Official Skate 3 Trophy Guide
- Time Consuming (Trophies with this icon may take a long period of time)
- Very Easy (No gamer should have trouble)
- Easy (Requires slight skill)
- Moderate (Requires skill)
- Hard (Requires a higher standard of skill)
- Very Hard (Requires a lot of skill)
Skate 3 features all the realistic, multiplayer skateboarding action your console can handle! This third installment in the Skate franchise features an emphasis on co-op play and a new location, Carveton.
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Skate 3 Roadmap
There really isn't much need for a roadmap for Skate 3 but for those that must have it, I will write up a small and quick one for you.
Step 1: Focus on the solo career. Complete all challenges, kill the ones you can but don't try too hard on killing those that you can't yet, when you come back to them, you will almost definitely be better at the game and spend less time killing it later on. If you have trouble with any of the challenges, ask a friend to help, alot of the challenges can be done online with friends and even if you both have to complete them, your friend can show you what to do and give advice on the part giving you trouble.
Step 2: Online. Start or join a team and get 6 people online in a room together. Get your ranked team challenges out of the way at the same time. Win your 5 ranked matches and play a career challenge online if you haven't already.
Step 3: Mop Up. By now you should have almost all the trophies in the game. Complete any of the trophies you haven't gotten get such as doing a Miracle Whip or 30,000 point line, etc.
Trophy Difficulty: 6/10
Offline Trophies: 36
Online Trophies: 12
Minimum number of play throughs: 1
Number of miss-able trophies: 0
Known glitched trophies: 0
Patch : 1.00
Platinum Trophy
Earn all Skate 3 Trophies
Congrats on your platinum, it was well earned!
It takes a really big village...
Reach community board sales target
This trophy is a cumulative community trophy. Once a certain number of boards have been sold total, this trophy will unlock for everyone.
Park Apprentice
Complete the skate.Park tutorials
There are 5 challenges to complete to get this trophy. Once you complete the introduction to the game, these become available. Press start and go to challenge map, select Tutorials. You have to complete one to unlock the next. Here are the challenges:
- Fun-in-a-box
- Connect the Pipes
- Hubba Builder
- Cat walking
- Make your Mark
Takin 'em to the limit
Get the terrain meter in the red for your own skate.Park
In the start menu under Career> Create is skate.Park. Enter the editor and keep adding terrain objects such as quarterpipes to your park until the terrain meter (top right corner) is in the red. This is easy to do but takes a while as you have to add quite a bit to get it to red. I stacked quarterpipes on top of each other lining the walls to the ceiling as a trick to have plenty of room.
Constructive Criticism
Rate 5 skate.Parks, 5 Films, and 5 Photos
In the start menu, go to the 3rd option (Career> Create) and select skate.Reel > Community Videos/Community Photos. View or watch the item and rate it. Once you have 5 of each, select skate.Park > Community Parks. Download and rate 5 of these and the trophy is yours.
Artsy Fartsy
Upload 5 Films and 5 Photos, and 3 skate.Parks
You will have photos saved from your career after doing the photo challenges. To create a Film, press select and save it. In the start menu, go to the 3rd option (Career> Create) and select skate.Reel > My Replays/My Photos. Upload 5 different ones of each then head to the skate.Park option. Create 5 skate parks and save them then back out of the creator and upload them. The servers are still unstable so it sometimes takes a few tries to get them uploaded. Once you have 5 of each, the trophy is yours.
Create a Logo and put it on your Skater
This is more difficult than you would think. To start, you need to have an EA account and link it to your PSN ID. Then go here and click Launch Graphics Creator. Follow the steps to create a logo. Once you have your logo complete, click publish it from the drop down, fill in the information and click send to game. YOU MUST BE LOGGED INTO THE EA SERVERS ON SKATE 3 TO SEND IT!! Once you have it sent to your game, go to Start > Edit Skater and choose an article of clothing or deck that you can customize. Select add logo, team logo and it is the first option in the list. The icon looks like a grid with a number on it.

Trick Spammer
30,000 point line
To earn this trophy, you need to get 30,000 points without losing your multiplier. You will probably get this on a tranny contest as you play through the challenges, but if you don't, I would recommend going to a park with a launch ramp such as the Monster stadium as it starts you off with quite a few points for landing tricks off it, then ride into a halfpipe and finish the points.

