CHAPTER 1 - Ambushed
No trophies here, but it's a fun little level to start the game with.
CHAPTER 2 - The Search for El Dorado
[] 1) Silver Mosaic Inca Earring:
From when you start this chapter, just hug the left side of the map until you find this trophy behind a large rock.
[] 2) Jeweled Silver Monkey:
This treasure is in the area where you push off the big rock to break open the entrance to the temple. After you've pushed
the rock over, look directly ahead of you. The treasure is on the pillar slightly to the right, you can reach it by jumping
from the pillar to the left of it.
[] 3) Decorated Gold Ring:
This treasure is at the part inside the temple where you shoot an explosive barrel to bring a pillar down. from where you
shoot the barrel turn left and move forward. The treasure is at the end on the edge of the hole. Be careful not to fall in!
[] 4) Silver Llama:
To get this trophy. Fill the hole with water as necessary. Then when you get out of the water, instead of climbing up
immediately, hug the right wall, you'll find the treasure hidden away there.
[] 5) Golden Inca Cup:
After the cutscene where you discover that the statue is gone, don't run off following the tracks just yet. Turn around and
follow around the wall of the room and you'll find the treasure.
[] 6) Silver Turtle:
Once you exit the temple. Jump onto the strange pillars with faces on. This treasure is on the one at the end, you'll have to
jump to it from the other pillars that you can climb on to.
CHAPTER 3 - A Surprising Find
[] 7) Gold Tairona Pendant:
While you're "monkeying across the cliffs" when you grab the third vine, just climb to the very top of it instead of
swinging over. At the top you'll find this lovely treasure waiting for you.
[] 8) Gold and Turquoise Inca Earring:
Before you jump into the U-boat you'll find this treasure at the very tip of the boat, on the side opposite the one you drop
on to.
CHAPTER 4 - Plane-Wrecked
[] 9) Silver Inca Figurine:
As soon as you start this chapter, turn around and the treasure is among the trees right behind you. Easy.
[] 10) Silver Fish Charm:
After you break open the gate and move into the area with the waterfall, this treasure is to the left of the waterfall among
the trees. Opposite the rocks you're supposed to climb up.
[] 11) Gold Frog:
When you reach the log with the bird on it, instead of walking over the log, drop down to the area to the right of the log,
there's your treasure.
[] 12) Intricate Gold Ring:
After you finish the big pirate fight, the one where you start by dropping down a wall with 3 ledges in it. Climb up the
pillar and jump to the platform were the explosive barrel was/ may still be if you didn't shoot it already. A lot of pirates
jumped down from this platform as well during the fight. The treasure is in the corner of this platform with the rock next to
[] 13) Patterned Silver Ring:
After the fight that's just before jumping over the big gate this treasure is in the corner. where you have to jump up a
ledge to reach it.
[] 14) Golden Jaguar:
In the next area with pirates (the fight around all the walls) this treasure is in the far left corner by the white trees.
It's to the left from when you first enter the fight.
[] 15) Silver Inca Vessel:
This treasure is in the part where you must jump from a rock to the edge of a log. The treasure is below and to the right of
the log, it's easy to see.
[] 16) Golden Toothpick:
Once you leave the area where the plane is crashed, you'll find this treasure around the place where the pirate gets hit by
the wooden trap. It's near the stone wall you left from. If this isn't accurate enough, e-mail me and I'll send a screenshot
or something. Same goes for all the treasures.
[] 17) Silver Bird Vessel:
Once you drop onto a rock in the area where ahead you can see pirate facing away from you. Head to the right and the
treasure is along the very edge of the cliff. Be careful not to run off the edge.
[] 18) Silver Inca Earring:
Naughty Dog must have been running out of ideas. A lot of these trophies are very similar, just either, gold, silver, or
jeweled. This is the same as 1) only no mosaics. Never mind. After you leave the area that's covered in wooden spike traps
turn around and go up to the right to a spot which looks over the area you just left.
CHAPTER 5 - The Fortress
[] 19) Strange Relic:
For those of you who want to be surprised don't read this next bit. Skip down two lines. This treasure is a Precursor Orb
from the Jak and Daxter games. Naughty Dog's most famous video game series.
Anyway now how to find this. After you finish the platforming outside the fortress, all of it. You'll find an area with
pirates. The treasure is at the top of the structure that the pirates are around when you head out the doorway. to reach
it you must climb up the edges in the wall directly in front of you when you enter the area. Be careful of pirates on the
wall to the left though.
[] 20) Silver Jaguar:
This treasure is in one of the little hut bits on the edge of the wall, the ones that look out to the sea. It's in one
pretty close to the Strange Relic.
[] 21) Gold Mosaic Inca Earring:
Once you drop down from the wall into the area with two staircases leading up to a large gateway. This treasure is in a
little archway which has a gate seperating you from the area you just left, behind some rubble. This archway, if you're
at the foot of the right stairway, turn around and there are two of these archways right there, The treasure is in the one
on the right.
