Achieved 00 Status 
Achieved 00 Status
Quantum of Solace platinum is more time consuming than difficult, this is because of the online trophies. The single player trophies can be earned in a few hours where as the online trophies depending on your skill will take about twelve hours. So for platinum completion you are looking at about 15-20 hours.
Live and Let Die
Takedown 50 enemies
To Takedown enemies you will either need to sneak up behind them or charge them, which ever method works for you. Once you are close to the enemy click
to start the Takedown sequence. When the sequence starts buttons will be displayed at the bottom of the screen and you have to hit the corresponding button in the alloted time. The harder the difficulty the shorter the time is you have to press the right button. There is plenty of opportunity to sneak up on enemies during the game so it is possible to get this trophy before the end of your play through, but if you don't want to wait you can spam it by finding an enemy that is easy to pick off, perform a takedown on him then restart chapter and repeat till you get the trophy. If you don't get this by the end of the game just chapter select as it is accumulative and can be earned after the game is complete.
Diamonds Are Forever
Hack all locks
This trophy is unmissable, as you will need to hack each lock to advance through the game. As with the Takedown sequence once a hack is started you will be prompted to hit certain buttons, with the difficulty affecting how much time you have to hit the right button.
- White's Estate has One Lock
- Science Center Exterior has One Lock
- Miami Airport has Three Locks
- Casino Royale has One lock
- Eco Hotel has Two Locks
For Your Eyes Only
Disable 10 cameras
There are 14 cameras available to be disabled during the game, only 10 are needed for the trophy. Once you have spotted a camera, you need to locate the power box for that camera (they are all pretty close to the camera its self), sneak over to it without being detected by the camera and press
to start the hack sequence. Again you will have to hit the right button at the right time to successfully hack the camera, higher the difficulty the shorter the time you have.
- Opera House has Four Cameras
- Science Center Interior has Three Cameras
- Miami Airport has Four Cameras
- Barge has Two Cameras
The Man with the Golden Gun
Defeat 50 enemies with one shot each
To get this you will need to perform head shots. The games combat system is cover based, so this gives you ample time to line up a head shot without being hit in the process (don't take to long as they will try and flank you!). Using stealth is another way to rack up 1 shot kills, instead of using the Takedown just shoot the unsuspecting enemies from a distance.
Time to face gravity
In White's Estate, open the cellar door with one shot
As you progress towards the end of White's Estate Pt1. you will have a shoot out in a large green house. Once you make it out of the green house you have to walk up four sets of steps which lead to the side of the house, on your way up you will see a statue and two fountains. Stop at the second fountain and ready the gun you are going to use, when ready go up the last set of steps and take cover on the corner of the building. You will be able to see the basement entrance from here, look above it and you will notice a balcony with an enemy on it (there is a camera with a green light on it right behind the enemy), shoot the enemy in the head with one shot and he will fall off the balcony and smash through the basement doors. Job Done!
We have people everywhere
In Siena, shoot all seven satellite dishes on the rooftops
- Satellite One
As you start Pt2. move from your starting position to the first of the watermelon crates, ahead of you should be a set of stairs on the right of the path, leading up to an archway on the left. Above the top of the steps there is a small window, take out the enemy that stands in this window. Once you are clear of enemies look at the roof of the building on your immediate left and there it is. (If your shots don't take it down just change position and try again)
- Satellite Two
After the first is done move up the set of stairs you were looking at from the watermelon crate, climb the drain pipe and enter the building through the window. As you exit the building you will see a little courtyard with yet more stairs, walk to the top of the stairs and the dish is again on your immediate left. Right beside a blue and white flag.
- Satellite Three
Standing on top of the same set of stairs, look back towards the door you exited to get to those stairs and the third is on a roof just to the left of the building you came out of and just to the right of a broken roof top.
- Satellite Four
After shooting the third, don't move just turn 180 degrees. In the distance you will notice two towers, zoom in on the one on the left then scroll your view left and you should see the next dish far in the distance on a blue building with flags viewable when zoomed in with your weapon.