10,000 point trick
To earn this trophy, you need to get 10,000 points in a single trick or combo. You will probably get this on a tranny contest as you play through the challenges, but if you don't, I would recommend going to a park with a launch ramp such as the Monster stadium as it starts you off with a giant ramp. Do a flip trick or grab at the top to get your multiplier to X3 and pull off a massive trick. This isn't too difficult, you just need to know what tricks work best for you and a big ramp.

Did Somebody Get a Boo Boo?
75,000 point bail
You don't even have to try for this, you will no doubt get it while attempting a Hall of Meat challenge. Press
to start a bail. A new added feature is
during a bail, it kicks you off the ground to continue bailing. Press
a few times during a good bail and 75,000 should come quickly.
3 Moveable objects used in a single sequence
This is alot easier than it sounds. Go to your object dropper (
) and line up 3 rails. Combo across them and the trophy will unlock.

Extreme Grindage
Perform a 100 meter or 300 foot grind
Another trophy that sounds alot harder than it really is. Once you have the Hall of Meat challenge "Meat in Training" available, teleport to it. Turn around and use the handrail on your left. Make sure you do a boardslide so your board doesn't slide off the rail. Ride it to the bottom, jump off and the trophy is yours.
Mantastic Voyage
3 manuals in a single sequence
Simple chain 3 manuals together in a sequence. To manual, hold
down about halfway (or up halfway for a nose manual). Trick out of it with and flip trick you want, or even just an ollie. Land back on manual by holding the
stick halfway again. Repeat a second time and land a 3rd manual for this trophy.
Don't be so Mayo
Land a Miracle Whip (Superdude body flip)
This trick is tough because you need alot of time to do the trick and coordinate many buttons to pull it off. My suggestion is go to a skatepark such as the Monster Stadium and do this off the mega ramp. To perform a Miracle Whip you have to do a Superdude (
) while doing either a frontflip or backflip. Once you get the superdude registered, let it go mid flip so you know where the board needs to come down on. This one takes practice but once you figure it out, it is easy to do and quite fun.
100% Pure Adrenaline
Fly Spread Eagle for 10 seconds
To Spread Eagle, you need to be in a bail (
) and push the right stick down. Teleport to the Super-Ultra Mega-Park and turn around. Ride up the street to the underpass, pass under it and jump off the road into the rocks on the left. Climb up the rocks and turn left, go past the top of the underpass and climb up to the peak of the jagged rocks. Jump off into the lowest part of the skatepark and land at the bottom of the halfpipe and this trophy will unlock.
Employee #3
Earn your second career teammate
To earn this trophy, complete the 3rd Board Sales Milestone (100,000 Boards) and it will prompt you to create another teammate. Complete challenges or play online to earn board sales.
Everything beaten, everything unlocked, everything earned
To unlock this trophy, you need to own all 160 challenges. See each challenge specific trophy for details on the challenges.
Party at the Penthouse
Win both Maloof Money Cup contests
To earn this trophy, come in first place in both Maloof contests. One is Maloof Street under the Street Contests category and the other is Maloof Vert under the Tranny Contests category. They are pretty easy if you are decent at the game, details on the contests are listed below.
Maloof Street (3 Rounds):
- Round 1: Best Grind anywhere on the Street Course
- Round 2: Jam on the Street Course
Maloof Vert (2 Rounds):
- Round 1: Mega Rail Jam
- Round 2: Free-For-All Half Pipe
Win the T-Mobile sponsored contest
The T-Mobile sponsored contest is a Street Contest called T-Mobile Pier Party. The contest consists of 3 rounds and requires a teammate. You can play with a friend online as a teammate or use one of your AI teammates. The rounds are:
- Round 1: Best Trick on the stairs
- Round 2: Jam on the pier
- Round 3: Jam around the T-Mobile pads

Gone Viral
Catch the Skate Flu
Just like any other viral trophy, play with an EA official or someone that has played with one. Check the Skate 3 forum for people with it if you are having a tough time getting this.
Employee #2
Earn your first career teammate
To earn this trophy, complete the 1st Board Sales Milestone (15,000 Boards) and it will prompt you to create another teammate. Complete challenges or play online to earn board sales.
