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- Batman: Arkham Asylum
Thread: Batman: Arkham Asylum
Batman: Arkham Asylum Official Batman: Arkham Asylum Trophy Guide
Written by DuggyEG

Platinum Trophy 

Trophy Description
This isn't a very hard game to Platinum really. A lot of people have been doing it in a matter of days. But some of the Challenge Modes are quite tricky. As well as some of the simpler but confusing trophies.
Shocking Rescue
Leave No Man Behind
Rescue the guards and henchman from the Joker toxin in Decontamination
Again fairly simple trophy this.
When you first encounter the Joker's laughing gas toxin that kills, you'll be asked to save the 2 guards, these are situated one after the other and are hanging on for dear life. All you need to do is pull them up by pressing
However don't finish there. If you get yourself to the very far end of the hall you'll find a 3rd man which is one of the Joker's own henchman, pull him up and as you do Batman will knock him out cold. You may find this part easier to do if you use detective mode
, the green gas can disguise the guards and the henchman quite well - by using the detective mode you should be able to easily locate them.
Malpractice Needs More Practice
Survive the onslaught from the deformed Joker henchman
For anyone who played the demo and was left asking the question how in the hell do I beat that thing...well your going to be disappointed and happy. All you need to do is very simply double tap the
button with a direction when this great big mammoth starts to run at you and Batman will evade the monsters attack. After 3 or 4 evades the monster simply dies of its own accord. Extremely easy trophy.
Born Free
Escape from Intensive Treatment to the island surface
I'm not going to tell you exatcly how to do this trophy because is just part of the story line and you have to do it to finish the game. However I will say to use your detective mode (
) as it will make it a hell of a lot easier.
Just What The Doctors Ordered
Save all the doctors from medical
"As with Born Free" it's simply something you have to do to get on with the game. So you won't really need any tips for this trophy.
Survive the nightmare of the Scarecrow's fear gas
Another one that you must achieve to carry on the game. The only tip that I can recommend is when the Scarecrow looks behind you what to do is run. That and try not to get caught in his light because if you do, you will fail.
Baneful Payback 
Defeat Bane
This can be a little tricky. Because this is pretty much like before with the big guy but you actually have to attack this one. Basically as he kneels down and starts preparing to run at you, throw a quick batarang at him (tap
), then evade his charge. He will be a little confused as he gets passed you and thats when you start hammering the
button and Batman will jump on his back and swipe at the tubes on his back. It gets a little trickier still when the henchman also start attacking you. But if you try to keep your distance from them then it shouldn't be a problem
Breaking And Entering
Gain access to Administration after it is locked down by the Joker
Again something you need to do to progress through the game, and this isn't a game guide so I won't tell you how to do it. But use your detective mode again - it's a pretty useful function.
Recurring Nightmare
Tface your biggest fears and keep your sanity
Basically you need to complete the second little trippy Scarecrow section. You will find yourself transformed into little Bruce, and whilst he's on his knees next to his parents tap the stick to the left and he'll get up and continue.
After that make sure you avoid getting into the Scarecrow's light and you'll be fine.
Zsasz Cut Down To Size
Solitary Confinement 
Capture and lock up Harley Quinn
You'll spend a little while chasing Quinn around just because she's a pain really, but when you enter a room and she's up in a little control room, with the Joker on a big screen, this is where it goes down.
You don't actually fight Harley Quinn, instead you'll fight a whole host of goons and henchman some armed some not. But whilst your doing that Harley Quinn (because she's a pain in the arse) is electrifying the floor every now and again.
My tips here are these,
- As your fighting the goons with electric sticks, don't try to hit 'em it doesn't work. Instead You need to try and get behind them by pressing