- Satellite Five
Again staying where you are look to the right of the right tower in the distance. On the roof in front of you there are small shacks look towards the corner of the 4th/5th shack and its right there.
- Satellite Six
Once all the above are done jump over to the roof in front of you and you will slide down it to jump over to the buildings on the left. Walk up two blanks of wood and take cover behind a chimney stack and take out all enemy's that attack you. When you have cleared all enemies look over to the building on your right, the dish is in front of the bigger of the two shacks at the very top of the building.
- Satellite Seven
Advance across the roof tops till you jump over a gap, through a window into another building. Advance through the building to the door upstairs that exits the building. As you look out of this exit you will see the two towers close up (the ones in the distance, used as reference above). Walk out of the door and look to your immediate left at the roof of the building and beside a blue and red flag you will see the last dish.
Opera isn't for everyone
In Opera House, move through the backstage without alerting the guards
You need to take this level slowly, all ways use a suppressed pistol and every time you spot a camera search for its yellow power box to disable it (they are always pretty close to the camera). Stay behind cover and watch for the guards path, and when he has his back to you either shoot him in the back of the head or perform a take down on him. If at any point you are spotted restart from last checkpoint. When you reach the sniper rifle the trophy should pop up.
He's coming fast!
In Sink Hole, kill the helicopter pilot while the gunners are still alive
The difficulty of this trophy depends on your skill and shot accuracy. As you fight your way up the mountain you will have to shoot two guards, one of them will drop a sniper rifle which you need to pick up. The gunners need to stay alive so be cautious and take as much cover as possible, it doesn't have to be one shot so fire as many shots as you can into the cockpit of the chopper to hit the pilot. When the chopper goes down you will get the trophy, if you hit a gunner just restart checkpoint and try again. The easiest difficulty is recommended for the less skilled players as you can take more hits from the gunners so therefore have a little extra time to get the shot right.
I miss the Cold War
Outside Science Center, defeat each sniper guard with one shot
Here you have to snipe 6 guards whilst only using one shot to kill them. Take cover on the balcony and take time aiming your shot. Once you are ready to take your shot, looking through your scope press and hold
to hold your breath and take your shot at the enemies head. If you miss your shot it is probably better if you restart and try again without missing as they will start firing at you. There are three enemies to find first located on the left, center and right of the building, when you have took out those enemies you are told there are three more.
Half-monk, half-hitman
Inside the Science Center, shoot down all the lights in the main hall
When you reach the interior of the science center you will ride a lift that breaks down, you will have to climb through a hatch in the roof of the car and up a ladder. The room it brings you out to is the main hall. Firstly clear the enemies directly in front of you the side step to either the right or left balcony and take out the enemies on that side then do the opposite side. Once all the enemies are taken care of move back to the center balcony where you took out the first enemies and look out over the railing, there are two light fixtures on each side of the room. They are attached to the pillars a few feet down from the ceiling and consist of a black metal rigging with a few spotlights on them. It will take a few shots to take down the rigging but is very easy to do.
In Airport, save the Skyfleet servers without breaking stealth
Use your crouch and take your time as you need to do this without alerting any camera's or enemies. The best approach is to use takedowns on the enemies, (if you do use a weapon make sure it is suppressed and you get a head shot) Take your time watch there patterns and time your takedown right. Disable the camera's with the power boxes where possible, only move when the camera's light is pointing in the opposite direction. If a body is going to be left in line of site of a camera, you will have to quickly disable the camera before its light pans back round to the body as this will alert the camera. If you do get seen just restart and try again.
I'm the money
In Train, only use the P99 while on the freight train
Not much to say here, during the level you will jump onto a freight train. When you do use nothing but the P99 pistol, try and get head shots to conserve ammo and where possible shoot gas bottles to take out multiple enemies at once. When you jump back to the other train the trophy should unlock.