Beast Unleashed
Win the Monster contest
The Monster contest is a Tranny Contest called Monster Park Jam. The contest consists of 3 rounds:
- Round 1: Mega Ramps
- Round 2: Mega Vert
- Round 3: Mega Street
Deck Peddler
1 Million boards sold
To earn this trophy, complete the 6th and final Board Sales Milestone (1,000,000 Boards). This will take a while but you should get it around 2/3 of the way through all the challenges if not earlier. It will take some time to get but isn't too hard. Challenges usually give 5,000 to 20,000 boards depending on type of challenge. You will also get extra boards for killing challenges.
GVR Champ
Win the Goofy vs. Regular contest
The Goofy vs. Regular contest is a Street Contest. It teams you up with 2 other pros based on your stance or you can play it online with your friends. The 3 rounds are:
- Round 1: Best Trick in the middle
- Round 2: Best Trick on the side lane
- Round 3: Jam the whole course
Making a Buddy Call
Call a Skater to come skate with you
Go to the start screen and select Call Skater from the list. You can call an AI skater or friend to get this trophy.
Talking bout Team practice
Play in a 6-player Team Freeskate session
This one is kind of difficult because you need to get at least 6 guys on your Online Team then get them all in a Team Lobby. To be sure it is a team lobby, your team name will be above the player list on the bottom right. You need to get 6 people (including yourself) in that lobby. The servers are unstable so it may take a while to get everyone connected too. It took me about 2 hours of trying to get the team into a lobby together. Hopefully the servers are better in the future so you can disregard the last couple sentences.
You're Winner!
Win a Ranked Online Solo Challenge
Go to the start menu, Career > Multiplayer and select the Online Challenge Map. Use
to get over to Versus tab and select either quickmatch or custom match (if you want to choose which gametype to play). You just need to win 1 match. I find it easiest to win deathraces, but everyone has their favorite and best gametype they are good at.
Complete an Online Career challenge
To earn this trophy, play a career challenge online. Just join or create an online lobby and start a career challenge. It can be one you have already completed on your own or not. If not, you will get credit for completing it in your solo career.
Throw Down
Win a Ranked Online Team Challenge
Go to the start menu, Career > Multiplayer and select the Online Challenge Map. Select Join Team Lobby and hope you get into an empty lobby, if not, quit out and try again until you do. Invite 1 or 2 of your teammates from your Online Team (you can only go into a ranked online game with 3 people). You just need to win 1 match. I find it easiest to win deathraces, but everyone has their favorite and best gametype they are good at.
Team Up
Be part of a team with two or more skaters
Simply join a team or create one and have another person accept your invite. You need to be part of a team with 2 people (including yourself). This cannot be earned using the AI team in solo career.
Lot Pwners
Win a Ranked Team Own The Lot
Go to the start menu, Career > Multiplayer and select the Online Challenge Map. Select Join Team Lobby and hope you get into an empty lobby, if not, quit out and try again until you do. Invite 1 or 2 of your teammates from your Online Team (you can only go into a ranked online game with 3 people). You just need to win 1 match of Team Own The Lot. It will consist of 3 rounds, you need to win 2 rounds to win the match.
High Five!
Win any 5 Ranked Challenges
You can win 5 on your own or with your team, or mixed between the two. I won 4 with my team (Own The Lot for 1 and deathraces for the other 3) as it gave us a better chance to win if I accidently messed up. Then switch to solo for the last one to get the Ranked Solo win out of the way.
Is that all you got?
Own all challenges
You will get this trophy at the same time as Dedicated. Own all 160 challenges and the trophy is yours.
Speed Demon
Win the final deathrace
There are 9 Deathraces you need to complete to get this trophy. Some are tricky and may require a few tries to complete. Also watch the position board on the bottom right if you are doing a race with an AI on your team. If they are in last place, you won't win the race. The 9 deathraces are:
- Campus Cruiser (To Kill: Win The Race In Under 01:15:00)
- Deadly Ditch (To Kill: Win The Race In Under 01:15:00)
- Faster Than Water (To Kill: Win The Race In Under 01:15:00)
- Final Mountain Race (To Kill: Win The Race In Under 01:40:00)
- Park 'N Play Pursuit (To Kill: Win The Race In Under 01:05:00)
- Perilous Path (To Kill: Win The Race In Under 01:30:00)
- Rooftop Race (To Kill: Win The Race In Under 01:00:00)
- Speed Thrills (To Kill: Win The Race In Under 01:25:00)
- The Scenic Route (To Kill: Win The Race In Under 02:10:00)
In Stereo
Complete Coach Frank's skate.School Tutorials
There are 11 tutorial challenges you need to complete for this trophy. The first 5 are in the game tutorial so don't skip it! Once you complete the introduction to the game and complete a few challenges, the intermediate challenges become available. Complete the intermediate to unlock the advanced challenges. The list of challenges is below:
Basic skate.School
- Flipping Wood
- Grinding
- Ollie Timing
- Riding On 4 Wheels
- Sessioning
Intermediate skate.School
- Advanced Grinds
- Air Tricks
- Pumping Transition
- 2 Wheeling It
Advanced skate.School
Beat the 'Thorax Crunch' Hall of Meat Challenge
This is the last Hall of Meat challenge, unlocked after you complete most of the others. There are 20 Hall of Meat challenges listed below:
- Balcony Bailing
- Body Bag Tag
- Bone Kubes
- Bridges of Meat
- Clock-Knocker
- Commuter Calamity
- Falling Rocks!
