Fallout 3 & DLC Trophy Guide Written by Simmy_82 :platinum: 1">
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Thread: Fallout 3 + DLC's Trophy Guide
Fallout 3 + DLC's Trophy Guide
Fallout 3 & DLC Trophy Guide
Written by Simmy_82
Trophy Difficulty: Moderate
Offline Trophies: 51 + 22 DLC
Online Trophies: 0
Minimum number of play throughs: 1
Number of miss-able trophies: 1
Known glitched trophies: 0
Patch : 1.61
Platinum Trophy
Collect all other 50 Trophies for this Trophy.
Simply get all other Trophies for this game. Same as any other Platinum.
Vault 101 Citizenship Award
Got the Pip-Boy 3000.
Story based trophy you will get this once you have obtained the Pip-Boy 300 from the Overseer on your 10th birthday.
The G.O.A.T. Whisperer
Took the G.O.A.T.
Story based trophy you will get this trophy once you have taken the G.O.A.T exam when you are 16.
Completed "Escape!"
Story based trophy you will get this trophy once you have left the Vault. This happens when you are 19 and are awoken by Amata, who tells you your father has escaped the vault.
Following in His Footsteps
Completed "Following in His Footsteps"
Story based trophy you will get this trophy once you have obtained the relevant information from Three Dog at Galaxy News Radio. To get there you need to:
- Visit Megaton and get information
- Get to Galaxy News Radio and speak to Three Dog
Enroute to this location you will come across a Super Mutant Behemoth. This bad boy can cause some serious damage early in the game! Best plan of attack is to pick up the Fat Man weapon for the dead Brotherhood solider. Don’t get too close as the blast radius of these mini nukes is huge
Galaxy News Radio
Completed "Galaxy News Radio"
Story based trophy you will get this trophy once you have got Galaxy News Radio transmitter up and running again. To get there you need to:
- Find the Museum of Technology
- Retrieve the Communication Relay Dish
- Find the Washington Monument
- Replace the Dish and return to Three Dog
Scientific Pursuits
Completed "Scientific Pursuits"
Story based trophy you will get this trophy once you have entered the tranquility lounger in Vault 112. To get there you need to:
- Gain entrance to Rivet City
- Talk to Doctor Li about Dad and Project Purity
- Look for Dad in Project Purity's Control Room
- Gain access to Vault 112
- Enter the Tranquility Lounger
Tranquillity Lane
Completed "Tranquillity Lane"
Story based trophy you will get this trophy once you have spoken to James (your father) when you have exited the Tranquillity Lounger. To get there you need to:
- Complete Betty's tasks
- Alternative "fail safe" solution
Betty’s Task induce a Negative Karma status and involve the following tasks:
- Make Timmy Cry
- Break Up The Rockwells' Marriage
- Kill Mrs. Henderson
- Kill Everyone
Activating the "fail safe" results in positive karma. You need to:
- Speak to Old Lady Dithers
- Go to the abandoned house and enter the fail safe sequence (Radio, Pitcher, Gnome, Pitcher, Cinder Block, Gnome, Bottle)
- Speak to Braun
- Take the Exit
The Waters of Life
Completed "The Waters of Life"
Story based trophy you will get this trophy once you have entered the The Citadel and spoken to Owyn Lyons. To get there you need to:
- Go to the Rivet City Science Lab / Join the Scientists at Project Purity
- Clear Project Purity of any remaining Mutant Threat
- Carry out Routine Maintenance
- Drain the Intake Pipes
- Return to the Control Room
- Escort Doctor Li to the Citadel
Picking Up the Trail
Completed "Picking Up the Trail"
Story based trophy you will get this trophy once you have entered Vault 87. To get there you need to:
- Talk to Scribe Rothchild
- Pass through Lamplight Caverns
There are two ways to access Vault 87:
1. Passing through Super mutant infested Murder Pass.
2. Ask Mayor MacCready about alternate paths which will reveal a locked back door to Vault 87. For which you will have to get joseph to restore power to the door terminal.