Any thug can kill
In Casino Royale, reach the spa room without alerting or attacking the guards
This isn't that difficult just take your time, stay crouched and behind cover. Press
to view the enemies patrol path and move only when the enemy has passed you or is looking in the opposite direction. Do not attack any guards or get seen, if you do restart and try again.
I've got a little itch
In Barge, save Vesper in under two minutes
As vesper moves along the barge, you need to take out all the enemies that come to attack her. To do this in under two minutes just keep calm and take your time with your shots, there are gas bottles placed along the deck when the enemies near them shoot them to kill the enemies quicker. This trophy really isn't that hard but it all depends on how good your aim is.
Allow me
In Venice, defeat Gettler with one shot
You will face Gettler at the end of the level "Venice". When you reach the woman at the top of the building that is falling down round your ears, Gettler will attack you. During the cut scene that follows he pushes you into a workbench with a nail gun on it. Use this nail gun and hit him in the head with the first shot to unlock this trophy. If you miss him with the first shot don't panic just hit
and restart checkpoint.
You just need one shot
In Eco Hotel, kill the driver of the car
At the start of the level "Eco Hotel" you will see a ramp leading down to an underground parking structure. Once you have reached the top of it stand on the left side of it (as the car will veer to the right) and ready your pistol. As soon as you step onto the ramp the metal gate will start to open and a car will speed through it, aim for the drivers side of the windshield and empty the clip into it. The car should crash to your right and explode and the trophy unlock. If for any reason it didn't unlock just press
and restart checkpoint.
The World is Not Enough
Collect all cell phones
Keep your ears open whilst walking round the levels, because as you near a cell phone you will hear it ringing.
- You will come up against a helicopter after going through a green house, the cell phone is on the wall directly in front of you as you look at the helicopter.
- As you make your way up the steps towards the mansion there is a silver/grey table and chairs. The cell phone is on the table.
- When you walk down the steps leading to the cellar, the cell phone is on the floor in front of you in clear view.
- When you have made it through the wine cellar area, you will come to an area with big black & white tiles on the floor. As you look into the center of the room you will see a silver/grey table and the cell phone is on there.
- After going through the kitchen and dining room area, you will come to the mansions foyer. Before heading upstairs look towards the front door, there is a reception desk with two vases on it, the cell phone is in between the vases.
- Ahead of you on your left when the level starts, there are some tables and chairs fenced off. The cell phone is on the table in the corner of this area.
- When you climb through the bedroom window, the cell phone is to the right of the bed next a lit beside lamp.
- So far along the rooftops you will drop down on to a lower roof, and go through some double doors into the building. The cell phone is in the corner, on the floor in front of you as you enter.
- So far along the level you will have to jump a gap and go through some open green doors. Once inside continue through to the next room, when you see the staircase walk all the way to the top and the cell phone is on the floor next to a hole.
- At the start of the level you are required to bypass a camera, as you move on you will see a set of step ladders sat in front of a huge body of water. The cell phone is on the ladder, if you cross the water you have gone to far.
- When you make it to the backstage area you will have to climb some ladders with black and yellow paint markings on them, the cell phone is to the left at the top beside a little spotlight.
- You will have to cross a high beam without falling off shortly after the sniper section of the level. Once you cross it the cell phone is in the right corner of the walk way.
- Just after the area with the crashed chopper you will walk up a spiraled slope, the cell phone is on the left as you are walking up. If you reach the area where you have to defend Camile you have gone to far.
- Your first set of enemies are located in a bar, Once you have dealt with them walk into the bar. The cell phone is on the counter at the back of the bar.
- Progress across the beach and enter the building, when inside walk to the next door on your right which leads to a dark room. The cell phone is on the table to your right as you enter.
- Progress through the building to the exit, once outside you should see a ladder leading to a low roof. Climb the ladder and the cell phone is in front of you.
- At the start of the level turn 180 degrees and look for the ammo crate. The cell phone is beside the ammo crate.
- Once your in the alley you will see a truck with the rear doors open. Walk into the back of the trailer to get the cell phone.
- When you get to the end of the alley you will have to unlock a door. The cell phone is on a trolley on your left as you enter the door.
