Deathspank Trophy Guide
On the road to victory
Deathspank does not require you to play on a particular difficulty in order to get the trophies so play it on the difficulty that suits you the most. However if you play on hard difficulty you will gain more xp while killing enemies which will help in getting up to level 20 for the MR Tough Guy trophy.
Trophy Difficulty: 3
Offline Trophies: 12
Online Trophies: 0
Minimum number of play throughs: 1
Number of miss-able trophies: 0
Known glitched trophies: 0
Destroyer of Chickens
Kill 100 Chickens
As like with all of these trophies you will find that this will come naturally while playing the game. If you would like to get this quicker north of the witch Heybenstance you will find a group of her chickens to kill you could keep waiting for theses to re-spawn and then re kill them also when Heybenstance opens up the new area gate go north a bit of this new area and u will find another big group of chickens to hack away at.
The Day the Music Died
Kill Sergeant Orque
You will find Sergeant Orque (level 16) in Camp Orqawanga there is a few missions that will bring you into this area while playing through the game. When you fight him make sure you have a healthy stack of potions at your disposal as he hits quite hard. He also likes to summon extra minions with his trumpet; these should go down easy with 1 or 2 hits when they are dead jump back onto the assault. As they say Wash rinse Repeat until he goes down.
Can't Kill Me...
Resurrect at an Outhouse
This is another easy trophy all you have to do is die and you will receive this trophy. Job done!.
Destroy all 3 Queen Greems
This is a side-quest which you pick up in Pluckmuckel. There are 3 quests which you have to complete in order to get this trophy. You have to go to all of the three areas and use the whistle the quest giver gives you, near the big stones in each area to summon the Queens. A good tactic to use against the queens is to use and Orb of Wicked invunerablity ( or any level orb of invunerablity will do ) this way you can stand still and pummel them untill they die. also if you have a the spinning blade sword while invunerable the queens health will fly down in seconds making this much easier. heres where you can find the three queens :
The first Queen is near the Greem Lake at the Greem Camp, where you had to kill the Greem Champion.
The second Queen is in the Haunted Forest.
The third Queen is at Turtle Lake
Once the third queen is dead you should unlock the trophy.
Man In The Hole
Complete 6 Spelunker Quests
While playing you will come across guys known as Spelunkers outside caves that want you to go into the caves and grab a crystal sample for them here are the 6 quests & locations ( these quests can be done in any order)
1.Crystal Eyeball – (eyeball Cave) Found along the road directly east from Pluckmuckel. You'll know when you reach the area when you are getting attacked by large eyeballs
2.Haunted Crystal – (Haunted Forest Cave) Found in the southeast part of the Haunted Forest just below the Haunted Mansion
3.Get Swamp Crystal – (Swamp Cave) Found in the northeast part of the Swamp which is south of Cabins For The Rich
4.Get Wretched Crystal – (Wretched Cave) Found east of the Demonic Stones
5.Sabretooth Crystal – (Sabretooth Cave) Located in the northeast part of the Field of Donkeys. The Field of Donkeys is northeast of the Demonic Stones and north of the Wretched cave.
6.Enchanted Crystal – (Enchanted Forest Cave) Found in the southwest part of the Enchanted Forest and west of the Leprecolony
Once you hand in to the last spelunker , the trophy is yours.
Extracurricular Activities
Finish 50 Side Quests
When you pickup Side-quests they will be listed under "Unimportant Things I Need To Do" in your quest menu, there is plenty of side quests and way more than 50 available so just progress through the game completing quests as you pick them up and this trophy will be yours in no time.
Justice Dispenser
Kill 2500 Enemies
Again this will be received with natural progression through the game. If your struggling to get this finds an area where there is a lot of enemies like the dump or the area north of the graveyard.
I'm an Addict
Drink 50 Potions
Again another progression trophy. Another way is 2 keep buying 5 of each health potion, and let yourself take damage and use the potions until the trophy unlocks.
Mr. Tough Guy
Reach level 20
As the description says all you have to do is reach level 20 to unlock this if you find yourself not quite 20 when you have completed the game there are some areas which are good to grind so keep teleporting between the Orgue town Outhouse and kill all the guys around there and the unicorn outhouse which is also a great place for exp you could also bash your way through the turtles just south of the wretched outhouse. If you do these in a rotation they will have re-spawned by the time you get back to the 1st location ready for another bashing.
Underground Subway
Discover all 30 Teleporting Outhouses
as the description of the trophy says you need to find all 30 outhouses when you come across an outhouse Press
to activate it.
Here’s a list of the outhouses in no particular order
• The First Outhouse
• Lakeview Outhouse
• Slimey Outhouse
• Thongly Outhouse
• Demon Trail Outhouse
• Heybenstance's Outhouse
• Orqueish Outhouse
• Bobblewood's Outhouse
• Dumpster Outhouse
• Pluckmuckel Outhouse
• Unicorn Outhouse
• Enchanted Outhouse
• Talking Tree Outhouse
• Eyeball Trail Outhouse
• Monastery Outhouse
• Swamp Outhouse
• Rich Cabin's Outhouse
• Web Filled Outhouse
• Haunted Outhouse
• Graveyard Outhouse
• Dam Outhouse
• Haunted Lake Outhouse
• Royal Realm Outhouse
• Wizard Outhouse
• Roadside Outhouse
• Ima Strunken Outhouse
• Orque Town Outhouse
• Wretched Outhouse
• Castle Bridge Outhouse
• Von Prong Outhouse
Menu Hero
Dispense the Good, Vanquish the Evil
Whilst on your adventures press start, go into "Help & Options", "Settings", "Global Game Settings" and then drag the "Good" slider all the way to the right and the "Evil" slider all the way to the left. Simples.
Take Back The Knight
Kill Lord Von Prong
The final boss in this epic adventure and Perhaps one of the easiest bosses in the game
He has a few orques that start the fight with him at the beginning, so take them out from the start. Keep the same tactic as when you faced Sergeant Orque but Instead of calling out minions every so often Von Prong will use his singing voice to stun you. When he's about to sing, move away from him until the musical notes explode. Keep repeating until Von Prong goes down, after which the trophy will unlock. Well done.
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