Call of Duty: Black Ops Trophy Guide Written by Kristoph :platinum: 1 :gold: 1">
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Call of Duty: Black Ops Trophy Guide
Call of Duty: Black Ops Trophy Guide
Written by Kristoph
Trophy Difficulty: Moderate
Offline Trophies: 46
Online Trophies: 5
Minimum number of play throughs: 1 (Black Ops Campaign - Veteran Difficulty)
Number of miss-able trophies: 0
Known glitched trophies: 0
Cheats affect trophies: Yes; avoid using the 3ARC INTEL cheat in the terminal at the menu or else you will not be able to get "Closer Analysis".
Awarded when all other trophies have been unlocked
Simple, collect all 50 Black Ops trophies to earn yourself the shiny Platinum Trophy.
Death to Dictators
Take down Castro with a headshot.
This is achieved in the first stage of the campaign. Halfway in, you'll run into a room where Fidel Castro, the dictator, is holding a woman and using her as a human shield whilst pointing his gun at you. Take the opportunity to aim for his head and fire off the shot - you've got the trophy if your bullet travels in that slow-motion action..
Ensure your squad escapes safely from Cuba.
Complete the mission "Operation 40" on any difficulty in the campaign to achieve this trophy.
Vehicular Slaughter
Destroy all enemies on vehicles during the prison break.
Select Recruit difficulty to make this trophy much easier. In "Vorkuta", after you and Reznov escape the prison by way of motorcycles, you'll find that a whole group of enemies are shooting at you. Make sure to take out every enemy in this part; you'll need to shoot all enemies off of their motorcycles during the first section (you can turn around if you miss an enemy, you won't be penalised). After you mount the machine gun, take out every truck that you see and every enemy on a motorcycle that approaches. If done right, you'll receive the trophy shortly after you jump to the train..
Slingshot Kid
Destroy all slingshot targets in 3 attempts.
This trophy can prove quite troublesome; in "Vorkuta", you'll need to make use of a slingshot / catapult device that fires rocks into structures to bring them down hard. To get this trophy, you need to break all three targets with your first three shots. The target on the left shouldn't be too hard to hit if you aim slightly above it, and the target on the right is a tall structure that is quite difficult to miss. The most difficult target is the middle one; try and aim quite a distance above the target (but not too much) and you should hit it. It might take a few tries; the most frustrating thing is that there is no option to restart the checkpoint (although cooking a grenade and killing yourself might work).
Give me liberty, or give me death
Escape Vorkuta.
Complete the mission "Vorkuta" on any difficulty in the campaign to achieve this trophy.
Receive orders from Lancer.
Complete the mission "U.S.D.D. on any difficulty in the campaign to achieve this trophy. It's basically a small cut-scene, so this trophy is basically yours for free.
A safer place
Sabotage the Soviet space program.
Complete the mission "Executive Order" on any difficulty in the campaign to achieve this trophy.
Tough Economy
Use no more than 6 TOW guided missiles to destroy the tanks in the defense of Khe Sanh.
In "S.O.G.", during your assault on the enemies in Khe Sanh, you'll pick up a Valkyrie Missile launcher. There are 6 tanks in the area that you need to destroy, and to get this trophy, you need to use 6 missiles to take them out (which means don't miss, not even once). This trophy isn't too difficult though; just wait for your driver to move around to a good position for every tank. If you play on Recruit, you won't take a lot of damage and you can keep moving to better spots - if you take this slowly you can hit every tank individually.
Looks don't count
Break the siege in the battle of Khe Sanh.
Complete the mission "S.O.G." on any difficulty in the campaign to achieve this trophy. If you are playing on Veteran (or any difficulty for that matter), I suggest you take note of this; when reaching the large descent with VC soldiers that will infinitely spawn over and over again even though you're spraying them with lead, head for the two barrels near the bottom of the hill and push the
button to ignite and kick them. This is the only way to progress through the checkpoint, and it will save you some time knowing this before retrying this checkpoint about 180 times like I did.
Raining Pain
Rack up a body count of 20 NVA using air support in Hue City.
You'll probably get this trophy without even realising it. During your assault in Hue City after rescuing Reznov. In "The Defector", you'll be able to radio in air support to bomb your enemies and rain hell on them. Just target every single building you see and you'll more than likely take out over 20 enemies.
The Dragon Within
Kill 10 NVA with Dragon's Breath rounds.
In "The Defector", Woods will throw you a Dragon's Breath SPAS-12 at the very beginning of the mission. It fires incendiary bullets that roast your enemies; play on Recruit and shoot 10 enemies with it to get this trophy.
SOG Rules
Retrieve the dossier and the defector from Hue City.
Complete the mission "The Defector" on any difficulty in the campaign to achieve this trophy.
Heavy Hand
Use the Grim Reaper to destroy the MG emplacement.
In "Victor Charlie", you'll pick up a Grim Reaper rocket launcher that will be used to destroy an enemy's base. Once you do this, don't get rid of the gun, hold on to it until you get to a point where Woods asks you to take out the machine gun on the hill. Take out the Grim Reaper and destroy it for the trophy.
Up close and personal
Silently take out 3 VC.
In "Victor Charlie", you'll silently creep up on some unsuspecting VC soldiers that you'll need to subdue in order to progress. The first is on the boat; get close to the boat and press
to slice his throat up a little. The second can be overlooked and doesn't need to be killed to move on with the mission, so make sure you get him; when you and Woods climb into the house, make sure you assassinate the sleeping soldier in the hammock with
. The third and final soldier wil be eating on a table shortly after the second soldier; creep up slowly and press
to take him out and earn the trophy.
Double Trouble
Use only dual wield weapons to escape Kowloon.
In "Numbers", you'll begin the mission with dual wield weapons. To earn this trophy, you must play right through to the very end section where you shoot the soldiers after falling from the scaffolding firing only these dual wield guns. Along the course of the level, you'll be given a few opportunities to restock on ammo and take new guns; these sections have additional dual wield weapons in case you're running low on bullets. Remember to play on Recruit to make this task much simpler.
Broken English
Escape Kowloon.
Complete the mission "Numbers" on any difficulty in the campaign to achieve this trophy.
Lord Nelson
Destroy all targets and structures while making your way up the river.
This one is quite a tough challenge. In the mission "Crash Site", you'll move up the river whilst battling opposing boats and enemy forces. To get the trophy, you need to break all of the houses and structures on the side of the river using your heavy artillery (and you really need to hammer into them until they explode). Play on Recruit and take your time with this trophy, making sure to hit every single house and hut on the way up. Remember to hit the towers, the boats and the bridge as well. I think there may be some structures around the area when fighting the PT Boat near the end of the stage, so avoid it if you can and take a look around. I'd suggest that right before you fight the boat, you go back and see if you missed any structures. There might be that one tower or house you missed!
Never get off the boat
Find the Soviet connection in Laos.
Complete the mission "Crash Site" on any difficulty in the campaign to achieve this trophy.
Guide the squad through the Soviet outpost without them getting killed.
In "WMD", you'll need to guide a squad through the forests through a plane from the sky. Use the
button to designate where your guys have to go, and make sure that they neutralise the two enemies along the path (to do this, highlight the enemies and press
to have your team take them out). A fair way in, your squad will be surrounded and you'll need to dig in for camouflage - press
to do this as soon as the game prompts you. You'll also need to take out two rooms of enemies without dying, so playing this on Recruit makes the trophy a little easier.
Mr. Black OP
Enter the Soviet relay station undetected.
This trophy isn't quite as difficult as some of the others. In the mission "WMD", you'll approach an area with your crossbow / AUG combo which you'll need to silently infiltrate. The order in which you should take out the enemies is pretty straightforward; remember to shoot the first two with your AUG as they will run off if they see the crossbow fired and trigger the alarm. Your squadmates will take out the second enemy in a pair when you shoot the first with your crossbow bolt. Remember to remain undetected at all times, and if you are for some reason discovered, just cook a grenade and kill yourself to restart the checkpoint. Be patient and take out the enemies one by one - you'll get the trophy when you open the door by shooting the hinges.
With extreme prejudice
Get to the POW compound in the Hind using only rockets.
In "Payback", you and Woods will take to the skies in a chopper which fires both machine guns and rockets. For this trophy, you'll need to forget about the machine gun entirely; that means you have to reach the end of the mission using only the
button to fire the rocket weapon only. This isn't too hard; simply play on Recruit and hold
to take out all the targets you come across. Take note that you need to destroy all the targets; I've tried going past them without shooting them like the level says and I've just automatically died for no reason, so make sure you destroy everything. Keep moving and just spam your rockets to take out the two enemy Hind choppers at the end of the stage - once you touch down; if you used only rockets, you'll nab the trophy.
Russian Bar-b-q
Incinerate 10 enemies with the flamethrower attachment in the POW compound.
About halfway through "Payback", you'll need to take out a guy with a flamethrower attachment. Once you do so, he'll drop it and Woods will tell you to pick it up. Grab it and run through the caves roasting 10 enemies, and the trophy is yours. It's not too difficult, just be sure to roast every enemy you see.
Light Foot
Escape the ship with 2:15 left on the timer in Veteran.
This one is a bit challenging, as it involves playing through the entire level on Veteran in order to reach the boat escape sequence. As soon as you see the timer appear, turn to your left and shoot the hinges to lower the bridge, ensuring your escape. Head up it as fast as possible, and avoid every enemy that you come across if you can (if there is one in front of you, don't hesitate to knife him and get on with it). The enemies on the deck of the boat will all be shooting at each other and mostly ignore you (sometimes they will kill you, but your timer will be reset to the checkpoint, so don't be discouraged if you die); running up two sets of stairs and turning right to grab the rope is the way out. Remember that shooting the enemies will only waste your time; knife them for a quick getaway if you need to. If you take this advice and sprint for it, you should have at least 10 seconds or more left above the trophy requirement.
Some wounds never heal
Escape the past.
Complete the mission "Project Nova" on any difficulty in the campaign to achieve this trophy.
I hate monkeys
Kill 7 monkeys in under 10 seconds in the Rebirth labs.
After you and Reznov descend into the compound via the elevator, you'll enter a submarine area (similar to the bottom floor of the zombie map "Five") where you'll find many doors and passageways. Immediately kill the enemies in front of you and enter the first room on your left; there will be monkeys in the cages freaking out everywhere. Spray the cages with bullets and keep looking for monkeys that you haven't killed in this room as soon as you shoot the first one; if done correctly and you take out 7 monkeys in 10 seconds, you'll get the trophy.
No Leaks
Make it through the NOVA 6 gas without dying on Rebirth Island.
In "Rebirth", you'll come to a point where the enemy sprays the surrounding area with the Nova 6 gas and you equip a Hazmat suit to survive the attack. This is really challenging as if your Hazmat suit doesn't recover the damage that you sustain from enemy attacks, and the cracks remain. From the moment you put on the suit, head to the left and take cover; don't be afraid to let your squadmates take out some of the opposing forces for you. You can also shoot anyone - it's difficult to tell who is your friend and who isn't, but they won't die if you shoot them and they're your ally, so just be sure before you get shot in the face.
Your objective is to reach the very end of the gas without a single death, and your Hazmat suit in one piece. Play on Recruit to make this trophy a lot simpler. Remember to be patient and don't run out into enemy fire; stay behind cover if you feel you've taken a bit of damage.
Crack the code.
Complete the mission "Revelations" on any difficulty in the campaign to achieve this trophy; it's essentially just wandering around like a dazed idiot until Hudson smacks you one and you realise where the broadcast is coming from.
Double Whammy
Destroy both helicopters with one Valkyrie rocket from the deck of the ship.
In "Redemption", you'll come to a point where there are two helicopters that you need to take down with your Valkyrie rockets. To get this trophy, you need to fire a single rocket that takes out BOTH choppers. So take your time with this - take cover behind the boxes and wait until the helicopters are close to each other. Fire your rocket between them and press
to detonate it. If done right, both choppers will spin out and the trophy will be yours. If for any reason a chopper remains, aim the rocket launcher at your feet and kill yourself to restart the checkpoint.
Stand Down
Complete the campaign on any difficulty.
Complete every mission in the Black Ops campaign on the difficulty of your choosing. I'd recommend, despite its difficulty, that you try to tackle Veteran first (especially if you're familiar with previous Call of Duty games) as you'll also grab a few other silver trophies in the process. However, if you're finding it too hard, you can always bring down the difficulty.
Complete the campaign on Hardened or Veteran difficulty.
You can attempt this trophy on Hardened if you've having trouble, but I'd recommend you go for the Veteran difficulty to pick up the other Veteran trophies as well. If you're playing on Veteran, expect to die a lot (especially randomly) as several bullets will consume your health completely. Here are a few tips that may help with tackling the mode:
- Cover is your friend, use it! If there's a giant war going on and you're caught in the middle, chances are stray bullets will end up hitting you in the gut and killing you. Advance using cover and only stick your head out when you're on full health / when you know the area is clear. Remember to use Prone often, as sometimes being behind cover and crouching is just not enough for that curving bullet to miss you.
- Be patient. As cliched as it is, rushing in like an idiot very rarely works on this difficulty and getting gunned down is the only prize for your actions. As infuriating as it is, enemies sometimes infinitely spawn and because of this, you'll need to advance very steadily to avoid being sprayed and dying. If you've taken damage, wait for your health to recover before targeting your next enemy.
- Never be afraid to throw all of your Frag Grenades into the mix. If there's a lot of enemies, chances are you can take out one or two enemies with the explosion from the grenades. Smoke grenades are also incredibly helpful, as they'll help you move from cover piece to cover piece without being lit up (too much). Sometimes you will get shot, and it does happen because FPS AI is stupid, but just deal with it and push through.
- Persistence! There are two points in the campaign that will give you strife; the first being the hill in "S.O.G." and the second being the underground section in "Executive Order'. Both sections have infinitely spawning enemies, but don't feel defeated - eventually you will get through even if your last 120 tactics failed. With a bit of luck, you'll conquer the stages and feel that sense of accomplishment.