- You will come to an outdoor car park where you will be ambushed, once you have dealt with the enemies locate the truck with the open door on either side. The cell phone is inside.
- When you climb up to the rooftops, walk to the left side. The cell phone is on the ground near some red pipes.
- Once you have taken out the first guard, look to the left of him. The cell phone is on a power box just below a red light.
- After killing two guards you will come to a walkway with two locked doors at the end. The cell phone is on the floor in between the two doors.
- Once in the office area follow the only path you can take. The cell phone is on a desk on the left.
- You will come to the security room where you will find the access elevator switch. The cell phone is on a desk in the supervisors office next to it.
- Once you escape the falling elevator the cell phone is on the right, on top of a box near a display case.
- Head down the stairs to the next floor down from where you exited the elevator and the cell phone is at the bottom of the stairs.
- Exit the room you start in and enter the office opposite. The cell phone is next to the body of an airport worker, on a desk.
- Heading from the second computer upload to the third, you will enter a darkened area. Walk to the back of the office towards the photocopier, the cell phone is in a low open cupboard beside it.
- As you progress from the server room ambush, you will come across a white van. The cell phone is in the little fenced off area in front of the van, on a table to the right.
- Once in the baggage area, head to the back of the room. The cell phone is on a red tool cabinet in the left hand corner.
- Climb the ladder in the second baggage area, once at the top to your right are some stairs. The cell phone is in an office at the top of these stairs.
- When the level begins move to the next compartment on your right. The cell phone is the little table on the left side of the compartment.
- After shooting a couple of guards and dropping back into the train carriage, you will see a ladder. The cell phone is to the left of the ladder next to some coffee makers.
- When you jump over to the freight train you will be attacked by two guards kill them and head inside. The cell phone is on a crate to the right.
- When you have jumped back to the passenger train continue to the second carriage. The cell phone is on a crate so far through this carriage.
- You will once again move onto the top of the train, move forward until you see a gap in the roof with red light flooding out of it. Head down the ladder and the cell phone is on the shelf behind you.
- When the level begins go into the conference room on the right. The cell phone is beside the big TV at the back of the room.
- Once you enter the window after shimmying along the outside wall, head to the bedroom on the left. The cell phone is on a dresser to the right of the bed.
- You will shimmy along the outside wall for a second time, upon entering the window head down the hallway till you see a double door on your Left and a single door on your right. Head into the door on the right (the storage room.) The cell phone is on a pallet with cardboard boxes on it.
- When you leave the car at the beginning of the level, sneak along the right fence to the hut, Disable the camera to the left of the door and head inside. The cell phone is on the table.
- When you have rescued vespa progress down the stairs. The cell phone is next to the lathe on the right side of the room.
- Once you are outside, instead of going straight to the boat head left. The cell phone is on a blue crate next to a load of gas bottles.
- When you get onto the barge, head to the big container at the far end. The door on the right side is open and the cell phone is on some barrels inside.
- After blowing the door off to get into the barge, head to the second room on the right.The cell phone is on a shelf right at the very back of this big storage room.
- Progress up to the top deck and you will come across a small control room, the cell phone is on top of a small machine near a window (if you make it to the walkways you have gone to far.)
- As you progress from the beginning of the level you will come to an alleyway with washing hung up on a line, on the left side of this alley you will see a small bricked off area. The cell phone is on a bench in this little area.
- Once all the enemies in the courtyard are dead the big steel gates will open, head to the left upon going through the gate. Once at the end look right to see the cell phone in the right corner of the dead end.
- Progress along the ledge, you will come to a ladder leading up to an empty room. The cell phone is on a chair in this room.
- Back down in the courtyard you will pass under an archway, and see a stone bridge in front of you. Before crossing the bridge look to the left and the cell phone is in between two plants in a planter.
- After the car crashes at the beginning of the level, walk round to the front of the car and towards the body. The cell phone is just in front of it.
- When you get into the underground car park, go left into the security office. The cell phone is on a counter near a microwave.