- When ever you see the goons and henchmen leave an area it means the floor is about to be electrified. So follow 'em!!
Once you've defeated all the goons you'll watch a cool cutscene where Batman totally pwns Harley Quinn.
Double Trouble 
Defeat two Titan Henchman at once
Ok, you get the perfect chance to do this at a point in the story so you'll pick it up no problem. But I will say try to keep your distance from the pair of them because if one doesn't get you its more than likely the other will
Resist the Fear
Conquer the effects of the Scarecrow's Fear Gas
Complete and defeat the third confrontation with the Scarecrow. Don't panic when you think the games knackered aswell like I did with mine.
Crocodiile Tears
Venture into Killer Croc's layer and come out alive
Defeat Killer Croc and you'll get this one. Not really any tips to speak off, however when he first starts jumping out of the water at you, make sure you have your Batarangs equiped. Aim the Batarangs at his head don't go for the body.
Poisoned Ivy 
Defeat the giant Titan Ivy plant
Defeat Poison Ivy and you'll be awarded this trophy.
The trick to defeating her is using the multiple-Batarangs. When she is firing those little balls at you and up in the air, occasionally she'll open the little cocoon and be totally exposed, aim and throw a batarang at her and make sure you keep avoiding those balls as well.
When she starts throwing the branches into the ground, watch for the rising grass and try to keep out of the way of it, although it is inevitable you'll get caught, at which point just tap
to escape.
Big Bang
Complete the game on Easy difficulty
Well finish the game on easy and you'll be awarded this trophy. Note that you don't have to have all the Riddler Trophys and stuff just need to go through the entire story line
Bigger Bang
Copmlete the game on Normal difficulty
This can be a little tricky from time to time. Certain bosses in particular can be a little trouble. Also if you go through this mode first time through, you will be awarded the "Big Bang" trophy as well.
Biggest Bang 

Complete the game on Hard difficulty
Extremely difficult trophy to obtain. Its name suggests it and definitely isn't joking around. The biggest change and annoyance is the ommision of the light above enemies head's when they're attacking, which tells you exactly the right time to execute a counter. That's completely gone. Obviously that means you need to keep an eye on all your oppenents to try and time any counters.
Again the bosses become a bit more interesting when you're facing them. Its not impossible, but it is a bit tricky. Again if you're mad enough to try this mode from the start and beat the game you'll be awarded with "Big Bang", "Bigger Bang" and "Biggest Bang" trophies.
Party Pooper 
KO all the henchmen celebrating your arrival at the party
After the Joker has invited you to his party, go to Arkham West and you'll see a big Joker face painted at a door. There's 4 or 5 henchman outside but don't worry they won't do anything. One of them has a guest list that he goes over and eventually lets you in. As you go in through the door theres a line of henchman on either side of you... BEAT 'EM UP.
This provides a good oppurtunity to get some of your Freeflow Combo trophies as theres a fair few of them and its not too hard to string together attacks and reversals.
Freeflow Combo 20 
Complete a combo of 20 moves (any play mode)
I got this trophy on the challenge mode. A good tip is to not button bash as you have quite a lot of time to press the buttons in combos. Try to attack goons at oppsite sides that way none have really got time to get close to you and execute an attack, which will break the combo. Make sure all your punches connect aswell because if you throw a punch and take a swing at the air it won't count and you'll lose your combo.
Freeflow Combo 40 

