The Demigod's setlist is rather challenging and sets you up with some of the game's hardest songs, so I advise playing these on lower difficulties unless you're really really good at Guitar Hero...
Motivated Improviser
Play 100 notes in a single GH(tm)Jam session
Go into GH(tm) Jam and pick any old song type that tickles you, whether it be Metal, Nu Metal, Power Metal or Speed Metal. Maybe even Rock...anyway, select the Guitar as your instrument of choice and play 100 notes as the backing track plays itself. The trophy doesn't state that you need to save, but make sure you're in Record Mode when you play your 100 notes, or you won't get the trophy.
String Twins
Complete a song with only a Guitarist and Bassist, both earning the same score (Quickplay+)
This one is ridiculously difficult to get right unless you and a friend have unbelievable co-ordination and can play a song that will yield the same score from both the Guitar and Bass note charts. If you want to get it the easy way, make your own song. Simply put the same number of notes in the Guitar chart as the Bass chart (ideally maybe one or two notes) and then get a friend to play with you and hit both of the notes, getting you the same final score. Of course, for this one, you'll need 2 Guitar Hero controllers, so if you don't have another guitar, you'll find this one difficult...
Poor Boys
Beat Bohemian Rhapsody as a band including at least two vocalists, with all on Medium or higher difficulty (Quickplay+)
For this trophy, you'll need at least 2 microphones. So, if you don't have another microphone, find a friend who has one - or if you really want, go buy your own second microphone. You don't need 4 players or a whole band for this trophy - you only need two singers. Just complete the song on Medium or higher difficulty (ideally Medium), and you'll get the trophy.
The Meek
Beat 2112 Pt. 4 - Presentation as a Standard band with 3 or more members, all on Medium or higher difficulty (Quickplay+)
None of the 2112 parts are too difficult on Medium, and this one is no exception. Get at least 3 people in a normal band (that means no duplicate instruments) and play the song on Medium. I don't think it's too long of a song, and it's not particularly hard either. Complete the song with your band members and you'll earn this trophy.
Chosen One
Beat Fury of the Storm as a solo Drummer on Hard or higher difficulty (Quickplay+)
This is one of the three big silvers - and it's mighty challenging if you struggle with drums. Practice it on Medium (hell, practice drums on other songs on Medium) to learn how to play properly and consistently, and get your rhythm going. When you're ready, return to this one and select it on Hard (or Expert if you' know, a drumming prodigy).
It's an extremely fast song (expect no less from DragonForce), and you'll be hitting the red and orange drums at the same time repeatedly, so practice that. The bass pedal is not too punishing on your health in this song if you miss the kicks as the notes you're hitting are more than enough to bring your health back, and there aren't that many kicks, so try focusing on the notes instead.
One last thing, don't forget that you can attempt to pass this song with two powers selected as part of the Power Challenge. If you're doing it this way, I'd recommend Star Power Generator (10% SP for 10 notes played successfully), and Combo Guard (this will prevent you from losing more health than you should). Good luck, as this is not an easy silver, and your hands will probably be vibrating from the impact of the drumsticks when you complete it!

Hand Mutilator
Beat Black Widow of La Porte as a solo Expert Guitarist (Quickplay+, except Power Challenges)
This is one of the three big silvers - and the hardest trophy in the game to attain, no question. If you can't play Guitar well on Expert, forget about even attempting this trophy as this song will eat you alive. Black Widow of La Porte is essentially a 7 minute guitar solo with extremely complicated hammer-on / pull-off sections and some hellish hand-twisting patterns. If you can play Expert consistently, you...may have a shot. If you've passed Through the Fire and Flames on Guitar Hero III, you will probably stand a chance. Otherwise, don't expect to get too far...
A general, but very important tip: save your Star Power for when you are about to fail. In my opinion, the hardest part of this shredfest comes when you're 41% into the song and it suddenly throws an intensely difficult "web spinning" sequence your way (G-Y-O-Y-G-Y-O-Y-G hammer-ons / pull-offs that repeat inhumanly fast). If you can make it to that part with your Star Power intact, you're doing well. You'll probably be kicked around by this section, so by all means, bust out the Star Power. If you play the song over and over and over (as much as your fingers will hurt), you will get better each time. If, by some miracle you can fluke your way through the web spinning section, you're past the hardest part of the song and you can save your next Star Power burst for any more solos that might blindside you and take your health away. Remember that the ghost notes (the slightly transparent ones) do not need to be strummed; you can try using two hands on the fretboard with them, but if it's too difficult for you, just focus on tapping as many notes as possible.
You can always go into Practice mode and slow down the solos to try and help your fingers line up properly / increase your movement speed. I find this doesn't help a whole lot, as you're going to be playing the song at normal speed anyway, but that's just me. Practice is all I can suggest for this one and you might have a sore hand once you end up beating it, but you'll sure as hell have earned it. Remember that you can't use Power Challenges for this one, it's all about that 7 minute face-melter. Good luck!

Giant Slayer
Beat Holy Wars…The Punishment Due as a solo Bassist on Hard or higher difficulty (Quickplay+)
This is one of the three big silvers - but it's the easiest of the silvers. That said, don't underestimate it; Bass is a little different to playing regular Guitar. Bass incorporates open notes (notes that require no frets to be held, but strumming to be done anyway), and they are lines that spread across the width of the board. Try and get used to hitting these notes in other songs (there are held variations of them as well), and then come back and attempt this song. It's not too challenging, but if you can't get your head around taking your hand off the frets when you need to, it might cause you some trouble. Use your Star Power if you think you're failing and remember to do it on Hard (unless you're feeling cocky).
One last thing, don't forget that you can attempt to pass this song with two powers selected as part of the Power Challenge. If you're doing it this way, I'd recommend Star Power Generator (10% SP for 10 notes played successfully), and Combo Guard (this will prevent you from losing more health than you should). Good luck; this silver isn't as hard as the others, but it's still a considerable technical challenge and you're on your way to improving your dexterity if you beat it.

Gold Standard
As a Standard Band, earn Gold or higher on 2 Band Challenges in a single play of a song (Quickplay+)
With a normal, standard band (one of each instrument), play a song and go for a Gold rating on 2 separate Star Challenges in one single playthrough of a song. Choose songs with reasonable score targets and easy challenges so that your band can easily shoot for both of them in one attempt. Earn Gold on 2 challenges and the trophy is yours (and your band's).
Seasoned Competitor
Play Pro Faceoff, Momentum, Momentum+, Streakers, Do or Die, and Perfectionist at least once each (Competitive)
Fairly easy if you've got two guitar controllers, not so easy if you don't. If you have the controllers, hook them up and grab a friend. Both of you simply play - have a game of each mode once, and the trophy will pop up. If you don't have access to another controller, play the modes online. Here's a list of every mode you need to play to get the trophy:
- Pro Face-Off
- Momentum
- Momentum+
- Streakers
- Do or Die
- Perfectionist
Remember that you don't have to win the modes, just play them. So even if you lose to someone online, it doesn't matter.
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