Rescue from Paradise
Completed "Rescue from Paradise"
For this side mission you need to speak with Mayor MacCready and agree to complete the Rescue from Paradise quest that he assigns you. This is the only option available if you don’t have the Child at Hear Perk or a high speech level. For this quest you need to:
- Gain Entrance to Paradise Falls by either Capturing 4 VIP Slaves, Talk yourself into paying 500 caps for the priveledge, you Karma is low enough to gain free entrance, or go in all guns blazing. (I took the 4 VIP slaves as this allows you to complete the “Strictly Business” trophy)
- Save Sammy and Squirrel
- Save Penny
- Save Rory
You can if you wish buy their freedom or simply kill all the slavers. Then return to Little Lamplight to gain entrance.
Finding the Garden of Eden
Completed "Finding the Garden of Eden"
Story based trophy you will get this trophy once you have awoken in a strange place. For this quest you need to:
- Enter Vault 87
- Find a G.E.C.K.
- Free Fawkes (Optional but advised – a great follower to have at your side)
- Escape from Vault 87
The American Dream
Completed "The American Dream"
Story based trophy you will get this trophy once you see Liberty Prime arise from the depths. For this quest you need to:
- Navigate the Base (Remember the Energy Weapons Bobble Head this is your only chance to get it! Its in Colonel Autumn’s Room West 2C)
- Meet the President
- Leave the base
- Return to the Enclave
Take it Back!
Completed "Take it Back!"
Story based trophy you will get this trophy once you have made your decision on what to do with the purifier.
Note: Once this mission has begun there is no going back. It is best to complete all side quests before you embark on this final journey. Or at least make a second save so that you can go back and mop up the remaining trophies.
For this quest you need to:
- Speak to Sarah Lyons to begin the attack
- Enter the Rotunda
- Make your final decision
Note: The 3 choices you have at the end are:
1. Sacrifice yourself or Lyons
2. Have a Companion who is resistant to radiation do it
3. Do Nothing
Without the Broken Steel add-on, the regular ending will be shown and game ends here. However, if Broken Steel has been installed and assuming the player activates the purifier instead of allowing it explode, the player will wake up two weeks later at the Citadel.
Big Trouble in Big Town
Completed "Big Trouble in Big Town"
This is a side quest trophy to activate it you need to speak to any of the town's residents, or if the player talks to Red in Germantown Police HQ. You will get this trophy once you have defended Big Town from Super Mutant attack. For this quest you need to:
- Rescue Red from the ermantown Police HQ
- Return to Big Town with rescued NPC’s
- Defend the town from attack
Note: If red dies at any point the mission will be failed. So save before you embark on this quest.
The Superhuman Gambit
Completed "The Superhuman Gambit"
This is a side quest trophy to activate it you need to go to Canterbury Commons and speak to Uncle Roe. You will get this trophy once you have either:
- Defeated the Mechanist
- Defeated the AntAgoniser
- Talk them both into ending their careers as a superhero
The Wasteland Survival Guide
Completed "The Wasteland Survival Guide"
This is a side quest trophy to activate it you need to speak to Moria Brown at Craterside Supply in Megaton. If you decide to destroy Megaton while this quest is active it not be affected at all as Moira will survive as a ghoul and continue to give quest updates as normal. She will then be found at the ruins initially, but moves to Underworld after a conversation with her. This Side quest is split in to 3 Chapters. Here is what you need to know for each chapter:
Chapter 1:
- Find food at the Super Duper Mart
- Contract Radiation Sickness
- Traverse a Mine Field
Note: Once you have completed these three tasks, return to Moira for your reward.
Chapter 2:
- Test the repellent on Mole Rats
- Place an observer unit inside a Mirelurk nest
- Return to Moira with injuries equaling more than 50% of your health
Note: Once you have completed these three tasks, return to Moira for your reward.