Frag Master
Kill 5 enemies with a single frag grenade in the campaign.
There is a spot in the campaign (in the mission "The Defector" where you will climb through a window and assault several enemies on a balcony. When you reach this point, look off to the left to see five enemies crowded around a car. Cook a grenade and throw it to destroy the car and the five enemies surrounding it to grab the trophy. If you fail, simply use another one of your grenades, except overcook it so you die and you get another shot at the checkpoint.
Sally Likes Blood
Demonstrate killer economic sensibilities by taking down 3 enemies with a single bullet.
This trophy is attainable in the zombies mode if you pick up the Insta-Kill power up and line up three zombies at once. Shoot a single bullet and take them all out to get the trophy. It is also attainable in the Dead Ops Arcade minigame - picking up any kind of grenade or rocket launcher and shooting at 3 zombies with it (killing them of course) will also get you the trophy. You may get this one randomly, but if you don't and you are seriously trying for it, it's achieved easiest in Dead Ops with a bit of luck.
Unconventional Warfare
Use the explosive bolts to kill 30 enemies in the campaign.
This one isn't too difficult either, you just need to kill 30 enemies with the crossbow's explosive bolts in the campaign. Pressing left on your D-Pad will allow you to change to the explosive bolts - in the missions "WMD" and "Executive Order", you'll have a lot of explosive bolts to use. Just replay these levels a few times until you kill 30 enemies and you'll grab this one.
Cold Warrior
Complete "Operation 40," "Vorkuta," and "Executive Order" on Veteran difficulty.
To get this one, you'll need to complete the listed missions on Veteran difficulty. Here are a few tips for each stage:
Operation 40: This is the first mission and can be pretty difficult. Take cover as much as possible and avoid the enemies' fire. Let your mates do some of the work until you can move up. This one might get you used to the staggering difficulty of the setting - remember to spam the MG when you reach the end.
Vorkuta: Watch out for when you're pushing the carts or whatever they are with Reznov as enemies will shoot at you from all angles. When you're defending Reznov while he cuts into the door, make sure you stay near him and watch the two enemy entrances (in front and to the right). When you make your final escape, use all means of cover to take out enemies and progress slowly - don't rush it.
Executive Order: This mission is pretty straightforward as well - take cover and keep moving. When you're on the giant dam wall, take out all enemies above shooting at you so you can climb the ladder without stress. When you reach the hellish part underground with infinitely spawning enemies, throw smoke grenades and shoot whilst taking cover. Remember to constantly move, otherwise enemies will keep coming and you'll remain in the spot. Take some chances and advance into the room on the right once you reach the nightmare corridor, but remember to exercise caution.

Down and Dirty
Complete "SOG" and "The Defector" on Veteran difficulty.
To get this one, you'll need to complete the listed missions on Veteran difficulty. Here are a few tips for each stage:
S.O.G.: This mission on Veteran will most likely put you through hell and back if you don't know what to do when you reach the hill. You'll need to reach the weapons bunker on the right to get some better guns - then, you'll need to push through to the 2 napalm barrels near the bottom of the hill (do NOT go for the trench at the bottom for there is nothing there, and like me you'll end up confused as to what you need to do next...and then get shot). Push
to ignite and kick the barrels and you'll get to the next checkpoint - this is the only way to complete this section. Knowing this might save you 100+ deaths in this apocalypse of an infinite spawn sequence, but aside from this, basic rules apply for the rest of the stage; take cover, move up steadily and don't rush it.
The Defector: Use the Dragon's Breath that Woods tosses to you at the very beginning as much as possible. Once you get the radio off of the soldier, don't be afraid to go to town with it; bomb every location you see and every tank you come across. Take cover in one of the abandoned buildings in the plaza fight section, and you'll be fine.

