100% Complete 
Earn all LittleBigPlanet™ trophies to unlock this platinum trophy
Simply get all other Trophies for this game. Same as any other Platinum
The Gardens
Complete all levels in The Gardens
The Garden section only has three levels in it. These are story based so you cant really miss them. All you need to do is finish each of these levels and you will get this trophy:
- First Steps
- Get A Grip
- Skate to Victory
The Savannah
Complete all levels in The Savannah
The Savannah section only has three levels in it. These are story based so you cant really miss them. All you need to do is finish each of these levels and you will get this trophy:
- Swinging Safari
- Burning Forest
- The Meerkat Kingdom
The Wedding
Complete all levels in The Wedding
The Wedding section only has three levels in it. These are story based so you cant really miss them. All you need to do is finish each of these levels and you will get this trophy:
- The Wedding Reception
- The Darkness
- Skulldozer
The Canyons
Complete all levels in The Canyons
The Canyons section only has three levels in it. These are story based so you cant really miss them. All you need to do is finish each of these levels and you will get this trophy:
- Boomtown
- The Mines
- Serpent Shrine
The Metropolis
Complete all levels in The Metropolis
The Metropolis section only has three levels in it. These are story based so you cant really miss them. All you need to do is finish each of these levels and you will get this trophy:
- Lowrider
- Subway
- The Construction Site
The Islands
Complete all levels in The Islands
The Islands section only has three levels in it. These are story based so you cant really miss them. All you need to do is finish each of these levels and you will get this trophy:
- Endurance Dojo
- Sensei's Lost Castle
- The Terrible Oni’s Volcano
The Temples
Complete all levels in The Temples
The Temples section only has three levels in it. These are story based so you cant really miss them. All you need to do is finish each of these levels and you will get this trophy:
- The Dancers’ Court
- Elephant Temple
- Great Magicians Palace
Expert Creator
Complete all levels in the Tutorials
This needs to be done in the level creation mode (go to the moon
). Simply follow the tutorials you are prompted to when you first start. After that you will need to go to your pop it menu to search for tools that have a glowing colour around them. Open these up and you will be asked to take a tutorial on how to use that tool. Do this on all tools for this trophy.
Place a sticker
This is an easy trophy. Simply go to the stickers menu in you pop it. Then place it anywhere in a level or your pod for this trophy.
Place 10 stickers or decorations in your pod
Same as the previous trophy really, except you need to be in your pod to do this. You can either place 10 stickers or 10 items (or a mix of both) in you pod for this trophy.
Fashion Sense
Choose a costume for your sackperson with at least one item on your head, at least one item on your body, and a material
An other easy trophy really. Simply choose an item to wear on your head and body, and change the material your Sackboy is made from for this trophy. You can access how your Sackboy looks in the pop it menu.
Hidden Trophy
Collect 25% of the prize bubbles on the story levels
Getting 25% of the prize bubbles in this game shouldn’t be a problem at all. You should easily get this within the first 15 levels of the game. This is without even trying to find the tough ones.
Note: See Booty Master for further information.
Sticky Fingers
Collect 50% of the prize bubbles on the story levels
Similar to the previous trophy getting 50% of the prize bubbles in this game shouldn’t be a problem at all. You probably get this towards the end of the game. This is without even trying to find the tough ones.
Note: See Booty Master for further information.
Treasure Hunter 
Collect 75% of the prize bubbles on the story levels
Similar to the previous trophy getting 75% of the prize bubbles in this game shouldn’t be a problem at all. You will probably have to go back through levels to find the missing bubbles.
Note: See Booty Master for further information.
2X Multiplier!
Get a 2X Multiplier
Simple enough to get. You’ll get his once you have collected 5 bubbles in quick succession. Chances are you will get it on the first level
8X Multiplier!
Get an 8X Multiplier
You will need to get 40 bubbles in quick succession to get this trophy. There are two ways this can be done. One is if you’re quick enough on the later levels in the game you will get this. The others is to use user created levels that help get this and many other trophies.
Hidden Trophy
Cranium Collector
Kill 100 Creatures across all levels
For this you will need to kill 100 brains, which can be found on certain creatures. You should get his on a normal run through the game. Failing that there are user created levels that have nothing but creatures in. Simply play these and kill as many as you can and you’ll eventually get this trophy.
Hidden Trophy
Incredible Speed!
Travel at incredible speed
The best way to get this trophy is to rely on the LBP Community levels. Simply Search “Incredible Speed” and you will find plenty of levels to play that will help with this trophy. Or you could make your own level and try to achieve this 
Incredible Height!
Travel to an incredible height
As with the previous trophy the best way to get this is to rely on the LBP Community levels. Simply Search “Incredible Height” and you will find plenty of levels to play that will help with this trophy. Or you could make your own level and try to achieve this 
Hidden Trophy
Complete a level with more than one player
This is easily done. All you need to do is play and complete a level with another player. Simply choose to “Play Online” when you start a level and wait for someone to join you (or you may be joining them). Complete the level and ta-da! You should have no problem with this as its how the game is designed to be played 
Party Person
Complete a level online with 3 other players who are on your friends list
This is easily done. All you need to do is play and complete a level with 3 players on your PSN friends list. You should have no problem with this as its how the game is designed to be played
. If you don’t have many friends who play this game, try adding other players you encounter whilst playing online. They are nearly always happy to help.