Chapter 3:
- Research Rivet City's history
- RobCo Production Facility Mainframe
- Arlington Public Library
Note: Once you have completed these three tasks, return to Moira for your reward.
Depending on what information you give Moira for each task you will get a specific type of Wasteland Survival Guide, see below:
- Standard replies are always available and produce a straightforward book.
- Snide replies are always available and produce a cynical book.
- To make a Smart reply, your Intelligence or Perception (the specific stat differs for each segment) must be at least 7. A Smart book is sophisticated and comprehensive.
- To make a Tough reply, your Strength or Endurance (the specific stat differs for each segment) must be at least 7. A Tough book is blunt and matter-of-fact.
- To make a Sly reply, your Charisma or Agility (the specific stat differs for each segment) must be at least 7. A Sly book is witty and stylish.
Completed "Those!"
This is a side quest trophy to activate it you will need to go to Grayditch where you will be approached by a young boy named Bryan Wilks. He will ask you to his father, Fred Wilks who seems to be trapped in Grayditch infested with fire ants. For this quest you need to:
- Find Bryan Wilks's Father
- Find the source of fire ants
- Find a place for Bryan Wilks to stay
The Nuka-Cola Challenge 
Completed "The Nuka-Cola Challenge"
This is a side quest trophy to activate it you will need to find Sierra Petrovita at Girdershade, which is located west of Jocko's Pop & Gas Stop and SW of Smith Casey's Garage. Once you have found her you need to take the Nuka-Cola tour. For this quest you need to:
- Talk to Sierra and she asks you to collect bottles of Nuka-Cola Quantum
- Recover 30 bottles of Nuka-Cola Quantum
- Recover the shipping manifest (This is optional)
- Recover the Nuka-Cola Clear Recipe (This is optional)
Head of State
Completed "Head of State"
This is a side quest trophy to activate it you will need to visit Hannibal at the Temple of the Union. For this quest you need to:
- Explore the Lincoln Memorial
- Kill the slavers at the Memorial
- Escort Hannibal to the Memorial
Note: If the memorial is not clear of slavers you will need to assist Hannibal in the battle to complete this mission.
The Replicated Man
Completed "The Replicated Man"
This is a side quest trophy to activate it you will need to speak to Dr. Zimmer in Rivet City, he is in the Medical Lab. He wants you to track down a missing Android. For this quest you need to:[LIST][*]Speak to Dr. Preston in Rivet City for additional clues.[*]Locate additional Holotapes for more clues[*]Speak to Horace Pinkerton in Rivet City Bow[*]Choose how you want to end this quest[List]
Note: You will be approached by a lady named Victoria Watts of The Railroad. She will ask you to protect the identity of the Android. She will then give you some Android parts which you can take to Dr. Zimmer and convince him the Android has been destroyed. This will also end the quest.
Blood Ties
Completed "Blood Ties"
This is a side quest trophy to activate it you will need to speak to Lucy West in or around Moriarty's Saloon in Megaton, by talking to Evan King in Arefu, or by reading "Regarding the Arefu Incident" in The Family's Terminal. For this quest you need to:
- You will be asked to deliver a letter for lucy
- Report to Evan King in Arefu
- Locate The Family at Meresti Metro Station
- Locate Ian West
- Relay Ian’s decision to Evan King back in Arefu
Completed "Oasis"
This is a side quest trophy to activate it you will need to approach Oasis, where Tree Father Birch will ask that you follow him, saying that "He" has summoned you. For this quest you need to:
- Take part in the Ritual
- Choose who’s side you want to take
- Enter the Caves
- Pefrom the task depending on who’s side you took
The Power of the Atom
Completed "The Power of the Atom"
This is a side quest trophy to activate it you will need to speak to either Lucas Simms or Mister Burke. For this quest you can either:
- Detonate the Bomb
- Disarm the Bomb
Note: Detonating the bomb will give you bad karma and a room in Tenpenny Tower. Deactivating the bomb will result in good karma and a small house in Megaton.