It's your funeral
Complete "Numbers," "Project Nova," and "Victor Charlie" on Veteran difficulty.
To get this one, you'll need to complete the listed missions on Veteran difficulty. Here are a few tips for each stage:
Numbers: This one isn't too bad, except there's one bit where the checkpoints are pretty far apart (right before you need to drop down using the pipe). Take out all enemies that you come across on the rooftops and take it slow; use every hiding spot you possibly can. My advice would be to ditch the dual wield guns as soon as you possibly can, as they aren't very accurate and you're not able to aim down the sights.
Project Nova: This mission involves playing as Reznov as he is betrayed by his superiors. It's a fairly huge level, so you can go around in smaller houses several times and avoid too much enemy contact. About halfway in, you'll somehow acquire smoke grenades that you can toss using
to mark locations for deadly mortar strikes. Use one of these to knock out the bridge as well. As mentioned, sprint out of the stage during the timer's countdown; don't worry about the enemies shooting at you, but knife enemies who get in your way.
Victor Charlie: The first half of this mission is a silent assault and as such is generally pretty easy - but when the full-on assault begins it gets pretty heavy. Same Veteran rules apply - take it slow and use the guns that you can hit targets with.

Not Today
Complete "Crash Site," "WMD," and "Payback" on Veteran difficulty.
To get this one, you'll need to complete the listed missions on Veteran difficulty. Here are a few tips for each stage:
Crash Site: Take out all the targets from the boat as soon as possible - you can die pretty quickly while on it if you're a sitting duck. Take cover all the time when you battle the PT Boat - that thing can kill you even quicker. Once you get off, advance slowly up the hills and watch out for enemies, just like normally.
WMD: Use stealth as much as possible in the first half of this mission to avoid making that part difficult; from there, it's all about shooting and taking cover. Once you get to the room with the bombs, take out the enemies you need to in order to escape to the truck.
Payback: This mission has you moving through caves in order to make an escape - nothing really important to be mentioned here except the usual cover-taking and slow-moving. When you take the chopper, make sure you constantly move and fire your artillery, especially to take out the two helicopters near the end.

Burn Notice
Complete "Rebirth" and "Redemption" on Veteran difficulty.
To get this one, you'll need to complete the listed missions on Veteran difficulty. Here are a few tips for each stage:
Rebirth: This mission is mostly easy at the start - it gets harder when you begin infiltrating the submarine. Move in between rooms with Reznov and take out all the enemies in order to progress. Once you assume the role of Hudson, things heat up even more when the gas starts dropping; this is the hardest part of the mission. Getting through this on Veteran is tough as your suit cracks completely with several shots - move immediately to the left and constantly use cover to take out your enemies. Be extremely patient; one slip up and you'll be eating Nova 6 gas.
Redemption: The final mission in the game isn't too difficult; keep moving at the start to destroy the boat's targets and the helicopters that attack you. From here, it's all about progressing slowly and taking cover until you reach the final room. Make sure you peek around corners and throw flashbangs to disorientate your enemies.

Closer Analysis
Find all the hidden intel.
This is difficult if you don't know the locations of the intel pieces throughout the campaign, but not too hard if you have a trusty guide. Here is a very helpful one from Steve at
Remember that you can check the Intel screen at the main menu to see how many Intel pieces you've gathered from each level.
Date Night
Watch a film or clip with a friend.
This is a really simple trophy. Go into Multiplayer and find a friend who also has Call of Duty: Black Ops. Invite them to your party (or have them invite you) and enter the Theater mode. From here, select a movie clip for you and your friend to watch (whether you download a clip or watch footage of a recent match); upon playback of the clip you will receive the trophy.
In The Money
Finish 5 Wager Matches "in the money."
For this trophy, you will need to be playing online in a Wager Match.
A Wager Match is a match in which players can opt to bet COD Points (currency earned from online play) in a type of gambling game where their skills determine who comes out on top to win the prizes. In a Wager Match, players will bet a pre-determined amount of COD Points to enter several different game types and variants on deathmatches and the like; the players who come out in 1st, 2nd and 3rd spots will take home the COD Points bonus from the game. This is referred to mid-game as being "in the money".
To get this trophy, you will need to complete 5 Wager Matches (of any variant) "in the money". So in other words, you will need to come out 1st, 2nd or 3rd in five different games. I'd suggest betting in the lower stake options, as there aren't as many professional players in those and you're more likely to achieve a better place in the game. Online, it's all about speed - move fast, shoot your enemies / reload quickly and take cover where you can.

