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- Bomberman ULTRA Trophy Guide
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Thread: Bomberman ULTRA Trophy Guide
Bomberman ULTRA Trophy Guide
Paint the town red!
Win a Zombie match in Local Play against 2+ CPU players.
You will get this while trying to achieve the Joy of Painting with Bomberman trophy, please checkout that trophy for more info
The Name's Bomb, Dangerous Bomb
Take out 3 CPU players at once in a Local game.
Make sure when you set up the game to set the CPU players to easy and add the power ups Dangerous Bomb and Full Fire as this will make this trophy much easier. The power ups combined will make a huge blast radius so getting all 3 opponents shouldn't cause you too much trouble.
Win 15 Local matches against 3+ CPU players.
Not much to this really as you can see. Just set the computer to easy and keep winning until the trophy appears.
Totally Bombed!
Win a Local match against 3+ CPU players after being in a Super Revenge Cart.
A new addition to Bomberman in this game is when you die you will be placed outside the arena in a kart. From here you can shoot bombs at the remaining opponents and if you kill them you will be returned to the match.
The easiest way to get this is to again set yourself with 3 CPU players and set them to easy, also go into the general settings and change revenge setting to super once the match starts commit suicide so you are in the cart. Kill one of the opponents so you return to the match then simply win the game to achieve this trophy, this will count towards the 15 wins required for the Exterminator trophy.
Completely Unstoppable!
Remain undefeated for five consecutive 4+ player Online Multiplayer games.
As the online to this game is like a ghost town this will have to be boosted, luckily you can have 2 people from one ps3 go into an online game so you will only need to find 1 boost partner as long as you both have 2 controllers, then simply take turns winning 5 in a row.
You die so good!
Score 25 Frags in an Online Multiplayer Zombie Match.
A frag is when you kill an opponent, but of course in zombies you immediately respawn so set up an online classic zombie game and set the clock to 2 minutes for each player that will be going for this trophy, then simply kill each other 25 times to get this trophy
The Bomb!
Win 30 Online Multiplayer games
Unfortunately again this will have to be boosted so will be a bit of a drag but at least you or your friend can commit suicide straight away to give the other a win making this a lot quicker
Joy of Painting with Bomberman
Claim 130 or more tiles in a Local Zombie match against 3+ CPU players.
Probably the toughest trophy in the game as this will require you to not just beat your opponents but completely obliterate them in a zombie match. You have to use your bomb radius to turn the squares it hits your colour, any opponent that uses his bombs on your squares after will turn it to his colour which is why this can be frustrating to get, to make it easier include at least the power ups dangerous bomb and full fire, again together these will make it easier to make squares your colour as you will require the majority of the board to get 130 or more, on the way to getting this trophy you will also get the Paint the town red! Trophy.
The Good, The Bad and The Bombed
With the full cowboy outfit, Frag another cowboy in an Online Multiplayer match.
For this you will require the full cowboy outfit which is named Clint Bombwood's hat/chin/chaps all of which can be obtained by collecting costume balls, check out the trophy EXTREME MAKEOVER! to find out how to find costume balls.
Girl Power!
With a full female outfit, win an Online Multiplayer 4+ player girl only match.
Same as the above, you will need the full female outfit for this trophy which can also be collected by finding costume balls. The name of the outfit is Bomberina Ballerina's bun/face/tutu in case you weren't sure.
Collect 60 Costume Balls.
Costume balls are the shining orbs that majority of the time will appear in a match. Set the timer to 2 minutes and set yourself 1 opponent on easy difficulty and the orb will usually appear 1 minute in, you don't have to win the match just simply collect the ball and it will count as long as you finish the match.
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