Tenpenny Tower
Completed "Tenpenny Tower"
This is a side quest trophy to activate it you will need to speak to Chief Gustavo at Tenpenny Tower or by speak to Roy Phillips before entering Tenpenny Tower. You can do this 4 ways:
1. Kill Roy Phillips - Go to Warrington Tunnels west of Tenpenny Tower. Follow the tunnels and you'll find a door leading to Roy Phillips' hideout.
2. Convince Tenpenny to let the ghouls move in - Speak to Roy Phillips about the possibility of a peaceful negotiation. Tell Allistair Tenpenny of the proposal. He will tell you that if you convince tenants Edgar Wellington II, Millicent Wellington, Anthony Ling, Lydia Montenegro and Susan Lancaster to have the ghouls as neighbors, he'll let them move in. You can also get rid of them by various means to accomplish the task.
3. Help the ghouls break into the tower - SpeakRoy Phillips and use the option to unlock Tenpenny Tower's basement door and allow his feral ghouls to slaughter the residents.
4. Vacate Tenpenny Tower - Drive out the residents of Tenpenny Tower by killing Allistair Tenpenny in his suite, then killing Gustavo and all the guards. All residents will then run out the front door of the building to escape. Once this is done, go to the Warrington Train Yard and talk to Roy. Tell him that he can move into the tower as you took care of the problem.

Strictly Business
Completed "Strictly Business"
This is a side quest trophy to activate it you will need to go to Paradise Falls and speak to Grouse. He will tell you that you need to find certain people and enslave them before you can enter Paradise Falls. For this quest you need to capture:
- Flak from Rivet City
- Red from Big Town
- Susan Lancaster from Tenpenny Tower
- Arkansas from Minefield
Note: Some of these characters might be dead when you start this quest. If they are dead they won’t appear on the list you are given by Grouse. Return to grouse when all are captured to complete the quest.
You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head
Completed “You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head"
This is a side quest trophy to activate it you will need to speak to Mister Crowley in the Ninth Circle or at Carol's Place in Underworld. He will give you a task to find and kill some characters They are located here:
- Dave at the Republic of Dave
- Ted Strayer in Rivet City
- Dukov at Dukov's Place
- Allistair Tenpenny at Tenpenny Tower
The main ways to complete this quest are:
- Deliver the keys from Dukov, Ted Strayer, and Dave to Mr. Crowley
- Acquire the Power Armor in Fort Constantine using the keys acquired.
- Kill Crowley after having been hired by Tenpenny.
Stealing Independence
Completed "Stealing Independence"
This is a side quest trophy to activate it you will need to speak to Abraham Washington in Rivet City, he wants you to retrieve the Declaration of Independence for him to display in the Capitol Preservation Society. To do this you need to:
- Recruit Sydney on the rotunda on the first floor of the National Archives (this is optional)
- With Sydney recruited, take the shortcut she provides.
- Deal with Button Gwinnett in one of these ways
1. Kill Gwinnett and have to fight off many more robots
2. Agree to help Gwinnett by forging the Declaration of Independence with supplies from Arlington Public Library
3. Convincing Gwinnett you are Thomas Jefferson through a speech challenge
4. Order Gwinnett to shut down if you have the Robotics Expert perk
- Return to Abraham Washington
Trouble on the Homefront
Completed "Trouble on the Homefront"
This is a side quest trophy to activate it you will have to have completed The Waters of Life main quest. Then when in the Vault 101 area you will pick up a distress signal on your Pip-Boy. There are three ways to complete this mission:
- Keep the Vault Closed – There are many ways in which to do this.
