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- Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands Trophy Guide
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Thread: Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands Trophy Guide
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands Trophy Guide
PS3T.co.uk Official Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands Trophy Guide

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- Time Consuming (Trophies with this icon may take a long period of time)
- Very Easy (No gamer should have trouble)
- Easy (Requires slight skill)
- Moderate (Requires skill)
- Hard (Requires a higher standard of skill)
- Very Hard (Requires a lot of skill)
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands is the fourth game of the orginal series started on PS2. But yet, this game is supposed to be set between "The Sands of Time" and "The Warrior Within". The Prince made his way to his brother, Malik, who rules a whole kingdom since many years. But the timing wasn't good, this kingdom is under attack and Malik has no choice but to try to summon the ancient and mystical army of King Solomon. That's his first mistake...
Trophy Difficulty: 2/10
Offline Trophies: All obtainable offline
Online Trophies: None
Minimum number of play throughs: 1
Miss-able trophies?: Got Walkthrough? / Untouchable / Invincible
Known glitched trophies: None
- Start the game on normal difficulty then immediately switch to easy difficulty to earn the first 'n totally dumb trophy "Our Little Secret".
- I suggest that when it's done to get back to the main screen and start over a new game on normal difficulty to really enjoy the game (easy is way TOO easy).
- One playthrough is needed to earn most of the trophies. You'll unlock the last ones with the "Ennemy Tides Challenge".
- If you want to search by yourself before pickup this guide : you'll know that a sarcophagus is near when you'll see numerous little blue shimmering spots.
Platinum Trophy:
Sand Master
Unlock all other trophies.
Self explanatory: get all others trophies to get this ultimate trophy.
Gold Trophies:
Purchase every item in the upgrade menu.
You won't earn enough XP to max out every upgrades at the end of the game. You'll need to beat some Tides Challenge 6 or 7 times to acquire your last upgrades and unlock this trophy. During the game, we'll need to have some specific powers to earn some trophies. First, buy every level 1 powers to unlock all related trophies as soon as possible. Second step is to max out the Stone Armor ASAP for Untouchable/Invicible and try to have unlocked the bonus time for the Water Flow power when you reach the last part of the game. The rest is up to you.
Got Walkthrough?
Find and break every sarcophagus.
The "most" difficult trophy of the game (yeah 2 stars, woh !). There's 21 sarcophagus and you'll need to find them all in ONE playthrough.
01- The very first sarcophagus will be pointed out for you right before exiting the stables. Simply climb up the rocks then jump to the wooden beam behind you, the jump and wall run up to the sarcophagus.
02- Location: The Fortress Courtyard. Impossible to miss, as this collectable is directly underneath a pressure plate that you must activate to continue on.
03- Location: The Fortress Courtyard. Shortly after the last collectable you will come to and outdoor walkway. This walkway has spikes that come out of the floor and wooden spikes rotating around the spiked floors. You should see the collectable and the bottom left of your screen before proceeding into the first small area with enemies. Kill or ignore these enemies and pass one set of spike floors and then drop off the ledge. Drop down to a grab point and make your way to the right. Pull yourself up at the end and smash the sarcophagus.
04- Location: The prison. Before finally exiting the prison you will use a pressure switch to raise a gate. Run past the spiked floors and shooting arrows and roll under the closing door. Before exiting look to your right for the stone slabs on the wall that you can climb. Climb up and proceed to your right to snag this sarcophagus.
05- Location: The Sewer. Shortly after entering the sewer you will find your self climbing up a frozen water spout. From here you jump onto a wooden beam. NOW from here you may notice that there is another beam slightly higher than the one you are currently standing one. From the first wooden beam jump and grab the frozen water spout. Shimmy up this spout and jump off it to the beam above the first beam. From here simply jump the gap and break the sarcophagus.
06- Location: The Sewer. Before exiting the sewer take the side path that leads left. Use your water freezing ability to swing from on spot to the next and smash the sarcophagus.
