Rock the Universe 
Collect all bronze, silver and gold trophies
This secret trophy is of course the
. As with every other platinum unlock every other trophy in the game to get this.
New to the Scene
Complete your first gig on the World Tour
Start Career mode and select Camper van your 1st venue will be at the LEGO City Station. play your 1st gig in the list and the trophy will be yours The 1st song in the Venue will be "Grace" by Supergrass
Tour de Force 
Play at every venue on the World Tour
Altogether there are 19 venues to play at each vehicle contains 2 venues apart from the Teleporter which has 3. Play at least one gig in each of the 19 and the trophy will be yours.
Veteran Performer 
Complete all gigs on the World Tour (except for the Rock Marathon Setlist and Endless Setlist)
This trophy will come with progression as you play through career. Progress through career set at your own difficulty to make playtime shorter you can always choose to play short versions of the songs (note that shortened versions will only work with the songs from the disc and does not include any dlc u may have purchased). You can also check out your progress in the office.
Long-Distance Rocker 
Complete the Rock Marathon Setlist on the World Tour
Once you start this you will be given at setlist of 15 random songs and will take about an hour to complete. Play through the list naturally at your own difficulty choice or if you have a microphone set it up and put your difficulty on super easy put tour microphone near the TV and it will hit every note perfectly without having to do anything.
Endless Shameless 
Complete the Endless Setlist on the World Tour
Exactly the same as
Long-Distance Rocker but will comprise of 30 songs and will take around the 2 hour mark to complete. Either play as normal or use the tactic from the rock marathon setlist and set up the microphone.
Got Wheels
Purchase the 2nd vehicle on the World Tour
This is story related and cannot be missed. Once you are able to hire a manager, you will be able to purchase the minibus.
Sea Legs
Purchase the 3rd vehicle on the World Tour
This is story related and cannot be missed. This will become purchasable sometime during playing the Brickton Manor and Crystal Mines venues.
Rotary Club
Purchase the 4th vehicle on the World Tour
This is story related and cannot be missed. This will become purchasable sometime during playing The Jolly Rocker and The Parrot n' Pegleg venues.
Open Road
Purchase the 5th vehicle on the World Tour
This is story related and cannot be missed. This will become purchasable sometime during playing in the LEGO City Speedway and LEGO City Skyscraper.
Walking on Air
Purchase the 6th vehicle on the World Tour
This is story related and cannot be missed. This will become purchasable sometime during playing the Stud Farm and the LEGO City Zoo venues.
Into the Deep
Purchase the 7th vehicle on the World Tour
This is story related and cannot be missed. This will become purchasable sometime during playing the Bone Cave and Volcanic Rock venues
Jet Setter
Purchase the 8th vehicle on the World Tour
This is story related and cannot be missed. This will become purchasable sometime during playing the Abyss and the Coral Reef venues.
Teleportation Nation
Unlock the Teleporter on the World Tour
You will unlock the Teleporter by completing the Live at Wembrick Stadium Setlist to get access to this you will firstly have to earn 30 stars in order to play it.
Rock the House Down
Complete the Wreck 'n' Roll Rock Power Challenge
The 1st rock power challenge will be found while playing at Bill Ditt Construction Co. Venue the song is “Tick Tick Boom” by The Hives Complete the song to unlock the trophy.
The School of Shock
Complete the Shock Band Rock Power Challenge
At Brickton Manor you will find the 2nd rock power challenge. Complete the song to unlock the trophy. The song is “Ghostbusters” by Ray Parker Jr
Kickin The Tentacles
Unlock Complete the Rocktopus Rock Power Challenge
Found at the Jolly Rocker venue this time the song will be “In Too Deep” by sum 41 Complete the song to receive the trophy.
Rain King
Complete the Rock the Crop Rock Power Challenge
Stud Farm venue is the location of the next rock power challenge the song is “Thunder” by Boys Like Girls. Finish the song and get the trophy.
No More Mr. Ice Guy
Complete the Rock the Boat Rock Power Challenge
You will be thawing several voyagers with the tune "Breakout" by the Foo Fighters. Before that, you must unlock the challenge by playing the gigs in the Abyss venue.