Ready For Deployment
Reach rank 10 in Combat Training.
This trophy is a bit of a grind, but isn't too difficult. Enter "Combat Training" in the Multiplayer menu and you will be paired up with several bots (who borrow your PSN Friends' names) who will simulate an online game with you on a map of your choosing. Killing them like in a normal game will yield XP - you'll start out at Level 1 and work your way up by killing them (set it to Recruit to make things move faster). It should take about 60 - 90 minutes to reach Level 10 if you power through it, give or take.
The Collector
Buy every weapon off the walls in a single Zombies game.
This trophy requires you to purchase EVERY gun off of the walls at least once each in any one Zombies game. Note that in a non-Solo game, one player still has to purchase all of the guns by themselves to get the trophy. Below is a comprehensive guide to the Zombies mode and how you should approach this trophy (this mini-guide is applicable to the rest of the Zombie trophies).
Rounds 1-3:
In these rounds it's up to you to get as many points as possible. Tackle Zombies with a partner to make it easier - shoot the zombies several times to draw points from them and then knife-melee them for another 130 points. By the end of Round 3, both you and your partner should have about 2500 - 3000 points each. Go upstairs and open the door on the right that costs 750, and purchase the machine-gun off of the wall to the left.
Rounds 4-5:
You will be in a circular area if you run ahead a little bit. Have you or your partner watch the window at the back of the room and the other player watch the front, taking care of all of the zombies that approach. If you are attacked by the Hellhounds in Round 5, run straight ahead and turn left into the little alcove to defend yourself. To defeat the dogs early on, have one player shoot and the other shoot while the first is reloading - alternating reloading and shooting is the best method. Once you have reached the end of round 5, proceed through the next door which costs 1000 (at this point you should have more than 3000 points each).
Rounds 6-7:
Head down the staircase and down the next set of stairs to the door (if the Mystery Box is here, decide on whether to use 950 to gamble on a better weapon). Since both players will have about 3000 points apiece, proceed through the next wooden door costing 1250 points and head straight, and then turn left. Do not get stuck in this Dressing Room; you need to keep moving. Have the player with more points open the next door (1250 points). You'll now be on the stage; run right to the other side where you'll find a power switch and a window. Have a player watch the window and another defend against the oncoming onslaught (ideally he / she who has the better weapons). Don't turn the power on just yet; hold out here as long as possible (try to save the last zombie in the round by cooking a grenade and throwing it at his feet; it will explode and make him a crawler). Once you've done this, turn the power on.
Rounds 8-10:
With the power on, your strategy is now to run around the map. In circles. For as long as possible. Hopefully you have some great guns, because this is never easy. Head down the stage immediately and if you have 2500 points, turn right and quickly take a sip of the Jugger-Nog (which will give you increased health and allow for your survival). Be careful here - a new enemy will be introduced; a crawling zombie that will explode into Nova 6 gas when shot. This gas will destabilise you and blur your vision (and can damage you if you are close enough to the zombie when it explodes). However, you can avoid this explosion if you shoot them with the Ray Gun's shots.
If you lack the funds for Jugger-Nog, run straight ahead up the stairs, and you'll be in the room where you started initially. Now, it's up to you to consistently run through all of the rooms that you've opened in a huge circle, killing any zombies that you may run into along the way. If you got Jugger-Nog, great, it will help - if not, take the chance to turn around and unload some shots on the zombies to get some points. It's the most valuable perk.
Rounds 11-20:
For the next 10 or so rounds you'll be running around like an idiot, so get a good gun and hope you don't get tired (or impatient). By now, if you've got good guns, it's time to focus on the more important aspects and perks of the zombie game. These will ensure your survival based on your ability to use them and a pinch of luck.
-- MYSTERY BOX (SPIN!!) [950] --
The Mystery Box (or Spin Box, as I like to call it), is a box that appears randomly in a room on the zombies map. It'll usually be in a different room every single time, and is distinctly identified by the two "?" marks on it and its glowing blue aura. The box costs 950 to use, and will deliver you a random weapon (not always a good one). This box is, unfortunately, essential to your survival as you can acquire guns from it that you aren't able to buy off of the walls. If you spin up a Teddy Bear, the box will disappear and teleport to another location on the map (the box's possible locations are identified by a teddy sitting atop three boxes). If this happens, don't despair; Teddy will give you your 950 points back.
-- JUGGER-NOG [2500] --
We've been over this one, it's located just before you head up the stairway to the original starting room, a little on the right (after you turn the power) heading down from the stage. It will set you back 2500 points, but increase the number of hits you can take from 2 to about 6 or 7. Crucial for slipping past those packs of zombies; don't get too ambitious with it though, remember that if you fall, you will lose it along with all the perks you've bought!
-- SPEED COLA [3000] --
If you've got the assets for this, it's well worth the price. Speed Cola is located in the third room you reach based on the guide (with the two curving staircases). Walk down the staircase and it will be behind on the wall next to a zombie entry point. It'll cost you 3000 points to purchase - but drastically improves the time it takes for you to reload your weapons.
-- QUICK REVIVE [1500] --
You can find this perk in the room that you start in. If you're playing Solo, you can buy a Revive for 500 points (even at the start) and it will use itself when you're downed. I'd recommend you play with a partner though. If you do, Quick Revive will not be powered on until you throw the power switch; then, it will cost 1500 points to add to your perky collection. As the name states, it will shorten the amount of time it takes to revive a downed ally.
-- DOUBLE TAP [2000] --
If you head straight from the beginning room between the stairs, open the door to your left and then the following door that opens into the alleyway, you'll be greeted by the Double Tap Root Beer machine. This costs 2000 points to purchase and will increase the rate of fire for your guns. While this sounds good, it will chew through your ammo much faster and is usually avoided. However, if you've picked up a Ray Gun and a Thundergun, I suggest you grab this perk as it will improve the Ray Gun quite a bit (and in addition, will not affect the Thundergun's usage rate).
-- TRAPS [1000] / AUTOMATED TURRETS [1500] --
There are several switch traps located throughout the map that you can pay to activate. They will usually bring up a wall of electricity or a ring of fire, decimating the zombies stupid enough to come for you through them. Take note that the traps last for roughly a minute, and will take approximately the same amount of time to recharge after they have been used (in this time they are unusable). Remember to be on the right side of the trap, lest you leave your partner doomed on the other side of an electric wall...
There is one Automated Turret in the room with Speed Cola and one on the deck of the stage. Paying 1500 will allow the turret to activate and swing around a little bit, shooting zombies that it detects. This is a decent distraction if you have the funds, as it can hit the crawling zombies that head down the walls. Much like the traps, however, they require cooldown time after usage, so take care.
In addition to the perks and traps, zombies may sometimes drop items of their own. There is, also, the Pack-A-Punch machine, which you'll definitely need to know about:
-- NUKE [+400] --
This power-up resembles a giant floating H-Bomb, and picking it up will cause a small nuclear explosion that will kill all zombies on the map at the time. For your efforts, the Nuke will also award all players with an additional 400 points.
-- CARPENTER [+200] --
In the form of a hovering hammer, picking this up will repair all windows in the level with boards that have not yet been fixed by players. And for your time and hard work, it will also award all players with 200 points each.
-- MAX AMMO --
The most common of power-ups (and yet, the most rare when you need it so desperately), this power-up is self-explanatory; picking it up will fill all players' ammo supplies for all guns to the maximum. Be sure to reload before picking this up so that both your reserve ammo stock and clip are both full.
Indicated by a floating skull, picking this up will reduce all zombies' HP to 1, regardless of the weapon you use. Anything will kill them for 30 seconds, from the littlest explosion to the weakest bullet. During this time, knife-melee the zombies if you can for the maximum possible points.
You'll get this power-up if you collect the giant floating "2x". In short, it doubles all the points earned from anything for 30 seconds (window repairing becomes 20 rather than 10, knife-kills are worth 260 instead of 130 etc.).
Fire Sale is the newest power-up to be introducted to the Call of Duty Zombie mode. Represented as a giant price tag, picking this up will start the sale for 30 seconds; a Mystery Box will appear in all possible places that it can on the map in that time. Not only this, but the cost for a spin-up is reduced from 950 to 10, so go nuts! You should have time for about 3 - 5 spins, depending on your proximity to the boxes.
Only attainable on the "Five" map, picking up this cluster of bullets grants you the Death Machine minigun for 30 seconds with infinite ammo, allowing you to chew your way through any and all zombies in front of you. Remember that you're not invincible, but most things will succumb to your might almost instantly.
-- PACK-A-PUNCH [5000] --
Possibly the most vital asset in your quest for survival. The Pack-A-Punch upgrade is a machine that allows you to feed it a gun you're in possession of, have it work its magic, and return it to you in a much stronger state. Costing 5000, it doesn't come cheap; but smart players will take note of the best upgrades to apply to the right guns. Every gun will get better, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the guns will serve you well later on. You'll be challenged severely if you lack a Pack-A-Punched Ray Gun from Level 20 or so onward.
To reach the Pack-A-Punch machine, press and hold
to initiate the link from the teleporter on the stage. Once you do this, you'll need to run back to the starting room and hold
once more to complete the link. When this is accomplished, you can use the teleporter to zap yourself up to the projector room where you'll find the lovely machine (there are Frag Grenades here on the wall for 250, these are important too, but not right now). Shoot as many zombies as you can from this room, because after 30 seconds you'll be teleported back to the beginning room.
The teleporter has been known to take players to random creepy rooms such as surgeries, offices, conference rooms and even obsessive teddy bear collector's bedrooms...these rooms might hold random power-ups, so take note of that.
Below is a list of all the guns and the result of their transformations, as well as a recommendation or discouragement for that upgrade.
M1911 >> Mustang & Sally (Smaller Magazine, Dual Wield, Fires Grenades)
[Weak pistols, probably not worth your time. 4/10]
M14 >> Mnesia (Doubled Magazine, Higher Damage, gains grip)
[Not worth the effort of holding onto it until the machine. 4/10]
Olympia >> Hades (Higher Power, Longer Range, Incendiary Rounds)
[Decent, the fire rounds will torch zombies but again not worth holding for that long. 5/10]
AK-74u >> AK-74fu2 (Special Precision Sight, Bigger Magazine, More Damage)
[Accurate, and gains a sight. Decent, but you could spend the money on a better gun. 5/10]
MP40 >> The Afterburner (64 Round Magazine, Slight rate of fire increase, Increased damage)
[This gun will hold you quite well - but there are better guns out there. 6/10]
Stakeout >> Raid (Bigger Magazine, Reloads 2 Shells at a time, Longer Range, Higher Damage with grip)
[Great bang for the buck here, good for window defenders and for being on the run. 6/10]
MPL >> MPL-LF (Bigger Magazine, Special Precision Sight)
[This gun isn't great to begin with, and won't serve you too well later. 4/10]
MP5K >> MP115 Kollider (Bigger Magazine, More Damage)
[Not a lot of upgrades here. Don't bother with this one. 3/10]
PM63 >> Tokyo & Rose (Dual Wield)
[Doubles what you've got, but doesn't improve on much else. 4/10]
M16 >> Skullcrusher (Fully Automatic, Higher Damage, Grenade Launcher)
[This weapon undergoes a drastic change. Pretty good, but take caution when using. 6/10]
HK21 >> H115 Oscillator (150 Round Magazine, 750 carried ammo, Damage Increase)
[Easily one of the best weapons to boost. More ammo, more damage, bigger clip - you can't go wrong. 9/10]
RPK > R115 Resonator (125 Round Magazine, 500 carried ammo, Damage Increase)
[Carries less than the Oscillator, but still packs a rather incredible punch and also shoots faster. Worth it. 8/10]
M72 LAW >> M72 Anarchy (10 Round "Magazine" (Bigger "Magazine"), Semi-Automatic)
[Still an explosives launcher. Doesn't work well for you in the later rounds, but the Semi-Automatic is kind of helpful in a pinch. 4/10]
China Lake >> China Beach (Bigger "Magazine" (5 Rounds), one reload refills the whole magazine)
[While one reload tops it up, it doesn't improve anything about the poor grenade launcher it once was. 2/10]
CZ75 >> Calamity (Bigger Magazine, More Damage, Automatic)
[This weapon becomes a machine-gun, in essence. Don't waste your money on it though. 2/10]
CZ75 Dual Wield >> Calamity & Jane (Bigger Magazine, More Damage, Automatic)
[You get two of them now, but still, hardly worth it. 4/10]
Python >> Cobra (Bigger Magazine, More Damage, Speed Reloader)
[Personally I don't find the Python too bad, but by the time you upgrade it, you'll need a machine-gun instead. 4/10]
AUG >> AUG-50M3 (More Damage, Special Precision Sight, Undermounted Shotgun)
[You get a lot of firepower here from the upgrade - including a shotgun underneath as a Master Key. Decent choice. 6/10]
FN FAL >> EPC WN (Special Precision Sight, Bigger Magazine, 3 Round Burst, More Damage)
[Aside from the quite amusing weapon name, you should probably save your money for other guns. 5/10]
FAMAS >> G16-GL35 (Special Precision Sight, Bigger Magazine, More Damage)
[The "Giggles", as it reads, is a decent machine-gun when upgraded and will serve you well. 6/10]
Commando >> Predator (40 Round magazine, 320 Carried ammo, Dual Mags, Damage Increase)
[Packs some heavy damage, but has a low rate of fire, so invest in Double Tap should you make this choice. 5/10]
G11 >> G115 Generator (Bigger Magazine, More Damage, Fully Automatic)
[Standard upgrades to a fairly mediocre gun. Look past this one. 5/10]
Galil >> Lamentation (Special Precision Sight, Damage increase)
[Despite the magazine size not changing, this weapon deals some hefty damage and is really worth the investment. 8/10]
SPAS-12 >> SPAZ-24 (1 Reload Refills the Whole Magazine, Doubled Magazine Size, Longer Range, Fully Automatic)
[A decent gun given a system shock. Well worth it; you'll spend more time shooting than worrying about reloading. 7/10]
HS-10 >> Typhoid & Mary (Dual Wield, Bigger Magazine)
[A strong gun, made better only with another one. With a bigger mag size you won't be disappointed. 7/10]
L96A1 >> L115 Isolater (Variable Scope, Bigger Magazine, More Damage)
[This one still fires in single shots, not too helpful for clearing out large groups, but it does deal the damage. 5/10]
Ray Gun >> Porter's X2 Ray Gun (Damage doubled, Spare ammo increased, Magazine capacity doubled)
[No question. Get your hands on this gun as soon as possible to prepare yourself for the tougher rounds. 10/10]
Ballistic Knife >> The Krauss Refibrillator (Faster Melee Knifing, Able to revive fallen teamates instantly, Pick up spent blade)
[Keep this for the trophy and then ditch it. It's pathetic and not worth the money. 2/10]
Crossbow Explosive Tip >> Awful Lawton (Zombies Run towards to Fired Bolts, acts like a Monkey Bomb)
[Very handy to have; bolts can distract the zombies while you make a getaway. Remember to keep it for the trophy. 7/10]
Thundergun >> Zeuscannon (Doubled Magazine, Can Kill More Zombies with One Shot)
[Capable of taking out 20+ zombies with one shot, getting this from the Pack-A-Punch is like receiving a dream. 10/10]
Winter's Howl >> Winter's Fury (Bigger Magazine, Longer Freeze Time, Increased damage)
[Despite its ability to freeze, this weapon becomes exponentially worse as you progress through "Five". Not bad to have though. 6/10]
Rounds 20-Your Inevitable Death:
If you've got a Thundergun / Zeuscannon, you may want to free up your other weapons section to go for The Collector. Remember, you need to buy all of the guns yourself, as one player, to get the trophy. You'll need approximately 13,150 points to get all of the guns off the walls, so try and reach about Round 18 before you begin buying. Keep track of what guns you've bought (they will actually show up on the wall rather than just an outline), and if you don't have enough points, go through the next round of zombies and save one at the end so that you may explore the map a bit. Remember that you'll need to open up all rooms to get this trophy as there's a few guns in at least every room. Below is a list of the guns glued to the walls and their locations.
1. Olympia [500]
You'll find this in the very first room that you start in. It's located on the wall on the left.
2. M14 [500]
This is also in the room that you start in. Go up the right staircase and you won't miss it.
3. PM63 [1000]
Open the door right of the M14 and then turn left. You'll find this mini machine-gun sitting here.
4. Stakeout [1500]
You'll find this shotgun in the double-staircase room with Speed Cola. It's near the left staircase in a blue-lit area.
5. MP40 [1000]
You'll also pick this one up in the Speed Cola room. It's on the wall on the right when you head down the rightmost staircase.
6. MP5K [1000]
This one is located in the Dressing Room, right after the Speed Cola room. Enter and turn left immediately to find it.
7. M16 [2000]
You'll find this one in the stage area, right next to the power switch on the right hand side.
8. Claymores [1000]
Face the M16 and turn around 180 degrees to see the Claymores on the wall in the stage area as well.
9. Bowie Knife [3000]
The most expensive weapon, this huge knife is located on the wall next to the Jugger-Nog machine.
10. Frag Grenades [250]
Found in the Pack-A-Punch room, only accessible by teleportation. Remember not to overlook these.
11. MPL [1000]
From the starting room, head between the staircases, open the door on the left, enter, and turn right to find this gun on the wall.
12. AK74u [1200]
You'll find this weapon on the right-hand side of the alleyway, accessible for 1000 points from the room with the MPL.
From this point, it's all about survival. If you don't have the trophy yet, keep pushing for it! It may take a few tries and you may not get it first go, but every run of zombies is different and you'll never know when your luck will change. I made it to Round 33 with a friend of mine on Kino Der Toten - how long can you last?