Complete a combo of 40 moves (any play mode)
Ok, this isn't actually as hard as you think. But my suggestion is, to download the free "Play As the Joker" content and play it on that. I got this on my third try on the first Combat Challenge.
As the Joker moves a little slower than Batman it makes it a lot easier to get that x40 combo because you've got more time to scan around the room and anticipate whats going to happen. A little bit of practice with this and you'll have it in no time.
Night Glide
Glide continuously for over 100m
ok well this is a pretty cool trophy to get. Now, I know two oppurtunities for you to get it, both in the same area. As you go outside right before going into the medical center, there is a boat pier at the very bottom of the area. This is your target.
As you get outside the first door, turn around and look up. Hit
when prompted and you'll zip upto the ledge above the door. Run all the way to the sid eof the ledge nearest the wall, then run (using
) off the ledge begin to glide, by holding
and guide yourself down. Fly to the RIGHT of the watch tower, and keep aiming for as far on that pier as possible. When you land you should get the trophy.
If it doesn't work for you then, wait a while. A little later after you've defeated a certain killer reptile you will begin to make your way up and out back into this area. However you will be much higher up and this gives you an even better oppurtunity to get this trophy. Again just run and jump off then hold
to glide down and aim to land as far onto that pier as you can
String up one henchman and drop him to surprise a second (any play mode)
Perform an inverted take-down on an enemy, next swing to an adjoining Gargoyle so that you have a clear view of the baddie hanging. When his buddies come to investigate aim and cut the rope with your Batarang.
A good place for this is just before you reach the dead body of Frank Boles in the Intensive Treatment building as there are plenty of enemies walking around in a confined room..
Defeat a Titan henchman without using Batarangs (any play mode)
Ok a good place to get this one is in the 'Rumble In the Jungle' Challenge. Either on normal or extreme difficulty. On normal the 4th round includes a Titan henchman, on Extreme they come in as early as the 2nd round!! The technique here is to evade as many of his attacks as possible and focus on taking on the normal henchman.
Once you've cleared them all focus on the Titan. Evade a couple of his attacks untill you've got a pattern in his behaviour. When you get the chance put explosive gel down (
, it does require the proximity detonation upgrade) around the centre of the floor. Remember where you've put it and let him try to charge you down, luring him into the gel. Once it goes off, the Titan henchman will be stunned, keep hammering
building up a massive combo and kicking his butt. Eventually he will be finished and you'll get a nice reward for it too.
Catch a Batarang (any play mode)
Pretty easy this. First you need to be in a wide open area. Then use your remote control Batarang, hold
to aim it and hit
to throw it. You then need to use your left analog stick to direct this Batarang back towards batman. Aim it in his waist/chest area and he'll automatically catch it for you. Easy
Freeflow Combo 5
Complete a combo of 5 moves (any play mode)
You'll pick this up in no time. Same as "Freeflow Combo 20" just easier. Again try to avoid button bashing but rather timing you button presses.
Just make sure you don't get hit by anyone or anything to stop your combo and throw 5 connecting punches.
Freeflow Combo 10 
Complete a combo of 10 moves (any play mode)
Again same as the others but with 10 moves thrown in. If you see a collection of light blue lines appear over an enemies head try pressing
to reverse they're attack, it will still count towards your combo
Freeflow Perfection 

Perform a perfect combo including all of Batman's combat moves (any play mode)
This is hard!! Right, basically these are the moves that you need to do in ONE combo...
- Strike (
- Counter (
- Cape Stun (
- Dodge (

- Batarang (tap
- Batclaw (

- Takedown (
- Throw (
- Ground Takedown (grounded enemy
As I said you need to string together every one of these attacks to achieve this trophy. Its damn hard and takes a lot of getting used to to be able to pull off all of them fluently!! Also note that the throw must actually take out another enemy for it to count in your combo!! The best opputunity to do this is on the Challenge Map, "Intensive Treatment (EXTERME)"
Freakshow Rodeo
Ride Titan henchman and knock down 10 thugs (any play mode)
Pretty fun this one. The Titan henchman are the big muscley guys that are kinda like big monsters lol. To take these guys out, you need to basically do what you did to take Bane out. Throw a quick Batarang, evade they're run then hammer square till Batman jumps on their back. As you do this they will begin swiping their arms about furiously trying to get you off.
The best place to do this, is during the game. After you've closed down the 3 water pumps you'll go back into a hexagonal shaped room but all your exits will be closed off. Henchman and Titan henchman will begin to un load from the doors to attack you. Try to keep a distance between you and them and focus on the Titan. Once your on his back keep tapping
and you'll stay up there longer, also whilst your up there you can direct him by using the left stick. Whilst he's flailing his arms around he's wiping out all the smaller henchman below you. Eventually you'll get the trophy awarded to you
Freeflow Bronze
Acheive 8 medals on combat challenges
For any help with the Challenge Modes though click here...
Freeflow Silver 
Acheive 16 medals on combat challenges
For any help with the Challenge Modes though click here...
Freeflow Gold 

Acheive 24 medals on combat challenges
For any help with the Challenge Modes though click here...
Predator Bronze
Acheive 8 medals on predator challenges
For any help with the Challenge Modes though click here...
Predator silver 
Acheive 16 medals on predator challenges
For any help with the Challenge Modes though click here...
Predator Gold 

Acheive 24 medals on predator challenges
For any help with the Challenge Modes though click here...
Invisible Predator 
Complete one predator challenge by using only Silent Takedowns
It's not too difficult this challenge but you have to be able to time your kills and plan what your doing.
I suggest using the "Silent Knight" predator challenge to do this trophy. Simply sneak up behind all the armed henchman (using
to crouch and run) and while still holding
to perform the silent takedown. It should be noted you actually have to go through the whole challenge without being detected by anybody.
Flawless Freeflow Fighter 