Complete the Securi-T-Rex Rock Power Challenge
"Monster" by the Automatic is the song in question for this rock power challenge. You will have access to this by playing in Bone Cave. What’s that coming over the hill? Is it a monster? Nope it’s another trophy.
Royal Command Performance
Complete the Kings of Rock 'n' Troll Rock Power Challenge
Brickingham Castle venue you will unlock this rock power Challenge the song is “So What” by P!nk.
Start Me Up
Complete the Rock-It Fuel Rock Power Challenge
What better way to leave earth and join your new Alien buddies as you play “The Final Countdown” by Europe. This will occur while playing at Wembrick Stadium.
Armageddon Outta Here
Complete the Stop the Rock, Rock Power Challenge
The final rock power challenge can be found while playing at the Space Rock Festival. The final song is “Crash” by the Primatives. Watch out for the asteroids and complete the song the trophy is yours.
Roadie Revolution
Hire a Road Crew
while playing at Bill Ditt Construction Co. You will be given a song to play(cannot remember which song it is). Once you have completed the song you will have a road crew and the trophy will unlock.
Pencil Pusher
Hire a Band Manager
At the Train Station venue, you will play a gig called Hot Connections! Complete this and you will be able to purchase The band manager. Go to the office to buy The band manager and the trophy will be yours.
You're Hired!
Hire an Entourage member
There are 10 Entourage members you can purchase while playing through career mode the 1st one you get to purchase will be The Intern Purchase him and the trophy will unlock.
#1 Boss 
Hire all Entourage members
There are 10 Entourage members you can purchase while playing through career mode each member will be available for purchase while playing through career mode. Also each member will offer either more studs or more fans after each song here’s a list of locations of where to unlock them and a list of members and what they give.
Locations to unlock Entourage members (vehicle , Venue and song )
•Camper Van > LEGO City Station > “Grace” by Supergrass
•Minibus > Brickton Manor > “Girls and Boys” by Good Charlotte
•Speedboat > The Jolly Rocker > “Accidentally in Love” by Counting Crows
•Chopper > LEGO City Speedway > “Make Me Smile (Come Up and See Me)” by Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel
•Tour Bus > Stud Farm > “Valerie” by The Zutons
•Hovercraft > The Bone Cave > “Kung Fu Fighting” by Carl Douglas
•Submarine > The Abyss > “Naïve” by The Kooks
•Private Jet > Brickingham Castle > “Two Princes” by Spin Doctors
•Teleporter > UFO > “Fire” by Jimi Hendrix
List of Entourage members & the bonus’s ( not in order you unlock them)
•Street Team Boss + 10% Fans
•Music Video Director +30% Fans
•Stylist +60% Fans
•Spiritual Guide + 100% Fans
•Pro Sound Engineer +200% Fans
•Intern +10% Studs
•Record Producer + 30% Studs
•Marketing Executive +60% Studs
•Accountant +100% Studs
•Top Promoter +200% Studs

Hovel, Sweet Hovel
Purchase one item of rock den furniture
Luxury Living
House Proud
Spend 100,000 studs on rock den furniture
Luxury Living
Luxury Living
Spend 1,000,000 studs on rock den furniture
while in your Rock Den. Press the yellow button on your guitar. Then strum to move between the different piece locations press green to confirm then strum through the available pieces and press green again to purchase it.1,000,000 studs is not really a lot considering how much you will make from playing gigs. This will in turn also unlock the two trophies
Hovel, Sweet Hovel &
House Proud. There are 7 Different Locations in which you can buy new furniture for each offering different pieces to buy so be sure to check them out. They are:
• Office
• Watch TV
• Rock Shop
• Continue Tour
• Rock Power Challenges
• Free Play
• Practice Stage
Bare Essentials
Purchase an item of clothing
Fashion Victim
Appetite for Apparel
Spend 100,000 studs or more on items of clothing
Fashion Victim
Fashion Victim
Spend 1,000,000 studs or more on items of clothing
Go to Rock shop in your Rock Den and select Minifigures Spend atleast 1,000,000 studs on these and you will unlock this trophy including
Bare Essentials &
Appetite for Apparel.
