Final Fantasy 13 Trophy Guide
Written By kjkg
Platinum Path/Custom Roadmap title
Trophy Difficulty: Hard
Offline Trophies: 36
Online Trophies: 0
Minimum number of play throughs: 1
Number of miss-able trophies: 1 (treasure hunter - Just don't sell ANY accessories, and you will be fine. )
Known glitched trophies: 0
Time to: between 80 - 120 hours
Before you start!Spoiler
NOTE:The story specific trophies unlock at the beginning of the next chapter. Don't panic if you complete the chapter and it hasn't popped. Just continue on to the next chapter, and within a few short steps, the trophy will appear.
Ultimate Hero
Acquired all trophies.Same as any other platinum game. Get all the other trophies to unlock this.
Bonus material: You will get the Serah special theme for getting this trophy.
Instrument of Fate
Took the first steps toward challenging an unjust fate.Story related. It will unlock after the tutorials on the first chapter. Make sure you do all the tutorials. Even if you are a seasoned pro at Final Fantasy games, there are alot of new features that will need explaining.
Instrument of Dissent
Survived the Purge to confront a greater peril.Story related. It will unlock at the beginning of chapter 2.
Instrument of Tragedy
Strode into danger's den and paid the consequences.Story related. It will unlock at the beginning of chapter 3.
Instrument of Flight
Slipped through the net and lived to fight another day.Story related. It will unlock at the beginning of chapter 4.
Instrument of Vengeance
Resolved to be more than a victim of circumstance.Story related. It will unlock at the beginning of chapter 5.
Instrument of Survival
Evaded pursuers, though memories of the past still gave chase.Story related. It will unlock at the beginning of chapter 6.
Instrument of Rebellion
Made plans to infiltrate enemy-occupied territory.Story related. It will unlock at the beginning of chapter 7.
Instrument of Shame
Carried the burden of guilt to the end of the line.Story related. It will unlock at the beginning of chapter 8.
Instrument of Wrath
Took the fight to the enemy's door.Story related. It will unlock at the beginning of chapter 9.
Instrument of Truth
Recognized the true threat to the world's future.Story related. It will unlock at the beginning of chapter 10.
Instrument of Hope
Traveled to the world below, seeking a way to alter fate.Story related. It will unlock at the beginning of chapter 11.
Instrument of Faith
Defied destiny's charge and embarked on a different path.Story related. It will unlock at the beginning of chapter 12. Chapter 11 is by far the biggest chapter of the game and takes place over alot of different areas. These areas are all difficult to tackle at these early stages, so it is better to stick to the story mostly. Minor grinding wont hurt, but remember that all these areas are available post game!
Instrument of Change
Witnessed the dawn of a new crystal legend.Story related. It will unlock at the end of chapter 13.
Pulsian Pioneer
Took over 10,000 steps on the lowerworld surface.This is unlocked once you have walked 10,000 steps on pulse, and have then talked to Bhakti the robot, found in Oerba, upstairs. If you attempt a few cieth stones when you first arrive on pulse, the chances are you will get this the first time you meet him.
If you don’t get it straight away, and aren’t in any rush with it, you can leave it for later, when you go back to get the treasure hunter trophy.
Gysahl Wreath
Discovered buried treasure with a little help from a chocobo.Discovered buried treasure with a little help from a chocobo.
Once chocobos are unlocked, by completing cie'th stone 14, jump on one of our yellow feathered friends. Whilst riding him, a yellow exclamation mark will appear above him, and his head will turn. He is now looking in the general direction of the treasure. It's now a game of hot and cold. The closer you are to the treasure the 'bouncier' the ! will be. Once close to it, an option to dig will appear. You get the trophy after digging 20 times and unearthing a ribbon. You should note that there are 5 treasure locations on the map. These get reset every time you enter a new section and re enter the Steppe. So it doesn't take long to get this trophy.
Kelger's Cup
Completed all low-level Cie'th Stone missions.This is awarded for completing all D rank marks. They are as follows: Mission 1-5.
See Galuf's Grail for information on the Marks.
