Official LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1 - 4 Trophy Guide
- Time Consuming (Trophies with this icon may take a long period of time)
- Very Easy (No gamer should have trouble)
- Easy (Requires slight skill)
- Moderate (Requires skill)
- Hard (Requires a higher standard of skill)
- Very Hard (Requires a lot of skill)
LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 combines two of the most beloved franchises to deliver a magical, fun-filled adventure. Based on Harry's first four books and films -- Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire -- fans can experience Harry's first four years at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in a new an exciting way. Players will build the adventure from Privet Drive to the Triwizard Tournament in an interactive journey that takes them through some of the most detailed and expansive environments ever created for a LEGO game. Featuring potion-making, spell-casting, puzzle-solving, and more, players of all ages can relive the adventures like never before with the humour and creative customization that is unique to LEGO videogames.
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Trophy Difficulty: 0
Offline Trophies: 0
Online Trophies: 37
Minimum number of play through's: 2 or 3
Number of miss-able trophies: 0
Known glitched trophies: 1 (possibly)
Patch : 1.00
True Wizard
Collect all the bronze, silver and gold trophies
Same as all Platinum Trophies gain all other trophies in this game.
Complete Year One Story Levels
Simple enough complete all chapters in Year One: The Philosophers Stone. There are 6 chapters to complete i have listed them below.
- The Magic Begins
- Out of the Dungeon
- A Jinxed Room
- The Restricted Section
- The Forbidden Forest
- Face of the Enemy
There are two bosses in Year One they are:
- The Mountain Troll (in Chapter 2 – Out of the Dungeon)
- Professor Quirrell (in Chapter 6 – Face of the Enemy)
Tips to Defeat Bosses:
Mountain Troll
To defeat the mountain troll simply select the Wingardium Leviosa spell and use
on any object he throws at you. Once this has been done twice he will drop his club, using the same spell pick up the club and raise it above his head and it will automatically drop it on the trolls heard ending the battle.
Professor Quirrell
During this fight the professor will throw various objects at you. Wait for the green heads to come flying at you, using the same spell as the previous boss throw these heads back at Quirrell. Once he is hit if you jump over to where he is stood and touch him. Do this until he is defeated and that should nicely end Year 1.
Complete Year Two Story Levels
Simple enough complete all chapters in Year Two: The Chamber of Secrets. There are 6 chapters to complete I have listed them below.
- Floo Powder!
- Dobby's Plan
- Crabbe and Goyle
- Tom Riddle's Diary
- Follow the Spiders
- The Basilisk
There are three bosses in Year Two, they are:
- Moaning Myrtle (in Chapter 3 – Crabbe and Goyle)
- Aragog (in Chapter 5 – Follow the Spiders)
- The Basilisk (in Chapter 6 - The Basilisk)
Tips to Defeat Bosses:
Moaning Myrtle
Moaning Myrtle as you would expect hides in toilet cubicles. She will throw broken pieces of toilet at you throughout this battle. Using the Wingardium Leviosa spell, use

to throw back these objects, each successful item thrown back will result in the cubicle door being opened. Once all doors are open simply fire a spell at her using

, you will need to keep repeating this until she backs off and lets you get on with your business.
Aragog being Aragog will send hordes of spiders to attack you (like the film

). He will also coat you in a web to restrict your movement. There is a mixture of black and brown spiders. Using

shoot the black spiders to put them on there back, and using the same method you used on the garden gnomes in Floo Powder, lift and spin the black spiders to hit Aragog. Repeat this until Aragog is defeated.
The Basilisk
The trick to beating the Basilisk is to avoid its stare! You do this by hiding in the barrels. Simply approach them and press