[] 22) Golden Spoon:
This treasure is in the waterway area where the machine gunner is. In the area where you find the grenade launcher (guarded
by one pirate) is this treasure by a table. Look around there, you'll find it soon enough.
CHAPTER 6 - Unlocking the Past
[] 23) Silver Inca Mask:
In the area where you get hit while looking at the map, take out the pirates then go up the stairway. This treasure is behind
the big white tree at the top of the stairs on the edge of the wall. (Not the white tree at the bottom of the stairs.)
[] 24) Spanish Silver Coin:
After finishing the gunfight with the pirates in the area after unlocking the door with the keys. Go to the end by the big
iron gate. Face left, climb over these few rocks and you'll be standing right on top of the treasure.
[] 25) Silver Tairona Pendant:
After you pass the machine gun which caused you all the problems earlier you'll drop down a broken stairway which you can't
go back up. This treasure is next to some boxes in the very next room after these stairs.
[] 26) Gold Llama:
When you kill the pirates in the area when you just come out into the open. You'll need to jump onto a pillar. Then you
jump onto a platform from which you traverse to the right to reach the fortress. Before you do this you'll find this
treasure on the afore mentioned platform behind some rocks.
CHAPTER 7 - Out of the Frying Pan
No treasures here obviously. But enjoy one of the most fun chapters in the game.
CHAPTER 8 - The Drowned City
[] 27) Decorated Silver Ring:
When you get out of the water and go through the archway, follow the right wall to eventually find the treasure.
[] 28) Silver Frog:
After getting off the jetski this treasure is in that area in the corner of two walls. It's difficult to explain. Just search
around once you get off the jetski and you'll find it.
CHAPTER 9 - To the Tower
[] 29) Golden Fish Charm:
After you get off the jet ski for a second time, there will be a good few battles with some pirates but once you get to
the area where there is a bluey tunnel ahead of you that leads into the tunnel. Stand in the entrance of the tower. Take
a step back so you are technically outside. Turn left, and that treasure is in the corner ahead of you.
CHAPTER 10 - The Customs House
[] 30) Jeweled Golden Brooch:
Open the door to let Elena in, then before going back up the stairs turn around and you'll find this treasure in the corner.
[] 31) Silver Belt Buckle:
When you've seen the cutscene in the customs house, head up the stairs, kill the pirate with a shotgun. Look through
the archway he came out of. There's a stairway with two pirates on it. Go up the stairs and the treasure is in the corner
around the area at the top of the stairs.
CHAPTER 11 - Trapped
[] 32) Spanish Gold Coin:
Why does Nate need to find this? I seem to remember him pocketing one of these in chapter 3 inside the U-boat. Nevermind,
you'll find this after the cutscene where the boat leaves. You'll very quickly reach a staircase that goes two ways. You're
ment to go left but this treasure is up the right stairway.
[] 33) Silver Spanish Chalice:
After you see the cutscene with the bridge, continue on till you come down the right side of a stairway. You're meant
to head straight on, but to get this treasure, turn left and go down to a norken off platform. Search around the rocks to
find this treasure.
[] 34) Gold Coatimundi:
Once you jump out the window and leave the customs house, you'll enter a room with a big staircase going around the edge.
There are two archways ahead of you once you reach this room. The treasure is behind the boxes in the second archway.
CHAPTER 12 - Heading Upriver
No treasures here, you're on the jetski for the whole chapter. I don't know about you, but I didn't particularly like this
chapter. I understand that they're trying to break the repetativeness of, shoot pirates, move on. Repeat. But I didn't
think this was the best way. Never mind, just get through it so we can go get more treasures.
CHAPTER 13 - Sanctuary?
[] 35) Golden Turtle:
You're unlikely to find this one without my help. Once you get off the jetski jump into the water and swim around the left.
The treasure is on the ledge behind the waterwheel.
[] 36) Silver Inca Cup:
After you've seen the cutscene with the trap made from the plane (oh whoops! !spoiler!) you'll find this treasure directly
under the bridge, in the shallow water.
[] 37) Jeweled Silver Cross:
When you reach the point where you have to shoot the big pile of explosive barrels so Elena can get through, this treasure
is to the far right of the barrels in a corner.
[] 38) Silver Toothpick:
As soon as you go through the gate that Nate braces open jump over the barrier to the right as soon as you go through. The
treasure is in that small space.
[] 39) Gold Spanish Chalice:
As soon as you go through the gate (the one Nate braces again) turn left as soon as you can, past the stairs then left again,
and the treasure is amongst the rubble.
[] 40) Silver Coatimundi:
From the gate (yes the one Nate braces AGAIN) In the opposite corner of the courtyard is a tunnel, go through there and the
treasure is around this small area in a corner to the right.