- In the far right of the underground car park there is a second office. The cell phone is on a desk which is in front of a white board.
- After unlocking the door and entering, head to the kitchen on your right. The cell phone is beside the sink.
- Progress out of the burning kitchen and into the dining room area. The cell phone is on a shelf in a storage room on the far right of this area.
Collect all power weapons
The power weapons are located in golden cases, there is one to collect on each level. When you find the weapon you don't have to take the weapon, you just need to open the case for it to count towards the trophy. Keep in mind if you die before the next checkpoint after finding it, when you restart you will have to open the case again.
WHITE'S ESTATE - Hutchinson A3 shotgun:
Follow the only path you can take once in the cellar area of the mansion. The case is in the first alcove on the left.
SIENA - LTK Super Magnum:
When you climb through the bedroom window, you will find the case on the left side of the room. On top of a set of drawers.
When the counter starts after the sniper section, jump down and go right. The case is on top of a box looking out over a body of water.
SINK HOLE - D.A.D. System grenade launcher:
After defending Camile, walk to the left. At the end you will find the case.
When you reach the hut you have to defend, the case is right in front of you.
You will come across a steel staircase whist progressing through the car park. As you approach them the door beside will open, the case is inside this room
Head right when you exit the falling lift, the case is in the right corner on a table at the end
Progress from the ambush after the third server room and you will come across a white van. Head up the near by stairs and into the room on your right. The case is behind a desk.
When you drop down into the second carriage, locate the bar area of this carriage. The case is on the floor to the side of it
Once you have blown the barrels to gain entry to the inside of the barge, head to the second room on your right. The case is behind the table in this room.
VENICE - LTK Super Magnum:
Progress from the balance beam and you will come across a room with a makeshift work bench in it. The case is on top of the work bench.
Once in the second area of the underground car park, Head to the far right to the storage area (beside a door leading up to an office area.) The case is in the corner of the storage area.
License to Kill
Defeat an enemy with one shot
As a rule of thumb you should be aiming for the enemies heads all the time, so you should get this trophy pretty early on in the game. If you don't have a very good aim and haven't got it by luck, when you get to the first sniper section take your time and go for the trophy there.
Complete game on New Recruit
I suggest playing the game on 007 on the first run through as it isn't that much harder and will save playing the game more than once.
Tomorrow Never Dies
Complete the game on Field Operative
I suggest playing the game on 007 on the first run through as it isn't that much harder and will save playing the game more than once.
You Only Live Twice
Complete game on Agent
I suggest playing the game on 007 on the first run through as it isn't that much harder and will save playing the game more than once.
The name is Bond, James Bond
Complete game on 007
I would defiantly say start on this difficulty on the first run through as it really isn't that hard. Just make sure to use the cover provided and aim for the head as much as possible.
A View to Kill
Complete White's Estate
This is story related and you cant miss it.
From Russia With Love
Complete Siena, Opera House, and Sink Hole
This is story related and you cant miss it.
The Living Daylights
Complete Shantytown and Construction Site
This is story related and you cant miss it.
On Her Majesty's Secret Service
Complete Science Center Exterior, Interior, and Airport
This is story related and you cant miss it.
Casino Royale
Complete Montenegro Train, Casino Royale, and Casino Poison
This is story related and you cant miss it.
The Spy Who Loved Me
Complete Barge and Venice
This is story related and you cant miss it.
Quantum of Solace
Complete Eco Hotel.
This is story related and you cant miss it.
Collect 30 cell phones
If like me you prefer to complete the game before using a guide for the collectibles, it would still be a pretty safe bet that this trophy has unlocked by the end of the game. If you do use the guide provided for "The World is Not Enough" on the first run then this trophy should unlock upon collecting the third cell phone in the Miami Airport level.
I know where you keep your gun 
Unlock and purchase all weapons
You need to earn enough credits to buy all standard guns, pistols and grenades.