07- Location: The Royal Chambers. You will eventually enter a room that has a water spout to the left hand side of the room. To the left and right of this spout is a pressure switch. Freeze this water spout, climb up and jump off the spout and hit the switch. Rinse and repeat on the opposite switch and a secret door revealing the sarcophagus will be opened.
08- Location: The Royal Chambers. Midway through this area, you will come to a section of frozen water jumps. There will be a waterfall to your right and left, along with two spouts in-between these waterfalls. Make your way up to the second spout and swing to your right. Jump off the spout you’re swinging on and in mid air let go of the left trigger to un-freeze the water. You will pass through the waterfall and pull yourself up on a ledge that hides this sarcophagus.
09- Location: The Royal Chambers. Near the exit to this area you will come to a room with a water wheel. Directly to the right of this wheel is a ledge you would normally grab to continue on. Instead of freezing the water which stops the wheel, wall run up from this ledge and grab the rocks on the wall. Jump off the wall to the pole, and jump from the pole to the ledge on the wall. Shimmy left and you will reach the sarcophagus.
10- Location: The Throne Room. As soon as you enter this are look to your left and you will see the climbable rocks. Climb up them and proceed to the balcony to claim your sarcophagus.
11- Location: The Terrace. You will come to a section where you have to slide down multiple banners to reach the bottom. On the way down you will see the sarcophagus. Once you reach the lower level with the enemies either kill or ignore them and wall run up to the ledge on your right. Wall run up some more and smash that sarcophagus.
12- Location: The Rooftop Gardens. Shortly after entering this area you will reach a cut scene showing your brother fighting of enemies. Make your way towards where he just was and look behind the palm tree to find the sarcophagus.
13- Location: The Rooftop Gardens. Eventually you will find your self on a large octagon shaped platform fighting off loads of enemies. Kill these enemies and do not use the power of flight to reach the enemy across the gap. instead look to your left at the waterfall. Jump through it and climb up the wall to reach the sarcophagus.
14- Location: The Aqueducts. After fighting a bunch of enemies on a semi-circle platform, some vultures will appear. do not jump to these vultures yet. instead go to the left hand side of this platform (left if you’re looking at the vultures) and jump down and in mid air freeze the water spout. Make your way around these spouts until you see the sarcophagus hiding behind a waterfall. Drop off from the frozen spout and claim what’s yours.
15- Location: The Ruins of Rekem. Upon making your way through this area you will jump off a frozen water spout onto a wooden beam. From here you can either go left or right. but we want to go left. Use the left bumper to make the platform on your left appear. Jump to it, and proceed into the alcove to smash your sarcophagus.
16- Location: The Ruins of Rekem. After leaving the area very shortly after the last sarcophagus, you will slide down a banner to solid ground. In front of you are a door, and to your left is a railing and a waterfall below it. Hop over the railing and go through the waterfall to find this not so well hidden sarcophagus.
17- Location: Rekem’s Throne Room. Upon entering this area you will get a cut scene that shows the stone throne. You will most likely see the sarcophagus through the semi-see through wall (the ones you use LB to make solid). Approach the throne and turn left. Climb the rocky wall and proceed straight. At the last pole you’re swinging form jump off and grab the ledge against the wall. Shimmy left and use left bumper then solidify the wall. Wall run to your left and drop down. From here wall run up and grab the first ledge, wall run up once more to grab the higher ledge. Shimmy left and wall run and jump over to the opposite ledge. Shimmy right and drop down to the ledge below. Use left bumper to solidify the platform below you, and then drop down. Once on the solid platform walk to the middle of it and use left bumper again but this time to UN-solidify it and fall through thus reaching your sarcophagus.
18- Location: The Rekem Reservoir. After killing the “Titan” that comes out of the ground and all other enemies in the area, proceed over to the waterfall on the left. Jump through it and over the gap. From this small alcove roll under the small gap to find a well hidden sarcophagus.
19- Location: The Rekem Reservoir. Shortly after the previous sarcophagus you will reach a platform with a stone lion fountain. Drop off the left side of this ledge and drop down the rocks below. Climb down these rocks and then wall run left to grab a ledge. Shimmy to the left on this ledge and you will find probably the most well hidden sarcophagus in the game.