Hidden Trophy
See Me, Stab Me, Heal Me
Fire a Pack-a-Punched Ballistic Knife at a downed ally to revive them from a distance.
Refer to the Zombie Mode Guide above for hints and tips on conquering the onslaught of ferocious flesh-munchers.
For this trophy, you will need to acquire the Ballistic Knife weapon from the Mystery Box. Once you get this weapon, you will need to hold onto it until you attain 5000 points. At this point, use the teleporter to access the Pack-A-Punch room and upgrade it. Have an ally cook a grenade until they are downed because of it, and then simply step back and fire this weapon at them to revive them. If done correctly, you will get the trophy.
Hands Off the Merchandise
Kill the Pentagon thief before it can steal your load-out.
This trophy can only be achieved on the "Five" Map. It requires you to kill the elusive "Pentagon thief" before he can steal your weaponry. The guide below is designed to help you get this trophy in the fastest time.
Rounds 1-3:
In these rounds it's up to you to get as many points as possible. Tackle Zombies with a partner to make it easier - shoot the zombies several times to draw points from them and then knife-melee them for another 130 points. By the end of Round 3, both you and your partner should have about 2500 - 3000 points each. Go open the door on the right that costs 750, and purchase the machine-gun off of the wall.
Rounds 4-5:
Stand guard in front of the elevator and be prepared to open it (1000 points) if you are overwhelmed. I recommend you stay here and hold off zombies until you both have considerably enough points, however. Once you hit the end of Round 4 or so, take the lift (another 250) down to the War Room, a bigger area. Move down the stairs and clear the debris, then head to the elevator and clear that debris. Take refuge in the elevator here (buy Stakeout if you like) and try and save a crawler for Round 6. The thief does not appear until you turn the power on.
Rounds 6-7:
Take the lift down to the horrible submarine floor, and look for the box through the windows down here. Turn the power on in the central room (activating the random teleporters around the place), and then head back to the elevator. Find the box if you can and grab some good guns - have one player watch the window in the elevator and one watch the front for best results. If you see an Insta-Kill and you are on Round 6, try and kill all the zombies before you grab it, to better your chances of it coinciding with the thief's appearance.
In place of dogs, you'll encounter a strange scientist man who runs up to you REALLY FAST - and takes the gun you're holding. In order to defeat him before he reaches you, you'll need to pump him full of lead - and I mean a lot of lead - if he takes your gun, he'll teleport you with him and start running around the place, leaving code behind him. Track him down if this happens and get your gun back by killing him (successfully doing this will yield a Fire Sale and Max Ammo, failing will only give you the Max Ammo and your guns will not be restored). To get the trophy, you need to kill the guy before he takes ANYONE'S gun. Once he takes one player's gun, he'll rush for the other - if you're lucky, you might have got a Ray Gun from the box and can knock him dead in a few shots (be careful he doesn't take it!). If you're even luckier, you'll have an Insta-Kill lingering from the round before - this is probably the easiest way to kill him, as one shot will win you the trophy. However, Insta-Kill is up to chance, and you may have to try this map a few times before you successfully destroy him with your guns intact.
Good luck!

Sacrificial Lamb
Shoot at or be shot by an ally with a Pack-a-Punch crossbow and kill six zombies with the explosion.
Refer to the Zombie Mode Guide above for hints and tips on conquering the onslaught of ferocious flesh-munchers.
For this trophy, you will need to acquire the Crossbow weapon from the Mystery Box. Once you get this weapon, you will need to hold onto it until you attain 5000 points. At this point, use the teleporter to access the Pack-A-Punch room and upgrade it. Whilst you are running away from the zombies, shoot your ally with the upgraded crossbow (from a distance or it won't work) and have them run into a pack of a lot of zombies (the zombies will be distracted by it and not hurt your mate...until it explodes, but it won't hurt him). With some luck, you won't be at Round 20 and the zombies won't be made of reinforced flesh, and the explosion from the bolt should take our at least six of the zombies. If you're still having trouble taking them out, wait for an Insta-Kill to pop up and then put the plan into action.
NOTE: This trophy has been reported as glitched by some players. Even with Insta-Kill it fails to register that the players killed 6 zombie enemies. Make sure you are doing it right and you should get the trophy without any problems or issues.