- Open the Vault – Again many ways in which to do this
- Destroy the Vault – Hack the computer in the sub-basement or steal the Vault 101 Maintenance Password from Stanley. Go into manual override mode and perform a flush and a purge
Note: As stated there are many ways in which to do this. Experiment and have fun
Agatha's Song
Completed "Agatha's Song"
This is a side quest trophy to activate it you will have to speak to Agatha at her house northeast of Meresti Trainyard and west of the Scrapyard, and is surrounded by rock piles except for the small passage from the west over a wooden suspension bridge. She wants you to find her great-great-grandmother Hilda's Soil Stradivarius violin, which she believes is still in Vault 92. To find it you need to:
- Discover the location of Vault 92
- Recover the Soil Stradivarius from Vault 92
- Return to Agatha
Reilly's Rangers
Completed "Reilly's Rangers"
This is a side quest trophy to activate it you will have to either, pick up the Ranger Emergency Frequency while exploring the National Archives area, find Reilly in Underworld, go to the top of the Statesman Hotel and talk to Butcher or visit the rangers hideout and read Reilly's computer. To complete this quest you will need to:
- Locate the Our Lady of Hope Hospital in Vernon Square
- Enter the hospital and cross over to the upper floors of the Statesman Hotel
- Make your way to the roof and meet up with the surviving Rangers
- Repair the elevator to the ground floor
- Exfiltrate with the Rangers and return to the Ranger HQ in Seward Square
NOTE: There are two ways to do these levelling trophies.
1. Do three playthroughs one for each Karma Rating (Good, Bad and Neutral)
2. Do a Good Karma playthrough and manipulate your Karma rating accordingly. The best way to do this is. Save your game before each level trophy (so save on level 7, 13 and 19) (Good Save). Lower your karma using the method below to neutral, save a second file (Neutral Save), level up killing enemies to get the trophy. Load the Neutral Save and lower your karma to bad, then kill as many innocents as needed to get the trophy. Then simply load your Good Save and carry on as normal.
Reach level 8 with bad Karma
To get this one:
Load up your level 7 Neutral Save. Go to Megaton and access the computer terminal in Crater Side Supplies and close it, rinse and repeat (as it counts as stealing, but as you didn’t hack it, it goes unnoticed). Do this unitl you karma rating is bad. Then head into town and kill as many as you can until the trophy pops up. Then simply load up your Good Save and carry on.
Reach level 8 with neutral Karma
To get this one:
When you are close to the end of level 7, load up your Good Save. Go to Megaton and access the computer terminal in Crater Side Supplies and close it, rinse and repeat (as it counts as stealing, but as you didn’t hack it, it goes unnoticed). Do this unitl you karma rating is Neutral. Then head to an enemy hotspot and kill as many as you can until the trophy pops up. Then simply load up your Good Save and carry on.
Reach level 8 with good Karma
To get this one:
Simply carry on, on your Good Save or playthrough and you will get this
Harbinger of War
Reach level 14 with bad Karma
To get this one:
When you are close to the end of level 13, load up your Neutral Save. Go to Megaton and access the computer terminal in Crater Side Supplies and close it, rinse and repeat (as it counts as stealing, but as you didn’t hack it, it goes unnoticed). Do this unitl you karma rating is bad. Then head into town and kill as many as you can until the trophy pops up. Then simply load up your Good Save and carry on.
Pinnacle of Survival
Reach level 14 with neutral Karma
To get this one:
When you are close to the end of level 13, load up your Good Save. Go to Megaton and access the computer terminal in Crater Side Supplies and close it, rinse and repeat (as it counts as stealing, but as you didn’t hack it, it goes unnoticed). Do this unitl you karma rating is Neutral. Then head to an enemy hotspot and kill as many as you can until the trophy pops up. Then simply load up your Good Save and carry on.
Ambassador of Peace
Reach level 14 with good Karma
To get this one:
Simply carry on, on your Good Save or playthrough and you will get this
Scourage of Humanity
Reach level 20 with bad Karma
To get this one:
When you are close to the end of level 19, load up your Neutral Save. Go to Megaton and access the computer terminal in Crater Side Supplies and close it, rinse and repeat (as it counts as stealing, but as you didn’t hack it, it goes unnoticed). Do this unitl you karma rating is bad. Then head into town and kill as many as you can until the trophy pops up. Then simply load up your Good Save and carry on.
