Oh, It’s On!
Kill 10 enemies with any combination of classes in online games
An easy trophy that is not at all difficult to get simple join in an online fight and get 10 kills with any class of your choice. You may find it easier to lock onto targets by pressing
and then press
to attack.
Got wood?
Deliver 15 resources of wood or metal to the team’s stockpile in online games
During an online game choose the Worker hat from the hat machine to play as the Worker. Then run up to either a tree or rock, press the
button to lock on to the object, and tap the
button to chop/dig it. When you have hit it enough times you will see the log or metal come apart from the tree or mine you was digging from,to pick up the pieces that come from it press
.now that you are carrying it run back to either an outpost and walk into it to drop it off or one of the hat machines in your base keep doing this until you have done 15 and the trophy is yours.
Half the Calories Eat Twice as Much
Feed the Princess 1500 calories of food in a single online game
As the description says this has to be done within a single online game throughout the map you will see slices of cake this can be used to make the princess fatter which in turn makes her heavier for the opposite team to run away with. Walk up to a cake slice and press
and carry it back the princess and either throw it at her by pressing
or just walk into her. Each piece of cake is worth 150 calories so you will need to repeat this 15 times. As a side note the cake slices will re appear from where you got it from so you can keep using the same point 2 grab it instead of endlessly wondering around the map for another piece.
I need a hammer…
Build 30 Castle upgrades or Siege Weapons in online games
Exactly as before with the
Got wood? Trophy keep gathering up resources until you have the requirements to upgrade the items in your base then press and hold
to lock on to the object you wish to upgrade and then press and hold
. Doing the following contributes to this trophy
• Upgrading you team’s hat machines
• Building/rebuilding the castle doors
• Constructing the catapult in your base
• Building ladders or springboards around the map
Once you have done 30 upgrades the trophy will be yours.
This is Caketown!
Block 100 projectiles with your shield in online games
while playing as the warrior in online games hold
to use the Warrior's Shield and block projectile attacks from archers . if your team has upgraded the Warriors hat machine you will have to press
to go back to the sword and shield combo rather than using the lance form.
Shish Kebab
Kill 50 enemies using the Fire Torch upgrade in online games
To activate the fire torches around the edge of your base you will firstly need to upgrade the archers hat machine. Once that is complete using either the archer or warrior walk up to any of the fire torches and this should set your weapon on fire. This only lasts for a small period of time so get out there and start killing enemies whilst your weapon is on fire.
You’re Not Cooking…
Kill 100 enemies with Fire magic in online games
here the choice is to use the fire mage for this either lock onto targets with
and press
to attack or use the fire mages AOE spell by holding
to charge it. You will hit 100 kills in no time.
Father McHealy
Heal teammates for a total of 500 hearts in online games
During online games you will need to select the priest. There are two ways of healing your fellow team mates just like any other class you can either lock onto individual people using
and pressing
to heal or you can charge up the priests AOE move by pressing and holding
it shouldn’t take long to heal people back up to 500 hearts worth of health so keep at it.
Don’t Make Me Slap You!
Slap 20 objects out of enemy’s hands in online games
When in online game choose not to pick up any hat and you will stay as the villager now run around the map looking for enemies carrying resources or pieces of cake lock onto them with
and knock it out of their hands with
Do this 20 times and the trophy will be yours.
Little Pecker
Kill an enemy as a chicken in an online game
Once you have upgraded your mages hat machine you will now notice potion bottles appearing in your base that has a rainbow colour too them pick one up by pressing ;circle:. Here’s the fun bit run out of your castle and find a group of enemies and lock on to them by pressing
followed by pressing
to throw the potion at them but do it while you are close to them this way you will also be transformed into a chicken. Now that you’re a chicken keep repeatedly attacking them with
hopefully they will die before you do as the chicken only has one heart if not head back to your base for another potion and retry.
Fed Zeppelin
Rescue the Princess by using the enemy’s Catapult in an online game
This trophy will all depend on whether you opposing team build up there catapult. If they don’t you will ave to wait until you’re in a game with a team that does build it. When you are in a game that builds up the catapult steal the princess from their jail and head towards the catapult jump up and down in it until it won’t go down any further. Wait a few seconds and you will be launched from the catapult. By pressing
depending on which way you are flying in the air this will help you to go a little further than if you didn’t press anything once you land run the rest of the way back to your base and place your princess on her throne.