Complete a level online with 3 other players who are not on your friends list
Chances are you will get this whilst trying to get friendly. You shouldn’t need to boost this as joining random games with others will help you get this. It may take some time due to other players leaving etc. Just keep at it and eventually it’ll be yours!
Top of the class
Win a 4-player game
Just get the highest score (most prize bubbles) when playing with 2 other people. You can get this playing against four random players. You just need to beat them to all the prize bubbles! Failing that you can do it with your friends at the same time as getting “Party Person”. You can take it in turns to get it (unless your friends already have it).
Complete a community level
All you need to do for this is go to the community levels, pick one you like the sound of, play it and you’ll get this trophy!
Be among the first 10 people to complete a community level
For this you will need to find a fairly if not brand new level, that not many people have played. This should be easy enough as people are creating levels all the time. Find one, play it! Simples
Tag a community level
At the end of all community levels you get the option to comment and tag the level. Choose a tag that best describes that level and the trophy is yours.
Neighbourhood Watch
Heart 5 community levels
When you have completed a community level you will and if you like the level press
and choose to heart the level. You can do this quickly and heart 5 random levels, or do it on 5 levels you have played and enjoyed. The choice is yours.
Heart 3 authors
Similar to the previous trophy you can choose to view the author of your favourite level. Pressing
again you can choose to heart the author. Do this on 3 authors for the trophy.
Post a comment on a community level
At the same time as hearting a level you can leave a comment about the level. After pressing
on the level of choice, press
until you have the option to leave a comment. Do so and the trophy will be yours!
Build and save a level with the thermometer more than 30% full
Simply create a level that fills up the thermometer on the left 30% of the way up. For further tips see “Team Creator”.
Team Creator
Build and save a level with more than one player with the thermometer more than 30% full
First thing you need to do for this is turn on your 2nd controller. Then go to your moon, select an empty level. Use a level template as this will help boost your thermometer up a little, then just add objects until its more than 30% full. Then save the level and exit. You should get this trophy and “Creator” if you haven’t already go it.
Publish a level
This trophy can be time consuming if you want to create a decent playable level. On the other had it can be a quick and easy trophy. Simply create a level with a start and finish point. Then save and publish the level!
Look what I made!
A level you published was played by 5 or more people
If your published level is the half decent time consuming one I mentioned in the previous trophy you will get this quite quickly. If not you will have to rely on fellow boosters or friends to play your level for this trophy.
Just Beginning
Complete all the main path story levels
You will get this once you have completed the final levels in The Wilderness. It contains four levels. These are story based so you cant really miss them. All you need to do is finish each of these levels and you will get this trophy:
- The Frozen Tundra
- The Bunker
- The Collector’s Lair
- The Collector
20X Multiplier!
Get a 20X Multiplier
For this trophy you can either find a community level with hundreds of bubbles in or create your own level with hundreds of bubbles in. As getting it in normal play would be pretty tough!
Hi Score 
Collect 1,000,000 points over all levels you have played
You will get this trophy in time playing the game normally. It just takes a while. Either that or again just play a community level that will get you the million points in one sitting. Again the choice is yours!
Booty Master 
Collect all the prize bubbles on the story levels
For this trophy you will need to get all of the prize bubbles in this game. You will probably have to go back through levels to find the missing bubbles. If you are struggling use the link below, for a you tube channel and it will help you find those missing ones. Some of them require additional players to gain access up to a max of 4 players.
Dr Frankenstein
Create a living creature with at least 2 eyes, 2 legs or wheels, and a brain
You will get this whilst going for the “Expert Creator” trophy. Simply complete the Magic Eye Tutorial. Making sure you add the correct amount of items needed
Crowd Pleaser 
A level you published was played by 50 or more people
This will take a while, but you will get it whilst working towards yoru “Create” Trophy. There is a Heart4Heart thread here which will list some levels of other users, play and heart their levels, and post yours so they can do the same. It will take a while for 50 people to play your level, but you will get it in time!
Feel the love 
A level you published was hearted by 10 or more people
Similar to the previous trophy you will get this working towards your “Create” trophy. Post your details here and you will get this eventually.
You were hearted by 5 or more people as a player
Again this is similar to the previous trophy. For this one you need 5 people to heart you as an Author. You will get it whilst working towards your “Create” trophy. Post your details here and you will get this eventually.
Complete all story levels without dying, with the exception of those levels that only end when you die
This one can be quite tricky. You need to complete all the levels without dying except for survival challenges as these levels will only end when you die. This includes all the score challenges that come off each level. The toughest level to Ace by far is “The Bunker” followed by “Serpent Shrine” (well in my opinion
). To find out which levels you have already aced simply look at the level icon on the globe before you enter it. It will have a Gold Ace of Spades above it.
The levels you have published were hearted by 50 or more people and you were hearted by 30 or more people
This is the one trophy that will take a while for you to achieve. Post your level details here. Once you have hearted other users levels let them know that you have so that they can heart you back. In time they will eventually return the favour. The community is there to help you if you help them
Play 150 community levels, tag 50 community levels and heart 10 community levels
All I did for this was play 10 community levels a day for 15 days. Once I completed them, I tagged them, and then hearted them. If you break it down like I have it seems less time consuming than playing all 150 levels in one sitting. You can also find levels that end as soon as it starts if you wish. But where’s the fun in that
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