20- Location: Solomon’s Vault. You will enter a room with a giant statue of king solamon. And you will get a cut scene where the girl “Razia” tells you that you need to make him face the door. BUT before we do this find the pressure switch on the wall. To get here you will need to wall run from the bottom floor and jump opposite to a poll, swing from this pole to the next pole and jump off to the ledge. From here shimmy right, and then wall run thus activating the pressure switch. Immediately after activating the pressure switch jump off and get your self under the closing gate as quickly as you can. (this may take a few attempts to get your timing down) Inside the gated area will be your second to last sarcophagus.
21- Location: The King’s Tower. Upon making your way up this tower you will use the power of flight to travel using a bunch of vultures. Upon reaching the last vulture you will need to in mid air use the left bumper to solidify the ground. Do not proceed up from this ledge. Insted look to your right for another set of vultures that you can jump to. Follow this string of vultures to the top of the area and claim your last sarcophagus.
Not what it looks like
Defeat Ratash.
One of the easiest bosses you'll ever defeat. It has 3 attack sequences :
1- He summons a stack of mobs.
2- He tries to punch you.
3- He fires some explosives thunderbolts.
You can only hit him (his shining medal) while he tries to punch you.
Insanely... easy.
Silver Trophies:
Elemental Control
Upgrade one power to level 4.
No need to have an offensive power upgraded to level 4 during your playthrough as the fights are incredibly easy but the Stone Armor is highly recommended.
Finish the final battle against Ratash without taking any damage.
Easy trophy if you have upgraded your Stone Armor up to level 4. Just summon your armor when you have to fight some summoned mobs and while Ratash tries to punch you and save your energy points when he attacks you with thunderbolts as it's incredibly easy to dodge them.
Prince of Tides
Complete the Enemy Tides Challenge.
Available after you beat the game. Very easy challenge: you'll have to survive during 8 waves of mobs but you'll start this challenge with every upgrades you have unlocked. Summon your Stone Armor and rush your ennemies.
Stay Dry
Move on solidified water for 1 minute without using the Power of Time.
Very useless trophy except to test some acrobatic skills. Note that the Warter Flow power has a 10 seconds timer but a high recover rate so the Water Flow upgrade isn't strongly needed but it helps. Two methods to earn this trophy :
1- Right after you gain the Water Flow power, find a spot where you can freeze 2 water spouts. Grab and circle around the first until you've used 75% of the Water Flow bar. Now jump to the second spout, release
and press
again right before grabbing it. Repeat backward and forward until you earn the trophy.
2- When you reach the King's Tower, you'll need to climb an entire tower from inside. Step onto a switch to create 2 waterwalls. Freeze them and jump/climb until you are stuck. Continue to jump forward and backward between the two frozen walls and quickly release and press
to refill your Water Flow bar.
This is Persia!
Kick 20 enemies off of ledges.
You have a whole playthrough to complete this trophy, try to kick as often as possible your ennemies to a ledge with
until he falls.
Defeat Ratash in the Throne Room without taking any damage.
This fights has a checkpoint at the middle, be sure that you haven't lose any health 'cause you can't reload the checkpoint of the beginning of the fight. Your first encounter with Ratash : summon your Stone Armor and spam your saber's combos until Ratash jump to a higher place and tries to launch fireballs at you. Climb until you reach him (no need to activate the Stone Armor) and finish the fight with your Stone Armor.
Bronze Trophies:
Jump on enemies 30 times in a row without falling or using the Power of Time.
Right after the Sand Army is free, you'll have several opportunities to earn this trophy. Try to pack the mobs, jump on an ennemy's shoulders and immediately jump to another sand soldier. It needs a little practice but it's very easy : don't try to jump to an empty space, always aim for a place where a soldier is. This trophy is impossible to unlock if there is some soldiers with shields within the pack as they will make you fall as soon as you'll try to jump on them.
Air Time
Perform 20 Aerial Slash attacks.
Aerial Slash : jump on an ennemy's shoulders and immediately hit the
button to finish him off. Repeat 20 times in a whole playthrough.