[] 41) Golden Cup and Cover:
This treasure is in the room where you must turn the torches on the wall. Do it before you turn the torches though. It's a
small room, I don't have to tell you where it is, you'l find it easily.
CHAPTER 14 - Going Underground
[] 42) Golden Inca Vessel:
As soon as you start this chapter go down the stairs and turn right straightaway. The treasure is on a little ledge. Easy.
[] 43) Golden Skull:
When you go up the stairs to the area with the pirates, this treasure is in the waterfall to the left of those stairs.
[] 44) Silver Snuff Box:
I can't believe I missed this one on my first run-through. As soon as you come into the monastary through the trap door, this
treasure is right behind you.
[] 45) Silver Spanish Goblet:
After you go down the ladder where Nate shows off his Sully impression, this treasure is behind a sarcophagus. Easy to get.
[] 46) Silver Ingot:
After you see the cutscene with Eddy, Roman and Navarro, exit the circular area, jump the gap, and drop to the left to get
this treasure.
[] 47) Gold and Ruby Inca Mask:
When you reach the point where you must turn the crank to open the door to the outside world, this treasure is in a small
nook to the left of when you open this area, to the left of the crank.
CHAPTER 15 - On the Trail of the Treasure
[] 48) Gold Inca Figurine:
As soon as you start the chapter, you can find this treasure to the right of the stairway. Another easy treasure for you.
[] 49) Golden Bird Vessel:
When you drop down into the area with the pirates (you're above the area you were before) kill the pirates and head along the
"corridor" jumping the gaps as you go. As soon as you hear Sully tell you about the secret gallery, take a left once you
reach an archway and this treasure is at the end.
[] 50) Golden Spanish Goblet:
When you drop into the secret gallery, kill the two guards, and go into the little room on the right which they came out of,
the treasure is in this small room.
[] 51) Jeweled Golden Cross:
My favourite treasure. It's so shiny.... Once you enter the room behind the stained glass window with the heart on it. Don't
go up to the other window with a heart on. Instead turn right and find this treasure at the end of this small corridor.
[] 52) Silver Skull:
It's difficult to describe the location of this one. In the area with the big hole in the ground, (You would of thought
that Roman would have had a quick peek inside and seen El Dorado surely?) if as soon as you drop down, hug the right wall for
a while and you'll find this treasure between the wall and one of those burial house things.
[] 53) Golden Inca Mask:
Stand at the bottom of the stairs of the building that Sully and Elena are in. Face the building, then turn right and this
treasure is behind a few gravestones.
CHAPTER 16 - The Treasure Vault
[] 54) Silver Cup and Cover:
When you enter the vault, take the right path. Then ignore turning left towards the flag thing, instead go past it, go up the
staircases and you'll find this treasure at the top of the stairs after going a small way forward.
[] 55) Jeweled Silver Brooch:
After releasing the waterwheel, climb the chain, go past the swinging fire lantern. Jump to the staircase. Go to the top of
the stairs, then turn immediately left. The treasure is at the end of that wooden platform. Time your jump to it carefully.
[] 56) Gold Snuff Box:
After you go up a spiraling wooden walkway around a pillar. You'll be standing at the top of a big staircase. About
halfway down the staircase, turn right. See that twinkling over there? That's the treasure. Hop over the bannister,
holding on to it. Then jump backwards to land on the ledge. I tend to die trying to jump back but, it saves the treasure
though so it doesn't matter.
CHAPTER 17 - The Heart of the Vault
No treasures here. Nope nothing interesting on this chapter at all. Wait a minute what are those things? Oh my God!
CHAPTER 18 - The Bunker
[] 57) Gold Monkey Figurine:
To get this treasure. Get to the point where the first two zombies (yes... I know, they're not technically zombies. Spaniards
, zombies, mutants, ancestors. Call 'em what you want. I'm calling them zombies.) run at you. Then take a right. Go all the
way down the corridor then turn left and the treasure is amongst the rubble.
CHAPTER 19 - Unwelcome Guests
[] 58) Golden Seadragon Pendant:
In the area with the zombies and the humans and all the boxes stacked on top of each other. This treasure is on top of one
of the boxes. To reach it, climb up one of the other boxes nearby.
CHAPTER 20 - Race to the Rescue
[] 59) Gold Ingot:
As soon as you start the level at the top of the ladder. Turn around and this treasure is behind you.
CHAPTER 21 - Gold and Bones
[] 60) Golden Skull Rosary:
This treasure is in the first room with two sarcophaguses (sarcophagi?). You'll find it, they're only small rooms.
[] 61) Sapphire and Silver Mask:
Now I know what you're thinking. Why but it says that there are only 60 treasures? What's going on? Well the game counts the
Hidden Relic as a bonus treasure, so once you have all the treasures in the game. Under your treasures menu it should read:
61 of 60 treasures collected. Anyway, this treasure is in the room after the Skull rosary, behind the pillar.