Insert Coin
Access the terminal and battle the forces of the Cosmic Silverback in Dead Ops Arcade.
Once you've left the chair at the menu (see "Just ask me nicely"), you can go behind it and access a secret terminal where you input codes to unlock things. If you put in "DOA" you will be taken to the Dead Ops Arcade "insert coin" screen. To insert your coin, you'll need to wait about 15 seconds for the animations to roll past, and then press
together to begin the game. Trophy awarded!
Easy Rhino
In Dead Ops Arcade, use a Speed Boost to blast through 20 or more enemies at one time.
This can be achieved in as little as the first stage. This minigame sucks and hopefully you won't need to play it for the first level, keep running around the area avoiding zombies until you think there are about 20 on the screen. Line yourself up to charge through them and press the
button to blast through the zombies. With a bit of luck you should have hit 20; if not, just try again.
Just ask me nicely
Break free from the torture chair.
At the menu, use the right analog stick to look down at your restricted hands in the torture chair. Feeling a bit claustrophobic? Trapped? Well, hammer away repeatedly at the
buttons and you'll bust out, free to wander the room that you've been admiring from the menu for a while now. Oh, and you get a trophy for your troubles.
Eaten by a Grue
Play Zork on the terminal.
Once you've left the chair at the menu (see "Just ask me nicely"), you can go behind it and access a secret terminal where you input codes to unlock things. If you put in "ZORK" you will start playing the old text-based adventure game. You can fiddle around with it for a bit, or if you enjoy text based games, you can even play the entire thing. Have you tried putting other codes in the terminal? There are plenty of others.
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Call of Duty: Black Ops - First Strike DLC Trophy Guide
Written by Kristoph
Trophy Difficulty: Easy
Offline Trophies: 4
Online Trophies: 0
Minimum number of play throughs: N/A
Number of miss-able trophies: 0
Known glitched trophies: 0
The eagle has landers
In Ascension, escape on all 3 lunar landers.
In order to get this trophy, you have to ride all 3 lunar landers on the Ascension map. To begin, you need to throw the power switch in order to send fuel running though them. To get to the power switch in Ascension, the quickest path is through the door by the giant centrifuge (costing 750 points). Run up the stairs again and open the door costing 1250 points, and then up more stairs to reach the 1000 point door. On your right will be the power switch that sends colour through the stage and sends energy to the landers (and on your left is the Mystery Box). Once you've thrown the switch, you need to call the lander to each position in order to ride it. Here are the locations for each lander:
Lander 1: After going back downstairs from the power switch, you will be able to go outside into an area with two doors. If you head to the right, you'll find a door that costs 1250 to open. Open that and then run around the rock up onto the stairs, and then head up more stairs to open another door that costs 1000. Once you've opened it, you'll run past the Speed Cola machine - the lander is located on the platform a short walk ahead. You'll need to call the lander to its position before you ride it and it costs 250 to ride. It will take you back to the room in which you started the game.
Lander 2: After going back downstairs from the power switch, you will be able to go outside into an area with two doors. If you head to the left, you will find a door that costs 1250 to open. Open this door and head straight up the stairs into a small square area; the lander position is right in the middle of this area. You'll need to call the lander to its position before you ride it and it costs 250 to ride. It will take you back to the room in which you started the game.
Lander 3: After going back downstairs from the power switch, you will be able to go outside into an area with two doors. If you head to the left, you will find a door that costs 1250 to open. Open this door and then head left past the window, and keep heading through this narrow canal (you may need to open a 1000 point door and then another 1250 point door in the area with the Stamin-Up machine). Once you open the last door, head past the rubble and at the very end of the area you'll find the calling platform for the lander. You'll need to call the lander to its position before you ride it and it costs 250 to ride. It will take you back to the room in which you started the game.
You need to ride all three lunar landers in order to fuel the rocket that obscures the Pack-A-Punch machine on this map (see Space Race). Once you ride the last lander back to its original position, you will achieve this trophy.

They are going THROUGH!
In Ascension, kill 5 zombies with 1 Gersh Device.
The Gersch Device (it is mistakenly spelled "Gersh" in the trophy description) is a small device that can be received from the Mystery Box. You will get 3 devices when you take the item from the Mystery Box; tossing the Gersch with
will cause it to power up and create a black hole; pulling into it every zombie on the map. This is best achieved on the later levels when you are being swarmed by lots of zombies (it is a good idea to camp in the same area as Lander 2 with good weapons for this map). You should also note that the Gersch Device takes approximately 2-3 seconds to power up before it takes effect and starts pulling zombies toward it, and if the zombies that are being pulled toward the device do not reach it before the device expires, they will not die. Your best bet is to throw the device when you can see a lot of zombies running at you (and right at them) in order to suck them all in quickly. You need to send 5 at once to another dimension to obtain the trophy. Also, if you throw the Gersch Device outside the map, the zombies will not be sucked into anything, and Samantha will giggle at you...

Space Race
In Ascension, Pack-A-Punch a weapon before round 8.
This is likely the hardest trophy in the Ascension map, as it requires you to take any weapon that you have and upgrade it at the Pack-A-Punch machine (located under the rocket) for 5000 points.
STEP 1: The easiest way to perform this is to have two players; one player will accumulate points toward the Pack-A-Punch machine while the other accumulates points for the doors that block the path up to the power switch. One player should have enough points to access all doors up to the power switch by the end of round 3; so at this point, leave for the switch.
STEP 2: Once both players are up the top, throw the power switch. Both players should go for a weapon from the Mystery Box (the best guns for building up points quickly are the HK21 and RPK, but other machine guns will do). Stay up here until round 5 and cook a grenade to throw at one zombie to make him a crawler (this way you have time to run around). Both players should now get out of this area and begin heading toward the landers.
STEP 3: The player who is not Pack-A-Punching should have enough to open all the doors to reach one lunar lander. Ride this lander back to the original position to fuel the rocket. If that player also has enough points to access another lander, they should reach this lander and ride it as well. If that player does not have enough points yet, kill the zombie and repeat the process of saving a crawler at round 6. You can do this one more time at round 7, but it needs to be done before round 7 is over as the trophy will not unlock if round 8 starts.
STEP 4: Once there is a crawler saved at round 6, the second player should have enough to open the paths to the other two (or other) lander(s). Once all the landers have been ridden, you will need to head back up to where you threw the power switch, as there will be a rocket launch button here. Activate this to launch the rocket (which you can blow up if you shoot at it with a Ray Gun!) and reveal the path to Pack-A-Punch (if you make it down to where the rocket launched fast enough, there is a Double Points power-up here). Once you launch the rocket, head downstairs and outside the building and go right. Walk down the hill and turn right, following this path. You will see that the path is no longer obscured by the rocket, and you will be able to head through here. Turn right and Pack-A-Punch will be waiting for you; the player who had not opened any (or only one or two) doors should now have well over 5000 points and, regardless of their weapon, will be able to Pack-A-Punch it.
Remember that you need to get to this machine before round 8 STARTS. It is not before the END of round 8, so make sure you are in round 6 or 7 when you are going for the landers and rocket switches. Once you upgrade any weapon before the eighth round, you'll get the trophy.

Chimp on the barbie
In Ascension, kill a monkey with a fire trap.
The Space Monkeys in Ascension appear after you buy a Perk and usually at a later round such as 8 or 9 (and they appear as sporadically and randomly as Hellhounds in the older maps). When they appear, they will either go for the player, relentlessly trying to beat them to death, or they will make a beeline for the Perk machines to destroy them. If they are breaking a machine, that respective Perk will grow and shrink to indicate that the monkeys are taking it. Get to the machine and prevent them from stealing it so you don't lose your Perks! If you manage to take out all of the monkeys without any player losing their Perks, the final monkey will drop both a Max Ammo AND a Random Perk power-up, which gives every player a different Perk at random.
However, I digress; enough monkey trivia. The objective of this one is to kill a monkey with a fire trap. The fire trap is located just before the hill that leads to the Pack-A-Punch machine (a right turn after you leave the building you start out in and arrive at the split path). The switch is located behind the wall and you will need to have this 1250-point door opened in order to use it. In a monkey round (the screen will turn an ugly colour and you'll hear a siren wail), wait until you have a monkey chasing you and then run past the trap area. Turn and hit the switch (it costs 1000 to use) to cause fire to erupt from the ground. The monkey will stupidly walk into the trap, burning and killing it, and you'll get this easy trophy.
It's recommended that you do this on one of the earlier monkey rounds, as you never know how resilient the monkeys become in later rounds. That said, the fire trap should kill them on later rounds anyway, but it's better to do it early on and get it out of the way.
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Call of Duty: Black Ops - Escalation DLC Trophy Guide
Written by Kristoph