Xezat's Chalice
Completed all mid-level Cie'th Stone missions.This is awarded for completing all C rank marks. They are as follows: Missions 6-15, 18-22, 28, 35-37, 39, 56-57.
See Galuf's Grail for information on the Marks
Triumphed over undying lowerworld souls in seven fierce battles.This comes after beating 7 specific cie'th stone missions, so you will get this trophy while aiming for the Galuf's Grail trophy.
However if you want to aim for this specifically the marks are:
-mission 7
-mission 12
-mission 27
-mission 30
-mission 34
-mission 51
-mission 64
The only one out of the above that should cause you any hassle would be mission 64. Below is my strategy for this fight.
Toppled a green terror and cut an oversized succulent down to size.This guy is a tough opponent. He really shouldn't be attempted until your characters are at a high level. He is found by doing Mark 54 (located in the north west corner of the steppe). There is however a slight trick to make this easier, and that is using the random: instant stagger synthesis, and then pummelling him before the stagger ends.
Natural Selector
Passed Titan's trials.This is a side section of the game, located in the north east of the Steppe. It is designed to be a challange of players skills. It is set up in a path with branches, so as to progress you have to defeat the enemies before. When you go to the marks, you can get a map describing what way you have to go to meet the marks you wish. You have to progress through the whole trials at least 7times to complete them all.
Here arew my strategies for killing all the Titan trials. Note, these strategies are for 5starring the marks. If you are not aiming for 5 stars, then still use these strategies but with a more defensive approach.
Dorgann's Trophy
Completed all high-level Cie'th Stone missions.This is awarded for completing all B rank marks. They are as follows: Missions 6-17, 23-27, 29-34, 38, 40, 42-43, 47, 50, 54, 58. See Galuf's Grail for information on the Marks
Galuf's Grail
Completed all Cie'th Stone missions.This is awarded for completing every mark in the game. There are 64 in total. Once you approach a cie'th stone and interact it gives you the option of attempting the mission. Once accepted a pink star will appear on the map. This is the mark. You can only have one active mission at any one time. You can attempt an active mission at any point you wish.
Mark strategies.
Missions 1-10Spoiler
Missions 11-20Spoiler
Missions 21-30Spoiler
Missions 31-34Spoiler
Titan Trials
Missions 35-51Spoiler
Missions 52-60Spoiler
Missions 61-64Spoiler
L'Cie Paragon
Earned a 5-star ranking for all Cie'th Stone missions.This isn't as hard as it sounds if you have the gold watch attached. You get the gold watch by killing mark 64 (see Exorcist). The watch increases the time alowed for getting 5 stars. If at any point, there is an enemy causing you problems, try equipping a less powerful weapon (increases the alotted time) or using shrouds. See Galuf's Grail for Mark strategies.
Commando's Seal
Master the Commando Role
You get this when hitting level 5 on the commandos role. The branches do not need to be complete, the trophy will appear as soon as you hit level 5. Level 5 isnt unlocked until after you complete the main story.
See below for a more in depth look at crystarium development.
Ravager's Seal
Master the Ravager Role
You get this when hitting level 5 on the ravager's role. The branches do not need to be complete, the trophy will appear as soon as you hit level 5. Level 5 isnt unlocked until after you complete the main story.
See below for a more in depth look at crystarium development.
Sentinel's Seal
Master the Sentinel's Role
You get this when hitting level 5 on the sentinels role. The branches do not need to be complete, the trophy will appear as soon as you hit level 5. Level 5 isnt unlocked until after you complete the main story.
See below for a more in depth look at crystarium development.
Saboteur's Seal
Master the Saboteur's Role
You get this when hitting level 5 on the saboteur's role. The branches do not need to be complete, the trophy will appear as soon as you hit level 5. Level 5 isnt unlocked until after you complete the main story.
See below for a more in depth look at crystarium development.
Synergist's Seal
Master the Synergist's Role
You get this when hitting level 5 on the synergist's role. The branches do not need to be complete, the trophy will appear as soon as you hit level 5. Level 5 isnt unlocked until after you complete the main story.
See below for a more in depth look at crystarium development.
Medic's Seal
Master the Medic's Role
You get this when hitting level 5 on the medic's role. The branches do not need to be complete, the trophy will appear as soon as you hit level 5. Level 5 isnt unlocked until after you complete the main story.