Complete one combat challenge without taking damage
I used the first Combat Challenge, "Intensive Treatment". Its a little difficult but after playing on the harder Challenges you shouldn't have much problem with this Trophy. The key is to reverse as much as possible, try to finish each round with one combo and time your button presses so that you don't get caught out by anyone.
Who knows you may even pick up some of your Freeflow Combo trophies during this aswell!!
Crack the E Nigma
Solve every riddle on the Island
So yeah you've basically gotta find the solution to every Riddler Challenge on the Island. Not that hard but it can take a little bit of thinking. Unless you use the many videos and walkthroughs that have already appeared.
Rather than list every location of each solution. In each of the trophy tips below you'll find the location of the "Secrets Map" for each location on the island. I suggest using these and trying to work out the solutions yourself. However if you can't be bothered to do that, its a shame, but you can also check out this thread in the Batman forum...Riddler Challenges: Help
Arkham Analyst
Solve 5% of riddler challenges
So as your finding these solutions this trophy will pop up fairly quickly into them.
Secrets Map Location: Arkham East
Ok the secrets map for Arkham East, is in in one of the guard's rooms. It's the one closest to the Arkham Mansion and the huge statue of Sharpie. You won't be able to get in to get it though until you've unlocked the security-hacking sequence thing.
Secrets Map Location: Arkham West
This one, like Arkham East is in a guard's room. Again you'll need the security-hacking thing to be able to get it. It's in the guard's room in between the Penitentiary and the Medical Center.
Cryptic Investigator
Solve 10% of riddler challenges
Secrets Map Location: Arkham North
Ok you need the Explosive Gel for this one, and as luck would have it you pick the gel up right next to where you need to go. Right behind the back of the Batmobile is a guard's room. Hop on top of that room and use your detective mode to see the weakened roof. Spary the explosive gel and detonate, drop down and recieve your map.
Secrets Map Location: Arkham Mansion
Right this map is in the Warden's Office. As you look at a grand red fireplace, go right. You'll find the map on a desk over there.
Lateral Thinker
Solve 25% of riddler challenges
Botanical Gardens
Right you'll probably get this map last IMO. You need the Cryptographic Sequencer with Range Booster Upgrade to be able to get it.
It is in the area where you save a janitor and turn off the electricity. Look up and you'll see an electrified gate, situated high above the room. Grapple to it, then use the long-range cryptographic sequencer to hack the panel inside. Enter to find the map, and a Riddler trophy.
Mystery Solver
Solve 40% of riddler challenges
Secrets Map Location: Caves
So when your trying to shut down the 3 Titan pumps, during the game.The first control room you come to (you'll use your Batclaw to tear down the wall) after defeating the henchman in there turn around behind you where the wall used to be, and the map is on the desk there.
Conundrum Cracker
Solve 55% of riddler challenges
Secrets Map Location: Intensive Treatment
When you return to Intensive Treatment in search of Killer Croc's lair, you'll be able to pick this map up.
Once your right at the bottom of the facility, you'll have gone down 2 elevator shafts, look for the monster's meat locker. Opposite this is a stair case leading up to a small room with the map in.
Mental Athlete
Solve 70% of riddler challenges
Secrets Map Location: Medical Facility
When you save Gordon from Quinn (the bit where you have to get to him without being detected) you'll enter a room just behind Quinn and Gordon. On the desk to the left of this room is the map, and a solution to one of the Challenges!
Riddle Resolver
Solve 85% of riddler challenges
Secrets Map Location: Penitentiary
After you've locked up Quinn, then tower that she once occupied is the home to the map.
World's Greatest Detective
Spirit of Armadeus Arkham revealed
If you find all the Riddler Challenge solutions then you'll have only one part of the History of Arkham to find...
After finding the last piece go back to where you left the Warden in the Penitentiary. Look on the floor of where he was and hold
Perfect Knight 

100% Complete
Purchase all upgrades, find, collect and solve all of the Riddlers challenges including the Spirit of Arkham Asylum. Additionally you must get at least three medals on every single challenge room.
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