- Free Ride
- Going...going...Gone!
- Man Overboard
- Meateor Shower
- Meat Chute
- Meat in Training
- Sherwin Shred
- Spilled Meat
- Studious Skydive
- Stuntman
- Thorax Crunch
- Tumbleweed
- Wings of Meat
Spot Monopolist
Own all of the spots
To earn this trophy, you need to own all spots in the game. There are 16 total and you need to discover them on your own. Here is a picture I took with my phone of the map showing the locations of all the spots. It's not great quality but shows them all. The spot names are listed below:
- Aletown Alley
- Arbor Ledge
- Concrete Playground
- Grinds of Destiny
- Drainage Ditch
- Ender's Stair
- Library Exit
- Park This
- Planter Madness
- Rock Blocks
- Splitter
- Stadium Bank
- The Kink
- The Ninth Dimension
- The Wall
- Wrong Hole
All your base are belong to you
Unlock the Team HQ
To get this trophy, complete the 2nd Board Sales Milestone (50,000 Boards).
Employee #1
Start your team
You will get this near the beginning of the game before you are even let loose. Just follow Reda while Shingo films behind you and the trophy is yours.
Beat the film ender
To earn this trophy, complete all 12 Film challenges. They are:
- Curtains
- Ditch Hits
- Easy as 1, 2, 3.
- Gaps of Solitude
- Rail on the Roof
- Ripple Threat
- Rip That Line
- Rooftop Madness
- Solar System
- The Fan-table-ous 4
- Tour de Stade
- Very Metal
A Dynasty Is Born
Fully staffed your team
To earn this trophy, complete the 5th Board Sales Milestone (600,000 Boards) and it will prompt you to create another teammate. Complete challenges or play online to earn board sales.
Mass Murderer
Kill 80 challenges
There are 83 challenges available to kill and you need 80 kills. This trophy is the most difficult one in the game as you have very little chances to skip the ones you can't kill. To see the kill requirements, select the challenge and wait a second for the Own It to switch to Kill It. Most of them aren't too difficult and some can even be done as a group online without everyone having to complete the list individually. Take full advantage of friends when you think there is a challenge you can do together.
The Consumate Pro
Complete all pro challenges
To earn this trophy, you need to complete all the challenges under Pros. There are 19 total listed below:
- Benny Fairfax - 1-Up
- Dennis Busenitz - Race
- Danny Way - Jam
- Josh Kalis - Film
- Rob Dyrdek - Follow
- Lakai Demo
- Lucas Puig - Film
- Mike Carroll - Follow
Nike SB
- Lizard King - Film
- Lizard King - Follow
- Terry Kennedy - Film
- Dan Drehobl - Photo
- Darren Navarrette - Film
King of Kings
Win the street and tranny ender contests
To earn this trophy, you need to complete all 9 street contests and all 9 tranny contests. They are listed below:
Street Contests
Campus Competition (3 Rounds with 1 teammate):
- Round 1: Down a slick triple stairset.
- Round 2: Focuses on ledge skills.
- Round 3: On the hefty rails.
Carverton Shredathon (2 Rounds):
- Round 1: Warm up on the course.
- Round 2: Free-For-All, jam style.