to hide in them. Once hidden move towards the rock walls and wait for the Basilisk to strike. The Basilisk will take out the rock wall behind your character and hurt himself in the process. Behind each wall are ingredients to make a strength potion. Use this potion to pull the change on the left hand side. At this point Fawkes will arrive to peck the Basilisks eyes out. You can now approach the Basilisk from the left hand side. Once you get close to the Basilisk use Wingardium Leviosa on the Sorting hat to acquire the Sword of Gryffindor. Again using Wingardium Leviosa raise the sword above the Basilisks head to end the battle.
Complete Year Three Story Levels
Simple enough complete all chapters in Year Two: The Prisoner of Azkaban. There are 6 chapters to complete I have listed them below.
- News From Azkaban
- Hogsmeade
- Mischief Managed
- The Shrieking Shack
- Dementor's Kiss
- The Dark Tower
There are two bosses in Year Three, they are:
- Draco Malfoy (in Chapter 2 – Hogsmeade)
- Whomping Willow (in Chapter 4 – The Shrieking Shack)
- Head Dementor (in Chapter 6 – The Dark Tower)
Tips to Defeat Bosses:
Draco Malfoy
To do this all you need to do is hit Malfoy with snow balls he throws at you. Every 3rd snow ball is one you can use to throw back at him using Wingardium Leviosa. Do this three times in total to end the fight.
Whomping Willow
This is easier than you think. Run around like a headless chicken until the Whomping Willow slams a larger than normal branch down on the ground. This branch stays on the ground longer than normal, giving you time to run up to it and hitting

. This will put you on the branch. Whilst you are on the branch hammer down on

to shoot some glowing branches at the top of the tree. Repeat this until the roots at the base of the tree retract giving you access to the tunnel that leads to the Shrieking Shack.
Head Dementor
This boss is simpler than it sounds. There are two barrels either side of the screen. Empty the contents of these barrels onto the floor using Wingardium Leviosa. The Dementor will then pull the contents towards himself and thus dealing damage. Repeat this until the dementor falls. If you find the barrels to be frozen using Wingardium Leviosa to move the gargoyles next to the barrels to melt the ice.
Head Boy
Complete Year Four Story Levels
Simple enough complete all chapters in Year Two: The Goblet of Fire. There are 6 chapters to complete I have listed them below.
- The Quidditch World Cup
- Dragons
- The First Task
- Secret of the Egg
- The Black Lake
- The Dark Lord Returns
There is only one boss in Year Three, and you should already know who it is
- Lord Voldemort (in Chapter 6 – The Dark Lord Returns)
Tips to Defeat Lord Voldemort:
Lord Voldemort
As Voldemort hides behind the grave stones he will occasionally jump out and attack you. This will cause Harry Potter and Voldemort will become locked in Priori Incantatem