Paradigm of Humanity
Reach level 20 with neutral Karma
To get this one:
When you are close to the end of level 19, load up your Good Save. Go to Megaton and access the computer terminal in Crater Side Supplies and close it, rinse and repeat (as it counts as stealing, but as you didn’t hack it, it goes unnoticed). Do this unitl you karma rating is Neutral. Then head to an enemy hotspot and kill as many as you can until the trophy pops up. Then simply load up your Good Save and carry on.
Last, Best Hope of Humanity
Reach level 20 with good Karma
To get this one:
Simply carry on, on your Good Save or playthrough and you will get this
Make one of each custom weapon
For this trophy you need to make one of each of the following weapons. I have listed where to find the schematics and the items you’ll need.
- Bottlecap mine - You will get the schematics for this as a quest reward from Moira during your Wasteland Survival Guide side quest. You will need 1x Lunchbox, 1x Cherry Bomb, 1x Sensor Module, 10x Bottlecaps.
- Dart Gun - You will get the schematics for this from Hannibal Hamlin for completing the Head of State side. You will need 1x Paint Gun, 1x Radscorpion Poison Gland, 1x Toy ca, 1x Surgical tubing
- Deathclaw Gauntlet - You will get the schematics as a reward for completing the Council Seat quest in favor of Bannon in Rivet City. You will need 1x Wonderglue, 1x Leather Belt, 1x Medical Brace, 1x Deathclaw hand.
- Nuka Grenade - You will get the schematics as a reward for completing The Nuka-Cola Challenge Side Quest. You will need 1x bottle Nuka-Cola Quantum, 1x Tin can, 1x Turpentine, 1x Abraxo Cleaner.
- Railway Rifle - You will get the schematics as a reward from Abraham Washington for Stealing Independence. You will need 1x Crutch, 1x Steam Gauge Assembly, 1x Fission Battery, 1x Pressure Cooker.
- Rock-It launcher – You will get the schematics from inside the "Framed Quote" within the Vault 101 clinic. You will need 1x Vacuum Cleaner, 1x Leaf Blower, 1x Firehose Nozzle, 1x Conductor.
- Shishkebab - You will get the schematics from Vance at the end of the Blood Ties questline. You will need 1x Motorcycle Gas Tank, 1x Pilot Light, 1x Lawnmower Blade, 1x Motorcycle Handbrake.

Doesn't Play Well with Others
Kill 300 people
You will get this for killing 300 people. These can be humans or ghouls (not the wild crazy ones). Check your progress by going to Stats, then General on you Pip-Boy. You should get it during a normal playthrough if you romaing and killing raiders for fun
Slayer of Beasts
Kill 300 creatures
You will get this for killing 300 Creatures. Creatures are anything that isnt human. You should get it during a normal playthrough if you romaing the wastes. You’ll come across plent so there is no need to go looking.
Slayer of Beasts
Win 50 Speech Challenges
The best way to do this is invest in Speech and Charisma for an early stage in the game. Having these makes it easier to win speech challenges. A handy tip is if you see a speech challenge with a character, leave the conversation before selecting the [speech] option. Go save your game, return to the character and then choose the [speech] challenge. If you fail you can simply reload and try again. Repeat until you pass it.
Data Miner
Hack 50 Terminals
The best way to do this is to hack every possible terminal you come across. You get 4 chances to hack a terminal. If you hack and fail 4 times the terminal will be locked and you won’t be able to hack it again. So if you haven’t got it right after 3 attempts, leave the terminal and try again. Rinse and repeat until you have got the password.
Tip: A quick way to do it is choose the first 3 words if none are correct exit the terminal, go back in and do the same again. Eventually the password will be one of the first 3 words
Keys are for Cowards
Picked 50 Locks
The best way to do this is invest in your Lockpicking skill. Then pick safes, doors and any other locks you come across. Don’t pick the locks that are red unless no one can see you of course
One-Man Scouting Party 
Discover 100 locations
Simply find 100 locations on your Pip-Boy Map. You will most likely get this if you choose to walk everywhere instead of fast travelling. Otherwise just look for places until you get this trophy.