Standard Weapons
- FRWL ~ 300 credits
- SAF 9mm ~ 1200 credits
- A3 Raker ~ 1200 credits
- TND 16 ~ 500 credits
- M14 ~ 300 credits
- TLD 22 ~ 8000 credits
- SAF .45 ~ 0 credits (free)
- Mk3 LLD ~ 800 credits
- V TAK 31 ~ 0 credits (free)
- VKP 08 ~ 800 credits
- 8 CAT ~ 4000 credits
- WA 2000 ~ 800 credits
- Hutchinson A3 ~ 0 credits (free)
- Hutchinson A4 ~ 4000 credits
- P99 ~ 0 credits (free)
- GF 18 A ~ 1200 credits
- CR 1911 ~ 500 credits
- Mantis ~ 800 credits
- LTK Super Magnum ~ 800 credits
- GF 17 ~ 300 credits
- Nail Gun ~ 500 credits
- Proximity Mine ~ 800 credits
- Flash Grenade ~ 0 credits (free)
- Frag Grenade ~ 500 credits
- Smoke Grenade ~ 300 credits
- Tear Grenade ~ 300 credits
- Concussion Grenade ~ 500 credits
You will need a total of 28,400 credits to acquire all these weapons.
Quite the body count 
Unlock and purchase all weapon attachments
You will need to earn enough credits to purchase all of the weapon attachments.
- Silencer ~ 4000 credits
- Scope ~ 8000 credits
- Holographic Sight ~ 1200 credits
- ARO Scope ~ 1200 credits
You will need a total of 14,400 credits to acquire all these attachments.
Ejector seat, you're joking? 
Unlock and purchase all gadgets
You will need to earn enough credits to purchase all the gadgets.
- Flak Vest ~ 300 credits
- Stability ~ 500 credits
- Preservation ~ 500 credits
- Proximity Mines ~ 4000 credits
- Gloves ~ 300 credits
- Extra Grenade Type ~ 4000 credits
- Extra Ammo ~ 300 credits
- Explosive Awareness ~ 500 credits
- Extra Damage ~ 1200 credits
- Extra Health ~ 500 credits
- Multiple Armaments ~ 800 credits
- Explosives Expert ~ 1200 credits
- From the Hip ~ 800 credits
- Blind Fold ~ 500 credits
- Attack Radius ~ 500 credits
- Silent Foot-Steps ~ 800 credits
- Faster Reload ~ 800 credits
- Increased Fire Rate ~ 1200 credits
You will need a total of 18,700 credits to acquire all these gadgets.
Unlock and purchase all golden weapons
You will need to earn enough credits to purchase all golden guns.
Golden Weapons
- FRWL ~ 4000 credits
- SAF 9mm ~ 4000 credits
- TLD 22 ~ 4000 credits
- 8 CAT ~ 4000 credits
- WA 2000 ~ 4000 credits
- Hutchinson A3 ~ 4000 credits
- P99 ~ 1200 credits
- GF 18 A ~ 1200 credits
- CR 1911 ~ 1200 credits
- Mantis ~ 1200 credits
You will need a total of 28,200 credits to acquire all these golden weapons
Chemin de Fer 
Unlock and purchase all weapons, grenades, attachments, gadgets, and golden weapons
Follow the checklist for the above four trophies, upon unlocking the fourth trophy, you will also unlock this one. You will need a total of 90,300 credits to acquire all weapons, gadgets and attachments.
He's playing his golden harp
Melee the Player with the Golden Gun
The aim of golden gun mode is to acquire the golden gun by either picking it up off the ground or killing the guy that has the gun, then hold it for as long as possible whilst an onslaught of enemies tries to take it from you. For this trophy you need to melee (which you do by pressing
) the guy that has the golden gun. There are three ways of achieving this trophy,
- Do a kamikaze charge straight for the guy and hope he doesn't shoot you before you are in striking distance.
- Hide in a corner some where near the man with the golden gun, bide your time until he is being attacked by other players. When he needs to reload charge over to him and attack him, but watch out for other players as you may get shot in the back on route to him.