. While locked in this you have two options. Option 1 is to hammer

to deal damage or simply transfer to Cedric Diggory and deal a hit on Voldemort. Once Voldemort falls it spells the end of this game
Teacher's pet
Complete All Story Lessons
You’ll get this during your first play through. Nearly Headless Nick leads you to all the lessons so they aren’t missable. I’ve listed each Lesson and which Year you will learn them in.
Year One: The Philosophers Stone
- Wingardium Leviosa
- Lumos
- Lumos Solem
- Broomstick Flying
- Strength Potion
Year Two: The Chamber of Secrets
- Immobulus
- Expelliarmus
- Mandrake Handling
Year Three: The Prisoner of Azkaban
- Expecto Patronum
- Riddikulus
- Buckbeak Handling
Year our: The Goblet of Fire
Story Complete!
Complete the Story Levels in all four years
You’ll get this at the end of your first playthrough. Once you defeat Lord Voldemort at the end of Year 4 that lovely DING! will sound and will have this trophy.
Crest Collector
Collect all of the house crests in Year 1
Each Year has 6 chapters, each chapter has 4 crests. This means there are 24 crests per year to collect.
I have attached 100% checklist to this guide for you to print and use. This will give you the locations and how to get them.
Crest Fanatic
Collect all of the house crests in Year 2
Each Year has 6 Chapters, each Chapter has 4 rests. This means there are 24 crests per year to collect.
I have attached 100% checklist to this guide for you to print and use. This will give you the locations and how to get them.
Ultra Collector
Collect all of the house crests in Year 3
Each Year has 6 Chapters, each Chapter has 4 rests. This means there are 24 crests per year to collect.
I have attached 100% checklist to this guide for you to print and use. This will give you the locations and how to get them.
The Ultimate Collector
Collect all of the house crests in Year 3
Each Year has 6 Chapters, each Chapter has 4 rests. This means there are 24 crests per year to collect.
I have attached 100% checklist to this guide for you to print and use. This will give you the locations and how to get them.
Power Up!
Collect all of the Red Bricks
Not particularly easy. There are 20 Red Bricks scattered around Hogwarts. There are two ways to find out where they are. One is to purchase the Red Brick which gives you a Red Brick indicator, the second is work out where they are based on owls perched in certain areas. All areas with a perched owl has Red Brick.
Simply find the Red Brick in that area pick it up pressing
carry it to the perched owl. The owl will delivery it to the Owl Emporium in Diagon Alley. Head there purchase the Red Brick upstairs. To activate the Red Brick press
and access the extras menu and simply turn on each Red Brick you want to use.
I have attached 100% checklist to this guide for you to print and use. This will give you the locations and how to get them.
The Bonus Level is Yours
Collect all of the Gold Bricks
Again not particularly easy. There are 200 Gold Bricks in the game. Again purchase a Red Brick which gives you a Gold Brick indicator which will aid your search. Below is a list where you will acquire these Gold Bricks.
- Level Complete: 24
- Hogwarts House Crests: 24
- True Wizard: 24
- Students In Peril: 50
- Spell Lessons: 8
- Potion Lessons: 3
- Other Lessons: 4
- Hidden in Hogwarts: 35
- Diagon Alley: 6
- Purchased at the Owl Emporium: 12
- Bonus Levels: 10
I have attached 100% checklist to this guide for you to print and use. This will give you the locations and how to get them.
Student Rescue
Rescue all students in peril
Throughout the game you will come across stranded students who will need your help to set them free. You will need to use a mixture of spells or simply destroying the object in front of them.
I have attached 100% checklist to this guide for you to print and use. This will give you the locations and how to get them.
Stud Magnet
Get True Wizard in every level
This is tricky when you first start playing the game. You basically have to collect as many studs as possible per Chapter. Each chapter has a set amount of studs to collect. I found this easier once you find the stud multiplier Red Bricks.
The best way to collect studs is to destroy everything you can in sight and collect the studs left behind.
You're the Best
Complete the game to 100%
This trophy involves getting all collectables and completing all levels throughout the game. Please see my attached word document on the locations of all collectables.
Dark Wizards
Buy every version of Voldemort (Quirrell/Tom Riddle/Voldemort)
You to find and purchase all three of these characters. You buy them at Madame Malkins Shop on Diagon Alley. You can find them using my 100% Guide attached.
Quidditch Team
Buy the entire Gryffindor Quidditch team from Book One
You need to find and buy the Gryffindor Quidditch team featured in The Philosophers stone. The list is below:
- Alicia Spinnet
- Angelina Johnson
- Fred (Quidditch)
- George (Quidditch)
- Harry (Quidditch)
- Katie Bell
- Oliver Wood
You can find them using my 100% Guide attached.
Back in Time
Use the Time-Turner
You acquire the time turner after you complete Dementors Kiss (Year 3: Chapter 5). Only Hermione has this ability. Approach a Time Turner Clock and press
. I found my first time turner clock in Gryffindor boys bedroom at the start of Year 4.
Building Blocks
Complete all the LEGO Builder tutorial levels
These tutorials are found in Gringott’s Bank. If you access the vaults 1-4 (inclusive) in Gringott’s using the Gold Bricks acquired you will begin a simple tutorial. Complete each one in the four vaults and you will have that trophy.
Good Dog
Defeat 20 enemies with Fang
Your first chance of using Fang is The Forbidden Forest (Year 1: Chapter 5). Simply use Fang to kill 20 enemies. If you don’t get it upon first use of Fang, fear not, you will use him again later in the game 