Psychotic Prankster
Place a grenade or mine while pickpocketing
This one is a little tricky. It’s basically pickpocketing in reverse. Go to pickpocket someone if you are successful and not caught place an explosive device in there inventory rather than taking something from them (I used a frag grenade). Take a few steps back and wait for them to explode. You will loose karma for this so probably best to save before hand. Get the trophy and reload your save.
The Bigger They Are...
Kill all Super Mutant Behemoths
Simply kill all the Super Mutant Behemoths in the game. There are 5 in total. The easiest way to kill them is with a mini nuke. The locations are:
- GNR Behemoth – Story based.
- Jury Street Metro Behemoth - Approach the cart cages, one of which contains a teddy bear.
- Evergreen Mills Behemoth - is caged in its own electrified slaver pen
- Capitol Building Behemoth - enter through the west entrance and you’ll find it.
- Takoma Industrial Behemoth – This one is found by heading to the left of a battle between Talon mercs and super mutants.
Yes, I Play with Dolls
Collect 10 Vault-Tec Bobble Heads
Simply collect 10 Vault-Tec Bobbleheads. See locations in Vault-Tec C.E.O. below.
Vault-Tec C.E.O.
Collect 20 Vault-Tec Bobble Heads
Simply collect 20 Vault-Tec Bobbleheads. Three of these Bobbleheads are miss able. See locations in below:
- Strength - Megaton: Lucas Simms' House on the desk in the bedroom. (MISS ABLE if you destroy Megaton).
- Perception - Republic of Dave: In the Museum of Dave, on a bookshelf to the right of the room.
- Endurance - Deathclaw Sanctuary: Inside entrance, on a small platform next to the rotting brahmin corpse.
- Charisma - Vault 108: Cloning Lab, on top of a table in a large room with four beds.
- Intelligence - Rivet City: Science Lab, downstairs on one of the tables in the center of the lab.
- Agility - Greener Pastures Disposal: In the office, on the desk next to an Average locked terminal.
- Luck - Arlington Cemetery North: In the Arlington House on a hill near the center of the cemetery. It is on a shelf in the basement.
- Barter – Evergreen Mills/(foundry):Bazaar, in a dark cave-nook in the corner of the room to the right of Smiling Jack.
- Big Guns - Fort Constantine: CO Quarters, in the basement. It is in an open safe.
- Energy Weapons - Raven Rock: On the right desk in Colonel Autumn's bedroom: after you pass the huge door from section 2B to 2C, when two Enclave soldiers come out of the right door, take the middle door. (MISS ABLE after you have left Raven Rock there is no going back).
- Explosives - WKML Broadcast Station: Sealed Cistern, the sewer (manhole cover) behind the station.
- Lock Pick - Bethesda Ruins: Bethesda Offices East, on a desk with an active lamp.
- Medicine - Vault 101: Dad's medical desk. It can be obtained before you take your G.O.A.T. (MISS ABLE after you have left the Vault. Unless you go back to do trouble on the home front, but after you complete that there is no going back).
- Melee Weapons - Dunwich Building: Virulent Underchambers, in the center of a room near the exit to Dunwich Building.
- Repair - Arefu: Evan King's House (requires 50 Lockpick, no karma cost). As soon as you enter, look to your left. It is on the white table.
- Science - Vault 106: Living Quarters, on a shelf, in the most easterly room.
- Small Guns - National Guard Depot: National Guard Armoury, sitting on a shelf in the sealed storage room in the basement.
- Sneak - Yao Guai Tunnels: Yao Guai Den, on top of a metal box north east of the big pool of water.
- Speech - Paradise Falls: Eulogy's Pad, on the table right next to the terminal.
- Unarmed - Rockopolis: Due west of Smith Casey's Garage and due north of Girdershade.
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