Trophy Difficulty: Hard
Offline Trophies: 5
Online Trophies: 0
Minimum number of play throughs: N/A
Number of miss-able trophies: 0
Known glitched trophies: 0
NOTE: This guide assumes that you are at least somewhat familiar with the Call of the Dead map and its layout.
In Call of the Dead, send the crew to Paradise in solo or co-op.
This trophy is best achieved at the same time as Ensemble Cast. Refer to that trophy to complete the side mission. NOTE: You will need at least 2 people for that trophy.
Ensemble Cast
In Call of the Dead, send the crew to Paradise in co-op.
This is another large side-quest on the Call of the Dead map, similar to Ascension's huge easter egg. In order to complete it, you will need to follow a number of steps in order to free the crew from the previous Zombie maps, who are locked behind a door somewhere on the map. Follow the instructions below VERY CAREFULLY and you will obtain the trophy, as well as Stand-in. Take note that this process is easily done if you have a crawler (blowing the legs off a zombie with a grenade) and having George led away by another player.
STEP 1: The first step is to find the crew. From the beginning of the map, head left and clear the boat (to ascend into the cave area) and then follow the stairs up to the base of the lighthouse. From here, go down the side stairs and then the stairs immediately to your left. You will hear Dempsey knocking for attention. After a brief chat, Richtofen will ask you to locate the power source. Head upstairs into the room with PhD Flopper and search for a small battery. When you locate it, hold
to acquire it and take it back downstairs. Put it into the right hand side of the door's power box by holding
again. Knife the door with
to notify the crew.
STEP 2: The second step will begin when Richtofen asks you to locate the four generators that you'll need to blow up. If you turn 180 degrees, you'll see the first one (it's glowing red at the top). Any kind of explosive weapons, including grenades, will do the trick (you'll need to purchase Semtex grenades on the right side of the map on the ship for the later generators, but if you have something like a China Lake or M72 that will also work). The second generator is located off the side of the ship towards the power room - when ascending the stairs from the beginning of the map, turn right and unlock the path for 1000 points. Follow the path to the left and look off the side of the ship to see the generator in the water. After you blow it up, head towards the ship near where Jugger-Nog is located (right side of the map) and then drop back to head back towards the start (immediately turn around and fall down). If you follow this path for a little bit and turn right, you'll see generator number three hiding between two rocks. Take it out and then move on to the fourth - this one is located on the other side of the map where the lighthouse is - it's behind it in a small cabin with the Stamin-Up machine. You'll need to go to the bottom floor of the lighthouse and open the back door for 1000. Follow the path straight ahead until you find the Perk machine, and then head left. Look out the window to see the generator. Blow it up, return to the door and use your knife
to let them know you've blown them all up.
STEP 3: Now that you've restored power, Richtofen will instruct you to go and find some vodka for Nikolai to distract him. MAKE SURE YOU LISTEN TO THE ENTIRE CONVERSATION (up until the point where Sarah Michelle Gellar goes "Are you guys having a party in there?") OR THE VODKA BOTTLE WILL NOT APPEAR. Once you're done listening, you'll need to check both around the lighthouse's rails and the boat on the right side of the map's rails for a bottle of vodka encased in a small block of ice. Once you've located it, have one player stand underneath it and another knife it
from above. The player who catches the bottle must hold
when it falls in order to catch it. If you miss, the bottle will randomly spawn somewhere else. Once you've got it, return to the door and put it into the tube on the left by holding
STEP 4: With Nikolai distracted, Richtofen will ask you to help him complete the final part of the plan - locating a small golden rod device. This is probably the most convoluted step in the process and easy to mess up, so make sure you follow these instructions properly as a single stuff-up may screw the entire process up. From here, you're going to head to the lighthouse and open up all the tables blocking the staircases for 750 each. On each floor, you will notice a small dial with the numbers 0-9 on it emitting a small hum and with a colour (from top to bottom, yellow-orange-blue-purple). You will need to set these dials up to form the code (from the top) 2-7-4-6 (based on nearby papers on the floor). This is tougher than it sounds, as turning one dial directly affects another. Follow these instructions closely and you'll end up with the code, assuming you haven't tampered prior:
- Change the yellow dial (top floor) to a 2. This will turn the orange dial (second floor) to 7.
- Change the purple dial (lowest floor) to a 6.
- Change the orange dial (second floor) until the blue dial (third floor) becomes a 4 (you may need 2 players watching both dials for this).
- Change the yellow dial (top floor) to a 2 once again.
- If done correctly, run from the top floor to the bottom checking the dials for this code: Yellow-2, Orange-7, Blue-4, Purple-6.
STEP 5: Once you've successfully got the dials set in the lighthouse, your next task is activating the radios that spell VRIL (in morse code). A bit of side trivia - VRIL most likely refers to the legendary (I use that term loosely because it sucks) gun you can obtain from the box, the V-R11. The radios must be activated in the right order (by holding
near them) and if you do them in the wrong order you will have to wait until you hear a noise similar to the box teleporting. If you want to get it right the first time, hit the radios in the order below. If done successfully, you will hear a high-pitched noise and see a blinking green light in the distance.
V: The first radio is located in the room below the power room on the ship, atop a power console. This may be where the Mystery Box spawns sometimes.
R: The second radio is located on top of some gas canister-type objects to the right of Stamin-up (it is NOT the one under the garage that's opened slightly).
I: The third radio is located in a cargo crate near the Semtex Grenades - head back the way you came from them and it is just before the 1000 door on its side in a cargo crate.
L: The final radio is in the very same room with the trapped crew, underneath the stairs on top of a power console.
STEP 6: After you've successfully activated all of the radios and can hear the noise / see the light, you will need to head up to the room on the ship where you turned the power on. Up here, you will see a captain's wheel and a rather large console with 3 levers. You will need to turn the wheel twice to the right (by looking at its right side and holding
twice) and then operate the levers. The first lever must be pulled once, while the third lever must be pulled three times. Do not touch the second (although I think you cannot touch it anyway). Once you've successfully done this, the beeping will stop and a low-sounding foghorn will be heard.
STEP 7: Now, you will need to go to the base of the lighthouse and find the 2 foghorns there. Another player will need to go around to the bottom of the lighthouse and take the slide to where Speed Cola is as there are 2 foghorns in this hidden area as well. All up there are 4 - and they must be activated in the correct order, as usual, by holding
near them.
1: The first foghorn is at the base of the lighthouse, all the way down on the left side next to the small pond of water.
2: The second foghorn is just after you pass the Speed Cola machine after sliding. Turn right when you emerge from the tunnel and it's in a small alcove.
3: The third foghorn is close to the lighthouse, on the hill in a corner near the right-hand side.
4: The final foghorn is behind a rock near Speed Cola - head straight once you've slid down and you'll see it hiding behind the rock.
If everything is done successfully in this step, and you've followed all steps prior to this one, a green light should appear in the sky that beams to the lighthouse.
STEP 8: The penultimate step involves obtaining the rod object from the lighthouse. For this step it is recommended that you have 2 crawling zombies so that you are not overwhelmed by the next wave when you perform this step. One player will need to have the V-R11 from the Mystery Box - if you do not have it, keep using the box until you obtain it. Once your team has it, you will need to lead one of the zombies down to the base of the lighthouse where the beam begins/ends. When the zombie is close to the beam, turn it into a human using the V-R11 and it will be dragged into the beam and sucked up. While it's flying upwards, UNLOAD EVERYTHING YOU HAVE ON IT. Ray Guns and machineguns are especially effective but your team will still need to run up the staircase shooting the human until it dies. You'll know it's dead when it appears to have fallen down and stopped squirming. This means you've succeeded - head back down to the base of the lighthouse and wait for the golden rod to appear from the top. Grab it by pressing
STEP 9: You're just about done! Head back to the lighthouse and give Richtofen the rod via the tube on the left. He will thank you, but the crew will fail to disappear - the power box on the right of the door has shorted out. When it begins sparking, run over to it and press
to kickstart it. The crew will disappear and you will finally earn the trophy - as well as a bonus prize, the Wunderwaffe DG-2; a popular weapon from older Zombie maps featured in Call of Duty: World at War.

In Call of the Dead, make a zombie explode using the V-R11.
As the trophy states, you'll need to obtain the V-R11 from the Mystery Box to begin the path to getting this trophy. Once you do get it, you'll see that it has the ability to turn zombies into people. It's fairly useless, but these humans make for a brief distraction and may allow you to get away here and there. If you shoot George Romero with the V-R11, he will calm down if he is chasing you (for a brief moment, anyway).
For this trophy, you'll need to make a zombie explode. This is impossible with the ordinary V-R11, so you will need to activate the power on the ship and hunt the Pack-A-Punch machine. This machine lets you upgrade your guns for 5000 points, but on this map is illusive and often difficult to find due to its constant teleportation. If you want to find the machine, look at the lighthouse as the beam from it will light up the Pack-A-Punch machine. It is not always physically on the map, and when the screen turns yellow/orange and thunders, this means the machine is in the process of spawning somewhere. It won't take your gun when you put it in when if it's just about to teleport, so you can relax knowing that it won't eat your V-R11 (unless you don't get to it in time once you Pack-A-Punch it). This upgrade transforms it into the V-R11 Lazarus, a slightly better version of its predecessor. To get this trophy, shoot any zombie with the weapon three times to make it explode and the trophy is yours.
This weapon can also be used to rid the map of George for a brief time. See Quiet on the Set.