Wonderful Weasleys
Buy the entire Weasley family
Another one of those find and purchase trophies. The list is below:
- Arthur Weasley
- Molly Weasley
- Ron Weasley
- Fred Weasley
- George Weasley
- Ginny Weasley
- Percy Weasley
You can find them using my 100% Guide attached.
Quirrell Quandary
Defeat Quirrell in the Quirrell boss fight, using Voldemort
You first need to unlock and buy Lord Voldemort. Now make sure Lord Voldemort is your select character and begin The Face of the Enemy level (Year 1: Chapter 6). Then simply defeat Quirrell using Lord Voldemort.
Collect 10 million studs in one level
There are five multiplier Red Bricks you can acquire in the game (x2, x4, x6, x8 & x10). Once you have acquired and purchased these Red Bricks activate them in the Extras Menu when you press
. Start any level and you will have this in no time.
Defeat 20 spiders with Ron
This is easily done during normal game play. When you get to Follow the Spiders level (Year2: Chapter 5) be sure to have your current character as Ron. When you come to fight Aragog simply hammer
aiming at the brown spiders and you will eventually kill 20.
Chilled out
Freeze 20 characters using Glacius
Firstly you need to purchase Glacius from Ollivander’s Wand Shop on Diagon Alley. Once purchased it will appear in you spell inventory. Looking at your spell wheel in the top right it will appear as one of the red spells. The trick to this is to watch it cycle through those red spells and wait for Glacius to appear and then press
repeat this 20 times for the trophy. I just froze 20 random characters in Diagon Alley
Scare 20 students using a ghost character
Firstly you will need to find and purchase a ghost character. Once purchased at Madame Malkins Shop use the polyjuice potion out side to change into a ghost character. Once this is done simply approach characters and press
the characters will go a whitish colour signifying that they have been spooked. Repeat this until the trophy is yours.
Note: It doesn’t have to be students, I did it in Diagon Alley on random characters.
Unlock all Animagi
Yet another one of those find and purchase trophies. The list is below:
- Professor Mcgonagall
- Peter Pettigrew
- Rita Skeeter
- Sirius Black
Professor Lupin is a Werewolf so he should be required for this trophy.
You can find them using my 100% Guide attached.
Defeating the Object
Defeat the mountain troll, using Quirrell
Again you will need to find and purchase Professor Quirrell. Go to Freeplay and load up Out of the Dungeon (Year 1: Chapter 2). Make sure Professor Quirrell is your character and make sure it is him who deals the final blow on the Mountain Troll.
Watch Out!
Knock over ten characters using a ride-able object
This can be acquired at various points in the game. The first chance you get is in Gringott’s Bank. Once you have control of Griphook and open the gates to the restricted area. In this area there is a cart you can jump on using
. Once on board simply ride around the bank and run as many people as possible until this trophy unlocks.
Solid Snape
Hide in a barrel as Snape
Again you will have to find and purchase Professor Snape. Once you have acquired him, play the very first level The Magic Begins (Year 1: Chapter 1) using Snape. Right at the beginning of Diagon Alley there is a barrel which contains some tools. Remove these tools using Wingardium Leviosa, then jump into the barrell using
stand still and the trophy is yours.
Role Reversal
Defeat Harry (as Voldemort), in the Graveyard
Again you will have to find and purchase Lord Voldemort. Making sure he and Harry Potter are in your team start the final level The Dark Lord Returns (Year 4: Chapter 6). With Voldemort selected select the Green wand spell (Killing Curse) and fire Avada Kedavra at your other character Harry and watch him die
, the trophy will then be yours. He will of course come back to life 
Quiet Please!
Turn the sound and music down to 0 in the options menu whilst in the library
This can be done in the first year on The Restricted Section level (Year 1: Chapter 4). Once on this level and you’re in the library simply press
go to the Options menu and turn the Music OFF and sound down to 0. Easy!
Muggle Trouble
Defeat 10 enemies with a Muggle character
Muggles killing wizards?!?! Wouldn’t happen
. Find and purchase a Muggle character. I used Vernon Dursley. The Forbidden Forest level (Year 1: Chapter 5) and attack (press
) the never ending Giant Wasps until you get this trophy.
Lumos Solem
Destroy 50 Devil's Snare plants
Lumos Solem is required to complete this you get it as an upgrade to your normal Lumos spell from Professor Sprout during your first year. You need to destrory all the green vine plants in white circle plant pots. The big chunky green vines are not Devils Snare. The way to tell them apart is the ones in the white pots will grab and hold you when you walk over them. Simply destroy them using Lumos Solem.
Quick Quidditch
Complete the Quidditch level within five minutes
Load up the level A Jinxed Broom (Year 1: Chapter 3) breeze through this level in 5 minutes (including cutscenes) for the trophy.
Ghostly Treasure
Collect 500 ghost studs
First trophy I got
. Simply collect all the LEGO studs Nearly Headless Nick leaves behind him leading you to the next part of your quest. You will get this in no time.
Characters Abilities:
Dark Magic Ability: Lord Voldemort, Tom Riddle, Lucius Malfoy, Peter Pettigrew, Walden Macnair, Barty Crouch Jr., Death Eater, Executioner and Professor Snape
Book Puzzle: Hermione
Goblin Lock: Grip Hook
Stregnth Levers: Hagrid, Krum (Any), Fang
Pipe Puzzle: Scabbers (Ron), Crookshanks (Hermione), Mrs Noris (Argus Filch)
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