- Place yourself round a corner from the man with the golden gun, strafe round and throw a flash grenade. This should hopefully stun the guy with the golden gun and any other players attacking him at the time, which should give you a clear run at him.
You've defused hundreds of these
Defuse a bomb in Bond Versus once
In Bond Versus mode one player is randomly picked to play as bond and has to go up against every other player in the room. The aim as bond is to defuse two of the three bombs located round the map to win. For this trophy you only need to defuse one bomb.
Once your in a room stick with that room until you are eventually picked to be bond. Whilst playing as bond stealth is the key, do not run and gun or you will die. Use the radar to your advantage and where possible take on one enemy at a time. Locate a bomb, clear the area then move in to defuse it.
Dr. No
Win a round as Bond in Bond Versus mode
For this trophy you need to win the Bond Versus match, which means defusing two bombs. Use the same tips from the above trophy, learn your way around the maps and you will have this trophy in no time at all.
I admire your courage
Earn over 1,000 in credits
The best game mode for this is Golden Gun, 1,000 credits is achievable in one round. Although it can be done over multiple games if you are not skilled enough to do it in one round.
Life is full of small challenges
Earn over 10,000 in credits
Again Golden Gun mode would be the biggest credit earner, if you can hold the golden gun long enough each round. Find the game mode that you earn the most credits in and stick with it, and you will unlock this trophy in no time.
For England, James? 
Earn over 100,000 in credits
Depending on your skill this will take about 12 hours to complete, and will most likely be the last trophy you get. There is no way to track how much you have earned so far, so the best thing to do is just keep earning enough to buy the next available weapon. Once you have bought everything in the store and unlocked "Chemin de Fer" you will have 9,700 credits left to collect to hit 100,000 credits.
The best player in the service
Be a top player in an online match
You should get this when you do "Dr. No" and win a round as bond. If you don't do it this way best advice that can be given is find a game mode you are comfortable with.
Yes. Considerably. 
Play 100 online matches
It takes alot more than 100 matches to collect 100,000 credits, so you need not worry about this trophy.
Shaken, not stirred
Win 5 Territory Control online matches
This can take a good few rounds to earn, depending on how good of a team you are placed with. Just keep at it and you will eventually fall onto the winning five times.
A licensed troubleshooter
Eliminate 100 players with the Golden Gun in Golden Gun mode
When you pick up the golden gun, the best strategy i found was to move to an enclosed space (preferably a corridor with a dead end.) Stand with your back against the wall of the dead end and watch for the enemies rounding the corner to attack you (there are a few prime spots on each map.) Aim the gun at the ground in front of there feet and the explosion will kill them, rinse and repeat until you accumulate 100 kills.
A measure of comfort 
Eliminate 1,000 players across all games played
You can view the leader boards to keep track of how many people you have killed. Again you do not have to worry about this trophy as it will take more than 1,000 kills to reach 100,000 credits. Find a game mode you are comfortable in and stick with it.
The nature of evil
Eliminate 10 players while blind firing from cover across all games
Best strategy for this is to play the game as normal and wait until you round a corner un seen by an enemy in front of you, instead of taking him out run to the first bit of cover yo can see and start blind firing to kill him. Blind fire is not very accurate, if you happen to miss your target cut your losses and move out of cover because if you stay there to long you will probably get shot in the back. Another method is to find a nice spot and sit behind the cover waiting for enemies to pass by, but this is a risky tactic as you will more than likely get shot in the back if you stay in the same place to long.
3030 was a double
Eliminate 100 players while in cover across all games
Use the tactics in the above trophy at every opportunity and you will unlock this trophy in no time.
Die Another Day
Escape as Bond in Bond Evasion mode
Whilst playing as Bond in Bond Evasion mode, you have to try and make to the evacuation point whist being covered by your team. The best tactic is to let your team mates engage the enemy while you sneak round the action. Keep your wits about you and watch out for enemies that have strayed from the pack, but don't take to long to advance because if your team eliminate the whole enemy team you will win the round but not get the trophy as you have to make to the evacuation point.
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