See below for a more in depth look at crystarium development.
Limit Breaker
Dealt 100,000+ damage with a single attackNearly every guide will recommend you level up fang and use her eidolon, Bahamut, to get this. This approach does work. However, if you are in no rush to get this, this will come by chance while your characters develop. I managed to get it on mark 55 (where you win a growth egg) by using death on the staggered enemies.
So to recap. If you want it asap, get 3 TP bars, have fang as your leader, summon bahamut, drive up your gestalt bar, enter gestalt mode, and hit triangle. You should hopefully get this.
Have patience. It will come while playing no doubt, as your characters develop.
Adamant Will
Felled a Heavyweight of the Lowerworld WildsThis is achieved by killing a long gui. These guys are found on the steppe, but only AFTER you have completed certain marks. The look verry much like the Adamantoise but have a blue underbelly, neck and legs. They are also a very hard opponent to beat. Don't attempt until your characters are pretty much fully developed!
Master's Seal
Fully developed all charactersThis requires you to upgrade all characters, on all roles, to level 5. You will not get this by chance, this requires some serious boosting. The growth egg (won for completing mark 55) is a must as it doubles your CP!
Note: This requires you to fill out every branch on all roles for all characters! You do NOT get this if you just achieve level 5 on all roles. The branches have to be filled in too.
See below for a more in depth look at crystarium development.
Treasure Hunter
Held every weapon and accessoryThis is by far, the hardest trophy of the game. It is also the only missable trophy too, and would be a real pain if you miss anything. The trick is DONT SELL ANYTHING!! If you dont sell, you cant miss. Note that you do NOT have to hold all the weapons and accesories at the same time.
The difficulty curve of the game allows you to not really have to upgrade anything other than one weapon per character at any stage of the game. However, if you want to upgrade stuff, I would recommend the collectors catalogue. This allows you to get more rare items, which will come in handy for farming later on.
I won't go into too much detail on this trophy as it is actually fairly self explanatory once you start upgrading but I would recommend this site, for a detailed review on upgrading.
Weapon Upgrade guide
Once you feel you are ready to upgrade everything, i would also recommend saving to a new file. That way you can sell weapons that have been upgraded to the max, to get some much needed gil.
One final thing. This trophy unlocks after you go back to Oerba and talk to Bhakti the robot. Dont panic when you think you have all the upgrades like I did!
Discerned the full attributes of 100 enemiesVery VERY simple gold trophy. This is aquired once you have fully learnt the stats of 100 different enemy types. When fighting an enemy you can press
to have a look at the enemy stats, such as hp, stagger limit and immunities. On your first encounter with a new empty, the information is limited.
There is 3 ways to gather all the info.
1- cast libra, an ability learned during the opening chapters. This allows a quicker knowledge of the enemy cast upon.
2 - use a librascope, an item that will get some (if not all) the attributes for all the enemies on the battle screen.
3 - (the simplest method), don�t bother with either of these. Unless you are having trouble with a certain enemy, you don�t need the stats. You fight nearly every enemy more than once, and over 3 battles you tend to have fully learned all attributes anyway.
I used libra once in the first 10 chapters, and got this trophy at the very beginning of chapter 10. So don't worry too much about this trophy.
Earned a 5-star ranking in the battle to determine the world's fate.This is for getting a 5star for the last form of orphan only. You don't need five stars on the two fights against this opponent prior.
I left this trophy to last, as I thought it would be fitting with the final video. The chances of you getting this when you first complete the game are slim, but it is doable. But if you leave it until post game and you have the gold watch (see L'Cie Paragon)
The advantage of leaving this is you can completely pawn this guy with minimal hassle.
All I did was use rav/rav/rav and com/com/com, with lightning/hope/fang.
I started with tri-disaster and staggered him. Once staggered I used lightnings army of one to bring the stagger up quickly. Then change to Cereberus and pummel him until he dies. There should be no problem with this trophy. If you don't kill him on the first stagger I would recommend restarting.
A special thanks goes to Wright316uk, Johnleonhart and Jam for helping me out alot with the game.
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