Clang Banger (3 Rounds with 1 teammate):
- Round 1: Best Trick on the rail
- Round 2: Jam on the yellow ledges
- Round 3: Best Trick on the big bank
Crystal Street Battle (3 Rounds with 1 teammate):
- Round 1: Best Grind
- Round 2: Best Trick
- Round 3: Best Trick
DC King of the Street (3 Rounds, Ender):
- Round 1: Jam
- Round 2: Best Grind
- Round 3: Best Trick
Goofy Vs Regular (3 Rounds with 2 teammates):
- Round 1: Best Trick in the middle
- Round 2: Best Trick on the side lane
- Round 3: Jam the whole course
Maloof Street (3 Rounds):
- Round 1: Best Grind anywhere on the Street Course
- Round 2: Jam on the Street Course
- Round 3: Best Trick on the Center Rails
Rippon Ribbon Ripper (3 Rounds):
- Round 1: Jam
- Round 2: Best Air Trick
- Round 3: Ribbon Jam
T-Mobile Pier Party (3 Rounds with 1 teammate):
- Round 1: Best Trick on the stairs
- Round 2: Jam on the pier
- Round 3: Jam around the T-Mobile pads
Tranny Contests
Carverton Carvathon (2 Rounds):
- Round 1: Warm up on the course.
- Round 2: Free-For-All, jam style.
DC King Of The Bowls (3 Rounds, Ender):
- Round 1: Biggest Air
- Round 2: Best Trick in the Bowl
- Round 3: Jam in the Bowl
Harsher Barge (2 Rounds):
- Round 1: Jam in the drydock
- Round 2: Jam in the boat
Maloof Vert (2 Rounds):
- Round 1: Mega Rail Jam
- Round 2: Free-For-All Half Pipe
MMM Whipfest (3 Rounds with 1 teammate):
- Round 1: Best Trick on the rails or gap
- Round 2: Best Trick in the whole bowl
- Round 3: Jam in the whole bowl
Monster Park Jam (3 Rounds):
- Round 1: Mega Ramps
- Round 2: Mega Vert
- Round 3: Mega Street
Rosalita Contest (2 Rounds with 2 teammates):
- Round 1: Longest Air
- Round 2: Jam
Teaming the Kube (2 Rounds with 1 teammate):
- Round 1: Longest Grind
- Round 2: Jam
Team Mega Meltdown (3 Rounds with 1 teammate):
- Round 1: Jam in the elbow.
- Round 2: Grabs in the double bowls.
- Round 3: Jam in the spine bowl
Lot Monopolist
Own all of the lots
To earn this trophy, you need to complete all 11 Own The Lot challenges. Each lot as a variety of challenges you must complete to Own The Lot. The trick lists are the hardest mini-challenges and are best done online with friends but you can do them on your own. The decision is yours! The 11 Own The Lot's are listed below:
- Maloof Money Cup
- Campus Entrance
- Carverton Memorial Park
- Chan Center
- Harborside
- New Factory
- Park'n'Play
- Quarry
- Rippon Towers
- Super Ultra Megapark
- The 'Burb-a-tron
Sexiest Skater Alive
Get the covers of Skateboard Mag and Thrasher
To get this trophy, you need to complete all photo challenges for TSM and Thrasher. The covers are unlocked after you complete all the other challenges for that specific magazine. There are 18 total listed below:
TSM Photos:
- Dozer Grind
- First TSM Photo
- Garage Grind
- Hip Hop
- Parkade Entry Gap
- Sign of the Grinds
- The Easy Spot
- TSM Cover
- Tunnel Blasting
Thrasher Photos:
- Bridging the Gap
- First Thrasher Photo
- Jump The Shark
- Launch Party
- Little Bit of Danger
- Over Troubled Waters
- Speed Gap
- Thar She Blaows!
- Wayward Waterfall
Complete all Promotional Films and Photos
To earn this trophy, complete all the Team Ads, Team Billboards and Team Films challenges. There are 20 total challenges which are very easy. They are listed below:
Team Ads:
- Ad Photo 1
- Ad Photo 2
- Ad Photo 3
- Ad Photo 4
- Ad Photo 5
Team BillBoards:
- Billboard Photo 1
- Billboard Photo 2
- Billboard Photo 3
- Billboard Photo 4
- Billboard Photo 5
Team Films:
- Team Film Part 01
- Team Film Part 02
- Team Film Part 03
- Team Film Part 04
- Team Film Part 05
- Team Film Part 06
- Team Film Part 07
- Team Film Part 08
- Team Film Part 09
- Team Film Part 10
Employee #4
Earn your third career teammate
To earn this trophy, complete the 4th Board Sales Milestone (300,000 Boards) and it will prompt you to create another teammate. Complete challenges or play online to earn board sales.
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