And King of Blades
Kill 500 enemies with the sword.
Don't worry about this one, if you haven't earned it as you finish the game, you will have it when you'll go for the "Ennemy Tides Challenge".
And stay down!
Use the finishing lunge 20 times.
Kick your ennemies with
until they fall, approach them and hit
for a finishing blow. Repeat 20 times in a whole playthrough.
Anger Management
Break 100 vases and sarcophagi.
Break every vases you'll see until you unlock the trophy.
Attack from all angles
Knock down 15 enemies using the aerial kick.
Aerial kick : jump straight to an ennemy and hit
. Doesn't work with shielded soldiers and massive mobs. Repeat 15 time in a whole playthrough.
Big Finish
Defeat an enemy by doing a power attack in the fifth hit in a combo.
4 times and hold it for the fifth hit for a power attack. The fifth hit must kill an ennemy.
Close Call
Save the Prince's life by using the Power of Time.
The first time you'll use the Power of Time to save the Prince you'll unlock it.
David and Goliath
Finish 5 titans with the Aerial Slash.
The titan is a huge sand soldier with a big sword and his own health bar. Start to lower the titan's health until he's kneeling. Now jump on his shoulders and finish him with
. Don't worry if you miss some opportunities because there's always a titan in the final wave of the "Ennemy Tides Challenge".
Death from Above
Finish off 10 enemies in a row using only the Aerial Slash.
You must use the aerial slash 10 times in a row. Do it right after you've freed the Sand Army 'cause the basic sand soldier can be killed with a single aerial slash.
Ding! Level Up!
Purchase your first upgrade.
Purchase an upgrade and you'll become sooooooooooooooo powerful (and unlock a trophy too).
Floors are for losers
Wall run for a total of 1/2 mile (805 meters).
Don't worry about this one, you'll unlock it very early during your playthrough.
Like Dominoes
Knock down 5 enemies with one kick.
Pack some basic sand soldiers and kick one of them to make fall several mobs with him.
Not how it Happened
Use the Power of Time 20 times.
Nothing special about it, just use the Power of Time 20 times.

Our Little Secret
Don't worry. We won't tell if you don't.
Yeah this one a hell of a secret trophy. Start a game on normal difficulty, pause the game and lower the difficulty to easy...
Power Boost
Find and break a sarcophagus.
See "Got Walkthrough?" for help.
Prince of Earth
Defeat 50 enemies using the Stone Armor.
Summon the Stone Armor and defeat 50 ennemies with your sword while wearing it.
Prince of Fire
Defeat 50 enemies using the Flame Trail.
Defeat 50 ennemies with your Flame Trail. Go straight to your ennemies and run within the pack.
Prince of Water
Defeat 50 enemies using the Flame Trail.
Defeat 50 ennemies with your Ice Blast. Try to line up a pack of ennemies before using it.
Prince of Wind
Defeat 50 enemies using the Whirlwind.
Defeat 50 ennemies with your Whirlwind. Pack some mobs, jump in the middle and use it.
Sand Nemesis
Kill 50 enemes in a row without being hit and without using upgrade powers or the Power of Time.
There's a little trick for that. Play until you find a spot with about ten basic sand soldiers. Kill them, reload a previous checkpoint and repeat. It won't break your combo.
Swift as the Wind
Defeat 30 enemies using the Power of Flight.
You'll gain that power when you're on the Rooftops. You'll have many opportunities to kill a mob with it. If you haven't unlocked it as you finish the game, you can do it during the "Ennemy Tides Challenge".
Story-based Trophies:
Just complete the story for these trophies, you cant miss them.
Memories of Azad
Reach the thick of the battle.
A Warm Welcome
Catch up to Malik.
Solomon's Army
Release Solomon's Army.
Just us and them
Close the fortress gates.

No longer human
Suffered defeat at Malik's hands.

Welcome to Rekem
Arrived in Razia's city.

Power of the Djinn
Razia becomes part of sword.
Eye of the Storm
Reach the final fight.

End of the Army
Complete the game.
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Last edited by Simmy_82; 03-08-2010 at 10:27 AM.
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