Gear Head
Purchase an instrument
Spend 1,000,000 studs or more on instruments
Again visit the Rock Shop and choose instruments. Some of these will be quite costly and won’t take long before you spend 1,000,000 studs on gear doing this will also get you the trophy
Gear Head on your 1st purchase of an instrument.
Local Legend
Get 100 fans
If you are hitting 5 stars on your songs from the beginning it will take no longer than 2 or 3 songs to achieve 100 plus fans.
Get 1,000,000 fans
same as before the more stars you achieve per song the more fans you receive keep buying entourage members as they unlock and you should have more than a million fans before reaching half way through the career mode.
Twinkle, Twinkle
Get 100 Stars
It will take at the least twenty songs to achieve this providing you hit 5 stars per song, which won’t be difficult if you have it on the right setting what suits your play style.
Super Stars
Get 1000 Stars
Just play through each venue completing all setlists as you go (including the build a setlist ones & Random Setlists) and you will reach 1000 stars way before you finish the career.
Universal Acclaim 
Complete the Story
After completing all of the Rock Power Challenges you will receive the trophy. The last challenge being “Armageddon Outta Here”.
Flawless Fretwork
Score 100% notes hit as a Guitarist
If you’re having trouble achieving this put difficult onto super easy all that you will need to do now is strum in time and not worry about pressing the coloured buttons at the same time.
Flawless Drumming
Score 100% notes hit as a Drummer
Again if you are struggling set difficult to super easy this will do the kick peddle automatically and will allow you to hit any colour you want as long as it’s in time to the blocks on the screen
Flawless Singing
Score a 100% rating as a Vocalist
Requires no effort at all if you’re not a very good singer change difficulty to super easy and place the microphone near the TV and watch the TV unlock this trophy all on its own.
Flawless Groove
Score 100% notes hit as a Bassist
Same as with the guitar 100% if your struggling change your difficulty to super easy and strum your way to success
Stud Farm
Achieve a 100% Stud Recovery during a performance
During any song purposely miss every note until you enter stud recovery mode. Hit all the notes when they reappear to unlock this trophy.
Brian MAY Be Jealous
100% a guitar solo on Expert
There are a few songs that have easier solos on the one I found easiest was “Dig” by incubus which uses alot of long notes and are spaced out a bit so u won’t get your fingers in a mess with quick button bashing. Don’t worry about hitting the song notes until u actually get to the solo which is quite a bit of time in to the song.
The Final Countdown 
Score 100% on the Guitar Solo in "The Final Countdown" on Expert
This is the only trophy that you should have any difficulty earning. Here I suggest you practise this solo go to practice mode choose expert difficulty, select “The Final Countdown” and pick “Guitar Solo A” to “Guitar Solo B”. Start your speed at 50% and keep practising until you can hit it at 100% then speed up the song by 10% and repeat until you hit 100% eventually making your way up normal speed (100%) when you are confident of hitting this at 100% leave practise mode and enter free play choose the final countdown and nail that solo. (If you manageto unlock this trophy the Platinum is pretty much guaranteed to be yours.)
All Four One!
Complete a song with four band members
For this you will need 2 friends 2 guitars 1 drum kit and a microphone. Set the microphone up on super easy and put near the TV this will do the singing bit on its own leaving you and your friends to play guitar, bass and drums finish a song to unlock the trophy.
Practice Makes Perfect
All four band members score 100% notes hit
Set up your instruments as before with the
All Four One! trophy. This will be easier if all members play on super easy also choose a short song such as Charlene (which can be downloaded from the rock band store for free)it is only a minute and a half long tops and you should ace this in no time.
Solid Gold, Easy Action!
Gold Star any song
To achieve a gold star you have to play a song on expert. I suggest using bass and playing on “We Will Rock You” by Queen. Hit all notes and use your overdrive (Star Power as I call it thanks guitar hero) when it’s available and you should get all 5 stars then the gold star before the song finishes.
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