Shooting on Location
In Call of the Dead, kill 10 zombies with one Scavenger shot from over 100 feet away.
This is an incredibly hard trophy, as it involves killing 10 zombies from a considerable distance with a gun that rarely turns up. So in short, it's very luck based. The Scavenger is best described as a crossbow-sniper hybrid, but with a much meaner end result - when the bullet detonates, it creates a resonating explosion that wipes out all nearby zombies with quite a big hit box. Be careful though, as unless you have PhD Flopper, you'll take damage as well. The problem is, the ordinary Scavenger doesn't seem to have enough power to wipe out 10 zombies at once - and the fog makes it difficult to see even 10 feet away, let alone 100.
The best solution is to find and use the Pack-A-Punch machine to upgrade your Scavenger to a Hyena-Infradead. Not only does the explosion now cause a black hole with a ridiculous hit box, but the gun comes equipped with a scope that paints your enemies light blue and allows you to tell where they are. The next step is getting to the distance - 100 feet. This act is best achieved if you head to the boat with the flinger (where the power is) while having 10 zombies chasing you on the higher rounds. When this happens, drop down onto the flinger (the metal platform that sends you over to the lighthouse) and use the gun to check if the zombies are using the zipline. If there are a lot using it, aim at the ground where they will fall when they finish zipping down and shoot. The resulting black hole should kill the 10 that are chasing you and this is well over 100 feet away from the zombies. There are other methods of doing this but this is how I achieved it; remember that you have to be 100 feet away from the zombies when the bullet detonates, so you can shoot and run so that you open the distance. For this, I recommend you purchase the Stamin-Up Perk for 2000. Note that there is about a 20 second delay in obtaining the trophy, similar to the Sacrificial Lamb trophy in the main game.

Quiet on the Set
In Call of the Dead, cut the lights on the Director.
A new mini-boss that has been added to the Call of the Dead map is the granddaddy of zombie lore, George A. Romero himself in zombie-nated form. He's pretty damn hard to miss, considering he glows with electricity and chases you ever so slowly with a giant stage light. If you make the mistake of shooting him, he will lose it and chase the closest member of your team. If this happens, lead him to the cold water to calm him down again. Your job is to kill the boss, and there are two methods of doing this.
METHOD 1: The "unload everything you've got and then some" Method
PRIZE: Death Machine, free random Perk, George disappears for 2-3 rounds
HOW TO DO IT: Simply put, this is the method that involves shooting George with a gun that you think is terrible and a waste of space (provided you have another, better gun in tow). Lead George to water and shoot him while he's in it so that he doesn't chase you - if you ever get a Death Machine and George is in water, give him everything you've got until it runs out. 2 full Death Machines are enough to bring his health down by about a quarter (yes, he has A LOT of health). Heavy machineguns and the Ray Gun helps as well. My recommendation for taking him down with this is to save a crawling zombie while you shoot George down - if you have 5000 points, and a strong gun, shoot him with all the ammo and then locate the Pack-A-Punch machine in order to upgrade it, as this will restore the ammo as well. You will know when George is getting weaker as his stage light will begin to dim (and so will he). It helps if your team has Ray Guns or HK21/RPK guns.
METHOD 2: The "V-R11 Lazarus" Method
PRIZE: George disappears for 2-3 rounds
HOW TO DO IT: This is the much simpler method for taking out George. You'll want to Pack-A-Punch the V-R11 if you obtain it from the box (go for Stuntman while you're at it) as the V-R11 Lazarus sends George off in one hit if he's in the water. This will break him and he won't be back for a while, but you won't get a free Perk or Death Machine. You will, however, still get the trophy, which is what you're here for, right?
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The info for the sog mission(1 of the 2 hardest points in the game) is seriously below par and just isn't good enough.
You fail to mention that that you only need to get to and ignite the first barrel to get the checkpoint and you do not point out that you should shoot the guy behind the sand bags on your right before attempting this and also get back to the trench just behind you immediately after igniting the barrel as the checkpoint is slow 2 appear, your words that this is joint hardest bit in the game and you give us 4 lines for it, also mentioning that you should go for the barrell furthest to the right first as this will activate the checkpoint and a bit more detail of where it is would have been more helpful seen as its hard to look for when you are getting shot at.
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Not being funny, Jay, but perhaps you could tone down the criticism a touch. You do make a fair point but you don't make it fairly. We want to encourage people to create guides for this site not discourage them. Overall this is a solid guide and to focus so harshly on quite a minor part of it might come across a little stand-offish without any effort to offer at least a little praise. These guides aren't set in stone so can be adjusted (to your credit if that's your desire) at a later date.

Originally Posted by
Not being funny, Jay, but perhaps you could tone down the criticism a touch. You do make a fair point but you don't make it fairly. We want to encourage people to create guides for this site not discourage them. Overall this is a solid guide and to focus so harshly on quite a minor part of it might come across a little stand-offish without any effort to offer at least a little praise. These guides aren't set in stone so can be adjusted (to your credit if that's your desire) at a later date.
I have praised his work and this guide in paticular before, i believe i even voted for this as guide of the month but was frustrated that a bit kristoph openely admits was one of the joint hardest parts in the game and there wasn't any help, when i wen't to do this level today i had to look elsewhere because this part of the guide offered no help and even techinically had false info as i only needed to ignite 1 barrell and hide not both, like i said i think this guide is top notch but the real tough part of this game is the vet playthrough and in paticular this part and one other that are a real bitch, just really frustrated when you compare this info to the collector trophy for example,This is why we opened the guides up so people could criticise or praise as they see fit and i didn't criticise the whole guide and made a point of starting my message with (The info for the sog mission(1 of the 2 hardest points in the game) is seriously below par and just isn't good enough.).
Sorry if i sound harsh again but i see no point in just spamming the thread with just good guide or leaving the guide now that i don't need it for others to follow after me and have the same problems, there is no point saying but nice guide overall at the end of my post or toneing down the criticism because i would just be pussy footing around the problem seen as i came in here 2 criticise.
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I have taken your points on board and apologise for my hastiness.
Well, it appears an apology is required for my mediocre work with the description for that trophy. I regretfully state that I did not provide enough information to assist you in acquiring it; if you wish that I amend the description for it I can do so on a moment's notice. Is there a possibility that you became furious with the level in question and took it out on my work with the guide as a result? If this is the case, I can understand this as I have too experienced this level for myself.
What I wrote at the time was what I believe to be the best solution, but if it requires amendment then please state that, as I would accept the opportunity to do so. I appreciate your criticism and your thanks for the rest of it, and I too realise that it is a weak point in what I believe to be an otherwise acceptable guide. You should also note that this part of the game is deemed by many as "unfair" and all I can really do is provide tips on how to pass it, not a direct method of how to do it.
Nevertheless, criticism is always appreciated and I will endeavor to provide more information in future.
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Originally Posted by
Well, it appears an apology is required for my mediocre work with the description for that trophy. I regretfully state that I did not provide enough information to assist you in acquiring it; if you wish that I amend the description for it I can do so on a moment's notice. Is there a possibility that you became furious with the level in question and took it out on my work with the guide as a result? If this is the case, I can understand this as I have too experienced this level for myself.
What I wrote at the time was what I believe to be the best solution, but if it requires amendment then please state that, as I would accept the opportunity to do so. I appreciate your criticism and your thanks for the rest of it, and I too realise that it is a weak point in what I believe to be an otherwise acceptable guide. You should also note that this part of the game is deemed by many as "unfair" and all I can really do is provide tips on how to pass it, not a direct method of how to do it.
Nevertheless, criticism is always appreciated and I will endeavor to provide more information in future.
Its up 2 you if you wish to change it as i have now completed the level it will not affect me but future readers imo will not be helped by the info you have given, barring pointing out the barrel there was no help, this was the first time i used this guide as i play zombies for fun a lot anyway so things like the collectors trophy came as second nature to me which is why i was frustrated to see all the info for that, i know exactly what you mean about the game being cruel with its cheap tactics which is why when i did make it 2 the barrels i wan't to get it done first time if i can but with the info you gave i had to get down there 5 or 6 times before i knew what i needed to do,i was also looking around for the 2 barrels origanlly together as thats what i presumed you ment.
I did wait till i had finished the level before i posted as i wouldn't wan't to post while still frustrated and i think i manged to get through this bit pretty easily compared to other call of duty titles (heart of the recih), perhaps my opening statement could have been worded better but really what i said i think was fair, the vet playthrough is a bitch because we are not told what is required of us in the game and we are left with cheap tactics which is why i feal this is where we need the guide the most as we wan't to know what we have got to do and how we have got to do it so we can crack on with the cheap exploits and wait for that lucky break, but if we have to spend time working out what we need to do for ourselves while trying to figure out the best way to do it before we can wait for that lucky break then it becomes a lot worse.
I don't want to sound ungreatful as i apreciate it is not easy writing a guide and its even tougher trying to explain how to do and find specific things in a way all people can understand but this part of the guide(the vet playthrough) feals rushed and shruged off, so i had to look elsewhere for help on this part,i am commited to this site so i will always look here first but people that are let down by .coms guide for example need to come here and see a top guide that will make them come back and use these guides over .coms more often which will lead to them choosing this site over rivals in the future.
i do appreciate you offering to sort the guide out though and to be able to take the critcism as its even worse when a guide writer gives false info that cost players time and then even when he is told the info is wrong still leaves it to rot, check out the monsters vs aliens guide on .com for example and check the dates of the posters telling him the info he has given is wrong and can cost players hours of wasted time like myself and i got plat over a year ago.
also i as much as i h8 to admit it the cod classic guide on .com is 5 star and the best example of what i would expect for a vet playthrough guide.
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