Who’s Your Daddy?
Kill 6 enemies within 1 second in an online game
The easiest way to do this is to use the bombs you receive from the worker hat machine once it has been upgraded. Pick up a bomb with
try and find a group of enemies of 6 or more that’s pretty close to one another and lock onto them With
to throw the bomb and it will become active and blow up within a few seconds. Getting 6 in one go will be a bit tasking so if at 1st you don’t succeed try and try again.
Chubby Chaser
Protect and escort the Princess 20 times in online games
This trophy will be gained when you are protecting and escorting another player who is carrying the princess instead of you. When you see someone else carrying your princess back to your base get near them and press
this will then keep you close to the princess at all times keep running with the player until the princess is safe on her throne. You will know when you are protecting and escorting because a heart appears under your character as you are running with her. Do this 20 times and ding the trophy will be yours.
The Dark Side 
Kill 200 enemies by only using Dark Magic in online games
To have access to the dark Priest you must firstly upgrade the priest hat machine once you have upgraded you will get the dark priest run around and using the charged magic attack on enemies by holding
and releasing when it is fully charged. Don’t lock onto enemies and attack while you’re the dark priest because the spell will only drain the life of an enemy down to bare minimum and will never fully kill off a character.
Ring Sting
Heal, Burn, Curse and Freeze 6 characters at the same time in a single online game
During a n online match 1st select either the mage or priest and run out and try and find a group of 6 enemies press and hold
to charge up your area of effect spell and then release this will cover the heal 6 and burn 6 now once the priest and mage hat machines have been upgraded you can repeat the process with the upgraded versions to curse 6 and freeze 6. It will be a pain to try and find a group of 6 together but just keep trying at it.
Operation Eagledrop
Fly 2000 meters in online games
An easy trophy to obtain 1st you will need to build your catapult ( or use the enemies catapult if they have one) keep jumping in the catapult until it is fully charged and it will then propel you over the map. Keep repeating this until you gain the trophy. This trophy is accumulative and will take several matches to obtain so keep at it until the trophy unlocks.
Kill 88 enemies in a single online game without dying
Because of a recent patch kills no longer count in the soccer match map so you will have to do this normally. The easiest way is to get a group of friends to protect you and heal you while you kill enemies by either using the warrior because he has the most health and has a strong attack or by kiting enemies round with the archer by keeping moving and firing till the enemies dead. As long as you have a few priests on hand or are able to run inside your base with the doors built you can regain your health back safely by standing still. This may take a few tries so if you die just try again and hopefully you will have it in no time.
Kill 2253 players online with at least 50 kills using each class
This will take some time to obtain so just keep battling through online games until you have enough kills. As for 50 with each class you will need to do it with the villager (no hat), worker, mage, priest and warrior you can find out how many people you have killed of each type by viewing your statistics. To view your statistics from the main menu click on “bragging rights” then press on “why I’m awesome” you can find the info on how many you have killed on page 18.
The cake is not a lie!
Complete The Legend of the Fat Princess
Basically this is the single player campaign, altogether there are 6 chapters which will increase in difficulty as you progress through them this will consist of playing the various match types that are available to you. The best way for a victory is to always get your base upgraded by collecting resources this will help out tremendously and will make the AI a lot easier to win against. This shouldn’t take more than a couple of hours to do as it is very short so the trophy will be yours in no time. (There were reports of this trophy being glitched at some point and it was suggested that you do the story mode in one play through without quitting. I’m not sure if this still applies as there have been several patches since but I would recommend doing it in one sitting just incase)
Gluteus Maximus
Defeat all Gladiate arenas
For this you must survive all 12 rounds of enemy attacks for all 5 original classes (priest, mage, warrior, worker and archer) between waves make sure not to move this will regenerate your heath and be ready for the next wave. While you are playing as the priest in this mode you won’t have to attack the enemies but instead keep your allies alive that help you.
Cake or Death 
Win 100 online games
Not much to say about this one just keep playing online games untill u reach 100 wins. Always help out to gather resources and upgrade buildings as this helps towards your teams victories. It may help if you set up your own game by going through “control freaks” and setting up a match with a 2 player max limit this will make it easier to win as most of the other team will be now AI controlled which is easier to beat than a whole team of human players.
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